
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

100 Blocks, Vol 6 Blog Tour! ((Give-Away!!))



Hello!!  I’ve been like a kid on Christmas Eve so eager to send my post live for the Quiltmaker Magazine Blog Tour!

If you are new here, please check out the "EASY STREET" tab at the top of the blog -- that is the info for our new November Online Mystery that starts November 23.  Come play along! It's free -- just dig into your stash and start sewing.

Also be sure to click the big pink facebook button in the right side column and click to like our Quiltville Friends page -- we've got a great group of quilters over 12,000 strong. LOADS of quilty goodness!

I love block designing ---and with 2 issues of 100 blocks being released each year – it’s really tried my brain to come up with something graphic and fun, and of course SCRAPPY---all from working just with my scraps.

I’ve loved all of the blocks I’ve done for previous issues, 3 of them are currently finished as actual QUILTS, and the others are on the to-do list.

Sometimes my inspiration comes from a desire to use a handful of left over units for a previous quilt ---and that is how THIS block came to be.  Do you remember my Midnight Flight block from Volume 4? 

I finished that block, along with Winston Ways from Volume 3 and Talkin’ Turkey from Volume 5 into finished quilts, and taught them as classes at Quiltmaker’s Block Part in Williamsburg, VA this past August.  I’ll also be teaching them in Portland, OR this coming March!  Are you signed up? I hope so!

Here are the 3 quilts in WIlliamsburg!

The center quilt, Talkin' Turkey, is featured as a whole quilt  in my new book String Fling.

I do love my pieced borders, as you can tell.  See that crazy thing on Midnight Flight?  Here’s a close up:


Completely Crazy Border!!

So yes, I ended up with too many left over units, at the same time that the next block submissions were due ---wheels started turning ----and, Presto!


Say hello to BIG BANG!

This is SO to be a full quilt for me, and is in the line-up!  I just love the motion in this block.  And all the pieces I needed were already on my cutting table.

You will find this block and 99 more in Volume 6 of 100 Blocks!

Now for the Give-Away part:

quiltmaker 040

Let’s draw THREE Winners!

Leave me a comment below telling me something about yourself.  Be creative!

I’m going to draw for THREE winners,  3rd Place ---who will receive a copy of Vol 6 directly from Quiltmaker Magazine.  2nd Place –who will receive a signed copy of Vol 6 from me AND a Moda Summer Breeze charm pack, and a GRAND FIRST PRIZE winner who will receive BOTH Vol 5 & vol 6 signed copies and a Summer Breeze charm pack!

((These charm packs are compliments of Moda who sent them to me for last year's Caribean cruises, thank you Moda!))

I am no longer able to accept anonymous comments, so you must be a registered user to leave your comment.  It’s free to register as a blogger user, or use your gmail login (leave the “keep me signed in” box UNCHECKED to stay out of the login loop!) or use any of the other available options.  Please take a moment to register so that you can comment –it helps keep undesirable content out of the comments section and my inbox.  If I can work so hard at keeping this blog available for YOU, you can take a few minutes and help me out – THANK YOU!

Please be sure you have your EMAIL ADDRESS on your post!  Posts without email addresses are ineligible.  There has to be a way to reach you to win!

I will be drawing our winners on Sunday Evening, Nov 11th.  I’ll be driving from Tallahassee Fl  after we finish our workshop on the 11th to Albany, GA where I’ll be teaching on Monday the 12th.  I should be checking into my hotel around dinner time, will put my feet up and draw then!

The goodies will go in the mail on my return home on the 13th!

The 14th I’m headed to Michigan – Oh is my head spinning, but what fun!

Now that we’ve got all of that covered – head over to the Quilty Pleasures blog to find out about the other designers who are on today’s blog hop!  Lots of chances to win going on everywhere!

Happy Tuesday, Folks!


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Sue's Stitchin' said...

Love love love the Big Bang block. That is a great name for it. Something about me - as well as being an avid quilter, I'm a fitness freak, fanatic golfer, and avid reader. How I fit them all in one day is crazy to see! I'd love to win the new book so I can be even crazier in getting more blocks made! Thanks for all you do Bonnie. Sue K

bunbear said...

I love to make scrappy quilts! Would sure like to have a copy of vol 6.

Diana said...

I am a traditional block girl that you have won over to your scrappy ways. Now when I look at a block that only has a few fabrics, it is boring to me. The first scrappy quilt I made was for my son's 10th wedding anniversary. It was a Kaffe Fasset pattern that had over 30 different fabrics and it came out beautiful. I thought that was a stretch. Can't wait for Easy Street to come out.
Diana in Downers Grove, IL

Carmen said...

