
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

100 Blocks, Vol 6 Blog Tour! ((Give-Away!!))



Hello!!  I’ve been like a kid on Christmas Eve so eager to send my post live for the Quiltmaker Magazine Blog Tour!

If you are new here, please check out the "EASY STREET" tab at the top of the blog -- that is the info for our new November Online Mystery that starts November 23.  Come play along! It's free -- just dig into your stash and start sewing.

Also be sure to click the big pink facebook button in the right side column and click to like our Quiltville Friends page -- we've got a great group of quilters over 12,000 strong. LOADS of quilty goodness!

I love block designing ---and with 2 issues of 100 blocks being released each year – it’s really tried my brain to come up with something graphic and fun, and of course SCRAPPY---all from working just with my scraps.

I’ve loved all of the blocks I’ve done for previous issues, 3 of them are currently finished as actual QUILTS, and the others are on the to-do list.

Sometimes my inspiration comes from a desire to use a handful of left over units for a previous quilt ---and that is how THIS block came to be.  Do you remember my Midnight Flight block from Volume 4? 

I finished that block, along with Winston Ways from Volume 3 and Talkin’ Turkey from Volume 5 into finished quilts, and taught them as classes at Quiltmaker’s Block Part in Williamsburg, VA this past August.  I’ll also be teaching them in Portland, OR this coming March!  Are you signed up? I hope so!

Here are the 3 quilts in WIlliamsburg!

The center quilt, Talkin' Turkey, is featured as a whole quilt  in my new book String Fling.

I do love my pieced borders, as you can tell.  See that crazy thing on Midnight Flight?  Here’s a close up:


Completely Crazy Border!!

So yes, I ended up with too many left over units, at the same time that the next block submissions were due ---wheels started turning ----and, Presto!


Say hello to BIG BANG!

This is SO to be a full quilt for me, and is in the line-up!  I just love the motion in this block.  And all the pieces I needed were already on my cutting table.

You will find this block and 99 more in Volume 6 of 100 Blocks!

Now for the Give-Away part:

quiltmaker 040

Let’s draw THREE Winners!

Leave me a comment below telling me something about yourself.  Be creative!

I’m going to draw for THREE winners,  3rd Place ---who will receive a copy of Vol 6 directly from Quiltmaker Magazine.  2nd Place –who will receive a signed copy of Vol 6 from me AND a Moda Summer Breeze charm pack, and a GRAND FIRST PRIZE winner who will receive BOTH Vol 5 & vol 6 signed copies and a Summer Breeze charm pack!

((These charm packs are compliments of Moda who sent them to me for last year's Caribean cruises, thank you Moda!))

I am no longer able to accept anonymous comments, so you must be a registered user to leave your comment.  It’s free to register as a blogger user, or use your gmail login (leave the “keep me signed in” box UNCHECKED to stay out of the login loop!) or use any of the other available options.  Please take a moment to register so that you can comment –it helps keep undesirable content out of the comments section and my inbox.  If I can work so hard at keeping this blog available for YOU, you can take a few minutes and help me out – THANK YOU!

Please be sure you have your EMAIL ADDRESS on your post!  Posts without email addresses are ineligible.  There has to be a way to reach you to win!

I will be drawing our winners on Sunday Evening, Nov 11th.  I’ll be driving from Tallahassee Fl  after we finish our workshop on the 11th to Albany, GA where I’ll be teaching on Monday the 12th.  I should be checking into my hotel around dinner time, will put my feet up and draw then!

The goodies will go in the mail on my return home on the 13th!

The 14th I’m headed to Michigan – Oh is my head spinning, but what fun!

Now that we’ve got all of that covered – head over to the Quilty Pleasures blog to find out about the other designers who are on today’s blog hop!  Lots of chances to win going on everywhere!

Happy Tuesday, Folks!


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Leah Spencer said...

I've never been able to flip through a 100-block issue, would love to win one. :)

Heather said...

OMGsh, Bonnie! That's another great block! I've really got to start making the units for every one of your quilts just so I can have the leftover units to make more blocks...Talk about a recipe for orphan blocks and UFOs, but I just love all of your projects!!!!

KarenS said...

Hi Bonnie. I've been quilting for a long time, but have taken a lengthy break to work on other crafty pursuits. Your blog and Quilt Cam inspired me to get back into quilting. I'm anxiously waiting for the first clue to Easy Street to go live.


Diane said...

I went on the Ireland Quilt trip you are doing next year. You are gonna love it!

Cyn said...

Something interesting? How about something weird? While both hands were recovering from injuries and multiple surgeries [took 5 years], I couldn't sew, so I took classes and became a SCUBA diver. Even as a senior it is never too late to learn something new. Thanks for op' to enter your drawing.
cyn4rest [at] hotmail [dot] com

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Love BIG BANG! I'm a New England Gal who met and married a New England Boy...Uncle Sam relocated us to the South where I discovered I never really liked snow afterall...so in Florida we STAY and in our quilt shop we PLAY...every DAY except of course SunDAY.
(P.S. So sweet of you to mention "Mom" tonight on the 'cam...thanks, she is doing oKAY )

Stephanie Newman said...

Lovely new block Bonnie! Something interesting most people don't know is that I grew up riding horses and loved Dressage and three day eventing. But, I was learning to sew for a couple of years before I was allowed to ride a horse! Both when I was a young, young girl.

Jody said...

I think my life is interesting, but me...not so much!! I love your quilts, books and blog. Am looking forward to meeting you next August when you are here in Soldotna!!

Brenda said...

Hi Bonnie!!! Something about me??? Well, when I am not sewing (which is a lot of the time I have to admit!) I enjoy reading and watching TV, shows like Bones, The Good Wife, NCIS, both of them, and Big Bang Theory are some of my favorite shows to watch.
And that is something about me!! I love to come and see what you are doing too, so this is another guilty pleasure I have - bog hopping!!! Anything to get my batteries recharged, and believe me, this blog does that!! So thank-you Bonnie for doing what you do and sharing it with me!!! {hugs} Brenda!!!

Not Lucy said...

It is a little freaky the things we have in common including similar ages, scrappy quilts and many sewing machines. I was a secretary for 10 years, took a 10 year break and now I am back at the exact same job! I am finding that being back at work I use my spare time a bit more wisely.

Lora Martin said...

Something about me - hmm. I'm primarily an art quilter (for lack of better description), but I love traditional block style quilts, too. So I guess the thing about me is that I have a dual personality! Thanks for the chance to win the books and the fabric.

Rebecca said...

Number 5 was the first mag I purchased... # 6 is on my list to pick up... I am great at reading patterns not so great at following them.

Tosty's Quilting Tidbits said...

Love the block. Getting everything together for Easy Street.
Have asafe and fun trip to Fla. I lived there many years ago and at one time tried my hand at driving "Women's Hurricane" at Sunshine Speedway in St. Pete.
Would love to win 100 block issue.
Thanks for sharing so much with us.

