
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

100 Blocks, Vol 6 Blog Tour! ((Give-Away!!))



Hello!!  I’ve been like a kid on Christmas Eve so eager to send my post live for the Quiltmaker Magazine Blog Tour!

If you are new here, please check out the "EASY STREET" tab at the top of the blog -- that is the info for our new November Online Mystery that starts November 23.  Come play along! It's free -- just dig into your stash and start sewing.

Also be sure to click the big pink facebook button in the right side column and click to like our Quiltville Friends page -- we've got a great group of quilters over 12,000 strong. LOADS of quilty goodness!

I love block designing ---and with 2 issues of 100 blocks being released each year – it’s really tried my brain to come up with something graphic and fun, and of course SCRAPPY---all from working just with my scraps.

I’ve loved all of the blocks I’ve done for previous issues, 3 of them are currently finished as actual QUILTS, and the others are on the to-do list.

Sometimes my inspiration comes from a desire to use a handful of left over units for a previous quilt ---and that is how THIS block came to be.  Do you remember my Midnight Flight block from Volume 4? 

I finished that block, along with Winston Ways from Volume 3 and Talkin’ Turkey from Volume 5 into finished quilts, and taught them as classes at Quiltmaker’s Block Part in Williamsburg, VA this past August.  I’ll also be teaching them in Portland, OR this coming March!  Are you signed up? I hope so!

Here are the 3 quilts in WIlliamsburg!

The center quilt, Talkin' Turkey, is featured as a whole quilt  in my new book String Fling.

I do love my pieced borders, as you can tell.  See that crazy thing on Midnight Flight?  Here’s a close up:


Completely Crazy Border!!

So yes, I ended up with too many left over units, at the same time that the next block submissions were due ---wheels started turning ----and, Presto!


Say hello to BIG BANG!

This is SO to be a full quilt for me, and is in the line-up!  I just love the motion in this block.  And all the pieces I needed were already on my cutting table.

You will find this block and 99 more in Volume 6 of 100 Blocks!

Now for the Give-Away part:

quiltmaker 040

Let’s draw THREE Winners!

Leave me a comment below telling me something about yourself.  Be creative!

I’m going to draw for THREE winners,  3rd Place ---who will receive a copy of Vol 6 directly from Quiltmaker Magazine.  2nd Place –who will receive a signed copy of Vol 6 from me AND a Moda Summer Breeze charm pack, and a GRAND FIRST PRIZE winner who will receive BOTH Vol 5 & vol 6 signed copies and a Summer Breeze charm pack!

((These charm packs are compliments of Moda who sent them to me for last year's Caribean cruises, thank you Moda!))

I am no longer able to accept anonymous comments, so you must be a registered user to leave your comment.  It’s free to register as a blogger user, or use your gmail login (leave the “keep me signed in” box UNCHECKED to stay out of the login loop!) or use any of the other available options.  Please take a moment to register so that you can comment –it helps keep undesirable content out of the comments section and my inbox.  If I can work so hard at keeping this blog available for YOU, you can take a few minutes and help me out – THANK YOU!

Please be sure you have your EMAIL ADDRESS on your post!  Posts without email addresses are ineligible.  There has to be a way to reach you to win!

I will be drawing our winners on Sunday Evening, Nov 11th.  I’ll be driving from Tallahassee Fl  after we finish our workshop on the 11th to Albany, GA where I’ll be teaching on Monday the 12th.  I should be checking into my hotel around dinner time, will put my feet up and draw then!

The goodies will go in the mail on my return home on the 13th!

The 14th I’m headed to Michigan – Oh is my head spinning, but what fun!

Now that we’ve got all of that covered – head over to the Quilty Pleasures blog to find out about the other designers who are on today’s blog hop!  Lots of chances to win going on everywhere!

Happy Tuesday, Folks!


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Anonymous said...

Bonnie, love the Big Bang Block and everything else you do with scraps.
Ever since taking your Scrappy Bargello this past October I am newly energized with my scrap projects. I spent days after the workshop organizing and cutting up scraps. Love it!

Linda said...

Your Big Bang block is awesome! It really does have a lot of movement.
Let's see; something about myself... Besides making scrap quilts with tiny pieces, I am also an avid proponent of exercise. I work out at least 5 days a week. I lift weights, walk, and run, trying to do 26 miles a week. At age 63' I think my running days are nearing an end, but I still have a goal of running a 5k race when I am 65.
Linda in Southern Illinois

Diana said...

I am a traditional block girl that you have won over to your scrappy ways. Now when I look at a block that only has a few fabrics, it is boring to me. The first scrappy quilt I made was for my son's 10th wedding anniversary. It was a Kaffe Fasset pattern that had over 30 different fabrics and it came out beautiful. I thought that was a stretch. Can't wait for Easy Street to come out.

this is my third try to post this, hope it works

Anonymous said...

This block is so "punchy". I love the colors and the motion of the pieces. Thanks for the giveaway, Bonnie.

Linda in CT said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies. Not much to tell you about myself other than I really enjoy your blog and your way of thinking about quilting. I catch your blog several times a day. thanks for what you have contributed to the quilting community.
Linda in CT

Just Ducky said...

I'm the kind of person who invites people to my house just so I have the motivation to clean it. I would love to win one of your prizes. My two favorite hobbies are quilting and reading - not always compatible.

Barb Johnson said...

Wow, you certainly are a busy lady! Hmmm- something about me? Not sure how interesting it is, but I sing in a concert chorale and we will be traveling to New York City to sing at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in March. let's hope that the city is back in operation by then!

Adrienne said...

I love this block, especially the colors! I've completed your last 2 mysteries and am eagerly awaiting the first clue of Easy Street. Something about me- I was a fashion model and cover girl in NYC in the 1980's and now work as a Labor and Delivery nurse. I have also owned my own quilt shop and worked for several major fabric companies making samples and writing patterns. Hoping to win

Nancy said...

Love your Big Bang block. Thank you for all you do for all of us here in Outer Quiltville. Quilt Cam is amazing, inspirational and just plain fun.
Looking forward to Easy Street.

