
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

100 Blocks, Vol 6 Blog Tour! ((Give-Away!!))



Hello!!  I’ve been like a kid on Christmas Eve so eager to send my post live for the Quiltmaker Magazine Blog Tour!

If you are new here, please check out the "EASY STREET" tab at the top of the blog -- that is the info for our new November Online Mystery that starts November 23.  Come play along! It's free -- just dig into your stash and start sewing.

Also be sure to click the big pink facebook button in the right side column and click to like our Quiltville Friends page -- we've got a great group of quilters over 12,000 strong. LOADS of quilty goodness!

I love block designing ---and with 2 issues of 100 blocks being released each year – it’s really tried my brain to come up with something graphic and fun, and of course SCRAPPY---all from working just with my scraps.

I’ve loved all of the blocks I’ve done for previous issues, 3 of them are currently finished as actual QUILTS, and the others are on the to-do list.

Sometimes my inspiration comes from a desire to use a handful of left over units for a previous quilt ---and that is how THIS block came to be.  Do you remember my Midnight Flight block from Volume 4? 

I finished that block, along with Winston Ways from Volume 3 and Talkin’ Turkey from Volume 5 into finished quilts, and taught them as classes at Quiltmaker’s Block Part in Williamsburg, VA this past August.  I’ll also be teaching them in Portland, OR this coming March!  Are you signed up? I hope so!

Here are the 3 quilts in WIlliamsburg!

The center quilt, Talkin' Turkey, is featured as a whole quilt  in my new book String Fling.

I do love my pieced borders, as you can tell.  See that crazy thing on Midnight Flight?  Here’s a close up:


Completely Crazy Border!!

So yes, I ended up with too many left over units, at the same time that the next block submissions were due ---wheels started turning ----and, Presto!


Say hello to BIG BANG!

This is SO to be a full quilt for me, and is in the line-up!  I just love the motion in this block.  And all the pieces I needed were already on my cutting table.

You will find this block and 99 more in Volume 6 of 100 Blocks!

Now for the Give-Away part:

quiltmaker 040

Let’s draw THREE Winners!

Leave me a comment below telling me something about yourself.  Be creative!

I’m going to draw for THREE winners,  3rd Place ---who will receive a copy of Vol 6 directly from Quiltmaker Magazine.  2nd Place –who will receive a signed copy of Vol 6 from me AND a Moda Summer Breeze charm pack, and a GRAND FIRST PRIZE winner who will receive BOTH Vol 5 & vol 6 signed copies and a Summer Breeze charm pack!

((These charm packs are compliments of Moda who sent them to me for last year's Caribean cruises, thank you Moda!))

I am no longer able to accept anonymous comments, so you must be a registered user to leave your comment.  It’s free to register as a blogger user, or use your gmail login (leave the “keep me signed in” box UNCHECKED to stay out of the login loop!) or use any of the other available options.  Please take a moment to register so that you can comment –it helps keep undesirable content out of the comments section and my inbox.  If I can work so hard at keeping this blog available for YOU, you can take a few minutes and help me out – THANK YOU!

Please be sure you have your EMAIL ADDRESS on your post!  Posts without email addresses are ineligible.  There has to be a way to reach you to win!

I will be drawing our winners on Sunday Evening, Nov 11th.  I’ll be driving from Tallahassee Fl  after we finish our workshop on the 11th to Albany, GA where I’ll be teaching on Monday the 12th.  I should be checking into my hotel around dinner time, will put my feet up and draw then!

The goodies will go in the mail on my return home on the 13th!

The 14th I’m headed to Michigan – Oh is my head spinning, but what fun!

Now that we’ve got all of that covered – head over to the Quilty Pleasures blog to find out about the other designers who are on today’s blog hop!  Lots of chances to win going on everywhere!

Happy Tuesday, Folks!


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Elizabeth said...

Like many of your readers, I love to craft, sew, knit, embroider, etc. I still have more than half of my originally 19 boxes of fabric (from a move 10 years ago) still unpacked.

Jacqueline Frances said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm a confessed Scrapaholic, because of you!
I suffer from Chronic Migraines, so it is sometimes difficult to work on a project, but I surround myself with Quilty mags, patterns and LOTS of fabric!!!!!
Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

Unknown said...

Love the new block, Bonnie. I have been following you for about a year when I cut up all my fabrics into your scrap system. I just did my first quilt from your patterns and it was for a silent auction and it netted a very generous amount for a family dealing with a lot of tragedy. I have been pulling fabrics all week to do EASY STREET - my first mystery! I can't wait!!

Deb Brandt, Prior Lake, MN

Cecilia said...

Great block! I really love the this group of magazines. I will see you on Monday the 12th in Albany, Georgia. I'm looking forward to our class. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this magazine.

Sherry said...

I love piecing quilts and have learned so much about making scrappy quilts with small pieces from Quiltville, but I'm still intimidated by the actual quilting of the layers. Tackling the quilting will be my New Year's resolution. I've also just rescued a very sweet three year old Rat Terrier named Juno. Thanks for the give-away.

carla said...

Hi!!! I love your Big Bang block!!! The fabrics and colors are wonderful!!! I am a new quilter with a beginning stash but it is getting there!!! I don't have a finish yet but quite a few starts!!! I did some hand pieces years ago but I have recently been trying to learn to use my sewing machine!!! I had been making dolls for awhile and love doing them, but by hand it was slow going!!! Then I fell in love with quilts and I may never be the same again!!! Hee hee But that is a good thing!!! I have been having fun!!! I would love a signed copy!!! I will check out the Easy Street and see if it is something I might could do!!!! Thanks for the fun!!!!

Rea said...

That is a terrific name, the Big Bang block!!! And I just got the big bang when I realized I do have a blog. Hope you get all the inf you need about me because I want to win!!! I want to do more blocks, especially yours, with those cool looking modas!!!!! Besides passionate sewing, I love love music, and even play in two community band, and believe it or not, I play french horn. Music and fabrics are my obsession. It's what keeps me going and being with other people!!!

Anda W said...

I was lucky enough to discover your blog a couple of years ago and this has greatly enhanced my limited knowledge in the quilting world! Thanks for the wonderful patterns, tips and sense of humour! awolk at rogers dot com

Quilted Catz said...

Love to see all of the block options out there. I am starting to de-bone my husband's shirts and can't wait for your blog updates!

Lavinia said...