Kathy in Guanajuato City, Mexico said...

Hi Bonnie,

I have just recently retired and been bitten by the "Bonnie" bug. I love quilting and I just got my 6th quilting tattoo on my right forearm. It says QUILT...the q has a bow tie and the I is a spool of thread and dotted with a Lemoyne star. I love it. I did not get my first tattoo until turning 50.
I love all your quilts and energy!!! Kathy

Valerie said...

Hello Bonnie! I would love to win Vol. 6 because a friend of mine has her quilt published in it. How exciting!!! Your quilts are fantastic, in fact many of my go-to patterns are yours. :) Thank you for all you do for quilters everywhere, and thanks for making your blog so much fun.

Cathy Tomm said...

I plan to get number 6 if I do not win a copy. Thanks for the chance to win. Watched last night on Quilt cam while doing a binding. Love to sew with you.

Lovie said...

I am a fabric horder, I have gone WAY beyond fabric collector. Love scrap quilts, and really love your quilts. Plan on giving Easy Street a try, have not yet selected my colors. Hope to use up my oranges/cheddars and assortment of yellows. Depends on my mood when I start picking out fabric, good mood - bright/happy colors, grumpy mood - darker/richer color palette.

Lovie said...

I am a fabric horder, I have gone WAY beyond fabric collector. Love scrap quilts, and really love your quilts. Plan on giving Easy Street a try, have not yet selected my colors. Hope to use up my oranges/cheddars and assortment of yellows. Depends on my mood when I start picking out fabric, good mood - bright/happy colors, grumpy mood - darker/richer color palette.

Lovie said...

I am a fabric horder, I have gone WAY beyond fabric collector. Love scrap quilts, and really love your quilts. Plan on giving Easy Street a try, have not yet selected my colors. Hope to use up my oranges/cheddars and assortment of yellows. Depends on my mood when I start picking out fabric, good mood - bright/happy colors, grumpy mood - darker/richer color palette.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie! Maree here in Australia. I'm 52, obsessed with Patchwork & Quilting! I have four sons and a wonderful patient husband! My first live is spplique but that creates scraps so my second is scrap quilts!! Lol! I love the 100 block books, they are great for inspiration! Boys aren't really into appliqué quilts!

javajean said...

You ROCK Bonnie. Your vision with all the ideas you come up with amazes me. Looking forward to the mystery fun!

Mary H said...

Hi Bonnie! I'm so scrappy I need to win more stuff to get scrappy with.

Liz said...

Hi Bonnie, I am a housewife, mother and hopeful quilter. The hopeful part is that it takes time to finish the quilt. I seem to get distracted by newer projects way to often, leaving many starts that I hope to finish in the next year. Liz

Jane said...

Hi Bonnie - thanks so much for all your fun ideas. I love scraps. About me.....Lady of Lake Erie is about to go on the long arm. (Talkin Turkey is on the list.) I'd love to win. jhillm at comcast dot net

Loris said...

Love the Big Bang (both the block and the tv show :-)
This is a really fun tour visiting all the designer blogs.
Thanks for participating!

Moumoune said...

Hi Bonnie,
I write you from France. I love so much your blog, your ideas, your enthousiasm... To see your page every day gives me inspiration and I would like to do all the patterns ! My planning is full of grand children, cooking, gardening and others daily activities but the best of the day is alone behind my sewing machine...! Thanks for the chance of winning gifts.
Bisous de France.

Quiltinggirl said...

I've been quilting for 36 years and finally took my first college art class last weekend. My knowledge of quilting borders helped greatly to earn an "A". :-)

Kristy said...

Love the colors in the Big Bang block! My something interesting: I earned my Private Pilot's License in high school, but, unfortunately, haven't flown myself since college. It's an expensive hobby ... and now I spend all my "play" money on fabric and quilting supplies!
cam [dot] kristy [at] gmail [dot] com

Quilting_Chris said...

Hi Bonnie, You have made me into a small pieces to make bigger block lover. Thank you for all that you offer to us and I am looking forward to Easy Street. Can't wait. Thanks for a chance to win, I love these issues.

Lee D said...

Big Bang block is wonderful. Big Bang Theory is one of my favourite shows. Totally makes me lol. About me; I have lived in three countries, Canada, USA (NC) and The Netherlands(twice)

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I'm a former Olympic Equestrian - an injury and then family took me into a new 'territory'. Then retirement led me to the world of quilting and I am enjoying every minute!

Kate said...

Hi Bonnie! Something about me? I am hoping to find a job on Cape Cod so I can move there permanently. Love the beach in off-seasons! But, I just looked at your schedule for the next years and years, and I couldn't find you scheduled to be in Massachusetts at all! Maybe I need to look for a job in Florida or Texas. It looks like you'll be there a few times! (Or maybe I need to talk a guild or quilt shop on the Cape into bringing you out there!) One item not yet checked on my bucket list is to take a class with you, but I'll start small and tackle Easy Street first! Have a great trip, and thanks for the chance to win!

Vickie said...
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Maree in NC ☺ said...

Bonnie, you are such an inspiration and I love watching you on QuiltCam! You are very generous to share so much with us! One of my absolute favorite things to do is sew with my 9 year old granddaughter. ♥ Thanks a bunch for the chance to win!

What Comes Next? said...

fun! hmmmmm. I love working with a challenge - in fact all of my recent quilts have been as a result of a challenge of some type. Gotta keep things interesting!

NancyA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary said...

I am signed up to meet all of you QM Designers in Portland, Oregon. I'm on the waiting list for your workshop. They sure sold out quickly! I'd love a signed issue and the Charm pack. Even though I already have both issues. I'll bring mine to Portland If I don't WIN. Love the Quilt Cam! I was married on Thanksgiving Day in Canada- 36 years this year. Nough said...

Pam in KC said...

Love the block! As for something about me -- I find it hard to be creative when my space is too clean! A clean space means I have to put everything away to keep it that way - never mind that I want to or need to come back to it the next day.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I used to make most of my own clothes, but now I make quilts. It's a lot more fun. I also have become very fond of the old sewing machines. I have two Singer 99's that I sew on all the time. One has the knee control.

Kristy said...

So much fun! I've been following your blog for almost a year and will be doing my very first mystery quilt with Easy Street. So excited! I've never done anything like this before. I just ran my very first half marathon (last month) to raise money for cancer and decided it was time for me to take a break and sew! And, when you do the drawing, it will be my birthday. That would be a fantastic birthday present. :) keeping my fingers crossed!

Krista said...