Travel safely,
Nancy in SC

DebrafromMD said...

Something about me - I served as a corpsman in the Navy during the Viet Nam war.

Kathy ~~~ said...

I have a lot of UFO quilts waiting until I learn FMQ and this year I started practicing, so there is hope. I've done 4 so far. Lol

Paule-Marie said...

Love the block. Thank you for the giveaway. Something interesting? Hmmm. Okay, I am a frustrated pastry chef. Should have gone to culinary school. I have my private pilot's license. Our house might be done at the end of the year - finally.

DebraKay Neiman said...

Love your Big Bang Block. Congrats AGAIN for getting into the book. I use my photography to capture ideas for quilts. I see PATTERNS everywhere in the weirdest things.

Gloria said...

I just decided to stop longarm quilting for hire.Startred doing it in 1991. I now have more time to finish charityu quilts. they were really stacking up and now that pile is coming down.

VA said...

I am working on some quilts using my late father's flannel shirts. (thanks--your video on 'deboning' shirts really helped!) scottya@q.com

Ptquilter said...

Love your block, Bonnie. Scrappy is my new preference!! I am frantically trying to finish up Orca Bay, so I'll be fresh and ready for Easy Street. (However, if Orca Bay isn't finished by Thanksgiving, I'll still be starting the new Mystery on the 23rd. :) I have been completing several projects while sewing along with you in the evenings when you have quiltcam live. What a joy. Enjoy yourself and safe travels.

Kay said...

I feel like every quilt needs some red in it whether it's a little or alot. You can never have too much red. Really like your block & congrats on being published again.

Sallie said...

I voted early. Thanks for the great giveaway! Love all your designs!

Carole said...

Love the block. Really have been enjoying Quiltcam. You are an inspiration to those of us who quilt. I wish I had a stash like you I have mostly bits and pieces. Not many yardage pieces. Must work on that :-)

Carole said...

Love the block! I have really been enjoying quiltcam and seeing all your stash. My stash is mostly bits and pieces not the lovely yardage I see in your cabinets. I will have to work on that. :-)

krisgray said...

Cool block! Something about me? I love to work out and be active and I love too quilt, everything in moderation. When I FMQ on my dsm I need some movin' music, I relax during yoga. Nothing gets my hands and foot pedal in syn like Mick Jagger singing "I can't get no-o sat-is-fac-tion."

traditional_quilter said...

I love your quilts and blocks thanks for sharing. I live in Minnesota. It snowed a little last night. This is my favorite time of year to quilt. I have some wood in the stove to keep the house toasty while I sew and work on a new quilt. Thanks for the chance to win. Lisa

All8 said...

I don't shave my legs and no one can tell. Thank you Bonnie for all that you do for your quilting community. Your energy amazes me. Big Bang is just right up your alley.

Joyful Quilter said...

Great block! Your blog was the first blog I ever followed, thanks for sharing all of your great quilts and adventures. I've made Pineapple Blossom and Jared Takes a Wife, both were a lot of work but SO worth it.

Sheila said...

Wow great Big Bang block. I am collecting stash - started buying at guild garage sale and sale table. I'm trying to get a wide variety of colors so I can make scrap quilts. I'm amazed how many fabrics you have of each color. :)

Frog Quilter said...

All your quilts are lovely. Keep inspiring us. Love to win the magazine. Notify me at frog2quilt@gmail.com

Material Girl said...

I didn't buy the last 100 Blocks magazine and really wish I had, so winning either one would be awesome! Those are all great prizes and I would be happy with any one of them. Thank-you for the chance to win one of these prizes.

Unknown said...

Great block, love all the colors.

JoyceLM said...

Love your block - love all your blocks. I'm an Army brat & lived in Japan twice before the age 9. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Unknown said...

Bonnie - I love the inspiration I get from you. I quilt, read and garden and antique. Just found a Shenandoah Valley (VA) quilt from 1860.

Rita said...

Great block, Bonnie. I just returned home from Houston Quilt Festival and had a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

wow; those are some bright colors and they go well today. I tend to use more 30's colors but will do some quilts in brights.

Lola said...

I love BIG BANG! Your quilts are always so vibrant and fun. Thanks for the fun giveaway and for being so giving to all us quilters! :)

Judy said...

I love your scrappy quilts. I cut my scraps now 9as you posted on your site] the minute i finish a quilt. That way they are ready to go for a scrappy quilt. Thanks for an opportunity to enter the contest.

Novena said...

OMGoodness - I'd love to receive one of the magazine prizes! and a signed copy would be the "cherry on top"! I've really been enjoying you on QuiltCam! (without any ad blocker)

Carrie P. said...

great block. have fun on your trip. thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Wow that is a big bang block...Let's see about me,hmmmmm scrap quilting did not come easy to me it is something I had to work on and am still working on...but the more I do your quilts the better I am getting...thanks so much Bonnie

dolls5000a said...

I work all day with computers, but I love crafts. Most of the quilts I make are only appreciated by my furry friends.


QuilterKat said...

Great block! About me? Ummm... Just turned 60. How did that happen? Like many others, my first quilts were baby quilts way back in 1976. At the time, I worked in San Francisco and had an hour bus ride to and from home to get there. I'd sleep most of the way in the morning and hand piece blocks on the way home.

Sherry said...

I'm a poker player, quilter, wife, mother, and grandmother - not necessarily in that order! I enjoy quilting, and although I have made several quilts, miniature quilts, and wallhangings, I still consider myself a beginner. Poker keeps getting in the way. I have almost finished cleaning out my sewing room, but it is now cleaned out enough that I am sewing again. I love your Big Bang block.

Linda B in MI said...

great block!!!! tied with Judy L from yesterday. Love both of your work. Now I need to wait for the magazine to make these 2 beautiful blocks. What do I like to do? Anything crafty: quilt, embroidery, paint, sew clothes and purses, gifts, and many more...

Quilts And Pieces said...

As always - a gorgeous block. Love that solid red and cheddar. Wouldn't a whole quilt with that block be awesome. I can't wait to start step 1 of the mystery!!! Now something about me? Not so easy! Gosh I must be boring! How about my husband and I went to the same high school his parents went to, and our children also attended? I've lived in the same area all my life.

