
Saturday, November 17, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Crumbs On Parade!

Show and tell from my students during the guild meeting with the Ann Arbor Quilt Guild!

They all did such a great job!


Valerie said...

Not only did they do a great job, looks like they all had so much fun doing it, too.

Gayle from MI said...

I was there. They were great!

Gayle from MI said...

I was there. They were great!

Bev said...

LOVE the striped border!!

Barb in Mi said...

Yes, I saw them in person, too!
It was so good seeing you, Bonnie - the only person I knew at the Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild today.
If it wasn't a 60 mile one-way drive I would have 'kicked' your and my behind right into the gym on one of the evenings of your stay in MI.
Real sorry I didn't get a spot for the Texas Braid workshop, but I am sure you all are having fun. Safe travels!

scrappy101 said...

I too was there. Enjoyed the show and tell and your lecture. Your quilts are more beautiful than the photos in your books. Enjoy your upcoming holidays and R&R.

Thanks for sharing the love of quilting.

scrapsgalore said...

Crumbs all over the place looks like so much fun ~~ and I know it is, cause that's what I've been doing, too, for several days while I wait for another step in two different mysteries including Easy Street! I love piecing the tiny little scraps on my FW, trying to work through the box of mostly triangles now. I have made many blocks and quilts with strips, too, using the tube quilt method. Then my "square or rectangles" box I have used for many years in sort of the Mile a Minute method (that's where I started, but have evolved into my own methods, using smaller scraps rather than long strips) I always seem to go back to strips, too - that's what I learned first all those years ago when I was learning to quilt. And I try to keep scraps kinda sorted into sizes and strips to be easier to use - the "all in a scrambled heap" wears me out trying to use them, so I have regular sorting sessions once in a while (ideally, cutting as I go and sorting into their boxes - but we know how that is hard to keep up with! So enjoying your travels and will also be glad when you get back and post and quilt cam from home - thanks for the inspiration!! Carol from Arkansas

regan said...

Isn't show and tell the BEST!

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