Went to some of the blogs but simply cannot find where to comment there OR on the magazine home page for the contest. Loving all your travels and fantastic quilts. Lavinia/AZ

OrrtannaKat said...

Hi, Bonnie, love your blocks & scrappy quilts. I've been quilting for about 30 years now. I use vintage & antique sewing machines including my gr-grandmother's 1911 White FR treadle & my husband's grandmother's 1926 Singer 66 treadle. My "newest" one is a 1989 Husqvarna. Would love to have the books for inspiration to use up more of my fabric stash. Kathi D in Gettysburg PA kdesko@gmail.com

Maureen said...

I love to repurpose/refurbish/reupholster old furniture. I love vintage stuff & tend to keep it that way with just a bit of my "touches" to it. In my next life, I would love to be a carpenter. That's why I love the piecing part of quilting, you "build" from fabric! Thanks for a chance at the give-away!
mgw070 at shaw dot ca

scottylover said...

Love the pop that the red and cheddar give the blocks!

Something unusual about me...Hmmm..although I have been a registered voter for some time, I voted in my first election today! Don't know why I was so afraid, it was a breeze and only took 45 minutes from the time I parked to the time I left! Will be doing that again any chance I can!

Sandy A

Karen said...

OOO have been retired for three years and still need more time for quilting. I love your Talkin' Turkey quilts.


Kitties and Quilts said...

Love the block, Bonnie. Really enjoyed meeting you at Pipestem last weekend. Something creative about me? Probably the fact that I love all bright colors, but usually end up with blue. I have had two homes since I married; both decorated in blue! Debbie in WV

Karyn said...

Thanks for another great block! My oldest son is 23 years, my youngest two are almost 2 years and 4 months....HUGE gap, but loving every minute of it! When I'm too fried to actually sew (most nights) I'll join you on the quilt cam and just watch & learn. Thank you for all you give.

Helen said...

I have more fabric than I can possibly use in my lifetime...well maybe I can if I quit buying. ;-) I love the scrappy blocks you do in magazines.

jan in AR said...

Hi Bonnie,
Back in 1959, my Mom and one of her friends tried to teach me how to quilt - haha - I did part of the center and then told them that "quilting was for little old ladies in rocking chairs" I still had all the fabric,and what I had completed, and was still in great shape, I fininished that quilt in 2009 - sitting in my rocking chair! Have been quilting since 2001 and love to sew everyday!!!!! Just starting to use scraps.
Thanks for the chance to win.

jennyg said...

I love your ideas for using up scraps, which I have 2 baskets overflowing with them. Something interesting about myself hum I dontave anything really besides being an avd quilter and sewer a new first time Ana !


jrt14 said...

I like your block. It looks like it would be fun to make.

I married my high school sweetheart and we have been together for over 25 years.

Quilting Nonnie said...

All my family, and a few of my close friends, know you on a first-name basis because I talk about you so much. My muse, my Aunt Marie, was a scrap quilter and I guess that got me started. Now that I discovered you I'm starting to wonder about all the coordinated fabrics I bought for quilt patterns I found. I'd much rather be quilting scraps!

I love your newest block, wow it's a doozy! I fell in love with the colors and want to make a quilt that color. I'll have to find more purples though!

Thanks for all the energy, laughter, and enthusiasm you spread!


Someday I'm coming on a trip with you. I'll be the 100-year-old lady that's spry enough to keep up!

Farm Quilter said...

Bonnie, I must say that the pictures on your blog of your quilts just don't do them justice! I was privileged to belong to the Brandon (FL) Piecemakers when you came down to teach and give us a trunk show. Your quilts are just WOW WOW WOW! I so appreciate your pieced borders because I love to piece my borders and I'm always looking to your quilts for inspiration and direction! I've only been quilting 5 years and I bless your name every day for your scrap-control system that keeps me from drowning in scraps. Something weird...I had been piecing quilts for less than 9 months when I ordered my longarm - rather a leap of faith for someone who had pieced 4 quilts!! Down home on the farm in Washington, Susan

ebhaloha said...

Hi Bonnie
Greetings from Maple Ridge BC Canada
Love your block Big Bang with my favorite color red,
oh no, my mistake, that's your favorite color.
It would be great to win one of the giveaways.
Thanks for all you do for quilters.
Bev in BC

Lorene Holbrook said...

hmmm..... I am a mother of 5 a grandmother to 20. I LOVE mexican food. And I am married to batman - his name is really bruce wayne!

Angelia B said...

love the block and all three of the quilts, oh my. I have been doing traditional quilts for oh 25 years or so, grandmother and great grandmother both quilted; still enjoy cutting out the pieces for my 83 year old grandma, she hand quilts daily. I enjoy picking fabric, cutting and piecing. trying to broaden my skills by testing blocks, trying new techniques is something I probably would not have done without being accepted as a tester. Thanks for doing drawings. angeliabarger@att.net

Sandi1100 said...

Love your block, Bonnie! something about me is that I'm a fraternal twin who doesn't do any type of craft and I'm a motorcycle rider.

Nancy S. said...

Our little group use to tease each other when we went to the Houston Quilt Show as to who spent the most money. They like to have never quit teasing me about the longarm machine that I bought. Yep, I kinda bought the most. It sure was fun & I have had more fun with my machine.
Thank you for everything that you do for us.
N. Smith

Rea said...

I just love the name Big bang. I just had a big bang when realized I do have a blogger account. Pick me!!!! Because I want to make those blocks especially yours with those cool modas. I just love to sew, sew, sew. And I just love music. I play french horn in two community bands and just finally learned to play the piano. So, I'm happy as a bee humming the sewing machine or tooting the horn!!!! Keep me going!!!!

Vesuviusmama said...

When I graduated from college in '93, I bought a motorcycle and drove across country from Maine to California and back by myself. What an adventure!

Nell's Heartstrings said...

My birthday is one day before Bonnie's, but not the same year. I am wife of Mark for 20 years, mother of three boys for 12 years, fabric/quilt addict for 14ish years. Easy Street will be my third Bonnie mystery and I am very EXCITED for THANKSGIVING to get here!

Louise said...

I love your block! About me? I love figuring out genealogy, and walking through old cemeteries is enjoyable and interesting to me.

MTN MAMA said...