Lisa said...

Hi Bonnie, I love your new Big Bang block. Well, you are going to laugh, but I'm a log cabin block (at least that's the way I think of myself). Reason for this is because I'm more of a traditional girl at heart, my family is my centre and the people around me are the logs of my friends and loved ones. I would like to try your new block. I'm also still learning about quilting and you inspire me especially with quilt cam time (I only see you on weekends when you are on camera).

Lisa in South Africa

lleblanc_nd said...

I love to make pieced backs for my quilts and do lots of free motion quilting on my Bernina. Would love to win the 100 blocks issue. I have the others issues and have used them in various projects or just used an applique idea from a block. So fun to see you on Quilt Cam.

Yorkshire Quilter said...

Another great scrappy bock!
I've not seen those books in the Uk so would love the chance to have a look!

Ally said...

Hi Bonnie!! Love the block am getting my fabric together for Easy Street. Quilting is what has helped me through this last year after the loss of my mother and husband. Love watching Quilt Cam. Would love to win the new book.

Maria in Tucson said...

I love Big Bang - I can already see secondary patterns coming out! I am starting to design my own patterns and that is something I'm trying to achieve. You are such an inspiration - thank you for all you do!

Julie said...

I am a retired teacher. I had one teaching job and stayed in the same school/class for 29 years! When I went on my interview they asked me if I intended to stay more than a year, I guess the answer was YES.

Beth said...

The most interesting thing about me is whether i van successfuly leave a comment here or not!

Dottie said...

I've been quilting almost 20 years. I was always fascinated with my grandmother's quilts and love looking at floors/ceilings and seeing quilt patterns.

Love your patterns! Would love to win!!

Lisa said...

Nov. 6th is not only your live blog day and election day, but is also my 30th wedding anniversary! I love your newest block and I'm beginning to not hate cheddar!

Betty Acree said...

I love to do scrap quilts -- and heaven knows I've got enough scraps to last me three lifetimes!

The 100-block book looks great, and I like the Big Bang block!

MICHELLE said...

Love, Love, Love scrap quilts and making quilts. I would love to win these books so that I have new ideas to make more wonderful quilts for disabled veterans. Being a caregiver and wife of a combat disabled veteran is not easy and quilting and sewing is my only outlet for me. I love spending time to quilt not only for activities in my guild but also for other veterans. Thank you and Happy Scrappy Quilting! britusmcbabygirl@gmail.com

Lori H said...

I agree Big Bang is a perfect name!

The Spiritual Existential Nihilist said...

Midnight Flight and Big Bang -- fantastic. I'm loving the motion in these blocks. I'm an artist who is starting to investigate textile art and quilting arts. Very exciting to see the versatility of the blocks and all the color!

Centergranny said...

Oh Bonnie this is such a cool block. I don't believe I have seen any of your blocks I DON'T like! Thanks for sharing you talents with us!
Sandy G.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Great block ... can't wait to give it a try. Something about me? I came to quilting "late" in my life (about 10 years ago) and am totally, completely and incurable hooked. I will have to live to 450 years of age to even start to make a dent in my stash! Excited about the new volume of 100 Blocks ... I've been collecting each volume everytime one is issued. Linda

Jennifer Thomas said...

Love your Big Bang Block. It's explosive. ;) I'm just stopping by to say "hello". Don't enter me in the giveaway, I'm on the tour, too. Love your scrappy blocks, as always! Have a super day!

Sherill said...

What a Fun block! My husband says I'm obessed with quilting and I agree! I enjoy quiltcam and seeing your many quilts as background and check your blog each day. Thank you for letting us into your life!

Lisa said...

Trying to locate my comment at the end of the list but it won't load so here is my email that I forgot....golddust@kpunet.net

ding ding said...

I just started quilting a little over a year ago. I am happy to have found something exciting to do with my time. All work and no play make me unhappy ha ha. Now my husband can watch football all Sunday and I can sew :)

Aliceart said...

Something creative, hmmm...I don't know how creative it is but I'm trying very hard to turn into a quilt landscape artist.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Great block! I'm the Queen of UFOs, but I really enjoy making blocks!

Marcia said...

What a fun mix of scrappy colors! Easy to piece units to create a "moving" block. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I love the block Bonnie, but I should probably work on the 3 from Williamsburg before I get sucked into it. Something that you don't know...I started My Blue Heaven years ago as a take to retreats only quilt...half the time forget my rulers...still working on it, but the girls at retreat are really sick of it, and me calling it My Blue H...but, it really shows the progress in my work! Pulling together my fabrics for Easy Street...

Bjwalsh101 said...

Love your new BIG BANG block.
Something interesting hmmm... I DON'T eat fruit or vegatables YUCK! Don't make my kids eat them either. Good thing they go to school and daycare where they can eat all the fruits and veggies their little hearts desire.

Louise said...

Nice block! Can't wait for the magazine to come out next week. It will be a nice birthday present for me and another great scrap block to use to tame the stash.

JudyCinNC said...

If only I could win of these wonderful books ... I "took up" quilting when I retired from work in 2001 - now I am just tired and still quilting. Wonderful opportunity and of course anything Bonnie has been throwing my name in the hat. Judy C

Emma said...

I'd love to win! Odds are against me, but here goes nothing!

I am a quilter, wife, military officer, and helicopter pilot. I have been quilting since 8th grade when I learned to in 4H. It was a brand new project that year, maybe 13 years ago.

I own 6 hermit crabs that my sister is watching for me. I've had them for 4 years now, although I'm not 100% sure if all of them are alive. I haven't been to see them in person for 2 years!

Emma said...

I'd love to win! Odds are against me, but here goes nothing!

I am a quilter, wife, military officer, and helicopter pilot. I have been quilting since 8th grade when I learned to in 4H. It was a brand new project that year, maybe 13 years ago.

I own 6 hermit crabs that my sister is watching for me. I've had them for 4 years now, although I'm not 100% sure if all of them are alive. I haven't been to see them in person for 2 years!

