
Monday, November 05, 2012

Desk Day, Part 1!

I’m on a roll!  Whooowhooo!

Music is playing happily --- well, until they sneak in a Christmas song here and there, and I’m not happy with that.  If it ramps up any more, it will be Ipod time until about a week before “The Big Day” and then it can hit me full force, but I just can’t see getting into Christmas right now.

In fact – have you seen this Nordstrom’s photo??  LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!

It says that they will not “Deck Their Halls” until after Thanksgiving, preferring to let us enjoy one Holiday at a time.  THANK YOU!

Now, this pic was taken a couple years ago ---I hope they are still doing this.  But I still like this idea very much ---

As far as my Desk Day goes ---I’ve knocked some biggies off my list!  I’ve finished writing the class supply list AND all the steps for the mystery that I am teaching in Plano, TX over New Years!  Oh yes, this is in addition to the one we have starting here after Thanksgiving.  I’ve been running dueling mysteries the past couple of months trying to get the quilts done, parts written, photographs of steps taken ---

There is still room in those classes!  Contact the folks at Fabric Fanatics and sign up to come spend a day with me, I'd love to see you there and usher in 2013 with you. :c)

I can also cross off having a quilt ready to ship off to Quiltmaker that will be appearing in a 4 issue series with them starting next spring!  It’s off to FedEx today.

And the roll rolls on!

The next thing on my list is writing my tomorrows post for this:


That’s right!  It starts TODAY!  And there are lots of goodies going on already on the designer’s blogs that are being featured TODAY ---why not go take a visit?
Start HERE at the Quiltmaker blog, Quilty Pleasures.

You’ll see a good sampling of some GORGEOUS blocks that are being featured in this issue, as well as find the links to the other blogs that are on today’s blog-hop!

And be sure to come back tomorrow ---it’s my day to play!

I can’t wait until you see my block ---it was made with the “too many” units from another quilt I did in a previous issue of 100 blocks ----those scraps just keep giving back, don’t they? :cD

And because I’m so on a roll and using my time mostly wisely today ----QuiltCam is ON for 9pm Eastern! Come spend some time with me then….

Have a great afternoon, everyone!


Unknown said...

Hey Bonnie, you are just amazing , how do you get it all done? I glad you do. Just a little info of interest, your Quips and Snips are not showing up on FB. I have just gone and looked on your blog site to. I can't miss one..lol

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Keeping busy, and so organized. I love it. I hear your on your way to Florida the end of the week. Bring your jacket for the evenings it is suppose to get pretty chilly. Maybe I will see you Saturday, still up in the air about that one, and I haven't checked to see if they have spots left in the class. Either way, have a safe trip, and I hope you catch a few sunrays while your here.

Cathie said...

Can you let us know what vitamins you take so we can cash in on some of your amazing energy?! I'm already tired just from reading this post! Ha!

mimijost said...

I agree 100% with your holiday advertising/songs opinion. In this house we decorate for Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and finally Christmas. My grand kids look forward to each change, and love to help.

Aileen said...

I kept busy while you were in WV. Finished a Turkey wallhanging for my grandson. Cleaned up some scraps and did two swap blocks. It was the first time I did very scrappy block. The lady wanted a pinwheel block with light & dark but not background color. I did a traditional block. Then made a second block with only my HST. It took me 6 hours to figure it out. Looks good but so out of my comfort zone. Will be looking forward to joining you on QuiltCam.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love the fact that that store is waiting until after Thanksgiving to decorate - I wish they all would do that - that is the way it was when I was a child - retailers rush the season way to much - all about making the money

Laurie said...

I'm like you Bonnie.. I don't want to see Christmas stuff in the stores until December 1st. Unlike our US friends, our thanksgiving is in October.. but that doesn't mean the day after Halloween I want to walk into a store and see the Halloween racks pulled apart and are now being filled with Christmas items (as was happening in one of our drug stores).