Hi Bonnie! I am a Quiltville Friend on Facebook. I just went on a shop hop with a friend this last Saturday and added some fabrics for Easy Street. I wasn't really planning on doing the mystery but when I saw the name I just knew I had to quilt along. I live on Easy Street, you see! I am also registered for two of your classes in Portland at Quiltmaker's Block Party. I am hoping to bring my finished Easy Street to share. Feel free to keep me accountable! And something interesting about me...when I sit on the floor with my legs stretched out straight in front of me, I can lift my feet about 4 inches off the floor with the back of my knees still flat. Is that creative enough? LOL Thanks for the chance to win!
Krista Y.

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

Woohoo! Another great block! I'd love to win the new volume of 100 blocks!

Diane said...

Hi Bonnie!
I love this latest block. When I saw the cover of the 100 Blocks, I knew that one had to be yours because I did see elements of Midnight Flight and Talkin Turkey, but didn't notice Winston Ways in the block. Anyhow, it looks fabulous (like everything you do)!
Thanks for the opportunity to win.

TADVR said...

love the block n the name... recuperating from the quilt festival, my dd and i set up and helped man the girl scout booth and special exhibit celebrating 100 years. inspired and planning on pulling ufo's out as soon as we get the quilts the girl's quilts shipped back to them.

Barbara said...

What a pretty block. I'm a scuba diver.

Ramona said...

Hi Bonnie, that block is cool. I live in China right now so I would love to win the block book. I can't just go down to my LQS and pick up a copy because there is no LQS! I would have you send it to my mom who instilled in me the love of fabric and sewing. She is an avid quilter too at 87 years young! Met you years ago at Swamp Fox Quilters in Florence, SC. Love your bog, keeps me connected over here. romeggleston@sc.rr.com

Tami C said...

I am fairly new to quilting, but have been collecting material for years. I was determined that when I retired I was going to finally take up quilting and I did! I have only made 2 quilts since I retired. I’m currently working on Sisters Choice and have 35 blocks made so far. My mother-in-law has given me several books on quilting and I've spent hours browsing through them. I have been working my way through all of your blog posts, in reverse order, and am almost finished with 2011. I love watching your Quilt Cam sessions. It would be great to win first place and have two more books to read. :-)

Rainy said...

Hi Bonnie! I'm the Aussie girl in the midst of renovations. I've been shopping and am now ready for the mystery qut. I'd love to win one of these magazines! Something unusual about me.... I play euphonium! I'm lucky to play with a couple of great bands here abouts. Lots of fun!

lindaroo said...

I love the look of Big Bang, and I'm eagerly awaiting Easy Street! I'd love to win a copy of 100 Blocks!
Something about me... While hubby's away this week, I'm installing a gas log fireplace for his early Christmas present.

Linda said...

Love your Big Bang block. I am also participating in Easy Street mystery. This is the first time I have ever participated in a mystery quilt. Just this past weekend my husband and I celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the 100 Blocks magazine and charm bundle. Have a safe trip to Florida and enjoy your time there. Will miss not having Quilt Cam.

Unknown said...

I have been a quilter for about 5 years now and love following you. You inspire me to make quilts that I would not have tried on my own. This year will be the third mystery quilt that I have made with you, I have RRCB on my bed. Thank you melodyruddell@yahoo.com

LindaTN said...

I love the block! I am recently retired and I have been hoarding fabric and patterns for years for this chapter of my life. I am loving life! Thanks for the chance, Bonnie!


judyjj said...

Thanks for all your quilting fun! Love the block. Something about me: I machine-quilted two small quilts for Project Linus today!

Sam said...

Hi Bonnie thanks for making this possible. I am from Australia and I read your blog almost every day. Sam

Béa said...

Thanks Bonnie for the chance to win...but have I a chance with so many readers :(

Just Sew Sue said...

A great scrappy block, as you'd expect. :)

pkquilter said...

Hi Bonnie. A litttle about me? Big family, 200 yr. old farm, retired teacher, AQS Quilt Appraiser, just celebrated 50th Wedding Anniversary, dream in quilts, love sewing on my Featherweight, piecing in the quiet of the night. So love your inspiration and energy! Pauline in PA (Cherry Boom)

Dineke said...

Hi Bonnie, Just a note Dineke from The Netherlands. 49 years old and a quilter who loves your blog and quilts. So far I don't have nearly enough fabrics yet to make one of them, but some day I will. I just have to keep quilting

Valerie said...

I taught myself to sew before my first home-ec class, and I made most of my own clothes as well as many things for my mother for years through high school. That's when I started collecting quilt patterns and fabric, but I didn't start quilting for 30 more years. I always had the feeling that making a quilt was almost a lifetime project, but you, Bonnie, have shown me how to accomplish so much more than that. I am amazed at how you are constantly creating new blocks. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie. I am a french quilter and the lucky owner of a block signed by you : my american friend "Mary" from Illinois had a retreat with you and you signed two blocks, one for her and one for me. These blocks will soon be part of 2 wonderful quilts .
Thanks for the chance to win

Joy V said...

Wow, what a fabulous block. AND giveaway. My first love is scrappy, scappy and more scrappy quilts (with just a hint of reproduction......) A funny combination but it works for me. Thanks for the chance to win one of these books.

jirons42 said...

A little about me - I'm 70 years old and still get together regularly with 4 other gals who have been my friends since kindergarten.

meyra66.blogspot.com said...

¡Hola Bonnie! yo no sé si soy una kilter o no, empecé hace un año de forma autodidacta y aprendo de personas como tú, te sigo siempre que puedo cuando conectas la camara y me quedo maravillada de lo recto que coses. No había cogido nunca una aguja y voy haciendo mis caminitos, me llamo Mari Carmen, soy seguidora tuya y mi blog es meyra66.blogspot.com y mi correo arastell@uv.es. Te escribiria en inglés pero hay muchas palabras que seguramente las pondría mal, te leo todo los días porque me sirve para practicar pero hoy me lo he traducido para ver si era lo que yo entendia. Un abrazo

Carolyn in Kentucky said...

I love the way your brain works, Big Bang is awesome. I am looking forward to Easy Street so much. I have been following your blog for several years and have learned so much from your blog and website. I am a retired RN and I had sewn for years, but when my Grandmother had a broken hip, to keep her entertained while healing, we hand pieced a Dresden Plate quilt from cereal box templates. I am much more precise now with modern tools, but the quilt we made together holds a place of honor in my home and heart.

Razzle Dazzle Quilter said...

Hi Bonnie

I love Summer Breeze.

Want to know something about me? I can hand milk a cow. Can you?



grammygwendolyn said...

Hello Bonnie, I love all your quilt designs. I'm a grandmother of 10. Thanks for having a giveaway.

joanold said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm a recently retired school teacher in England who has just discovered quilting, and am loving it. I love your blog and even got up in the middle of the night to watch your QuiltCam. Such fun!

Becky G said...