Lisa U said...

Love your site I have been sewing for a long time. but my daughter is the one that got me to quilt and I am so happy she did

Joanna said...

I have to love your block name, Big Bang. That is so neat. It does look like an explosion of prints, colors and angles. About me? I love to watch English mystery shows, and in a few minutes I will be watching Midsomer Murders, one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Never knew what to do with all these scraps till I found your web site now I'm haveing a wonderful time putting it all together you taught me alot.I'm a Marine wife and this is how I pass the time.

Lee said...

Congratulations on a great block - I love the border especially. Me -I love mysteries and surprises so I would be surprised if I win as I usually am not lucky, and mystery? I did not know about your mystery yearly quilt - I am new to this quilting thing, so I have been reading your blog for about an hr. and am up to speed now! thanks and Wow - you have a ton of comments!

Pamelyn's Postings said...

Two months ago, the Quilting Club I belong to did a small mystery project and I've been hooked (or should I say needled) by them ever since! I have made two of yours and look forward getting going on to Easy Street! All the best to you and the sister quilters. (p.s., make time to vote today!)

Lauriejo said...

Wow! Love the new block and the name fits perfectly. Hmm something about me . . . well it's no surprise to anyone who knows me, but I love fabric! And I would also be thrilled to win a signed magazine from you!

Yo said...

**Balance of tradition and trendy!! Love you to pieces and all you do for the Quilting Community at Large!!
I tell every quilter and sewer I meet about you, your blog, web site, and books. I tell them about your giving spirit, your strong convictions about hanging on to the old stuff, yet how you manage to be so tech savvy to make all this fun stuff to all of us "BONNIE GROUPIES" ..... can't get enough of you Bonnie......you are much loved and appreciated.
---Me - I just make quilting opportunities for quilters at retreats and encourage them!

joyce g said...

I have wanted to quilt since I was a little girl but never thought I could. My grandmother taught me to do a cathedral window when I was a teenager, and I enjoyed it, but never really had confidence in my self. It was always too hard. Well, after I turned 40 I met some really patient instructors and now I love quilting. You have taught me not to sweat the small stuff and just enjoy yourself. The block is great and the bologna and webcam are awesome. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

BarefootThunder said...

I am a quilter, and I love scraps !! I even save scraps from my scraps !! the first quilt I made was a queen size, made with scraps from clothes that my sister, and my grandmother had made for us three girls.

and...I would love to see Kathy in Nashville's tattoos :)

thanks for all the inspiration.

Rosa said...

Another awesome block.congrats on your great design!!

cahirasnana said...

Hi Bonnie,
I love your Big Bang block, what a great name.
I love your patterns but have only finished one so far (Sisters Choice) and have RRCB and Orca Bay both started.
I would love to win a copy of 100 Blocks.

sharon said...

I am loving retirement and am amazed that I can possibly be a great grandma. Wow!

Marcia said...

I am a bookkeeper, run my own bookkeeping service and love looking at different quilt blocks and trying to figure out how they are made. I am eagerly awaiting the start of my first mystery quilt -- EASY STREET! I did have to shop for the aqua/turquoise color, but thought the paint chip idea was great! Does Valspar know? LOL! Looking forward to getting my stash in order so I can make scrap quilts like yours Bonnie! Thank you for all you do. mlorraine@stny.rr.com

SubeeSews said...

There cannot be anything more awesome to receive a magazine with your signature on it!!!
Even if I do not win one, I will go buy one. I need to keep my collection COMPLETE!!!
XOXOXOxo Subee

LadyDenver said...

I absolutely love my Quiltmaker magazine and your page is the first one I seek out when a new issue arrives. "Addicted to Scraps" is so inspiring for me when it comes to figuring out ways to use up my scraps! Keep up the good work...and I am looking forward to your MQ for this year!!

CindyFromAston said...

Bonnie I love the colors in the block, I would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for giving me a chance to win. Cindy cbarone111@gmail.com

J-Nessa said...

A totally random thing about me - I love conspiracy theories. I think Jennifer Chiaverini should write a book combining quilts and conspiracies when she's done with the Elm Creek books (: Congrats on being included again in 100 blocks!

J-Nessa said...

A totally random thing about me - I love conspiracy theories. I think Jennifer Chiaverini should write a book combining quilts and conspiracies when she's done with the Elm Creek books (: Congrats on being included again in 100 blocks!

BizyStitches said...

I hope I did this right. I would like to be in the drawing. Love the "Big Bang Block" and the layout. Thanks for all you do.

The Village Queen said...

Great block. would really use up scraps too. Love Summer Breeze, my favorite fabric line. Thanks for the chance!

dorothy said...

LOVE the Big Bang Block, hmmm something about me...if I won the lottery I would quit my job and stay home and sew...hire someone to cook and clean for me...

JoAnn said...

I have been quilting for many years and have a large fabric "library" as my daughter once said. I enjoy quiltcam when it is working for me and have learned some new tips. Thanks, Bonnie. JoAnn from Nebraska

CarlaHR said...

Hi Bonnie, I follow your blog every day but rarely comment - usually because any comment I have to make has already been made by one of my fellow readers. Something unusual- not unusual but interesting I am coordinator of a Quilt Registry for quilts housed in Québec (Canada) - lots of work but very most enjoyable as I get to meet a lot of great people and see interesting quilts - both old and new. My Guild had a show this past weekend and I steered a number of visitors who were interested in scrap quilting your way.

Anonymous said...

Great block! You are seeewwww creative! I can totally understand the brain drain from having to be so on demand. As for me, I'm creative too but not nearly as productive. Lots of ideas swim around in my head but very few ever actually make it down my arms and out through my hands. I blame it on owning a quilt shop. One of these days though that won't be the case and I'll have to create another excuse.

Judy said...

I have a golden retriever, named Kelsey,who is my service dog. She tests every quilt I make by laying on them while I pin baste them on my floor!


Jan Hatchett said...

