
Saturday, November 10, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram!! Sewing Cathedral Stars!

We've got a group of quilters today sewing four-patches, half square triangles, and tri recs units like crazy!

It's a good thing that we are about to break for lunch – We're going to need our energy to keep going the way we have been going feeding that fabric through the machines :-)

Jimmy Buffett is playing in the background and we are dancing and sewing and singing along! Wish you were all here :-)


Kim Andrews said...

Looks like fun! Wish I was there. Can't wait to see the finished blocks.

Randy D. said...

All that dancing and sewing? Sounds fabulous!!! Have a great time.

Unknown said...

Wish I was there too. Sounds like a wonderful time. What more could a girl need but maybe a little Cho....lol

stitchinpenny said...

Okay I miss you guys, but I am getting ready for the wedding!

memckee2 said...

Looks like the auto-correct had a time with that first sentence ;-)

Mary Ellen said...

I so like the fact that you always have music playing at the places you teach. Someday maybe I will get to play along. Whatever classes I have attended in the past, there has been the "no music" rule, unless, of course, you have your own iPod. Which seem to negate the entire idea of being in a room with a bunch of other quilters. Hard to talk and socialize with ear buds in. The explanation has always been, no music because there are always complaints when the music selection doesn't suit everyone's taste. Sigh.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Wish I was there too. Your only two hours down the road, but I just couldn't get away to join you all this weekend.

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