
Sunday, November 18, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Star Struck Sunny Sunday!!

It's a fairly warm and sunny Sunday in Lansing, Michigan!

33 quilters are sewing away on Star Struck block quarters and munching in homemade goodies from the treat table.

We've got home made cinnin rolls as well as oatmeal cookies with dried Michigan cherries and pumpkin muffins among others.

So much for my diet!! ((actually that was a lost cause after last night's Culver's run!!))

It is the most beautiful fall day since my arrival on Wednesday.

How bout we move our tables and machines outside and soak up this wonderful weather?

You also gotta see Jackie's pick up! You can't miss her in any parking lot!?

Hope your Sunday is sunny too!


Tami C said...

Glad the weather is treating you well. Jackie's truck is great!

Sue's Stitchin' said...

OMG - what a fabulous pick up. I thought I was doing good with a 5" square "quilter" decal on my back window!! Sue K

Unknown said...

So nice to hear you have good weather - somehow sunshine in the fall/winter always feels better. Jackie's truck is fantastic - I would so totally do that to the back of my Outback!

gmp said...

Jackie's pick-up truck ROCKS! Sounds like you have a great group there, and they are feeding you too! Have a great Sunday.
Grace from Long Island

Mary Ellen said...

Way cool truck!

YankeeQuilter said...

Wonderful truck...thought the roof of a mini would be the perfect place for a quilt sign but maybe this converted me!

Granny Stitch said...

That pickup is wonderful!!! I think I may have to snatch that saying from her. What a blessing it would be to always have a full bobbin!

Nancy said...

I told Kevin we could get a pick-up as long as I can make up like this one....

Liz in KY said...

Mmm...dried Michigan cherries...and what a wonderful pickup!!!

Kate said...

I want that pickup!! LOL It's a pick-me-up just seeing it - thanks for sharing!!!

Unknown said...

I love the pickup!! I will have to see about getting some quilty stickers to go on mine!!

Carolyn Sullivan said...


Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Go Jackie!!! Nice to know I am not the only one that drives a big ol truck!

karen said...

Where can you get stickers like that?They are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

and ...
May your needles be ever sharp
your thread never break
your 1/4" always be a i/4"

LOVE JACKIE'S TRUCK... she must be a fun-filled lady for sure.
Thanks for the smiles

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Saw the truck up close and personal today ... it was and IS an amazing work of art. Not decals ... painted on to her truck. VERY cool! Workshop was incredible ... but then Bonnie was our teacher ... so what could you expect? Great time with some new friends ;-)

Donna-Maree said...

Totally love the truck! The slogan is pretty cool too.

Kelly said...

Had a great time in class today! I left a container of the cinnamon rolls for tomorrow's class. I know you will all have fun tomorrow too and I'll be jealous while working at the day job.

Maree in NC ☺ said...

awesome truck and the homemade goodies sound delicious! yum!

Yüz Germe said...

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hehjude said...

A new paint job? Didn't you once say you needed more deductions? lol
A blustery day here in Alberta Canada but nice and cozy inside as I get prepared to have a snowy sew day! Enjoy your time off Bonnie. I'm looking forward to the mystery too.

Mary Ann said...

What a neat truck!!

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