
Thursday, November 08, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Live right now!

It's a full house with the Quilters Unlimited guild of Tallahassee Florida!!


Sharen said...

Wish you were coming further south, to Tampa, Bonnie!

Kim said...

If YOU show up ,they will come :0)
You are the pied piper of scrappy quilters everywhere.

Happy Sewing and safe travels

Tami C said...

You sure do have a full house there Bonnie! Hope you are having a good time!

Harley Quilter said...

I'm driving up from Inverness tomorrow for your Cathedral Stars workshop on Saturday. Can't wait to meet you & see some of your scrappy wonders in person.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Looks like a great crowd ... have a fun workshop. I'll be at your StarStruck Workshop in Michigan just before Thanksgiving and can't wait!


Grammy's Quilting Studio said...

Was just in Tallahassee late Sunday night on my way home from Houston. Was my first time at the Quilt Festival, would love to do it again. Have fun in Tally, wish you were coming further south too.

Karen in Kentucky said...

What a great group to be with tonight!!! Enjoy!

Rea said...

Just catching up with your blog but wanted to share another idea for quilt pattern for the Sandy victims. Rail fence blocks are super easy and fast and you can use any scraps too!!!

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