I'm new to quilting. I have sewn most of my life, but never attempted to make a quilt top until I was 53. Now, I have found my niche. I love it, and sew a little almost everyday. I love your quilts, so many pieces in them that I find them challenging. Keep up the good work, I'm a blog follower.

Diana said...

I am a traditional block girl that you have won over to your scrappy ways. Now when I look at a block that only has a few fabrics, it is boring to me. The first scrappy quilt I made was for my son's 10th wedding anniversary. It was a Kaffe Fasset pattern that had over 30 different fabrics and it came out beautiful. I thought that was a stretch. Can't wait for Easy Street to come out.
Diana in Downers Grove

reddquilter said...

love to start quilts---love to finish quilts, but I must love starting new quilts because my closet is full of quilts to finish, while I have a new one ready to start on the cutting table. LOVE QUILTS !

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie....love the new quilt block. Scrappy quilts are my absolute favorite! I try to join you on quilt cam as often as possible....you are so inspiring!


Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Oh yes, sign me up please. I don't have any of the books/mags.

Stitches with Sharon said...

love the blk, but I love everything you do, lol I have been quilting for about 10yrs now and I find there is so much to learn and do, I will never find the time to do all that I want to!!!! I would love to win this issue. sharonmamaw@yahoo.com

bunbear said...

I love to make scrappy quilts! Would sure like to have a copy of vol 6.

Nikki said...

Here's a bit about me....I learned to quilt while living in Bosnia.

The Old Crow and Little Bird said...

You have no idea how much quiltcam has opened my eyes.. I've been reading your blog for years but to actually see you and watch you turn things into a quilt that I would have thrown away is just amazing. You have made me step out of my comfort zone of like colors/patterns and jump into the wildside! Haha.. I love it. I am in love with your Talkin' Turkey quilt.. I NEEEEEED to make me one!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Yes please, sign me up. I don't have any of the 100 block mags. Thanks.

Dee said...

I love your Big Bang Block. Now we need a Big Bang Theory for this block...ha....About me, well, I have loved your blog for many years and love to quilt.

Quilting Babcia said...

Though I've been a sporadic quilter for over 30 years, I've never delved into it full-time until retiring a couple years ago. This year's resolutions were to make a bed-size quilt for each of my six grandchildren for Christmas and to learn FMQ by participating in SewCalGal's FMQ Challenge this year! Loving all the quilting that is actually happening - finally!!

http://thankfullga447 said...

I was born in Germany, learned to quilt when I retired and I love going to the UK.

Stitches with Sharon said...

I love your mystery Orca Bay. I have most of it sewn... putting the blocks together. Can't wait to see the new one, Easy Street! sharonmamaw@yahoo.com

Marcia said...

I dreamed I was told I only had a short time to live. The rest of the dream was about who was going to get which fabric and unfinished projects along with all my quilty gadgets! Now that is evidence that I am a true Quilt-a-holic! So, if I am lucky enough to win the magazine(s) you can be sure they will be handed down to a deserving future quilter when I pass away!!

judy said...

I really love the Big Bang block! I think it's your best one yet. I would be very happy with any of the prizes. I thank you for giving your followers this wonderful opportunity.

Unknown said...

Hey Bonnie, you inspire, entice ,comfort, what more could we want from your blog. Love QuiltCam and have just loved the three books I got for my Birthday. There is enough in the books and on your site to keep me busy quilting up the fabric I accumulated from working at a quilt shop for 10 years. Just want to thank you so much. I look forward to you FB updated every day. Have I gushed enough? But its all true.. thanks again Joen

Donna in NW FL said...

Love that Big Bang block! Let's see-- something about me! I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, love to read, and a quilter! Love your blog and one day hope to attend one of your workshops! Thanks for the giveaway!

Denise :) said...

Bonnie, I totally LOVE this block! It's so fun! Something about me . . . I'm having screws taken out of my foot tomorrow. It's my pedal foot, so I won't be able to use my machine for a couple of days, but then I'll be good to go! It'd be really nice to have a copy of the new 100 Blocks while I'm off my feet (the whole 'toes about your nose' thing). That way I'd be ready to start constructing all my favorites when I was back up and at 'em!! :)

judy said...

What a great block! Right up my alley. I'll be happy with any of the prizes. Thanks!

cynthia said...

That block has so much energy and motion! Gotta try it right away!

Jodi said...

