
Monday, November 26, 2012

Linky Tutorial!

*NOTE*  This page does NOT include a real linky.  It is just a tutorial!

If you haven’t used the Linky before, I know it can be intimidating.

There may be aspects to your own blog that you are unaware of.

I thought some pictures would help, and a bit of describing.

If you look at the top photo of this post…Think of the Main Blog Address as being Piringer St SW.

Piringer St SW is a destination, but it is not enough to find that particular house.  There are many houses on that street, just like there are many posts in your blog.  We need to add the house number to the main address to find the right house.  ((Don’t you love analogies?!))

The Main ((STREET!)) address of my blog is Quiltville.blogspot.com.

Screen capture of my main blog address.

See the arrow pointing to my main address in the top bar of the browser??  This is your MAIN address.  But it is NOT your post address.  It is the post address that we need in the Linky.  The reason being, these linky  posts are archived FOREVER.  And if someone clicks your link on last year’s mystery and you didn’t link to your specific post---what they are going to get is your whole blog, and your most recent post.  Not the post you wrote showing your progress on last year’s mystery.  It’s like giving someone the name of the street where you live, but not the house number. 

To find the full address of your specific post – click on your POST TITLE!


Each post that you write has it’s own unique address!


After clicking my post title, the address in the browser bar shows the address or URL for that particular post.  SEE?

THIS is what we need in the linky.  Copy THIS address.

Alternately, if you are on your main blog address (Look at the top bar to see that it is your main one) you can hover your mouse OVER the post title you want, and right click on it to get an option that says something like “Copy Link Address”.  If you don’t get that option, it is likely that you are already on the specific post.  Again, check the browser address bar at the top of your page.

You can always get to your "main blog" by clicking on the header picture of your blog.  Clicking that picture will take you "home".


With the address copied, you are ready to fill in the Linky form.  Click the button that says “Add your link” and a form will drop down.  The space that says URL is where you want your complete post address to go.

Again –your main blog address is NOT ENOUGH.  If you are on Blogger, your post address will end in html.  If you are WordPress it may be a bit different, ending in a / but it won’t be .com!  Remember to NOT include the http:// as that will be automatically added for you.

Continue to fill in the form and hit Next Step!  On the next page you will be able to click an image that you want to appear as your thumbnail.  From there it is fairly straight forward to get your link to work with everyone else.

PLEASE include a link back to my post within your own blog text so folks know where to click to view the linky and see who else is participating.

You can also link a flickr page -- but you can NOT link to Facebook.

I want you to have fun with this, and I know it can be frustrating, but once you learn it you are good to go!

Happy Linking, Everyone!


The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Great tutorial...I'll be linky-ing soon...have been all cut since Friday but still stitchin' & pressin' and 'spinnin'-lol

Katie Z. said...

I've participated in linkys before, but it's great to see it described so clearly for the benefit of others!

Mary Ellen said...

Well, this was just a fantastic tutorial. I see why you are in sch demand as a teacher, Bonnie. I just created my blog a day or two ago, specifically so I could link up on Linky Mondays. Lacking your tutorial, I had to google how to do this, and believe me, it was clear as mud. I persevered, however, and was eventually able to do it. Now, my next question is, how do I get your "Easy Street? button onto my blog? I will understand if you don't have the time or inclination to respond to my question. More googling will probably get me the answer in time.

Tamara Peer aka Damsels Creations said...

Mary Ellen you will need to go to your Layout its in the dashboard.

Then you will click on Add A Gadget link to the left of your layout. A pop up box will appear.

Scroll down till you come to the HTML/JavaScript click on it. Add a name and put the code that Bonnie has here in the box.
click on Save and it should appear on your blog. If you have problems let us know I can do a tutorial on it also.

Mary Ellen said...

Thanks, Bonnie. I looked at the gadget thingie, but couldn't figure out if the button was a gadget, or a link,or what. Thanks for your help.

Mary Ellen said...

P.S. Bonnie, your directions worked like a charm. If this quilty business doesn't work out, you can always do computer web design!

Tamara Peer aka Damsels Creations said...


I added a tutorial on add the button to Blogger.

Mary said...

Nature's way of making quilting look easy!

Kim said...

I'm going crazy, blogger will not allow me to download any pictures, do I remember correctly did you change to another blogging site? Did you lose everything from your old account?
Of course it has to happen now when I am getting ready to move!

Thanks for any help :0) and Happy Sewing

Unknown said...

Bonnie, you are a kind, caring person. My heart goes out to you!
As if you don't already have so much to do.
I always search the internet or youtube for any information on how to do something that I don't know about.
There is also the option of going to the Yahoo group and asking questions.
You have gone to all the trouble of preparing a mystery quilt for us. Isn't that more than enough!!!

Anita said...

The only place I can find the add your link button is in your tutorial so I haven't been able to add my link. So I will add it here for now.

Vic in NH said...

Thank you for this great tutorial, Bonnie!

One thing that I noticed after I had successfully linked up is that MY linky was different from everybody else's in that it had a big red "X" beside it to delete it. It looked weird to me.

PugMom said...

I feel stupid but I'm having a problem getting back to the original post where the linky party is. Yesterday I was having a lot of fun reading everyone's posts. Can someone send me a link?

Tamara Peer aka Damsels Creations said...

Here is the link to the linky party.


Machelle said...

ok I apparently became a blogger in June 2011-WHO knew?? not me ha ha going to try to figure this out by NEXT Monday so I can link up.may even post. THanks for your help everyone:)

Anonymous said...

Great tutorial. ..now to get linky with it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you now I will be able to do it.

Unknown said...

I am In this mystery quilt but haven't got to start mine, as I have family visiting. .. won't get to start till 16th...I gotta learn how to do this linky thing

Unknown said...

I am so pleased that you ran through the linky thing again. Bless your patience with us :)

Have a great time in rural TN!!!
Hugs and smiles

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