Hi Bonnie!
Thanks to all the inspiration I get from your blog and website, i am making blocks from thrifted shirt fabrics. The plan is for a bold, modern, clean look for my teenage son's bed in his new bedroom. I can't wait to watch it come together!

Thanks for the sweet giveaways! I am always looking for more quilty inspiration, so this sounds like just the magazine for me.


Jan Hatchett said...

Hi Bonnie!
Thanks to all the inspiration I get from your blog and website, i am making blocks from thrifted shirt fabrics. The plan is for a bold, modern, clean look for my teenage son's bed in his new bedroom. I can't wait to watch it come together!

Thanks for the sweet giveaways! I am always looking for more quilty inspiration, so this sounds like just the magazine for me.


Jan Hatchett said...

Hi Bonnie!
Thanks to all the inspiration I get from your blog and website, i am making blocks from thrifted shirt fabrics. The plan is for a bold, modern, clean look for my teenage son's bed in his new bedroom. I can't wait to watch it come together!

Thanks for the sweet giveaways! I am always looking for more quilty inspiration, so this sounds like just the magazine for me.


Rachell said...

Hi! I follow you on Facebook and you are sure busy!
I would love to expand and learn how to make quilts with pre cuts, like that lovely charm pack , up for grabs!
Congrats on another fun block !
I've had several nicknames in my life: Juliet in high school, Raquel to my Spanish-speaking friends, Dancing Queen, and Rae or Ray to some of my best friends in the last few years.

Lkekko said...

Hello Big Bang.... If you come to my home you will not only learn to play with fabric, but will learn to weave baskets.

Sewgirl said...

Well, I guess the one thing about me is that today is my birthday...so there's one thing. The other thing related to that that many people don't know about me is that I was born exactly at midnight...says so right on my birth certificate! Long story from my mom about it, but that's it in a nutshell!

jemfl said...

Collecting blue fabric for a sampler quilt, your
block would look great in blues! Thanks

barbara woods said...

bonnie i am 70 nearly 71 and i have been quilting less then a year i would love to win. thanks

Elaine said...

Bonnie - Love all your work and your new block is fabulous. Would love to win the prize.

Brenda J. said...

I am a scrappy quilter, inspired often by your blog. I am also a teacher, inspired by all the ways you use technology to communicate with and teach others. Thanks Bonnie, for all the info you share and the opportunity to win!

Kim said...

I'm a happy quilter, gardener, wife, mother, sister, auntie,Grandma, Great Auntie and friend to many ladies who are just the same :0), all those great things rolled into one.

Thanks so much for the chance to win :0)
Safe travels and Happy Sewing

Quilt Monkey said...

Great block - very resourceful to use the leftover bits from a previous quilt! Hmm - something about me... I teach a weekly quilting class through the local park & rec. It is a fabulous group of ladies who have changed my life. Quilters are amazing people.

Lisa Cox said...

Something about me... and creative?!
Ok, I just recently moved to Missouri from Texas. The last trip with all my pets was made in my little GMC Jimmy SUV. I had 3 cats, 2 dachshunds, a rabbit, and 33 chickens inside the truck, a 4'X4'X6' coop on top the truck, pulling a 6'x8' trailer full of furniture on a 16 hour trip. I was never so happy to see the end of a car trip in my life.

Jeanne in Ohio said...

Wow! Great block! I'm a dedicated scrap quilter and have been following Quiltville for some time. I've learned so much from you and your site.

hared said...

I would love to win, thanks for giving us the opportunity. After 30 years working for the State of Missouri, I now manage our local animal shelter. Fun and different, always exciting!

Gina in Missouri

Nancy Tanner said...

I love your quilts & blocks, tried to get the 100 block mag at the fabric store sun and they were already sold out, I will have to try another store. batiks are my favorite fabric, I'm looking forward to doing one of your mysteries someday, but lately I have been just to busy. Thanks for all you do for the quilting world

Rita said...

I'm so excited for the new issue. The Big Bang block is wonderful. I love quilting and have a longarm quilt machine. I quilt for others so don't get to work on my own stuff much. I also enjoy scrapbooking and love to read. I've downloaded many of your book suggestions to my Kindle. I would love to be a winner in your drawing. The blocks are such wonderful inspiration.

Lisa said...

You will be driving very close to me, I live in Abbeville, Alabama! I have two mini dachshunds and I love to bake cakes, cookies and quilt!

Tamie said...

I don't have any of these block magazine editions and would to have one. Thanks for sharing your treasures with us.

Jaye said...

You have got to be the busiest lady in town!! Love all your scrap quilts and this block will really be spectacular!

Marla said...

I don't think I am a very interesting person but I still enjoy life. I am a nurse, wife and mother and love quilting over any other hobby. I would love to win this magazine.

Sewsewer said...

I love scrappy quilts. People like to pass their small scraps along to me as they know they will be used. Sometimes I'll find a bag of scraps on my door step now that the word is getting out!

Unknown said...

Love the block. I love a lot of the quilts you do. I follow your blog everyday. Something about me, I am an avid quilter, I love my family, and am in the process of designing and making my very first quilt from scratch for a new baby nephew due in 11 weeks. It will be a first to go from my own design to actual quilt. I will be posting it to my blog soon too.

Judith said...

Congratulations on another published block. My influence was my mother who made all our clothes growing up and my grandmother who was so creative. Both still living (81) and (97). The big bang block is awesome and love that you can use your scrap fabrics. Judith, Texas

Nancy-Rose said...

OOH! Hope I win! nancyrose123 at hotmail dot com

I went to a new (to me)quilt store today in a neighbouring town after a work related meeting, instead of returning to work immediately. Don't feel the LEAST bit guilty!

Love QuiltCam and watch (and comment) as often as I can!

Lori Huffman said...

Love quilting! Love your quilt cam and your blog. Thanks!!! Love the 100 quilt blocks magazines!

Nancy said...

Really like your blocks and designs. My dad taught me, as a young girl in the 60s, how to work with wood and carpenter tools and I have made many items. But I like quilting more.

Tazzie said...

Oh my goodness Bonnie, so many comments! I'd love to be in the running, you know I'm a huuuuuge fan!

jdqltr said...