I'm heading out to vote! And I am mad crazy about my one and only grandchild, Ezra, who I am going to play with today!

Terry said...

Would love this book! As for me...well I've been quilting since 2001 officially anyway. That's when I took classes. I had made a few quilts before then but those are the ones no one gets to see! I love scrap quilts. I have a hard time throwing out even the smallest piece of fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.

Patty Lennon said...

I am in the midst of planning my 100 mile trek on the Appalachian Trail in May-June of 2013. I am trying to figure out which block set I can kit up to carry and work on as I walk along the trail. Wouldn't that make the perfect memory quilt of this hike? L.O.V.E. I.T.!!! chatz4259@aol.com Patty

Lee Ann L. said...

What a wonderful name for that block!

In addition to quilting and crafting, I'm passionate about Macro photography and photography in general. In fact, due to the messiness of my life (still unpacking boxes from a move), I make it a point to find inspiration in my everyday life, my cats, and/or nature and take a picture every day. It's my current project (and I post these pictures once a week). There is just something about photography that helps me relax from the stress of it all. The same thing happens when I go sew and craft (which I am unable to do as I'm still slowly unpacking that room).

Well, that was a mouthful and probably more than what you wanted to hear. :-)

Charlene S said...

Sammie and I loved being your driver when you came to Cajun Country. I have finally stopped trying to 'match' my scraps!

Bernie said...

Congratulations. I love your blocks. I'm a fairly new quilter, but trying to make up for lost years.

Kathy Little said...

I am all about the " Big Bang" Block. Kind of reminds me of the Big Bang Theory show. Whacky in a good way. Pick me, Pick me.

Mary Rogers said...

Bonnie, I love your designs and the colors you choose for them. I am also a huge Moda fan so winning the magazine or charms would make me a very happy woman. Thanks for all your blog posts . I read each and every one of them. You are very inspiring. I hope someday to be able to attend one of your workshops.
Thanks for all that you do for the quilting world.

Kathleen said...

PRESENTS! PRESENTS! PRESENTS! I just love getting presents! So...something about me...not interesting but I've gotten so I only do scrappy - both traditional and modern. I love that I can be creative when I piece - but I do wonder if it's more that I don't have to deal with the inevitable "bump" when I read directions wrong!

Laura said...

I pulled fabric for the latest mystery yesterday, and that inspired me to clean my quilting space. I found 12 tops that need to be quilted, 6 of them are from this year.

vwlady said...

So glad your doing the workshop with the guild I belong to! Love scrappy blocks / quilt! We all have way too many scraps to be used up & this is a great block for doing just that! Such a generous giveaway! My fingers are crossed!

Patty Lennon said...

I am hiking a 100 mile trek on the Appalachian Trail in May-June of 2013 and I am trying to plan which block set I can kit up to work on as I hike the trail. Won't that be the coolest memory quilt? One that was stitched as I hike the trail. Wow! L.O.V.E. I.T. chatz4259@aol.com Patty

Karen said...

Hi Bonnie, I have been following your blog for a few months and I love your positive vibe. I found you when you were in the middle of your Bali trip and you made me fall in love with Batiks! I am brand new to quilting and although I have a couple of quilting projects on the go, I am starting my first quilting class (for beginner quilters) today and I am so excited! I have been an avid paper crafter for years and one day this past spring I realized that fabric is just as much fun as paper! Have a great day. Karen P

Deb G. in VA said...

Love your block and your patterns! I have never made a mystery quilt, but I may have to try your latest mystery. Thanks for the chance to win!

Jeanne said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win either a book or fabric. Can never have too much fabric.

hilary said...

I'm a blast from your past. I was one of your first customers when you started long arm quilting back in East Texas. We were so young then. It was for my daughters only king size quilt I've made her. I get to finally see you again on the 30th Dec. in Plano. So looking forward to a day of fun and laughs. Would love to win, but I already won by getting in your class before it sold out. So I'm happy.

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

What a great block I can't wait to use my box of scraps to make it! Fingers, toes crossed maybe I can win the magazine!

Denise R said...

Love it! Not only a great block, but love the tv show as well. Something about myself? I really don't like to cook.

Anonymous said...

Something unusual about myself - I suckered my mom into attending Houston Quilt Festival as my "travel companion" amd now she is hooked on quilting. I have a second stash to play in! I am looking forward to the upcoming mystery. It will be my first time.

Marcia said...

I had a dream where I found out I had only a short time left to live. The rest of the dream was about who was going to get what fabric and unfinished project along with all my quilty gadgets. Now that is proof that I am a Quilt-a-holic! If I am lucky enough to win the magazine(s), you can be sure that it will go to a good home after I pass away!!