You are right... That block MOVES! Love quiltcam... Have learned so much! Looking forward to my first mystery quilt with you On Easy Street. About me? I have 8 grand-children and another 7 grandnieces & nephews in need of quilts! So i am not doing much applique these days.... Piecing is what is needed! Loving your patterns.... Thanks for a chance to win!

Kerry said...

Hi Bonnie, what a fantastic block Big Bang is. Can't wait to see what it looks like in your quilt. Something about me? Hmm, I love red shoes. I only have 3 pair but they cover most occasions!

christineschoon said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm Christine, from the Netherlands. I'm married and a mother to 4 daughters (7-10-12-13) and all of them have started sewing and have made a quilt! So you see there is hope for our young generation ;-) I've been following your blog for two years now and I love your fresh way of approaching quilting. Thank you for sharing all of that with us! Keep up the good work!
Love from the Netherlands

susan said...

I have a quirk...I love to have the back of quilts be interesting art wise or else a way to express my BOOAT symdrome :o) My mother used to tell me that I would get "Blood Out Of A Turnip" if I could and she was right! I have a lot of BOOAT items around, and for me, its just part of the fun. Some people are OCD but I'm just BOOAT! (Pronounced Bow-ought). I so appreciate the way your scrappiness feeds/releases my BOOAT stress. I hope I can win one of your offers! Have a great day! susang.isaacson@gmail.com

Unknown said...

As a new quilter 30 yrs. ago I signed up for a class in a neighboring town. In the mean time I accidentally severed a tendon on one of my fingers trying to use a rotary cutter...went to the ER was referred to a surgeon for repair the next day and I requested could he wait till Monday. I had a first quilt class on Sat.! I went with a flopping finger that I couldn't control and the teacher was freaked that I'd sew over it. Made it through the class and the surgery and high respect on the use of the rotary cutter from then on. Size 5 ring became size 8 on one hand.
I'm a Bonnie stalker but only in the nicest way. Thanks for giving me a life beyond retirement. A completely happy one.

Sue SA said...

Hmm, well I own one domestic modern machine that my parents gave me for an 0 birthday and a vintage sewing machine that my parents also brought for me that was previously owned by two sisters who were nuns and lived in New Zealand!

Beverley said...

Thanks for the chance. Apart from quilting, I also play the flute and the piano. Bev.

Irene Onderweegs said...

The purples, reds and cheddar, oh my! Just my kind of creativity =^}
Mixed those last year in a wall hanging...
Comments before: How Could You Put Those Together?!?!?!?!
Comments after: Why Couldn't We See That These Go Together So Well!

Today is B-Day, a friend of mine conspires with me to give birth to a New Born Quilter, just to be able to have someone to talk to about fabrics and deboning shirts! The three of us are members of a group of ten "girls" coming together each few months for almost twentyfive yrs after finishing a vocational training in informatics 8^} It's really nice to have such a close-knitted group to share all pleasures and woes that come along in life. Never thought I would bud out to be social, after so many years of closing in myself...

I believe that the greatest present you can give yourself is making someone else genuinely happy in times of need!

Love from a sunny Amsterdam,

Jackie said...

I would love to win any of those prizes. Something interesting about me is that our family lived in the Arctic for 4 years! Hope I win, it would be my first blog win.

Jitka said...

Hi Bonnie. Thank you for another clever block. You make me to love scraps, so I´m looking for an opportunity to go to US to have a workshop with you.

Pieceful Jane said...

I love your block. Red is my favorite color and I love adding black and white prints to my quilts. We share a birth year, but you must have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more energy than me. I am constantly amazed at how much you accomplish!

Debbie said...

You've outdone yourself with this block, Bonnie! Love what you did with the triangle's fabric placement. Wish I would have the opportunity to meet you, but I love Quilt Cam, it's the next best thing!

miss-linny said...

I have to confess to being a Stripper - a Tuesday Stripper. That's the name of our group and we meet each Tuesday to make strip quilts for Project Linus and inspire each other with our own projects. I am just shopping my stash for Easy Street (seems appropriate for a Stripper!) and shall do this with my friend Jude who is not a Stripper. Love all you quilts and hope to see you in Ireland. Should i be lucky enough to receive a giveaway it will be shared with the T.S. girls. regards from cold, cloudy England, Lynn W

Vicki said...

What a great block, and giveaway...Thanks so much! I'm loving Quilt Cam and all your old sewing machines! Something about me? I won't tell my hubby how many sewing machines I have. He doesn't tell me how many golf balls he has, and I'm beginning to think there's a museum of them out in the garage!!!

Kathy said...

Saw one of these issues in a quilt shop recently and was very intrigued.

Miss Jamee Quilts said...

I have been following you for about a year...love your quilts! you are an inspiration to us all! I actually quilt at work, i am a school bus driver, and I carry a black OMNI bag full of my supplies to work on while WAITING...I do alot of that! The kids all think I carry around a computer, lol.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie=
my friends call me the Bonnie Hunter groupie. I was hooked on the first mystery. Currently sewing room is torn apart picking fabrics for Easy Street. Orca, Roll roll and Turkey are all completed and on the couch. Carolina Crossing also lives in the livingroom. Love your blog and articles.

momto1 said...

You're my kind of girl - making something from what most folks would consider almost nothing. I did a spot of quilting years ago, and am just now getting back into it and determining what I like and what I don't, and I know I REALLY like your scrappy look. Your block, with the something-from-nothing story behind it, is especially appealing.

Anita said...
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Deb said...

Love the block Bonnie! I took your Smith Mountain class with you at VQF and have done most of your mystery quilts. Can't wait for Easy Street to start.

Swedish Scrapper said...

Lovely block-- very neat the way it came to be! Hmmm, about me...I once worked in a small goat cheese factory!

Mickierae said...

I'm thinking of doing Easy Street in purple, gold and green (the Mardi Gras colors) so Easy Street may become The Big Easy!

Jeanne said...

When I first started quilting I found you and glad I did. I have done most of your mysteries and follow your blog watching quiltcam too.

Anita said...

Your block is my favorite of today's posted blocks on the 100 Blocks Blog Tour! It is gorgeous!

You also got me interested in Mystery Quilts, and I am now planning on joining Easy Street even though I have only been quilting for one year.

Julie said...

I love how you used the leftovers! The border was stunning. I wish I lived next door to you and we could sew together....no wait - that's why I enjoy quiltcam. We already do! I'm a huge fan and look forward to your classes coming closer to the midwest.

Kathy S. said...

Something about myself? I have a fun hobby that involves finding "junk" along the road. Sunday morning drives with my dad when I was learning to drive at age 16 were some of my favorite times. We're farmers. We can use mostly anything. Some of my favorite things that I have found: weedeater, 36" rawhide bone, boat. We had a huge collection of bungee cords. They always came in handy.

Debra said...

