
Sunday, November 11, 2012

And The Winners Are----

I’m settled into my room in Albany, Georgia ---getting here early enough to spend some time walking down by the river at Riverfront Park, enjoying the late afternoon sunshine and stretching my legs a bit.

I had to wait a bit before checking in to my room ---Getting here early, all there was was an ex-smoking room that was now a non-smoking room, and the smell was so bad I told them I’d prefer a different room.

I was told that the room had been cleaned to remove the smoke --- but unless you are a non-smoker, you just don’t realize that you can’t get the smoke out of mattresses, out of the carpet, the draperies, the walls ---it just never goes away, not ever.

In that case, I was told -- I needed to wait until some more rooms were cleaned so they could put me in a wing that had always been non-smoking.  I was happy to wait!

And that is when I headed out for some lunch – and then down to the river.  Photos of that to come!

Second time around, my new room is lovely with no smell of smoke anywhere, and I’m on the ground floor which is really nice with the amount of stuff I travel with!

So the point of this email is ----LET’S DRAW THE WINNERS!

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3rd place goes to Denise!

She writes:

Bonnie, I totally LOVE this block! It's so fun! Something about me . . . I'm having screws taken out of my foot tomorrow. It's my pedal foot, so I won't be able to use my machine for a couple of days, but then I'll be good to go! It'd be really nice to have a copy of the new 100 Blocks while I'm off my feet (the whole 'toes about your nose' thing). That way I'd be ready to start constructing all my favorites when I was back up and at 'em!!
Denise, your copy will be coming directly from Quiltmaker Magazine.  Can you please send me your snail mail address so I can get it on to them?  Congrats!

2nd place winner is MTN MAMA!

She writes:

Big Bang Block is a great collision of shape and color!! Something about me....well I am a first generation Physician's Assistant which means I did it when it was brand new in the 70's before anyone knew what a PA was...I am a little older than you. I love to quilt, embroidery, and cook. I just lost my dear hubby of 31 1/2 years to a long battle with Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and MDS so life is full of changes and challenges. I am slowly getting my creative spirit back so BIG BANG BLOCK is just what I needed!!
Congrats!  Please send along your snail mail address and I’ll be sending you a signed copy of 100 blocks vol 6, and a Summer Breeze charm pack!

Our grand prize winner is  Christie!

she writes:

I'm married to a Puerto Rican ...and his loud & crazy family is visiting us for 2 weeks...my solace is my sewing room when we're not cooking, laughing, and eating!!! :)
Please send me your snail mail address and your signed copies of vol 5 and vol 6 will be on their way to you along with a Moda Summer Breeze charm pack!
Thank you so much for playing along everyone ---it’s been a lot of fun!


gia gia said...

have fun in aw-Binny, jaw-jaw...nice place to visit!

Sue's Stitchin' said...

Drat -I was hoping I'd be a winner. Good choice on waiting for a truly non-smoking room. You are right - not-smokers have much better noses for the odor!! Sue K

pelujilla said...

Oh I know what being married to a Puerto Rican is like! That girl deserves the prize lol.

sunshineannie said...

When is this issue going to be out for sale?

Unknown said...

congrats ladys

sunshineannie said...

Good for you Bonnie! We got stuck with one of those rooms one time too. Non smoking yet you gag on smoke smell. They told us they didn't have any other rooms until we told them we'd just leave then. Suddenly, there was an empty room! A miracle LOL Your room looks warm, smoke free and cozy. It's raining and turning VERY cold here tonight, probably snow. Good sewing weather, yeaaaa! I've been waiting for the yard work to end or be snowed-out. Hubby has football on, so I'm going to try to figure out what colors to use for Easy Street. I love purple, but not in a quilt for some reason. Isn't that odd. well, I'm odd so....

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

congrats to your winners. I am the same way - I can't stand being in a smoking room and normally I can tell if someone smoked in a non-smoking room too.

Maree in NC ☺ said...

Congratulations, ladies! ☺ We are all winners thanks to Bonnie's inspirations! ♥

Denise :) said...

Oh definitely -- once a smoking room, always a smoking room, no matter the measures taken! Thank you so much, Bonnie! :)

Missy Shay said...

Whenever I make a reservation, I specify that I can not even be near a smoking room because of my asthma. I stayed at one hotel that had every other room designated, which did not make sense at all.

HelenMarie said...

Oh, I've been one of those rooms.... unfortunately I had no other choice. Of course, DH who smokes, didn't understand what the problem was. I had such a headache in the morning and could hardly wait to be home and showered and into comfies.

Unknown said...

Congratz and great stories ladies :D

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

Congrats to all winners!! What fun! Hugs, Deb

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