Janet said...

About myself? You didn't say it had to be quilty. I'm dying to be a grandmother. I don't see it in the near future though. DS,32 & married, back in school. DD,30, hoping to be engaged soon. Trying to be patient. I just love Big Bang block as I do all your designs. Looking forward to taking a class someday from you.

CindyB said...

Something about me, I'm not cheap! I don't think of a hundred ways to save a penny but I expect value for my dollars. I love scrap quilts. I'll buy fabric to make scraps. If a magazine has your name on it somewhere I'll buy it. LOL

Debbie said...

Something about me... I sew best in my stocking feet!! Love the chance to win the magazine.. your block is great... have loved your website for years.

Amy Laura said...

Pick me, pick me! Love this block. So much fun!

Sally said...

Great blog! I work nights at a hotel, and the owners let me keep my sewing machine and current project at work, and sew the night away.....(that is my something about myself)

Karen said...

I forgot to give you my email address...sorry about that. Here it is: karen.patriquin@gmail.com

Karen P (new quilter, loves paper, completely obsessed with fabric)

Linda H said...

LOVE your new block Bonnie!! I am currently working on a red Talkin' Turkey. I am NOT a red person- but loved the quilt so much I just HAD to do it! See what you do to people!!? lol Seriously, thanks for all you do Bonnie. You are truly an inspiration to so many. Thanks for the chance to win an issue.

scrappy101 said...

Hi Bonnie

I'm from Michigan. Been quilting for over 20 years off and on, but more serious for the past 3 years. Met you once, love scrappy vintage quilts and growing in comfort on my selections of color and style with your influence. Thanks for the chance to win.

Darlene Fel....... said...

I haven't been one for scrap quilts till I got hooked on your Shirtails book and then Leaders and Enders! I have LOTS of units so now for more of your inspiration with 100 Blocks to put them together. Thanks!!!!!!

Terry said...

I would love to win this book! As for me...well I have been quilting since 2001, officially anyway. That's win I took classes. I made quilts before that but those are the quilts that no one will see! I love scrap quilts. I have a hard time throwing out even the smallest piece of fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.

Sarah said...

I play the clarinet, enjoy walking, and love to quilt! I enjoy your blog and QuiltCam!

Emily C said...

Wow. Busy busy busy. I love big bang.

Cathy44647 said...

Big Bang will truly be on my "to do" list - Right now I'm passing my love of quilting on to my grandchildren - My DIL just mentioned a first time trip into JoAnn Fabrics recently - she's not a quilter YET! - but she said that her three girl's eyes just lit up when they saw "fabric" - I'm thinking - my how well we've trained these girls...... DIL said that those girls could have spent all day in the fabric section! Can't wait to take them myself next trip to a fabric shop! Thank you so much for sharing your enormous talent - we all benefit from it along with your sense of humor I'm always front row center when "quiltcam" is rolling, thanks for the company!

Anonymous said...

Something interesting about me is that I love to decorate in puzzles. They're just so much fun!


ALICIA said...

Algo sobre mí¡. Me gusta acolchar, y tengo muy difícil una clase con Vd., así que me gustaría conseguir el libro y la tela y poner en marcha la máquina para hacer algo de lo que nos enseña. Gracias Bonnie. Un abrazo desde España

Gwen said...

Hi Bonnie,
I hail from the great state of Minnesota, hour north of Minneapolis, imported from Bovey, MN home of the picture "Grace".
I too, am outnumbered by the favorite men in my life, so pink is almost non existent in my world. Soon to be an empty nester come
next fall, enjoy quilting (dah!!), needlework, baking, keeping
in touch with quilting buddies, and collecting scraps of all sizes
to see what I can create, with what I have. No piece too small for me. Have been known to distribute scrap banks, for deposits at retreats and
classes, as I just hate to see people throw away fabric that could
be put to some use. And last but not least enjoying my daily trip
to Quiltville, to see what you are up to, and what I can learn from
your great blog, always enjoy that part of my day. I have learned
so much from you. Uffda! Sorry so long. Would so like to be in
on the chance to win, and thanks for being so generous with your time and talents. Have a great quilting day!!!

Brenda said...

I've always loved scrappy quilts! My first one probably cost me about $1,000.00! I didn't have any scraps as I was just starting to quilt so I had to buy 1/2 pieces of lots of different fabrics! LOL!

Staci said...

