
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Backtrack to Crumbs!

All went well with my flight home yesterday.  O’Hare was packed with travelers and today is supposed to be that much worse? I’m glad I came home on Tuesday instead of Wednesday!

I landed in Greensboro about 7:30pm –by the time we got home after a bite of dinner, all I felt like doing was soaking in the hot tub and off to bed.

This morning ((Waking to NO ALARM!))  I remembered that I have 4 days of workshop slide shows to upload…on a computer that HAS my software installed!  I love sitting at my big monitor where I can actually SEE what I’m doing.  These old eyes – it gets harder and harder to do small, close stuff.

So today, I present to you LOVE SHACK class with the Greater Ann Arbor quilters of Ann Arbor, Michigan!

We had a great time, in a very fast paced class – changing units about every hour: basic string blocks, stars, hearts, intro to letters, and house blocks-on-the-wonky-side!  No time for dawdling in this class if you are going to get it all done! 

Everyone did just great, what a fun group to be with!

Here are our photos:

We also had some great show-and-tell in class…look what Jenna brought:

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Jenna’s Crabapples!

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She showed us the second pieced border and how it is progressing….her colors were awesome!

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Jenna’s Orca Bay!

Isn’t it amazing how color changes can impact the appearance of a quilt!?  She went with pinks, blues, blacks and tan.  YUMMY!  There were two other Orca Bays brought by Beth and Shelly ---I’m in the photo WITH them, so I don’t have that photo on my camera.  ((Girls!  If you read this, please email me that photo and I’ll post it! Your quilts were also awesome!))

Today the demolition of the studio side of the basement begins.  DH has a 5 day weekend and I’m putting him to good use! LOL!  It’s going to get really ugly down here.

Someone asked if Studio Demolition means that there will not be Quilt Cam until the studio is done --- I’m thinking I can try out my new cheddar featherweight for Quilt Cam from the comfort of the dining room table if I can’t get to my sewing corner of the studio.  Look for me about 9pm tonight from “Wherever!”

Have a great Wednesday!  If family is traveling to where you are, I wish them safety  -- if you are traveling, I’m keeping you in my thoughts.  Have a wonderful long holiday weekend, everyone!


SusanQuilter said...

Really enjoyed the photos! My guild is also in Michigan & looking forward to your visit next year! Happy Thanksgiving & enjoy being home! Hope the studio updates speed along....

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Oh those are so awesome! I have started really saving scraps, getting them organized. I want to make a strip quilt soon. But I have so much else on my sewing table right now. Including the MYSTERY quilt!

I went in Aunt Ruth's quilt store in Sharonville Ohio, (near Cinncinnati) and it is closing w a new open and location soon to be anouncd. I brought in my Paint squares and they said "are you doing a mystery quilt" LOL yeah! They were very impressed w the pint chips to show the fabric colors. And happy for me to spend my $ to buy fabric!

Unknown said...

You are one of the blessed ones with high energy, I on the other hand am not. If I had been off like you have been, I would have crashed for a week. I envy people with high energy. Have fun with your project, I look forward to QuiltCam. Enjoyed all the updates. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. I would have.

Kay said...

Good morning, Bonnie. Glad your home safe and sound.
I'm looking forward to seeing you sew tonight on your cheddar baby!
I can't wait for the mystery to begin. Thanks to your post the other day with the vintage quilt with grey sashing I reconsidered using grey and went shopping yesterday.

Lori in Virginia said...

Thanks for posting the slide show today, Bonnie...gee but you have to be tired!!! I have been uniformly folding my fabric stash; you inspired me....don't do THAT again!!!! lol I'm scaring myself with how much fabric I've accumulated. But it's good, now I can really dig in and find stuff to USE

Lori in VA

Trina Schellhammer said...

I LOVE show and tell. :)

Terri said...

YEAH Quiltcam tonight!

gmp said...

Good Morning Bonnie,
Glad you made it home safely. So looking forward to quilt cam. I haven't "tuned in" since before Superstorm Sandy hit, and I lost my power and cable. But, I am up and running again, and looking forward to seeing you tonight. Have a great day, and good luck as start Phase 2 of your demolition!
Grace from L.I.

Julierose said...

You must be happy to get home before that holiday rush!! Lovely quilts for "show and tell". Will be looking for you @ 9 or so...have a super Thanksgiving, Bonnie...Julierose

Mary said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Bonnie! I'm so glad your home! It's like waiting for a dear friend to return from a trip! Looks like you had a great class up there and the quilts and slide show was awesome! Your being on quilt cam tonight is even more awesome! Can't wait to see the Cheddar FW in action! I think I'll get my FW out and join you as I'm cooking for tomorrow! SQUEWEEE!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Glad you didn't fly thru O'Hare today. It's fogged in here. Glad you got home safely. Enjoy your holiday and your sewing room workover. One of these days I'll get a sewing room. I'm borrowing part of my youngest son's room right now, since he couldn't come home for Thanksgiving (waaa!).

Tami C said...

Glad you're home safe and sound. Show & Tell is always great. I might just add the Crabapple to my list of things to do! When I get a project finished I take it over to my mother-in-laws for our private little show & tell. She loves it! That's a real cute white FW at the top of the post. Good Luck today with the demolition of the other side of your studio.

Bev said...

Folding is addictive also-can't stand the mess in the rest of the cabinets, so am also on the re-fold wagon! Thanks, Bonnie, for the kick start!

Bev said...

All the projects are amazingly cute! Is the little string pieced heart pattern available somewhere??? It has really tripped my fancy!

Kelly said...

I really like the Love Shack designs. I am kinda jealous and am wishing that had been the class picked for your Sunday class in Lansing. I would love to learn how to do letters.

Unknown said...

I'm greeting you from Duck, NC with my son and daughter and looking through these pictures I had to show her this trees quilt that was shown in Ann Arbor. She made this quilt about 15 years ago and it is published in a book. Don't remember the name but it is so much fun to see another one made up.
Do have FUN redoing your basement. Nice that DH has the whole long weekend. We are here for the week and not much sun but plenty of high surfs. So much for a week in the sun and sand. Waiting for the Mystery quilt to start.

Machelle said...

Wow! Hope you get some rest at home at some point:)

Machelle said...

Wow! Hope you get some rest at home at some point:)

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