Big Bang Block is a great collision of shape and color!! Something about me....well I am a first generation Physician's Assistant which means I did it when it was brand new in the 70's before anyone knew what a PA was...I am a little older than you. I love to quilt, embroidery, and cook. I just lost my dear hubby of 31 1/2 years to a long battle with Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and MDS so life is full of changes and challenges. I am slowly getting my creative spirit back so BIG BANG BLOCK is just what I needed!!

Jacqui said...

those are some beautiful quilts. I have so many of your quilts on my to-do list.

Nell's Heartstrings said...

My birthday is one day after Bonnie's (but not the same year!) I am a wife of 20 years and mother of three boys, fabric/quilt addict of 14ish years. Easy Street is my third mystery, RRCB and Orca Bay are part of my UFO collection. RRCB is 12 blocks and some pieced borders away from being a quilt top!!

Jacqui said...

I have enought scraps to do at least 50 quilts..LOL

Cousin Jill said...

Thanks for all you do....and mostly for all you give!! Interesting about me....I'm a Harley riding quilter..loving life and believes that if you try hard enough, you can accomplish most anything!

Judy Clay, a quilter at heart said...

I've been a Bonnie fan for the last 10 years. A yahoo group I belonged to used your site for "swapping scraps" for a few years. We made some beautiful scrap quilts with your patterns. Quilting is about friendships. THis weekend at my house I'm having a stitch and bitch with my cousin and best friend. Our moms were best of friends and so are we. Judy in Oregon

Nell's Heartstrings said...

Easy Street will be my 3rd Bonnie mystery, I have 11 Bonnie quilts in my UFO collection and am hoping for snow days this winter!

Cindy said...

I love to do so many crafty things. My favourite is to make quiet books for my grandkids. The pages are all applique'd using lots of my scrap fabrics and have lots of activities for the kids to do. I'm just finishing my 6th book for my youngest grandson who will be 1 year old this weekend.

Lois M. said...

I think Easy Street sounds like just what I am ready for,something easy. I have been digging through scraps and although I have made a couple of color changes, I will be ready when you give us the next clue.
Ever since the Bluegrass Festival, I have been going through scraps. You were the boost I needed to clean up this mess.
Have fun in Fl. and wherever you will be before we see you on Quilt Cam.Can't help but keep my enthusiasm when i watch you.

Maria Kievit said...

That was one bright coloured block. Have to admit, am a new follower of your blog, and am blown away by all the quilts I see on top and behind this blog! Something about me: Am the oldest of 7 children, with only one brother, am an immigrant from Holland as we came over in 1983, married for 22 years already, and have 5 children with also one boy only in the mix! thanks for the giveaway. mariakievit@sympatico.ca

Bunnie said...

With a name like "Bunnie" (yes, that's my 'real' name) I have originality and creativity down pat. I really don't need ANOTHER book - or magazine- of wonderful, tempting, beautiful, amazing ways to use my stash of scraps. I already have all of your (Bonnie's) other books to keep me busy and enough scraps cut into 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3.5" strips and squares to make each of those quilts a couple of times. I don't need more charm squares already cut into convienient, coordinated squares. Please don't pick me. Don't. I don't have time to sew MORE beautiful stuff!!! ---- not!

Unknown said...

I started sewing when I was 8 (I am now 70). I wanted to make an apron for my mother for Mother's Day. Years later she told me that she was always sorry that she had given me the fabric that she did because it was thin and not appropriate for an apron (as an 8 yr old, I didn't know the difference). She said she didn't think it would turn out and she didn't want to waste good fabric. Much to her surprise -- it turned out OK. And I have been sewing ever since. I started making clothes for myself when I was in Jr. High. My father told me that he would not buy fabric to put on a shelf, but as long as I was sewing with it, he would never say no to a fabric purchase. That was a BIG incentive:) Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

Gale said...

I love the name of your block, Bonnie. I am an avid charity quilter. I average at least 6 charity projects each month for my guild. I also love to read, so I listen to audio books while I make quilts - over 50 books so far this year!

linny said...

That's a great looking block. Thank you for the chance to win the book & maybe the charm pack. Really enjoy reading your blog & following along on your travels. lyn.robyn.smith@gmail.com

Terry Johnson said...

Hi Bonnie, I have created many things in my life: cross stitch, embroidery, clothing, pottery, painting, jewelry and quilting. The best thing I ever made was my Son!!!
Thanks for your giveaway.

Sorcha girl said...

What a great looking block for a scrappy, happy quilt!! I can see the motion and I love the use of black.

Although I've been sewing for many years, I have only recently been "stretching" my skills with piecing quilts. Half square triangles, when sewn side by side sometimes lose their points. Yikes!!

Thanks for participating in this blog. I look forward to the book.

MamaMia said...

Thanks so much for a fun, exciting and inspiring week-end at Pipestem!!! Enjoyed your teaching and new techniques and I have continued progress on my "Christmas Morning"--Smith Mountain Morning blocks this afternoon on my sweet '56 Featherweight. Putting together random, vibrant scraps on a vintage machine gives me the delightful essence of my grandmother looking over my shoulder checking my stitches. Look forward to the thread that draws our paths to cross again!

Karrie said...

I'm 5 foot tall exactly with red hair, and I'm a nurse. People don't think I'm old enough because I look 16 but I'm really 33 :)Thanks for the chance to win/. ksmith8@emich.edu

Lisa E said...

Great block. What a generous giveaway. Thanks so much.

♥Duff said...

I entered a contest once and said "I'd do cartwheels if I won!" I actually won so I kept my word--it's on Youtube. what a gorilla in heels I am!! thanks for the giveaway. I won't do cartwheels, but I could be convinced to do any other multitude of embarrassing acts!

Joni said...

Being a daughter of a logger...Your block Big Bang reminds me of a chainsaw. Saying that, I would have to make it browns and a touch of green and gold. Love your designs!

SewLisa :o) said...

I've always believed that the ability to sew skips a generation, but my own children are proving me wrong. My grandmother was a sewer and quilter, my mom had no interest, I am a sewer/quilter, and DD #1 has no interest, but DD #2 loves it like I do. I am delighted.


Karen in Kentucky said...

I've learned that quilting has feed the artistic part of my soul that has been missing being nurtured. I've only been quilting for three years, but I sure do love it. The fabrics, oh the fabrics!!! I love working with the colors, textures, patterns, designs and line....
I love your new block. There is so much motion in it!!!

Karen in Kentucky

nan_c said...