I haven't see an issue of 100 blocks yet! I would love to tho. I have all of your books & just love you & your patterns. I tend to make old~timey vintage quilts. I like the old patterns best. Most of my stash is FQ's of CW fabrics. But I'll be doing the mystery in 30's fabrics. I've made RRCB & OB as far as mysteries go. Love your blogs & Quiltcam! You keep us Gals inspired Bonnie.

Mary Jane said...

Looks like this block is twirling in a breeze. Living in South Georgia, we don't have too many light breezes so it would ne nice to have a virtual breeze.

Kelly said...

Wow, not even 6 am and over 90 comments - I thought I would be early! I am frantically trying to finish some projects so I can do the mystery this year. I get overwhelmed and less productive if I have too many things in progress! Safe travels today!

Mary Jane said...

Looks like this block is twirling in a breeze. Living in South Georgia, we don't have too many light breezes so it would ne nice to have a virtual breeze.

Lynmar said...

Hey Bonnie, spent last evening with you cutting scrappy blocks and brick from shirts. Newbee to your method of doing things with small pieces. Sunday was spent not doing blocks but sewing little pieces to little pieces, a large piece of scapppy fabric is starting to grow and grow and grow. You have made me an addict, would actually rather be at the sewing machine than computer. LOL Love the idea of sending quilts to the folks in the East.
Lynda from Chicago grannylynm@gmail.com

Beth said...

Here's something about me: we have five dogs, five cats, and four chickens. And each of our dog & cat sets includes a mom and her four "babies'. (Our puppies are 9 years old now, so qualify as babies only to their mom and me.)

Peggi said...

Hi Bonnie,

I use the money from selling y quilts to fund my charitable donations through the year, especially the 2 horse rescues that I support. Quilting is the perfect antidote to my 8-hours-a-day in front of the comuputer job.

Debbie Quilts said...

Thank you thank you thank you! I enjoy looking forward to your annual mysteries. I get together with a group of quilting friends every Wednesday. We usually work on our own projects when we're together, but a bunch of us are going to work on Easy Street together! What fun to see the fabrics we've chosen! There's a lot of sharing going on too! I usually do handwork on Wednesdays but I'll be bringing in my Hot Rod Flamed Featherweight to work on Easy Street with my friends!

mozarks said...

When not making quilts I like to spend time making hickory baskets. I love all your quilts and hope to follow along with "Easy Street"

kt said...

Love it! I saw it on the cover and thought it was yours. Looking forward to the mystery. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us!

Deb A said...

Thanks for the chance to win Bonnie. I'll be joining your mystery for the first time this year. I am so excited as they always are such amazing looking quilts. I love the traditional looking quilts and your finds at the stores you stop at are always so beautiful and great inspiration. I love following along with you on your travels and seeing all new places. Safe travels to you.

Anonymous said...

Another stunner!!! this is gorgeous, I think it would be stunning in batiks!! Getting very excited over here for your Easy Syreet mystery. thanks so much for everything you do, you are a very giving person! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this gereat magazine.

Unknown said...

I love 100 quilt blocks. The blocks and quilts are great inspirations. I'm anxious to use my stash on Easy Street.

LindaBee said...

I love the blog tour because it exposes me to new and interesting teachers. Congrats on being featured. I recently retired and found that I always have at least 4 quilts going - one currently working on, one cut and on the sidelines, and at least 2 in my head. I now can get 2 done using your leaders and enders system. Life is good.

quiltyVal said...

Hi Bonnie! I am big fan of yours and I am very excited that you are coming to my guild in April and giving a workshop - the workshop will be a week after my 52nd birthday and will be such a great birthday present to myself!


Janet said...

Great block with lots of movement! I will look forward to seeing it as a quilt.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

I spend some time every day sewing. I have always loved quilts and started out machine piecing and learning to machine quilt. Over the years, I have gravitated to hand quilting and in the last couple of years found needlturn applique. I love love your blog and have enjoyed your quilt cam sessions. You are such an inspiration and talent!

Linda said...

Wonderful block, as usual! I am just ironing a few pieces of the fabrics that I picked for Easy Street. Can't wait to get started. This will be my third time following along with your mystery quilt.

ruthsplace said...

The block is fantastic.

I am making my first ever non-scrappy quilt with only three fabrics (it's a gift for my brother and his partner), a scrappy leaders and enders project is filling my need for scraps. Thanks so much for sharing that system.

Lorri said...

I am currently working on baby quilts, but have done a few twin size quilts. I just moved to Summerville, SC and am exited about getting new inspiration from this area. Thank you for your generosity.

cityquilter grace said...

my first full time job was working in an ordnance plant making anti-personnel land mines headed for vietnam...and one day the building across the way blew up!

Podunk Pretties said...

Bonnie I've followed you for years, you make it all look so easy. What a true inspiration you are for all quilters! Congrats on getting your block in the Vol. 6.

Tammy said...

LOVE the new block and love that the pieces were already made leftovers. It's kind of like double-scrapping (sort of like reheating your leftovers!) - first you used your scraps to piece the previous/original quilt, then you used the leftovers from that previous quilt to make the new block! I enjoy all that you do, "like" you on FB, love the 100 block publications, and would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for doing it. (Looking fwd to the mystery quilt, too). Needlinaround@gmail.com

Terry said...

Neat block...waiting to start my first mystery with you!! Woot!

Angela Smith said...

I began quilting as something to do while waiting in the doctors office at each of my cancer visits and treatments. I just cut up fabric and would hand piece them while waiting. I made a bunch of nine patch blocks. That was 13 years ago and I finally put them together into two quilts and I have enough blocks leftover to make my sister a quilt. I am going to use your Sisters Choice pattern.

I am going shopping soon for my Easy Street fabrics. I can't wait for the mystery to begin..

Thanks you for all you do and the wonderful contributions you make in sharing your love of quilting. We appreciate you.

See you on Quiltcam again soon.

Mirtes said...

Hi Bonnie, I am from Brazil and live in USA for 13 years.
I'm a new quilter... 5 years quilting and already have fabrics for this life and another 5.... and my friend Denise told about you few years ago, you are an inspiration, and quilting made me habe good (and some bad) friends) but here on computer I can find reasons and quilts to make, I am planing to do mystery quilt and cheddar bowties at the same time, I never did a little pieces quilt like yours but I will try. I hope one day you come to ORLANDO to teach a class!!! I know you are going to Tallahassee but its too far for me .... love the quiltcam too :)

Donna T said...

I love scraps. I have not been able to get my hands on this book. I never win. I would love to win a signed copy.

Turid said...

I'm a Norwegian quilter, and I love beeing able to follow all you fantastic quilter "over there". I love colours, and I've been thinking of "Easy Street" for some days now, even digged after some fabrics to use. I too much love quilt-alongs, and have several by now already. I can speak, and write English, and I'm now studying French to be able to be in contact with even more quilters all over the world. Thanks for this giveaway. tubakk@online.no

Barbara said...