Love your block... your use of color and putting prints with solids... that just wow's me. Thanks for taking the time to share your talents! Would love to win too...

Allison in Plano said...

Big Bang is great!!! Hmmm something about me . . . I was training to be a body builder at the local junior college when a shoulder injury got me so switched to racquet ball. I also did shot put in junior high. Hey, those muscles would come in handy with all the fabric I've acquired!! I'm all signed up for the mystery at Fabric Fanatics New Year's Day. Looking forward to it. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the drawing. allon0711@yahoo.com

Sewgreen said...

I have been quilting about half my life. (And I'm 30), I've learned most things on my own. I look back at my quilts I've made in the past, and I have learned SO much from each of them.

I just wish I could do it full time!

Jay said...

Scrappy quilts still make me a little twitchy, but I'm getting better. I'm making bow ties with a cheddar background now. Love them!

Bonnie58 said...

Love the block and I really love the way your mind works. You are so creative. Thanks for the opportunity to get to know you thru your blogs and video-cam and thanks for the opportunity on a great draw.

patmmm said...

I hope to see you in Rogue River next year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Shirlsu said...

I am a garment sewer (only 100% cotton!) and a hopeless scrappy quilter who has been at it since age 5. I also love sewing with vintage machines... in fact, my youngest machine is an early 70's Kenmore. There's nothing finer than the hum of an all-metal machine zipping along making seams either on family clothing or quilts. I also love hand sewing and ALWAYS hand quilt. No machine quilting for me!
Thanks for everything, Bonnie. I'm a total fan!

Terri in BC said...

Beautiful as always! I can't wait to pick up the latest issue but we're usually a couple of weeks behind in Canada. I have a reputation for having a mind full of useless bits of information and have lots of unfinished projects, so that is why I named my blog UFOs and UBIS!

MoeWest said...

Your block looks great! I'm the only one in my family that quilts, although I'm working on my sister who does sew. I recently inherited my MIL's stash of wool because nobody else in her family knits or crochets. I need to retire so I have more time for these hobbies!

Barb66 said...

I love your block, my motto is the more color the better! After sewing for 5 grandsons I finally have a granddaughter to sew for. So much fun to sew with pink and purple for a change!

sewspeciallady said...

LOve to make your quilts-uses every scrap-thanks for the mystery

Sally Langston Warren said...

As I write this, you already have 527 postings. Bonnie, how do you do it? It is always amazing how you keep up with your blog, travels, quiltcam, and be such a prolific quilter and designer! I want whatever you are taking. I think i will take inspiration from you and design my own block...put together pieces from blocks of unfinished quilts you have designed like Double Delight, Christmas Lights, chunky churndash...it will be colorful and scrappy! if you need to mail me something, my email is jspwarrenataoldotcom

Anonymous said...

Bonnie Hunter. I have done your mystery's...oh the ton's of extra little pieces...lol....glad you found a use for them....Can you make bigger pieces in those units?? Lost my cheaters...hahahahaha Girl you are the scrap queen. My girlfriend made the most awsome purse from the Summer Breeze Charm packs.....I hope I win :) I know just what I will do!!!

sewspeciallady said...

Love your quilts-uses every scrap- thanks for the mystry

Pam Gimnich said...

I love using scraps in my quilts and
I would love to win the book and fabrics!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win! Love your blocks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win! Love your blocks!

darlene said...

Every quilt I've made has been a mystery quilt. It is such a challenge to see if I've picked the correct colors. I've been happy with them all and really learned a lot. RRCB is half done.

Terri said...

HI Bonnie - I LOVE Big Bang! I'm about half way on my Midnight Flight...just cut the purples for the border. Guess I'll be making LOTS more of those. I was on active duty in the Navy for 7 years, but now I"m a stay at home mom. I call you my Quilting Guru to my round robin quilt circle of friends. We're four friends spread all over - San Diego, Chicago, and Cottonwood CA.

NancyB85374 said...

I love your scrappy quilts....but I am afraid to make one myself! My mind won't let me DO it! I love sewing with you on QuiltCam. Thank you for all you do, Bonnie.

Angeliasue said...

Scrappy is hard for my type A personality, but Bonnie you are changing me! I like it too. Hugs & Smiles :)Angelia in Georgia

JudyP said...

I am so thankful for the day that I found your website while I was looking for scrap quilts. I had just bought over 30 totes full of fabric from a friend that buys storage units. I had such a good time going through and sorting it by color but I needed some inspiration and I sure found it!!! I look forward to seeing your posts and finding out what new project you are working on. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. I would love to win one of your prizes. Oh, I think you will like my e-mail address, it is actually my house address: 7easystreet@gmail.com

Shar said...

I have started a 20 year old dream 3 months ago. I started a longarm quilting business. I love it! I have enjoyed following your blog!

lou said...

The "Talking Turkey" quilt is on my list to make. I am a "retired" school teacher who loves quilting, reading and spending time outside here on our farm. I like poison greens, wools, various fabrics including batiks, Civil Wars and Orientals and making quilts special and unique. My quilts often are given to my children, grandchildren and donated for benefits. I would love to have one of your new books.

Stitchin' Puppy said...

I've never done anything 'scrappy',I stress too much over colors matching.But after following your blog for awhile I'm encouraged to try to just 'grab and sew' and see what happens. Love your patterns.Thank you so much for letting us into your life with this blog ,it's great!!

Angie T said...

I'm a NEW quilter, just started this summer. It's a challenge with one paralyzed hand and impaired arm from cancer in my shoulder nerves. I love the "scrappy" quilt look. Some day I hope to have completed enough projects that I have a big scrap stash to dig into for a wonderful scrappy quilt.

Mabel Weiss said...

New to watching the quilt cam. Love It. Don't have any of your books yet. Hit the goodwill for shirts and dug out the scraps and started the cheddar bowties. Keep up the good work.

Brenda said...

Your scrap system has helped me organize my stash and actually use it. I have all of your books and love the way all of the quilts I have made from your books have turned out. Even the difficult ones. Thank you for your generosity with the free patterns and mystery quilts. Can't wait to get started on this years mystery. PS I would love to win a copy of the 100 blocks magazine. The only reason I would even look at the magazine is because I know your great block is in it.