Gorgeous block and quilt!! I am so excited! I grew up helping my grandma quilt and I finally now have my own sewing machine and my own room! I am so excited to take up where my grandma left off!


Stephanie said...

LOVE the Big Bang block! About me. . .I'm a political junkie and am doing the blog hop while watching election returns! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

In addition to quilting, I raise and show Somali cats. They are very people oriented cats and always help me quilt.

Unknown said...

long time sewer, new quilter. Love your scrappy patterns. Thanks for your generousity! collette92057@cox.net

Anonymous said...

Here's a big hint to my approach to quilting: OCD and scrappy quilts is NOT a good combination. The best I can do is what I call "controlled chaos". I'm also still waiting for the quilt fairies to come and sort all my scraps and cut them for me. mmul19@aol.com (That's the #19 after the mmul)

RoseofSharonStudio said...

Hi Bonnie, Love all the scrappiness of your quilts and am anxious to do Easy Street. My studio is Rose of Sharon and I have started a pattern line called Easy Street patterns because !. My address is 8263 Easy Street and 2. my patterns are "easy-bo-beasy" :)
Sharon Scott

lindaloohoo1 said...

I am a wanna-be-quilter. I wanna-be-quilting all the time; sadly life gets in the way. You are an inspiration to all. Thank you!!!!!! I am currently working on your Pineapple Blossom design and just love it. I am even using fabrics leftover from my high school days in it(that was back in the seventies). What a blast - what memories!!

Chris the Quilter said...


Something interesting? I think my husband is a BIGGER Quiltville fan than I am!!

Cathryn said...

Wow! It's got a big name and so much pizzaz! Gotta love those who create all these marvelous blocks for us to play with

Judy1522 said...

Okay I was in the middle of writing a comment when the computer loaded more comments and I lost what I had written I can't tell if it posted or not as I can't get to the bottom of the comments. Anyway what I wrote was I like your quilt block it is so bright and colorful. I will tell you something about myself that you may not hear from anyone else. I grew up on an island on a dairy farm and yes I did milk cows mostly by machine but on occasion the old fashioned way with my hands. It is not easy milking a cow that way as your hands get very tired.

Quiltefeen said...

I love the quilts, the Talkin´ Turkey in particular.. and I really want to win a copy of one of the volumes because I´m having a really hard time making something out of my scraps! I need help, seriously..
I'm a single norwegian mother of two, with to lovely dogs and a passion for sewing and knitting.. You'r welcome to pass by my blog if you want to.. :) http://quiltefeen.blogspot.no/

lindyloohoo said...

I am a wanna-be-quilter. I wanna-be-quilting all the time. You are certainly an inspiration to us all. I am currently working on your Pineapple Blossom block. Just loving it. It is for a friend at work. Thanks for the chance to win.

wolf3349 said...

I love your big bang block. I have done every mystery quilt you have put out since I started quilting and ove every one of them. I even got a ribbon at out county fair for roll cotton ball roll.
I was so proud of that.
I always wait for the next one to come out.
You amaze me with your quilt patterns and I love them all.
Thank you so much for all your great patterns.
I would be proud to won your book or books.

Anita said...

Love your block! Can't wait to see you make up a quilt with those colors! Thanks for the giveaway :)

Julie said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!!! Somethings about me..... well, not really me but my 96 yo grandmas thinks she has to have every single quilt I make. I usually take the quilt tops to show her before I get them quilted and she every single one she tells me she wants for her bed. Her mind is still 100%, so she knows what she is saying :)

hueisei said...

Greeting from Malaysia!
I love your block. Enjoy your trip!

cindyann said...

I guess the most interesting thing about me is that I'm a Quilter and a motorcycle rider. Lots of non-quilters find that strange... we quilters don't though, we know the stereotype of quilting being for boring old ladies is WRONG!! We're all interesting.
Thanks again for all you do for us. Have a great day Bonnie.

Unknown said...

I'd love to win those magazines and charms! I've never had one of those magazines and would love to get 2!! I love scrappy quilts and think they keep the heritage of quilting alive!

jshipp said...

Hi Bonnie, love your block, so vibrant. You inspire me with your energy & enthusiasm. My 58 yr old husband died in March & I am working on making quilts for our three kids from his shirts. It's healing & I hope they are pleased.

Gari in AL said...

What a great block and so brightly colorful. I will be 70 at the end of this month and have only been quilting for 12 years. I tend to not quilt from patterns but do use blocks to design my own quilts. I try to have at least 3 projects going at the same time (so as not to be bored) and at least 3 BOMs also. Of course at this time of the year I have more and am feeling a little overwhelmed but loving it.

Tamara said...

Bonnie, I love your scrappy approach to quilts--never boring! When I look at the scraps, it brings back many memories--a quilt shop, a piece of clothing, a fabric exchange, an "ugly" saved and finally used, a friend's favorite color. Yeah! for scrappy quilts.

Karen Meyer said...

Hi Bonnie,
Glad to hear you are heading up our way. I wish you could of seen Michigan last month. The color was gorgeous. November is our blah month before the snow. Thank you for giving me a chance to win the magazine and fabric.

Quiltingfool said...

I swore off of magazines, but since you are with Quiltmaker I'm going to try again. Love your scrappy concept, it hit me at just the right time and I'm a full blown addict now. That and fabric and machines.

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

Pick me! Pick Me! Pick Me! Please! Love the block and even love the show The Big Bang Theory! Now, of course, I am singing the song!! :)

LC said...

I have always loved the scrappy quilts and have so much fun exploring your site lcheever98292@yahoo.com

Potpourri said...

Oh my Bonnie you make great blocks. Another one to love and eventually make. About me well I don't blow my own horn but folks tell me I was a great RN. Now retired and mainly stitching.

Rochestergranny3 said...

Inspiration is everything - thank you so much.

Nancy said...

Love your scrappy quilts and follow your blog every day. Right now I'm in the middle of a 50th anniversary quilt for my long time neighbor. Hope to participate in the mystery as I've never done one before now. Nancy

krislovesfabric said...

Great block, love the 100 block issues! I have been quilting for about 12 years now and am loving it more each year.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie! Love this block, it's very striking! How to quilt it is another matter...

Something about me: I've been in a fiber frenzy lately. Sometimes I can't decide which project/fiber I want to touch in a day, so I "round robin" them so I get to touch them all! It would be more efficient to focus on one so I could finish it, but then I would lose out on working with the pink/green combo vs. the black and tan combo, or touching my yarn.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one with this "condition"!

