
Friday, November 16, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Scraps Away!!

24 quilters have gathered with bags, baskets, and bins of scraps!

Today we are making love shack!

So far we've covered basic string piecing, maverick stars and wonky hearts.

We are just breaking for lunch and will be moving on to letters afterwards!

But for now! We eat :-)


Unknown said...

I wish I were there with y'all for this class.

Karen @ Confessions of a Home Ec Dropout said...

Sure wish I was there! Scraps are so much fun... I can't believe there are poeple who just throw them away!

stitchinpenny said...

I sure enjoyed that workshop last week - hope they are having half as much fun because they would be really happy.

Lori Huffman said...

Looks like fun to me!

Bev said...

My scraps are getting to the crumb stage very quickly as I piece wonky log cabins for the group Pat Sloan mentioned! My strings and strips basket has the bottom showing for the first time in ??years??? Now, have to find other pieces to finish the border blocks for Tulip fields!!

Kim said...

Oh boy sounds like fun!
Darn computers they are so much fun but a pain in neck sometimes....I hope yours is up and running soon so we don't have to miss out on the "adventures of Bonnie" :0)

Happy Sewing

laparker said...

my class is today (Saturday) making the Texas Braid. Really looking forward to it.

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