Debbi said...

Another great block! I can't wait to see how the quilt will turn out...not a quiet one to say the least! BAM!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, Love your work and following you on FB. I live in Raleigh where you came to do a class with our guild.I fueled my quilting passion while living in Australia in 2001 and revisited in 2012. While most people go on tours, I was content to visit with my quilting buddies. That's my dream vacation. My Ausralian friend and I overlapped in Hawaii for 24 hours in early August and she made me the most beautiful bag. Quilting is my passion.

Angie T said...

Posted a comment but forget my email, here it is:

Mary said...

Hello, Bonnie! I love the Big Bang block. I am a retired Family and Consumer Science teacher who loves to quilt and hopefully influenced many students to like quilting, too. Now I'm working on my granddaughters. The 2-year-old already loves to help Grammy sew and the 3-month-old had her first session sitting on my lap while sewing last week.

Betty said...

I love, love, love scrap quilts! And your books and blog are wonderful, so inspirational! And thanks for all you do!
So my news is that I am moving my sewing room to a finished attic! Everything will be organized, my own room, I'll be able to find everything and not move boxes or totes or plastic bags or boxes from one side of the room to the other side of the room to find something! Yay for me! But.....now I have to live with absolute chaos until its done and more moving stuff to find anything. But...it is a plan! bmoubray@yahoo.com

Karen L. said...

You do such wonderful work and all with scraps!!! Wow! Let's see ... interesting things about me: I live just east of you in NC, I used to have horses, and (the biggie) I am in the early process of moving but will still be your "just east" neighbor. Oh and thanks for doing this give-away!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love your Big Bang block - perfect name! Congrats on being published and thanks for the chance to win - hope it's your grand prize!!! hehehe

mary said...

I will be seeing you for three days in Portland,would love to win this book mary aka madambonnet@aol.com

Hazel said...

Love your scrap quilts I have a few myself .Just retired ,sure would love to win .

~Kris~ said...

What a fun block and only you could generate a new block and a quilt from your leftovers. Great job.

I teach Spanish to 4 year olds at a preschool.

Lilac Joan said...

Love the new block. I am finishing up Boxy Stars with a western theme and a version of CrissCross AppleSauce which I love love love, and it will be for ME.
I would love to have one of the new books. I am really enjoying making Bonnie quilts!

Joan at iamlilac@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I would like to thank you for all your generosity. I love to watch quiltcam while working on my Orca Bay or sorting fabrics for Easy Street. The 100 block mags are a great inspiration and I love the Big Bang block, can't wait. Thanks for the chance to win.
Diane B

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, I have been following you for some time. I love your blocks using scraps, but as a new quilter I don't have alot of scraps, so I've been collecting leftovers from my Charity Quilt Group. I've begun using leaders/enders but haven't got enough to do a quilt yet. I blog under the name QUILTMOUSE and enjoy your QuiltCam time.

Rosa Robichaud said...

WOW!!! 561 commentators!!!

Do I have a chance to win? Probably not but I'm still tryin' !!!


Pls add my name in your virtual hat ... in hopes that you PICK MOI!!!


Rosa Robichaud
Saint John, New Brunswick
(but I have a USA address, if its easier for you...)

robich @ rogers.com

heartsease54 said...

I'm a huge reader-will read almost anything, anytime and never go anywhere without a book or my kindle. I average about 3 books a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. I could probably get a lot more quilting done if I didn't read so much. And I just cannot start a really good book late in the day or I always want to finish it before going to bed!

Rina Mason said...

Love all your quilts and quilt cam. Can't wait for Easy Street to start. Something about me; I gave up quilting in the 80's but still collected fabic just in case and then started quilting again about 6 years ago. Needless to say I have enough fabric to make quilts for the next decade but still can't stop adding more fabric to the stash. Yes, you can call me crazy but it's a good kind of crazy as the fabric designers, pattern designers, LQS's and Goodwill all need support, right?

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

563 posts! Wow...I am just your regular ol' lady living in the boonies way up north, we don't live in igloos but we do get a lot of color and glorious snow...that sparkles like a million stars on a sunny day. I have traveled throughout the states...but home is home. Love your work Bonnie, did orca bay and am looking forward to easy street.

Julie S said...

Love the movement in your latest block! A little something about my quilting side? I have made stash quilts but have never made a scrap quilt! That is because my scraps grow slowly. I do think I am about ready to dig into them and make something scrappy!
prjule at gmail dot com

Grammy's Quilting Studio said...

I'm a quilt-cam junkie, lol. I haven't been quilting long, but found out I love scrappy quilts and yours are gorgeous. I am collecting my fabrics for Easy Street. I am usually very organized and set up my projects so they will be ready before needed. I have a charity quilt ready for Friday, a class on Monday to get fabrics ready, a class on Tuesday to get supplies ready, and all of them will be done on time.

Annie said...

I enjoyed hearing you speak at dinner in Williamsburg and was disappointed not to be in one of your classes. I won't be able to make it to Portland, but I hope the next Block Party location/timing works - maybe I will get one of your classes, then. PS - I live in Michigan. I hope the weather behaves itself while you are here!

Unknown said...

I flunked beginning quilting! Twenty years ago I took a beginning class but missed the two sessions on how to put all of the blocks together because I eloped. When I got back everyone else was finishing and I just had a pile of blocks. I took another class thinking a different teacher would help - it turned out to be the same teacher and we got that quilt top put together. For years after that in other classes we would joke that I flunked her first class but turned into a quilter anyway! I love your blog and hope to be able to take a class with you some day.

wendy said...

Wow! That is one wild block! I am grandma of 11 wonderful kidlets and I like to run. Thank-you for a chance to win.

Lisa C in GA. said...

I graduated from college with a 4.0 GPA, but cannot make myself take the time to read all the way through pattern instructions. This often makes my seam ripper the busiest tool in my collection ;)

Janice said...