What a wonderful block! These magazines are so much fun, so full of inspiration and possibilities.
Something about myself.....hmmmm.... I had a diet Coke and a Ding Dong for breakfast.... Pretty sure the nutrition police will be here soon.........and no, I don't do that very often! =)

Shelia said...

Great block, Bonnie! Something about me, I have been blessed with 2 new DGS's in October. One the 7th and one the 29th. I am still finishing up sewing for the newest one like crazy so I am ready to start my first Bonnie Hunter Mystery. I LOVE your blog, don't know how you do everything! Thank you for sharing with us.

Jennie said...

Love, love, love that block! Something about me.....hmmmmm....I have a very large family...27 aunts and uncles between my two parents and their siblings....over 100 1st cousins....lost count of the cousins children!!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a great block! Something about me.......I cannot finish a project without starting at least 2 or 3 new ones.......which means I always have plenty of things to work on. Great giveaway!

RecycleRedesign said...

Oooh! I so recognize a piece of fabric in that block! Think I bought it at a thrift store as someone had made it into a curtain! Love my re-purposed fabrics!

Anonymous said...

Oh that big bang block is a doozie... can not wait to see the whole quilt... in fact I am already committed to make what ever that quilt is..... besides volunteering at school and church I Quilt!

Hand Quiltin Grammy said...

Hi Bonnie, it would be awesome to win. I am new to quilting and I'm not sure I have even seen one of these 100 block additions. Thank you for the chance to win.
Debbie Feavel

Unknown said...

Hello Bonnie and Friends! Love the Big Bang Block. You never disappoint us Bonnie. I have been quilting for 13 years and my first quilt I made on a Free Westinghouse sewing machine. My grandmother gave me all her scraps and I made a scrappy barn raising log cabin quilt, and of course, I gave it to my grandma. However, the quilt didn't drape down the sides of her bed like grandma likes them, so I added rows of large Yo-Yo's from the leftover border fabric on three sides of the quilt. Oh, you should have seen how happy grandma was when she received her quilt with her fabrics.

RecycleRedesign said...

Oooh! I so recognize a piece of fabric in this block! I think I picked mine up at a Thrift Store as a curtain! LOVE re-purposed fabric!

sao said...

I love BIG BANG....it is wonderful. I love how you create using scraps. Something about me....HM......I have 17 grandangels, 4 cats, and I am a substitute elementary school teacher. When I retire I want a bed and breakfast for quilters or knitters.....don't know when that will be because I am already at retirement age....but hey, it is just a number. Right now I am having fun and loving making all of your quilts!

sao in Midlothian, VA

Christy said...

Would love to have another 100 blocks book, Bonnie! And love, love, the Big Bang (Theory!).... both the block and the show. Started on some hexies.... do crocheted ones count? White snowflakes with blue border. Thanks for all your efforts to promote quilting! Christy in Kansas

patricia said...

I'm growing up. I have just finally realized that I can't be too bad if I still have friends from elementary school and we all live in different states, the hubbs and I raised one fine son who's a school administrator, and that granddaughter is the light in our world. God has been very good to us.

Diane said...

Hi Bonnie! That's a cool block - so much motion. It will be a great quilt when completed. Back home from Orlando after spending a week babysitting DGD. No sewing, as I didn't take a handcrank with me. But back to it now that I'm home. So fun to see you treadling last night on Quiltcam! Di in TN (diquilts@comcast.net)

KAM said...

OOOH these blocks look so inviting - a push to use up some of my stash, for sure. I would be delighted to win a book and perhaps a Moda fabric treat.

Kristin F.

Vickie said...

Hey Bonnie, I left you another comment last night, but decided to delete it. It was 1:00 am and too serious. :/ We tend to get that way when we're tired, right! Sew,I like blog hopping. I get all kinds of great ideas for my blog from all the talented creative people out there and I read your blog daily...or more. Have a great day!

Mary Burn said...

I love quilting since I began about 10 years ago. I also love knitting, crocheting, tatting. I love how you take a simple scrap and turn it into something beautiful. I am trying hard to do the same. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.

Fullfilling my Dreams said...

Just can't get enough quilt block patterns and would love to have this compilation of patterns too..

Cory said...

Thank you Bonnie for all you do and for this wonderful give-away. Something you don't know about me is I aspire to be a pattern designer. Take care and God bless, Cory

mtquilter09 said...

I'm coming to portland in march and bringing friends but after following you for the past little while you have inspired me to keep my scraps and get them organized to someday make a scrappy quilt and after march I'll have a great start but I would love to win this to be able to share with my mom she's the one that git me started on this quilting journey

Sandra said...