Thanks for hosting the giveway!
Connie - Boise, ID
artisanatheart @ gmail . com (remove spaces)

Kelly Grace said...

Love the block! I love to read, quilt and cross stitch. I have a 2 year old son and we are hoping to have another next year.

claire said...

I love your Big Bang block, Bonnie! Sure would like to win a giveaway someday! hint hint ;0)

sara said...

Hi Bonnie!
I'm from Italy.
I'm married and I'm mother to 2 daughters (2-4) and to much UFO...
Thanks for the chance to win and to hope for the best!!!

Margaret said...

Bonnie, I can't believe you have me doing scrap quilts. See you in June in Ireland. Margaret

DianneB said...

Hi Bonnie,
What a fun block, but I'm in string mode now. I'm working on two of your patterns at the moment. Took your books to retreat and added several fans to your FB page. I think I'm a groupie!
Something about me?? I really love my family - even my inlaws! Thanks for the giveaway and all the tips your give us. Looking forward to the mystery quilt.

Deb said...

Love your quilts. I live in Oregon. Maybe I will meet you in March.

Claudette Adams said...

I love the way you design and am trying to get everyone in my Dear Jane group to do Easy Street. About me- I am pretty boring. I have 3 jobs so seems all I do is work. Hope I can squeeze in Easy Street but might not be able to until I get a break in January. Have a great trip!

Teresa H in Indiana said...

Great name for a fun block. Something about me -- my grandmother didn't start quilting until she was 55, and neither did I. I didn't find that out until my mother told me. My mother didn't quilt and my grandmother died when I was a young girl, so I am self-taught. I loved her scrappy quilts piled high on the beds for warmth in her house without central heat (or indoor plumbing). When I found your scrappy style, Bonnie, it fit me perfectly.

herky907 said...

Love this bright block! Thanks for your inspiration. I'm a nurse who sews on the side

Dorothy Matheson said...

I sure would like to win. I do love the Big Bang block. What a great way to use left over units productively.
I have the new book already but have a good friend who's husband died 6 months ago and money is really tight for her so I would gift it to her.

Anonymous said...

I haven't used anything but scrapes in the last four quilts. All from your free quilt patterns. And would love to win the big book of blocks they all look scrappy.

Holly said...

Your creativity and energy continue to amaze and inspire me. The BigBangBlock looks like fun. About me, well,..I am a mom of many and love quilting for my family!

scrappy; said...

Hi Bonnie,

Wow - what a great new block. Something about me - I started making bow tie blocks, and my quilty friends have now given me enough small pieces of material that I could "blanket" our town! landl2@comcast.net

Purl Buttons said...

I love bright, saturated colors. Choosing fabrics for a quilt is my idea of a good time.

Kate said...

Hi, and would love to win! my life has been so weird lately and this would certainly put a smile on my face again...! you are the best, Bonnie!

Kate said...

hi bonnie! my life has been on a roller-coaster lately, and this would put a smile back on my face to win! you are the best!

Sandy D said...

I am a "Woman of all Trades" I am a Farmers wife a Mother of 4 daughters and a "Granny" of 6 and a QUILTER to keep me Well " Rounded" no I meant Grounded. You have another winner Bonnie I love your block

Donna W said...

About me ---I RETIRED this summer. Wasn't sure how I would be after retirement. But, there is so much to do. Things that you didn't do while working and lots of things that I never even thought of doing before. And, of course, lots of quilting!!!! So, you can see I love this new chapter in my life.
Love the Big Bang block. Thanks for the chance to win these great prizes.

swakins said...

I am a constant do-er, I have to be doing something, mostly knitting (love knitting socks most of all), some redwork, hexie projects or quilting. I would quilt more if my sewing machine sat in the living room where the family is, but I don't like leaving them to go and sew.

Cat Lady said...

I seem to be a scrap collector. I definitely need to start putting them to work one of these days. Find your quilts so inspirational.

Rickie said...

Love your quilt blocks, quilts, blog and books. Thank you for bringing me a source of relaxation and excape. My Mom passed away a few weeks ago and I collected some of her clothes with plans of making memory items for my six (yes 6) sisters for Christmas. Mom didn't wear much cotton so everything I make will have to be scrappy. I enjoy the design and sewing process but really struggle to find things I Love enough COMMIT to. There is no starting over once I start cutting this fabric. I would love to win one of the books. I could use a few more block pattern ideas and another hour of relaxation. And I need to find more than one pattern that fits the fabric pieces I have for these projects. Thanks!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Registrada duas vezzes agora...Adoro!!!Sobre mim...Sou mãe de três filhas,avó de um casal,viciada em hexágonos e tudo que é papel,só trabalho com sucatas(por opção).Sucatas me desafia a cada dia,eu amo isso.Suas postagens e ideias me fortalecem,seus blocos criativos me ajudam a não ter medo,te amo!Obrigada por prêmio generoso.


Anonymous said...

I love scrappy quilts and enjoy hand quilting. There is definitely a place for machine quilting and I have had a few machine quilted, but some just speak to me as needing hand quilting. That is a great giveaway.

Dianne H

Josie McRazie said...

I once broke a girls arm while arm wresting with her... I almost passed out from the snap of the bone! True story!

hehjude said...

I never used to like using scraps in a quilt... nor did I care for a colorful mix, I always wanted control... 3 colors max.... Well, did that go out the window when I discovered Bonnie Hunter and her blog! I want to quilt everyday and love your energy - sometimes some of it rubs off on me. I'm now collecting scraps like I used to collect recipes! Thanks for everything Bonnie.
Judy in Northern Alberta Canada

Daisy said...

I love the Big Bang Block. Kind of reminds me of one of my favorite shows "The Big Bang Theory". Lots of interesting people in the show and lots of interesting colors in the block. Enjoy reading your blog and would love to win a copy of the new Vol. 7 magazine. Thanks. Daisy

Ebony said...

I'm a super-scrappy quilter, but what's neat about me is I get up at 3:30 am every Saturday morning to go work at the new Calgary LDS Temple, and I love doing it. Love your new block - it really does look like a swirling galaxy!

Alberta Diane said...

I love this new block and I follow your blog every day! I would love to attend one of your classes some day!