I LOVE the block!!! great colors!!

ggarner said...

Love this block! It's so full of life and energy!! Can't wait to get the magazine to get started on my blocks! Also excited about the mystery quilt!!!

Donna T said...

I love scraps. I have not been able to get my hands on this book. I never win. I would love to win a signed copy.

Pauline said...

lets see..I love love love scrappys, I am a huge fan, the block is awesome..and I am still working on getting you out here SOON!! What you dont know about me? How I am like a dog with a bone..I wont stop until you visit Australia..hahahah

Elizabeth said...

I LOVE it! You are SO creative. I have been trying to spread your scrappy techniques through my guild. There are a few converts but they need you in person so I'm excited that you will be coming in 2013 to Columbia, SC. Thank you for all your inspiration fun.

Pauline said...

lets see..I love love love scrappys, I am a huge fan, the block is awesome..and I am still working on getting you out here SOON!! What you dont know about me? How I am like a dog with a bone..I wont stop until you visit Australia..hahahah

Brenda said...

I am a wife, mom, quilter who wishes she was more motivated to get things done. Sleep is elusive so I always feel tired. Thanks for the give away.

Tiffany said...

Something about myself : I love pink, I have a fear of heights, and I sleep with my feet outside the blanket
pnksweethrt at gmail dot com

Gail said...

Hi Bonnie, My name is Gail,
Nothing really special about me, I guess. I live in southern NH or northern New England, whichever way you want to look at it. LOL. I loved making "Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll" and raffled it off as a fundraiser for my 2011 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
I'm so excited that you are coming to NH this April! Can't wait!

Gail :)

JeniceD said...

Thanks for all you do to encourage and educate us!

I bought a 2000 Mazda 626 on 6/26/2000 and didn't realize it until we were signing the paperwork.

brookemarie19 said...

I just love your block again! you always have such beautiful ideas! Hope you have a great trip and will miss you on quilt cam for the next couple weeks, but will still be reading your posts so I guess I won't go too far into withdrawals :)


Marj said...

Thanks for the chance to win some Moda goodies and the fabulous magazine.

Leah said...

I love the tv show Big Bang Theory and the name of this block calls to me. It will be moving to the top of my to-do list as soon as I get the magazine! Something about me-I live in NE Ohio and got to hold your quilts at the trunk show you did at our guild.
Leah B.

Carmela said...

Good Morning Bonnie, Thanks for giving us the opportunity to tell you a little about ourselves. I've entered the countdown to the 1/2 century mark and will be turning 50 next June. Looking forward to it. Although I don't have any children nor pets, I have a husband and a full time job in Human Resources. The power that bes didn't give us children, since he knew between husband and work, my hands were full!! Quilting came into my life in 2007, by a dear and close friend. I've loved ever since, and it's become my passion! Thanks for your blog and the opportunity to share in your life!!

Linda Bailey said...

Hi Bonnie , I have been sewing for a few years and following you about the same time. I think I might be experienced enough to try your new mystery quilt, if I can find the right fabrics. I really don't have any apple greens. I have found that I love scrappy quilts the most and your site has enough patterns to keep me busy for years Thanks for the inspiration and friendship you give all , Love you Linda

Debora Exum said...

What perfect timing! I work in higher ed technology and we are in the middle of a project. It's a build up to a big data conversion at the end, which is being called the "Big Bang". This block needs to be in a wall hanging in my office. So very appropriate. Thank you for the great design.

stitchinpenny said...

Something special about me - not so easy. Something strange about me - easy. In my careers I was an environmental chemist working in sewage treatment plants then a state environmental lab before I became a weapons analyst doing target vulnerability/survivability on air to surface weapons. Targets included things as small as ammo boxes to large underground bunkers. Now I quilt to create quilts that can be loved - mostly by babies and they are often covered in waste or are used to build forts for their recipients. Luckily they all wash and fold up when the day is done.

Marsha A. Black said...

Hi, Bonnie, you are turning me into a scrappy quilter. I love sewing the strips onto the paper foundations. I'm a grandmother and I'm making or have made quilts for each of the grandkids. Thanks to you, I have purchased a featherweight, which I love. I've also gotten DH's grandmother's Singer clone running and am waiting for my BIL to refinish the cabinet for me. I'd love to win this book.

Lisa England said...

I was born on 8/10 and weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz.

jklmengland (at) windstream (dot) net

Laura said...

Wow, what a great block! I'd love to win one of the giveaways. Hmmm, something about myself. Well, I gave up my SUV for a mini-van when I married my husband this year and I love it!!! And I love it so much that I will probably drive a mini van forever now, even after the kids are gone lol. As you know, they rock!

Michele said...

Great block.

Something interesting? I'm about halfway there on my own hexagon star, after seeing yours in Holton KS last fall. I guess the "interesting" part is that I used the wrong size punch die-- my hexes are 5/8" on a side rather than the 3/4" I thought I'd prepared. I had cut out all of the hexes (so easy with the Go die) and had more than 3000 papers before I realized my mistake. I love the quilt and will drape the center around the living room this christmas or decoration.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

hi Bonnie I am Karen I've read your blog for a long time. I'm a self taught quilter meaning that most of the quilts that I made the first 5 years look like crap and I didn't keep them! Now that I know what I am doing for the last 20 years or so I love quilting and love the look of my quilts - I do a lot of hand work - piecing, applique, hand quilting a little bit thrown in by machine with my featherweight that has no name and a low end Janome. I must admit the machines stay in the bags more than they are out as I do most with needle and thread by hand.

Dorothy Thornton said...

Another wonderful block. I have been quilting for about four years and I love scrappy quilts. I can't wait for the book to come out so I can get started on your block. Thanks for the giveaway.

kellsgal said...

My best friend is visiting me from Alaska. I live in Arkansas now, we moved from Alaska last year. We just got back from Houston. It was both of our first time at festival. We had an absolutely magnificent time. Sew Sew much fun and even more fun to share it. We took classes, SHOPPED and enjoy the artistry of the show. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Melody

Donna said...

Hi Bonnie! I would soooo love to be one of the lucky winners! We met in July in Wellsboro, PA and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will have my "My Blue Heaven" quilt top completed this weekend. It is gonna be bee-u-ti-ful! Have a great day!


Unknown said...

I am excited to try your mystery quilt this year. I've never done one before, but I have an abundance of those greens, aquas and purples in my stash, so they will be put to work. Can't wait!

conny's quilts en creaties said...

Hi Bonnie
I follow you for quite a while now and I am allways a bit astonished of how much you travel to go teaching! Must be such fun to see so many places! I am a teacher too, but it is just a 5 minute drive by bicycle. I teach no quilting, but reading, writing, language, mathematics, and much more...at a primaryschool in the Netherlands. I teach children in age of 7 and 8 year, and really, that is so much fun too! Maybe when I am retired from that job I will be a quiltteacher too. I am quilting since 1987...so I do have some experience to teach I guess. I love your give away, I don't know those books but they see very usefull to me.
Have fun with all those classes of yours, so many people to get to know!