I've been quilting off and on for about 12 years, all thanks to the wonderful woman who got me started: my mother-in-law!

Marie Atkinson said...

What a fun block! Big Bang is good, but I also see a "spin" going on, lol! I love quilting, and fabric! I love seeing what new blocks you creative people keep coming up with!

Janice said...

I've been quilting off and on for about 12 year all thanks to a wonderful woman: my mother-in-law!

Cindy said...

Hmmm, I live in the Rocky Mountains where today it's 63 degrees and this Thursday evening they are forecasting snow. Thanks for the chance to win!

Janice said...

Ack, I forgot to add my email! jana_k66@yahoo.com

Darling Jill Quilts said...

I posting - I hope not again, but I can't get the comments past 8:34 AM to load to check and see if my comment from earlier actually went through. sigh....

I think that I am really going to honest to God try to make your mystery this year and keep up! Maybe. We'll see, but I do want to try one. lol

Unknown said...

Wow! Beautiful book and fabric! About me.....most of the quilts that I do, I give away.....almost all of my give-aways are to Quilts for Kids. I don't actually have a quilt of my own yet. How sad!! I do have Orca Bay ready to quilt and it's not going anywhere. It was my first mystery quilt and will be the first quilt I keep for myself. I think Easy Street will be the second quilt I keep for myself!! Thanks, Bonnie :)

Debbie in Kentucky (kydeb459@yahoo.com)

VickiT said...

What a great looking block Bonnie. I love the movement in this one very much and those colors you've shown are so pretty too.

Hmmmmm something interesting about me? In 2000 I met my now husband online when I was not even looking to meet anyone. The very 2nd time he saw my Father he was asked when he was going to 'make it legal' since we had moved in together that quickly. SO embarrassed but two years later we were married. The weird/interesting part is that our ex's married each other too. I STILL cannot get over that to this day. LOL

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Wowzer!! The block is aptly named, for sure.

All I can tell you about myself is that I am a quilter with too much fabric and too little time to do anything about it!

Linda E in NM said...

I'm a retired librarian who loves to quilt and has been getting into machine embroidery this year -- nothing like something new to get the brain cells working!

Regina said...

Great block!
Something about me... hmmmm.... I'm a suburban gardener and grow as much as I can in less than 1/3 of an acre of space in the village... freezer is FULL!

Linda said...


You are truly an inspiration. I love all your quilts!! We just moved to a log home and I'm embarressed about all the fabric that we had to move. I need to get busy and use them up in some scrap quilts!! Looks like I'll be coming to your website quite a bit.


D-Bee Creations said...

Hi Bonnie! Thanks so much for offering these gifts. I hope I am the lucky recipient for sure. I do have to let you know that I have been a huge fan of your site for years and am always recommending it to other people. When you can go to it and find your next project every time...that says a lot about the patterns that are there. I have made many of your patterns into projects. I have also just discovered your "quilt cam" and was telling my friend yesterday "that it is just like being in the same studio with a quilting friend". She laughed but promised to come and visit too. lol

hugs, Debbie


maureen said...

My grandmother taught me how to quilt when I was a teenager. I never finished the 1st quilt I started (triangles that were marked with a templet one by one- it was SO wonky, I couldn't fit anything together!!) Gosh have I learned a LOT since then! And am still learning, 40 years later! Nana would be proud of me.
I love reading your blog- thanks for the tips and inspiration!

Jaci Emerson said...

Something creative...hmmm ... I'm a small town, Illinois girl who has been fortunate enough to see a good part of this great nation and meet 3 of the last 4 Presidents of the United States - all courtesy of the U.S. Navy...not just a job, it was truly an adventure!

ritainalaska said...

i'm older and aging, but not really old ... and had to give up a whole lot of stuff a few years ago, but i replaced it all with quilting. one is never to old to learn something new, and with quilting, there's always something new to learn! love your scrappy block! thanx for the chance to win a copy of the 6th edition.

shelleyjwilliams said...

Great Giveaway, and beautiful quilts. I would love to do a scrappy quilt, and I am going to follow the Easy Street this year. I am shopping my stash tonight. Great. Thanks, too, for the quilt cams,
I have such a great time watching. Keep up the good work. Shelley W.

tudorc said...

Anxious for the mystery to get going but I could sure fill in the time looking at those 100 blocks!

paulette said...

Something about myself? Geeze...you mean besides ME being YOUR biggest fan? Let's see...I eat, sleep and quilt...eat, sleep and quilt! Doesn't get any better than this!! Thanks for the chance to win your give away!!

Vida said...

Love the quilt. Would love to be able to see it the new book.

Catherine said...

What a great block! One more "Bonnie" project to add to the already long list! Pick me Pick me Pick me!!!!!


ElizaBeth said...

What a wonderful idea to give it away. I love the 100 block books. I like to imagine making all 100 blocks.


Sherry said...

I love the piecing part of quilting and have learned so much from your scrappy quilts with small pieces, but I'm still intimidated by the actual quilting of the layers. Practicing the quilting will be my New Year's resolution. I've also just rescued a wonderful three year old Rat Terrier named Juno.

Jacqueline Frances said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm a confessed Scrapaholic because of you!!!!!
Something about myself...I suffer from Chronic Migraines, but still manage to hit my sewing machine for 15-20 mins a day!
Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

Mary said...

I love scrappy quilts. I find it difficult to just use one background in a quilt.

Unknown said...

Let's see, standard stuff, married, four kids, four dogs, and a beautiful grandaughter. (Kinda felt a little obligated to mention that, they do tolerate and support the quilting addiction) I learned to quilt from Grandma Sauders, who was five generations before me, and still quilted with feed sacks! Her quilts are still in family and still amazing!! So I have the quilting bug literally since I can remember. And Grandma Saunders being who she was and the time period she was from, all she knew was scrappy. So until I moved out on my own and began to really shop at quilt shops I didn't realize there were quilters who quilted with anything other than scraps LOL!! To this day I am a die hard scrappy quilter, grateful for the legacy that I have and treasure it dearly, I know how rare it is! Now if I could only get my kids to quilt!!!!

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