Your tortilla soup is wonderful!! I made it yesterday in the crockpot, with a couple of substitutions since "mexican" items in the grocery stores here are VERY limited. Seriously... shelves of different salsa's, boxes of taco shells, and pouches of spice mixes. I was able to find the can of green chilies and a can of black beans... no luck on the enchilada sauce though.. so I subbed a jar of roasted pepper and chipole salsa instead. And we don't have corn tortillas here.. only flour.. blech! But, it worked well enough that the crock pot will be empty after dinner tonight! And to tell you how good it was.. Jim even took a container of it to work for his lunch.. and he NEVER takes a lunch!
(Laurie & Jim in Ottawa, Ontario Canada)

Becky G said...

Oh boy, of boy! Looking forward to quiltcam. I also looked at some of the WONDERFUL blogs included on Quiltmakers blog hop... when I saw that you will be featured in early 2013 for a mystery quilt in their subscription magazine, I got a subscription... the ONLY subscription I have. Thanks for all you do, b

Mary said...

I like to Celebrate Thanksgiving before Christmas too. It's my Wedding Anniversary time. I have so much to be Thankful for every year. I love your Block in the magazine. Working with QM has been the most fun I've had sewing/quilting. I'm planning a trip to tour their offices while my quilt is hanging there. It's in the Vol 6 Magazine too. I got advance copies- so fun to tease the Blog readers. See you tonight on Quilt cam. I have more Shirts to cut up.

Unknown said...

I've tried several times to comment here. Hopefully I have everything correct this time. I am really looking forward to the mystery quilt--my first. I have my fabric selected--most of it from my stash.

Anonymous said...

on the blog hop thing --- it is too much info repeated again and again and again.... it would take two hours a day to truly take in the different sites.... but for your block I will read each word and look for pictures.

SO glad they put the date this mag will be on the stands.. HATE going to the bookstore and not finding the mag for 7-10 days.... will see how it works this time.

Irene Onderweegs said...

Can fully agree with you about table decking only after.... you name it!!
Pfeffernuesse are in the shops already from early September, and Sinterklaas - where they are the obligatory sweets/cookies destined for - is only 5th of December.... Christmas decoration is alongside the Sinterklaas things, end of October. Sinterklaas himself arrives on November 14th, and Santa Claus on December 24th 8^{
In between: Halloween decorations abound and around January Easter eggs appear into the stores, right after the fireworks and "oliebollen" of New Years Eve!
Its like Christmas decorations on sale on a hot summer day...
I am happy to learn that I'm not the only one longing for just one holiday at a time =^}
Looking forward - ADHD jumping up and down inside my head - for the blog hop!
Have a good time anyhow, wish I could join you ushering into 2013.
From a rainy and dark Amsterdam with love,

45th Parallel Quilter said...

In the absence of corn tortillas I would have substituted some tortilla chips (junk food aisles usually) ... I think they would have worked. Love tortilla soup! I think she also had a recipe for "Salsa Soup" once that was so amazing it was almost embarassing!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

I absolutely love these magazines ... the blocks are SO creative and interesting. Visited a couple of the websites on the blog hop but agree with Mimi that it's awfully time consumming. Will try and get to as many as I can though because the block are interesting. Looking forward to Quiltcam tonight ... what a REFRESHING change from the campaign ads and talking heads!!

Valerie said...

Your Arizona contingent can now watch you AFTER dinner since we don't do daylight saving time and there is only 2 hrs time diff in winter. I am basting my king-sized quilt on my dining table using Sharon Schamber's method--great for those who can't crawl on the floor to baste and don't have a LA. Glad your leg is better.

Kathleen KC1930) said...

Hey Bonnie...I also deeply cut my finger and after putting on a bandaid I also cover with a finger cot. You can find these at any pharmacy.

Did you get a green bag from Maine today?

sewnsew said...

Hi Bonnie,
I have just finished my flimsy top of my Purple (scrappy) Mountain Majesties. It is totally scrappy. Love it. this for a class so I don't think I will put borders on it(???)
Have so enjoyed using leaders and enders. Making pastel pinwheels using pillowcases from a hotel as the white. I have used my "GO" to cut the pieces Just love it.

Josie McRazie said...

Heck no they have probably jumped on the bandwagon and are OPEN on Thanksgiving day... sorry that one really irks me! My MIL has to work all day Thanksgiving...stinking wally world! Man sorry bout the sour attitude this morning maybe I need to go get up on the other side of the bed! LOL

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