Divermax said...

I live in Maine..so probably have a "snowball's chance" ..as they say! LOL but who cares! I love your blocks!

Joey said...

Hey Bonnie! Joey Here from Wisconsin. I am a daughter, sister, Mom, friend, wife, quilter, longarmer, Gallery owner sewing & hand work antiquities. Did you find our FW table yet? jmmahieu@yahoo.com

Quilter Kathy said...

Another great Bonnie block! I am a Quiltvilleaholic, have made every mystery so far except one, and have all your books except String Fling. I am finishing my Orca Bay this month so I can start the new mystery with a clear conscience! LOL

Marla's Crafts said...

Humm something about me. I am a busy grandma that spents alot of time with her grandchildren. I love to walk, sew and doing cross stitch. We spend our summers on PEI working and the back to Hopewell Cape the rest of the time. We live in a beautiful area over looking the water. My quilting frame sits in front of the window overlooking the view which I love. I love blogging and seeing what everyone is working on. Even though I have been doing crafts for seems all my life I have learned lots of new things. Thanks everyone.

quiltcat said...

oh, thats a great give away, and so I will hope I have a little chance. be a handsewer and like to make scapquilts, so this gift will be great for me.
akso thanks for all your lovely ideas.
mg from österreich elfriede

Cheryl in Friendsville said...

Bonnie, I have been an avid follower of your work for quite some time. I refer to you often on my blog.

Something interesting about me? There's so much, what do I choose? ;-)

I'll tell you about my funeral dilemma. When I pass away (a long, long time from now I hope!!) I feel I should have one of my quilts in the casket. But which one? Should I use my very best quilt? No, it would be a shame to bury my very best work. But, if I have one of my "quicky " quilts, everyone will think to themselves,"I thought she was a great quilter. This looks like something you'd buy at Walmart!"

I have been thinking about this for years and I still can't decide. I'll just keep making more quilts and my kids will have to pick one!

Thanks for the chance to win and keep up the gorgeous work!!


Teri said...

Crazy how those spare pieces just "happen". Love the block. Crazy thing about me - I've been published in 2 of your books. My cast-offs have made it on the back of 2 of the quilts. So much fun! Perhaps I will be published in the next book too. Would love to win any of the prizes. Thanks.

Quilting with Mudge said...

I was an "Undercover" quilter. I didn't even know it until I was about 40 years old. I always was attracted to quilts and started collecting gingham as an Army brat. Some 15 years later, as an Army wife, I completed my first wall hanging, machine pieced and hand quilted. Then I was hooked, addicted. As a "retired Army wife, and teacher, I love it and it is my passion and you, Bonnie, are my inspiration and a NEW, old friend. Thank you. Love your techniques and philosophy. Keep it up girl!

Karen H said...

Hi Bonnie, thanks for the chance to win. I am gathering fabric to join your "easy street" mystery quilt. It's the first time I'll be doing a mystery quilt, and I can't wait!

Karen H said...

Oh, and you need my email address.... jkham@netins(dot)net

Unknown said...

Oh, I hope I win one of the autographed one's...that would make two because you signed one for me at the Miami Valley Quilters' Guild Workshop...still have my 1 Jared block on the design wall, but my "part-time" job as overwhelmed me...but I vow to get back to it...and try to start this year's mystery...at least a few of each block...

suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

Wow! Your blocks get more interesting all the time. You are truly an inspiration to all.
I love the color combos you've been putting together , so scrappy but still so vibrant.
By the way I have such stash envy after seeing you reorganize your fabrics. Been quilting a while always making due with what I have and only buying the bare essentials. Still the scrap quilts I have made from your patterns the most satisfying. Thanks so much for all you do.

Janet said...

Love that block! Can't wait to see this issue!

Susan C said...

I love your block! It is so much fun following your blog and watching you on quilt cam.. As a quilter in Aiken SC I remember when you were in our guild and even had the pleasure of sewing along with you in Hilton Head one year. Do you remember where you put your air mattress in that big house?! I wanted to take your class here this fall but it was the same day as my twin grandsons's first birthday party....at my house. Someday my scraps and I will join you in a class. Until then I will happily sew along online.

Hilda said...

Oh, I'd love to win! Now for something about me...I can't think of anything out of the ordinary except that I'm originally from Brazi, though I've lived here since I was seven. Quilting is beginning to take hold there, but not steeped in tradition like here in the U.S. The majority of the country's climate doesn't necessitate lots of covers!

suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

Wow! Your blocks get more interesting all the time. You are truly an inspiration to all.
I love the color combos you've been putting together , so scrappy but still so vibrant.
By the way I have such stash envy after seeing you reorganize your fabrics. Been quilting a while always making due with what I have and only buying the bare essentials. Still the scrap quilts I have made from your patterns the most satisfying. Thanks so much for all you do.

Unknown said...

A thought just hit me on the Mystery...if I were on "Easy Street" maybe I would not "need" this "part-time" job...although I love it, sort of...

SandraC said...

Love your Big Bang block....and also looking forward to the new mystery! Thank you so much for all you offer to us quilters. Something about me?....hmmm....I will be planning a new studio soon, and would love to make more effort to use your methods to organise the scraps/stash. I always plan to just take an hour a week to cut fabric into useable pieces, but that always falls by the wayside. I wonder how much I could accomplish in that hour per week? Probably more than I think, right??? lol...

Mrs MomMegan Craftsalot said...

Thank you Bonnie for sharing so much of yourself with us. I enjoy 'our' visits everyday since I am a stay at home mom with a 2 year old and 3 year old. Your blog and quilt cam is a bit of grown up time in a DORA and goldfish crakers world.
I love Christmas so much that I am all done my gifts and the wreath is up on the door. Here in Canada Thanksgiving and Hallowe'en is over therefore Christmas is ON! I love your quilting with scraps and I am looking forward to doing the mystery quilt. meg megjs@yahoo.ca

Connie said...

I have heard so many people talk about this issue coming out today. I would love to be one of those talking about how wonderful it is.

Shirley in Canada said...

WOW, Bonnie!!! I really don't know how you do it but I love it! I'm a person who eats and sleeps quilting! Scraps have taken over my life - along with my stash, but organization of it is non existent :( But following you ... well I hope some of how you work rubs off on my so I can get my scraps (life) in order! Thanks for allowing us into your home and to follow you on your journeys! ♥


acoelke said...

Whee, Big Bang explodes on my quilting plans. A great way to use up some of my scraps from my "resource center". I've been quilting over 40 years, but have now retired from my school teacher-librarian career so I can spend more time having fun in my sewing room and with my brand-new long-arm.