I am a gardener--mostly flowers and I love to bake. I also can and freeze food from my garden. I love to make doll clothes and do paper crafts. I make lots of cards to send to family members on birthdays and other special days. Thanks for the chance to win!

MrsB said...

Something about me... I'm a brand new quilter,I suppose at this point I'm more of a piecer since I haven't actually quilted anything yet, but I'm having a blast with the piecing and getting up the nerve to try quilting on my little machine. And I'm crazy about colors and shapes, which is why I'm drawn to quilting in the first place.

Marcia W. said...

My mother is a long time quilter. She is my teacher. We love scrappy!

joanne said...

When I started quilting I had a 6x5 room in the basement.My husband and I farm and he bought his Uncles farm which he had been renting.There is a little house that went with the farm,which is now my SEWING HOUSE. g'bye 6x5 room. One bedroom for cutting and storage one bedroom for sewing & design wall living room for my A1 longarm I do custom work.It was a long time comming but am spoiled now.would love to start yet another quilt from a new mag. Quilt cam gets me down stairs to my treadle thats where the string magic happens.

Aliza said...

Wow Bonnie. Big Bang is great!

Hi, my name is Aliza and I live on the shores of Lake Kariba, Zambia, Africa. I started quilting in the beginning of this year, and Bonnie was my very first internet connection to the quilting comunity. I love all of Bonnie's scrap quilts and plan to do some of them one day when I have enough scraps.


Walter said...

A very creative block and of course the HOT colors don't hurt.

Pam said...

Hi Bonnie, I discovered your website in 2007 when I was living in Switzerland, having hauled my 22+ years of quilting stash with me. While there, I was trying to only “sew out of the stash” (also known as “Finishing School”), and finding your website by chance was perfect. After discovering the Scrap User’s System, I sorted my leftovers by colour and started slicing them up. I am now back in Canada, and still working on my stash (which has grown just a bit since then). I was lucky enough to be able to meet you, and take two of your courses, at the first Block Party in Williamsburg in August 2012. I am looking forward to Volume 6 and, with luck, to another Block Party in the east, hopefully in a location close to the border. Your approach to quilting resonates with so many of us – please keep it up.

Unknown said...

What a great block. With a niece and a nephew with July 4th birthdays, I'm getting ideas! Plus, I've been spending the morning pulling black on white prints for Easy Street and love that they could also be used here!!

Annette said...

What hope does an Aussie Gal have!!!! wish I could get this book in Oz!!! but very thankful for I can follow via internet..Thanks for all your sharing. Annette

Margaret said...

Okay...so you already have a gazillion (well, over 700) comments...but I had to chime in to say I love "Talkin' Turkey"! The red and white together -- stunning!

Me? I've been following your blog since a friend put me onto it last year and I've made an Orca Bay top (as yet to be quilted)...I am a textile artist, SAQA member, avid reader and knitter. Will be celebrating 10 years as a blogger on Feb 8-2013, and 1000 blog posts soon (I'm at 930+)...

I don't make bed quilts much any more, but your mystery quilts have hooked me, so I know I'll do one large top a year anyway!

Keep up the excitement!

Marg in Mirror, Alberta, CANADA

janie said...

About me - I love the Bonnie Hunter website and whenever I want to learn more about scrappy quilting I go online to this site and read, read, read for most of the day. I never tire of looking at her free patterns and trying to decide which quilt I am going to start next. Oh yes and I love her giveaways.

Anonymous said...

Oooo! This looks like so much fun! Something about me...still a working girl with not enough time to quilt and sew as much as I would like. Currently, I need to finish several quilt several projects that are pieced. Enjoy watching Quilt Cam when I'm not too tired. Keep up the great work, Bonnie!

Christie said...

I'm married to a Puerto Rican ...and his loud & crazy family is visiting us for 2 weeks...my solace is my sewing room when we're not cooking, laughing, and eating!!! :)

Anonymous said...

How can anyone top this story? Just Wow! we quilters are certainly interesting-and accomplished!

Gwen Wehner said...

Great block! I've run 8 half marathons, and I'm trying to work up the nerve to try a full marathon next year!

qltmom9 said...

My 6yo dd has a top half done from scrappy 4.25" charms bought at the guild's garage sale for $1 and a lovely cotton ruffly bed ruffle. She's working SO hard even though she's struggling on the 1/4". I'm SO proud of her.

stitchinbarb said...

I'm finishing up Patches and Pinwheels right now and working on my selection for Easy Street! I can't wait to get started. Thanks for all you scrappy ideas.

Linda P in IL said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm number 726. I love to teach others to quilt. Our church group has made almost a thousand quilts over the last 10 yrs or so. We give them all away to comfort those who need a little soft hug. Many of them came from Quiltville patterns!!!
I'm retiring in two days and plan to get caught up on unfinished projects, yeah right...but I'm going to try my best.
Thanks for all you do for us, I love to read your adventures and so
enjoy all of your quilts. I got to attend one of your lectures in Decatur IL. What a treat.

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

Something about me. . .when I'm not quilting, you will most likely find me teaching CPR/lifeguard classes. Hey, I have to have some way to be able to buy more quilting supplies! I'm so glad that my buddy shared your blog with me. You keep me entertained and educated!! Thanks!

Carol said...

Would love to win the magazine as I rarely ever see it locally to purchase.

Anonymous said...

I have collected mice (not the live kind) since I was about 11 years old.

scarlette said...

Well, does it count if i tell you that i am the biggest GOOSE? I live about 30 minutes from Williamsburg and did not even know about the Quiltmakers Block Party in Williamsburg - found out afterward, AND i subscribe to the magazine - how goosie is that? and now seeing the quilts you had there i could cry - i am currently on a red and white binge - I have two of the most adorable 5 1/2 yr old twin grand-daughters who i am teaching to sew and quilt. you should see them pushing the petal on the sewing machine - I really love quilting - thanks scarlette shobbs@scarlette.com

scarlette said...

I think i did it wrong cause it did not show up, but just in case i am going to email you. How did this get so complicated. Well, I AM a GOOSE. I missed the Williamsburg Quiltmaker's Block Party AND I subscribe - just missed the ad(s) figured it out after you were here and I only live 30 minutes away - and now seeing your quilts i am soooo sorry i could cry. I am currently in a red and white phase cause i am doing hand redwork. I also have 5 1/2 year old twin grand-daughters who i am teaching to sew and quilt - love passing on the tradition - i hope. You should see them pushing the machine petal (course i have the governor on) : ) scarlette shobbs@scarlette.com

Karen said...

