
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

IPhone-O-Gram! Hexies at O'Hare!

How many hexagon rosettes can one quilter stitch between Greensboro North Carolina and Chicago O'Hare?

Three! And get started on the fourth.

Kind of nice to have a flying trip today which means I get to sit back, relax, and stitch instead of keeping my hands on the wheel and my eyes on the road.

I've got a couple more hours till my connecting flight to Lansing--So some more stitching is underway.

For those asking about the round yellow thing, it's a magnetic pin catcher to wear on your shirt.

It has 2 magnetic disks --one inside the shirt and one on top so you don't have to pin through your clothing.

The magnets are strong and hold my scissors, pins, needles, and even a metal bobbin filled with binding thread at the ready.

I do sell them at my trunk shows and workshops, but because of their size and weight it is not convenient to ship them through the mail.

Back to working on hexies!


memckee2 said...

Yikes, Bonnie! keep the magnet away from the computer! I love my magnet pin catcher but I am always super careful to keep it away from my computerized machine and other electronics. Could do some major damage.

MaryLu said...

That's a cool magnet thingy, but is it safe to put next to your computer? I wouldn't want you to accidentally erase your hard drive. Magnets and electronics don't mix.
Not trying to be negative, just want your stuff to be safe. :-)

Unknown said...

I am working on hexies too - two projects really - one is larger and am not really sure which way it is going - kind of out of control at this moment. The second one is black/white outer and white/black inner and is smaller. Not really sure what I am going to end up with this one either, just thought I would make a bunch of them and play.

I am close to finishing my 'Twilight in the Garden' from Bed and Breakfast Quilts by Mimi Dietrich. I am on the last side of the applique and have 22 leaves and five hearts left to secure. Then it's find a back and figure out how to quilt it. I love this scrappy quilt. It has taken me several years from start to finish since I couldn't work on it very well last year with my broken arm. It just sat and we stared at each other. I am so excited to be this close to the end - it might be finished before I go to bed tonight!?!?!?!?

So nice that you can fly and sew on this trip. What are you going to do with the hexies you are working on now? Is the color palet going to stay the same? I love the browns and creams.

I love your magnet idea, especially since I lost a needle at our beach house this past weekend and still haven't found it. I am just hoping no one finds it the hard way. It probably fell down into the recliner that I was sitting on - it likes to eat EVERYTHING!

Donna T said...

Hexes are great for travel. I made 7 flowers by the time I got back... What is the design you are doing?.... Have you decided?

simplestitchesbysp said...

Love the hexies. love the relaxed flight time. but Bonnie....... get that magnet away from your computer. they don't play well with each other.

Paula said...

Hexie are so addicting. I think I may have to join a Hexie's anonymous group! LOL!
Do you use those pointy scissors on the plane? I thought they had to be a blunt scissors!
Have a great time in Michigan.

Vida said...

Where can you get the magnets, besides from you at a workshop?

Angie said...

You have accomplished a lot of hexies already, however I would not lay that magnet near my laptop. It could erased or damage your hard drive---Ask me how I know!

HeyJudee said...

I have one of those pin catchers...mine is pink. Got it for Xmas last year. I love it too!

HoosierKitty said...

I've been wanting one of those magnets. I hope to get one from you in Bloomington IN in March. Can't wait.

Dorothy said...

Here's a link to the Cling On Magnetic Pin Holder:

Mary said...

I wondered how the scissors were sticking to your shirt in a photo from your last trip. Thanks for answering the question before I even asked it. PLEASE bring extras to Portland OR, OK??

Bev said...

Years ago my grandson was curious as to why they always said to keep magnets away from computers, so he took a magnet to school and put it next to the monitor. result::: 3 day suspension for messing with school equipment!! He is a very bright young man who just started as a freshmen at University of Kentucky with an academic scholarship-grandmas have to brag now and then!

Mary said...

Hey Bonnie, Are you still working on the same hexie quilt, or have you started a new one? I'm still saving up the 1 inch hexies that will work with you 3/4" papers. After my next cutting, I'll box them up and send them to you!

Annette said...

that was my immediate thought.....keep magnets away from computers!!!

Linda in CT said...

Hi Bonnie,I got one of those magnetic holders from you when you were in Somers NY. I wonder though if it's a good idea to have in on your electronic equipment? I have a hexie project that travels in my car. It's good lunch time therapy when at work. Linda

Linda in CT said...

Hi, I didn't mean to be redundant. I didn't see the other cautions about magnets and electronics. My bad.

Shelley said...

You were allowed those scissors on the plane?

Becky G said...

I recently asked Salem Stitcher about magnets near computers. She said (and I trust her mega knowledge) that computers (including Berninas) these days are not so susceptible to damage by small magnets as they were in the past.

Becky G said...

You may have mentioned earlier, but I didn't find it... what size are your individual hexies? I usually measure mine on one of the 6 sides rather than through the middle.
Have a fantastic trip!... and if I don't leave a comment before: Have a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving.

Kim said...

Okay, I have had so many pairs of scissors taken by the TSA I don't even try to fly with them anymore.......what is your secret?
I do wish we could get the rules standardized and not have to be a the mercy of the individual each and every time we fly...which is Sunday for me. I now fly with dental floss and use the cutting blade to cut my thread for sewing then when I get home I go back and clean up my work.

Happy Sewing and safe travels

Unknown said...

Love your hexies, Bonnie! Must get mine out again.
I, too, am surprised that you can travel with those scissors. I bought some super blunt ones, just to be safe.
Happy and safe traveling! Am eagerly awaiting your return! You know why...........!

Quilting Nonnie said...

I was wondering the same thing about the scissors. I travel with fingernail clippers to cut thread. I like the idea of the dental floss cutter also.

Unknown said...

I thought I'd add my .02 regarding magnets. Where I work in the IT department, we use them (very strong ones) to wipe hard drives that we can't wipe with software.

Also, they can mess up your credit card so they won't swipe. You'll see signs at cash registers cautioning customers not to place credit cards on those mats, which are used to deactivate the anti-devices in products.

Just be careful with them, they can be great tools!

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