Vintage machines are great: 6 treadles, 3 handcranks, 2 featherweights and an assortment of thrift store finds. My husband and I have been working on 5 vintage machines, getting them ready to sew for a group of middle school students.

Stoney said...

I love to create bright, bold and beautiful quilts, but I most love to create children's quilts for Project Linus. I remember being seven years old, sick and alone in a white hospital room where only white, sterile things were allowed. I will always remember how yellow the sun was when I got out of there, how blue the sky was, how green the grass. Since then I have spent my life surrounded in color. That's what drives me...


Lin said...

Every time I see one of your quilts or one of your blocks - I want to make it!!- You are such an inspiration.

ledamewood said...

Something interesting about me? Can't think of much, but I am working on a long term project. I like long term projects. I am plugging a slope on the front of our lot with dwarf mondo grass. The goal is to keep grass from growing and to keep my husband off of it with a mower - it's just to dangerous. I dig up large sections of it (many supplied by neighbors) pull them apart and plug away. The area measures about 20 ft by 100 ft. It's hard on the joints, but I'll eventually accomplish it - as I tell people walking by - it will be for future generations to enjoy. Finished so far in 2 weeks - about a 10X20 ft section.

Anonymous said...

Wow, i love this new block! can't wait to get the new issue so i can get started on it.
something about me...I was in the Navy in my early 20's, just when they were expanding the slots where WAVES could serve. As a result i got to be the very first WAVE in my squadron to ever stand a line watch (guarding the airplanes, making sure there were no unauthorized personnel nearby.)

Aileen said...

I started reading the comments when there were 55. Lost the page went back and there are 169! The world has woken up and look where we all landed, on Bonnie's Page!! How Fun. About me. I have been sewing for 52 yrs. Will turn 60 in December. This is the first year that I can really say that I am creating what I see in my head and not paying attention to what others tell me I should do. It is very freeing. Bonnie, you helped bring this out in me. Why not is a very big part of my vocabulary now. Thanks for all you do!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this contest - both the book and the fabric look so appealing to me. Speaking of me - I was an avid quilter for 10 years and then life took a turn for the worse and I had to lay my passion aside. Life has taken me on another road now and I have some time to get back into the quilters world and all the changes that went on while I was away. The book and fabric would sure help "prime the pump"!

ItsNurseJessi said...

I love the motion in this block too! And, I love the name. Thanks for the give away!

Pat L said...

Thanks for a chance to win. Your block is wonderful. I have not done much sewing lately because of life circumstances but I am looking forward to starting again soon. I really like the scrappy look.

sillyewe said...

I have almost as much fabric as I have yarn. I was bitten by the quilt bug after the knitting bug and I have never looked back. Saving for a longarrm and can't sew enough. :) it's just that darn job tat keeps me from sewing 24-7. Lol. Love love love your blog!

Freda said...

Love the new block Bonnie. Stay safe in all your travels.

Jane said...

Just started watching your blog and quiltcam this year. My longtime friend, Noreen from Winnipeg introduced me to you. You met her in Florida at a class this year.I have learned so much and now have all my friends and relatives hooked too. I have my grandmothers old treadle machine and you have inspired me to get it out and get treadling. Its where I first learned to sew.
Love the block!

MelissaSue said...

I have recently realized that I love fabric with spots and/or circles. I am going to plan a quilt with my DD and make it all from polka dotted and circle designed fabrics!!

Pieces of Time said...

I have lots of "leftovers" from quilts I have finished. This book would be a big help for that problem. I only machine stitch because I do not "touch the needle".

Unknown said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win - about me? I am a slow quilter as I care for my grand kids 5 days a week for 12 hours each day, What can I say - when I quilt, it's usually for them anyway! LOL!. ;-)

Michele said...

What a fun and lively new block. Thanks for the chance to win.

Something interesting about me? Well I freeze in the winter, mostly my fingers and toes, so I wear 2 pairs of socks every single day from Oct through April and add slippers once I get home at night.

I really look forward to the day that we move a bit south and the winters aren't so cold.

Eileen said...

Bonnie, my first bed-sized quilt was RRCB. Your wonderful instructions made it easy, even all those HSTs! About me...I like quilting so much that this year I retired from my full-time job on a Friday, and started working at my LQS the following Monday. I'd love to win a copy of this issue!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, Enjoying quilt net and excited about the mystery. Would enjoy the 100 square book! Dusty77rose@hot mail.com, Millie

Myrna said...

I'm a relatively new quilter who loves your scrappy quilts. I'm a Quilt-Cam junkie and I enjoy watching you sew and interact with your viewers. Watching you make bow-tie blocks inspired me to try a cheddar bow-tie quilt myself. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.


quiltnvan said...

It's Election Day! I vote for Bonnie! I don't know where you get your energy and enthusiasm, but I love it! I always look forward to your posts and your projects are wonderful! lvankeuren1@yahoo.com

Robyn said...

I used to enjoy writing poetry.

Sue said...

Thanks, Bonnie, for the giveaway! I love these issues by Quiltmaker. Thank you for your inspiration!

Harley Quilter said...

I would love the chance to win one of the three drawings. I'm a quilter of almost 15 yrs. & have made every type of quilt (pieced, hand appliqued, machine appliqued, embroidered, combo of techniques) EXCEPT for a scrap quilt. The carefree manner of building them seems out of my normal "take control & over plan" personality. So now I'm starting your Cathedral Stars quilt with you on 11/10 and Easy St. on 11/23; how's that for taking the plunge! It'll be sink or swim and I'm thinking swim with assistance from you and the fine members of Quiltville. I cannot wait to begin!

kmcallister said...

Love, love, love your style of quilting. I am what I would call a traditional quilter-like the old patterns best.

Charity said...

Hi Bonnie!
My friends say I am persistant when I set my mind to it. Good luck getting it finished from me if my heart isn't in it. So in order to keep my self focused and on track I write my self a to do note each day. Today I go vote! Then wash fabric for the mystery, can't wait.

Judy Snider said...

I can't sew a quilt with just 3 or 4 fabrics. Just can't do it! I need aleast 100 fabrics or more, much more fun to sew!!


Kelly Cline said...

Love your scrappy style. I'm that way too! About me? I'm 51 and can ride a unicycle. That's kinda crazy, isn't it?? Congrats on your great design!

jmj said...

I am against wars for any reason but I make quilts for Quilts of Valor, which are given to injured veterans, I hope some day Q of V are not needed.

Vicki in MN said...

Love the scrappy block, I sure can use those!! I became grandma for the first time last year, and will again next year!

Diana said...
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sklinn62 said...

I love using scraps in my quilts. My grandmother was a great influence in my life and the scrap quilting is something she really loved.

I would love to win the book and fabrics!

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