I love your Big Bang Block. I am an avid scrap quilter and plan on purchasing your string fling book for the Talking Turkey Quilt. Thanks for the opportunity. Karen

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I can't wait to see the new book. Winning one would even be better. I've been working on my Orca Bay while watching quiltcam and can't wait for Easy Street. Thanks for your generosity with regards to all you do for us "Bonnie groupies".

Unknown said...

Oh, Bonnie. I love your new block. Shoot, I love just about all your blocks. I sew every day and have about 5 quilts in various stages right now. And I'm wanting to start Winston Way. Sigh .... so many quilts. I would love to win the books and fabric. Thanks for the chance.

debbie said...

I would love to have a copy of those magazines. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

Debbie Hall


janequiltsslowly said...

I love your Big Bang block and would love to win 100 Blocks (or even 200!!). I am one of the few, I think, who really do love winter. It's my favorite season of all. I love snow and skiing. I like that when I'm indoors and its cold outside I can drink tea and read or sew with the wind and snow outside.

janequiltsslowly said...

Oops forgot my email. Jane[dot]bits@ gmail[dot] com

Linda said...

Hi Bonnie, It's so cool that you were able to just 'play' with leftovers and come up with the 'Big Bang' block! Congrats to you.
Sometimes I feel like the luckiest gal on earth for finding your website! You see, I've been dealing with fibromylgia for about 20 yrs now and somedays it's hard to get around but somehow I manage to get to my sewing machine and do some piecing or sit at my computer and read your blog and follow your travels. It makes me so happy! Thank you Bonnie for everything. You are a blessing to so many of us! ((quilty hugs)) from Linda in KCMO...kriesel1967@comcast.net

Quilter Roz said...

Bonnie, how are you going to be able to read all these responses!? I'll keep it short... I love, I quilt, I work, I sleep. Occasionally I get to read. LOL. And hopefully it will be this new quilt book!

Patricia said...

Great new block! Thanks for the chance to win!

Loretta said...

Love the Big Bang Block...named after my favorite TV show "Big Bank Theory"??? LOL

I started sewing my own clothes at age 16...started handquilting in my mid-30's and started piecing quilt tops in 2005. That's my journey into quilting! :)

Bev said...

Nice block. How many pieces ;-)?

Jody said...

I was born one week after you were, and I lived in Teheran Iran for a year when I was 10.
Love your blog, thanks for the chance to win.

Ginger said...

Hi Bonnie, I've just completed my third quilt and I machine quilted it myself, first one. I retired in '08 and bought a new machine. I have sewn for many years but am new to quilting. Thank you for the opportunity to win some new ideas so I can begin quilt #4.

sewkalico said...

I can't ever seem to get it right. When I worked I had the money to quilt, but not the time. Now that I am a SAHM, I (sort of) have the time to quilt, but not the money! At least I always have the inspiration from you and other great quilty friends!

Michelle said...

Love the new block and the name! Something about myself...although I'm primarily a self taught quilter, my mom and my nana definitely gave me the creative bug. They both loved sewing, knitting, crocheting, and really any kind of craft, just like me! I'm thankful they passed it on to me! Thanks for a chance to win some fun goodies!

Sheila said...

Wow , great colorful block , would love to win a copy of this magazine. I was born and raised on the Island of Cape Breton and love all things celtic . Thanks for the chance .

Sue K said...

I am a knitter and quilter. I love scrappy quilts but don't have enough of a stash to pull it off. But don't stop this girl from dreamin'!!!

Mary in MI said...

Hi Bonnie, I have made at least five of your free patterns and enjoy every one. I love scrappy and wild colors. I just finished my basement (sewing room) in pink and gray. I love it and i love leaving my sewing fabric all over the basement. I am going to see you in MI in a couple weeks. Mary in MI, ibbize1944@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I love, love the new block and I have a ton of scraps, you heard me right and have been using them but I just get over run with them..I get motivation just by coming to your site, and I need that....keep up the good work .....your awesome...


Chris said...

I love the new block. It does, indeed, back a big bang. Something about me: I'm a little ambitious. My third quilt was a Dear Jane. I found you through that community and I've never looked back.

Sheppard said...

It is scarey sometimes how much I love quilting! I am always inspired, thoughtful, happy and uplifted when I am quilting. When I discovered you, your designs, your methods, your blog -even stashbusters! I thought I wouldn't be able to smile as big as I needed to! Thank you for everything.

Jean said...

I have a BIG addiction to Summer Breeze! I love blue and yellow together and bought yardage of each when it came out. HOWEVER, I still find myself picking up precuts when I see them and have to remind myself I already have plenty. Love your blog!

Marge P said...

I usually don't make New Year's resolutions but I think this next year I need to make one that says I will start using my scraps up like you do! I am so impressed with what you get done and how easy you make it look to do so I am going to give it a try. Wish me luck and you keep doing what you are doing so well.

Marge P said...

I generally don't make New Year's resolutions but have decided for this next year the appropriate one is to use up my scraps just like you do. I can't bear to throw away a usable scrap so therefore am totally swamped with them. You make it look so easy to do all the great scrappy blocks and I need to start doing the same. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing your expertise. Marge P

Barb H said...

Bonnie, I love all your designs and would love to win this giveaway. Can't wait to begin the new mystery quilt!

Sandra Henderson said...

I am finally home from my travels. WHEW!~ Don't know how you do it. All that driving. It was fun though, traveling through many states this time. I love your new sewing machine! If you are ever in Lavonia, GA, next to Toccoa... go by Ola's Quilt Shop. She is 87. She started it 10 yrs. ago... for real. She runs it by herself.

KWILEY said...

Love this new one - and it wasn't until this past year that I got my first copy of 100 quilt blocks magazine for a block of hte month project! I've enjoyed working thru it this past year and only have 2 more blocks left to wrap up our block of the month. I am looking forward to doing my 2nd mystery with you. And wish i had more time to quilt. woudl love a new project book and goodies to get me started again! thank you again! Kim

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful addition to my winter wonderland of reading material!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful addition to my winter wonderland of reading material!

Jittina said...

Something about myself...
I hate moving house. And now my husband has accepted a job in Sweden, so in the near future we will be moving over there. Exciting, but at the same time so scary...

Seacoast Quilter said...

I've been a dedicated quilted since 2001 and owned a quilt shop 2004-2011 so I have lots of stash to make your blocks from.

Seacoast Quilter said...

I've been a dedicated quilted since 2001 and owned a quilt shop 2004-2011 so I have lots of stash to make your blocks from.

Unknown said...

I would be thrilled to win a copy! You have REALLY rubbed off on me concerning leaders and enders. I'm so bad now that I can't sit down to sew a simple seam unless I have another project near by to grab and use as my leaders and enders. I now feel guilty for wasting a couple inches of thread and I owe it all to you! LOL

Janice said...

The first quilt I made was a Trip around the World for a Katrina Hurricane family. Katrina was the motivation for a group of us to learn to quilt for others and we stayed together to quilt for others for a few years until the Lord moved us away. Had great fun together. Janice in TN jespilgrim(at)Aol(dot) com

Cottage Rose said...

Hello Bonnie; I am from Indiana, have been quilting for a few yrs, and I am working on my fabric stash,, but I would love to have yours...lol I love to read the Sugar Camp Quilt books,, they are so amazing... I really enjoy reading your blog and stopping by to watch your quilt cam. Thank you Bonnie for being such a inspiration to us all.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Love the new block. Not only am I a quilter, but I also ride my own motorcycle too. You should see the looks I get when I walk into a quilt shop with my helmet under my arm. I also get treated differently because of it sometimes. I have actually walked out of a quilt shop before, letting the owner know, she just lost a huge sale by treating me not so nicely all because I choose to ride.

NettieB said...

What a beautiful block! I admire your creativity! I have made three quilts based on your patterns, the lastest is just being quilted. Thanks for your great work!

Talks With Tucker said...

Hi Bonnie, At age 67 I've started quilting!!!! No classes in this area of rural Iowa but thanks to your wonderful website and your quiltcam, I am learning so much!! I just found and purchased a treadle Singer! I remember making long strips for my grandmother that were then made into balls for rag rugs! I also remember sitting and watching the ladies quilt in her basement. Oh what lovely memories! Thanks for making quilting such a joy for so many!! Diane Murphy dkmurphy@longlines.com

Mtntop Quilter said...

I have all the past copies and just love them. Went to store on Thursday and no copies at grocery store. We ended up with a pretty big storm that dumped 17" of snow at my house. I have not been able to get back to town yet and I hope there are copies left. Just in case, I am hoping for a chance for this copy. Thanks for the drawing and all you do.

Julie said...

Something interesting about me? Hmmm.....I had coffee with you in Auburn, Alabama, when you were here for a workshop! :0) And the quilt I started in that workshop is still unfinished. LOL

Beth G said...

Hi Bonnie,
You are driving to my home state today. I love following you in your column. I am working on your spinning stars quilt, still finishing up last years orca bay and looking forward to this years mystery quilt. Loved the post about the paint chips gone missing at Lowes.
Hope I am lucky today.
Beth G

Lisa said...

I thought I posted this before. Thank you Bonnie for being there for us. I'm a log cabin.....with me at the centre and my family and friends are my logs......this way we are all entwined. At least this is the way I think of us in my family. I loved your block in Vol. 5 of 100 blocks. I absolutely adore the new block and would love to get Vol 6 soon.

Lisa in South Africa
lisamb72 (at) gmail (dot) com

Rebecca in AK said...

Bonnie you certainly gave me a challenge to write something "interesting" about myself! I decided I not very ineresting because I really could not think of anything! I do love your blog and read it every day. I have learned SO many things from reading it. Like how to measure and cut correctly, your tip about Creative Grid rulers(I have 2 now)and how to hand quilt Baptist Fans(which I will use on my next hand quilting project). Love the Big Bang block and would love to win a copy of the magazine. I also just bought my first Featherweight las t week, I have wanted one for years! My email- reb@alaska.net

Pam said...

Love, love, love your blog. About me...yesterday my daughter and I went to a craft event at a local church. Names were drawn for door prizes and...she won the first drawing and I won the second. So we both went home with beautiful quilted wall hangings. Yay.

wildcatmom said...

I'm a "freestyle" quilter...self taught in the beginning, but I've sewn all my life, so ideas come from all over the place. Bonnie, you and Quiltville are my greatest inspiration. I so love your practical, common sense, approach. I come from a long line of "recyclers" and I wouldn't know how to quilt any other way.
Thanks for the chance to win the new magazine.

Denise said...

I love your blocks and quilts. Thanks for the opportunity to win the new book. I am working on Talkin Turkey in purples and waiting for the mystery and the Ireland trip. Thank you,

Tammy said...

Oh, Bonnie, I just love your Big Bang block! Would love to win the new volume of blocks. I think it's amazing people can keep coming up with new and great ideas in the quilting world. About me? Hmmm, one thing I like to do when I get a chance is to spend all day at home in my pajamas in my own little quilty world: having tea, reading quilt blogs like yours, cutting, piecing and sewing.

Bev R said...

I have never quilted with the limey, turquoise and purple colors of the next mystery, ( don't wear these colors either)making it more of a challenge to round up fabric stash but also more a goal that has to be reached because is is less easy. Thanks for always pushing with ideas others do not think about. looking out at 15 inches of new snow and thinking about fabric choices. Thanks for the chance at 100 block magazine .

Rebecca in AK said...

Bonnie I forgot to include this in my previous comment. My husband wants to thank you for all the money I am saving using you Scrap Saver's System! Rebecca, my email address is..... reb@ alaska.net

QuilterLaura said...

Hi Bonnie! I'm the person with the cool old iron when you were in North Manchester, Indiana. The something you don't know about me is that it was not my only old cool iron! I LOVE the old flat plate heavy irons, and I swear they used to get hotter! What sort of weird person collects old irons, and actually USES them? Guess I'm just another odd duck in this world!

Ava K said...

I can't say that I have a creative bone in my body, but just give me the inspiration and I'll go for it. Love, love, love all your scrappy ideas, Bonnie! Ava K Wellsboro, Pennsylvania

Brenda said...

I am looking forward to the mystery, and appreciate that it is easier (read I may get it done!).... I would love to win this book. I have not been keeping these in my library, but would love to start!

Thank you for all you do Bonnie!

Debbie said...

I'd love to win the magazine giveaway! Just read your post about the cotton fields in south Georgia. My sister-in-law is from Albany and she pronounces it ALL-BANNY (like the chicken)!

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