I love brights and batiks, anyway you use them. Would love to win the magazine and the fabric. Thanks for all you do.

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Hi, my name is Sue and I'm addicted to quilting and using lots and lots of scraps. Of course, the scrap part is all because of you, Bonnie! I used to only use coordinating fabrics until I found your site and now people give me their scraps to make sure I have enough. I love making QOVs and make at least 12 a year. I only wish there were more hours in the day and days in the week to quilt. Sometimes the real world just gets in the way. I only wish I had the energy Bonnie K. Hunter has!

Unknown said...

I have a drawer full of half square triangles. The big bang block is not only fun to say but will make a great quilt. I think I'll take my scraps and featherweight south with me this winter and come home with a quilt.

Bonnie you can't have a 29 year old son, you look so much younger than me!

Fullfilling my Dreams said...

WOW! i forgot to leave my e-mail address which is
Just can't get enough of beautiful quilt patterns and would love to win these. Your patterns are so beautiful.


I love these books and the fact that you have your creativeness in them. I would love to win it. I just love working with fabric and the different blocks.

Gale Reynolds

Unknown said...

I have a drawer full of half square triangles. The big bang block is not only fun to say but will make a great quilt. I think I'll take my scraps and featherweight south with me this winter and come home with a quilt.

Bonnie you can't have a 29 year old son, you look so much younger than me!

Janice said...

Big Bang is another AWESOME block. It will certainly be on MY to do list. Keep up the great creative ideas, Bonnie. YOU ROCK!


I forgot to post my email in my comments. So sorry. gale.quiltlady@gmail.com

Gale Reynolds

lisa0116 said...

I started making charity quilt years ago and got overwhelmed with all the doantions of scraps. Found you and your website while searching for help in what to do with the scraps. What a lifesaver you have been ever since! Thank you! Lisa in Georgia

B. Martin said...

I am considered an intermediate quilter, if that means anything. I uses your tutorials whenever I am challenged. YOur instrustions on borders were more than helpful.

Thanks for your blog and tutorials.

Unknown said...

How do you come up with your ideas for blocks. Do you use Electric Quilt to play around with color and designs?

Gill said...

I can trace my family tree back to Edward 1st!
Great block!

Betty said...

I have been sewing since I was big enough to reach the foot pedal. I've gone through all phases from making my own clothes in elementary school, doll clothes, dress making for the public(yuck),crafts, etc. When I got bit by the quilting bug, everything else got thrown to the wayside. I love scrappy quilts!

patri@nbnet.nb.ca said...

Boy, I wish I could win this one! I've been quilting for 12 yrs now. I am a great Bonnie Hunter fan!

HelenMarie said...

Awesome! I LOVE BigBang!
I really enjoyed watching you on the treadle on QuiltCam last night. I really need to clear off mine and give it a try...maybe for the mystery. I was thrilled when you answered my EZStreet fabric choice question on camera! LOL! I am ready to start!

cynthia said...

Mercy! May I live to be one hundred to make all these quilts!

Nann said...

I tried to post twice this morning...too many people commenting at once? Something about me: I've been traveling with Road Scholar (Elderhostel) since 1996. Last month's trip to Yosemite was #27. I like RS so much that I've become a RS ambassador. (www. roadscholar .org)

Robin8ir said...

I have a RED Gammill Optimum Plus named Corabelle. I also have a Featherweight that I am wanting to name but I haven't felt impressed with a name, yet. Do you name your machines?

The Calico Quilter said...

Let's see, something about me: One of the very best things about being retired is being able to sew every day. When I had to leave work a little earlier than planned because of my husband's health issues, I was afraid I would feel isolated and frankly useless without a job. Quilting fills so many niches for me - artistic, social, analytical and practical. I always have at least two projects in the works. The only problem - I'm running out of family to gift with quilts!

Ele said...

Bonnie, you are just plain awesome. Watched you on quiltcam last night and wondered when you sleep. Driving to Florida will wear you out, I'm guessing. Thanks for the chance to win and my interesting fact is I have been sewing for at least 64 years. Started when I was 6. Must sew on something every single day, or feel like I am cheating God!!
Eleanor Willard - iowegian7@gmail.com

SueB said...

Love this one. I watched you on cam last night making those green strips. Love them also.

I am a quilter how creative is that?

Lori L said...

Absolutely love Big Bang. About me--I think I am your twin sister!!! I learned to quilt about 9 years ago when I joined a guild. They taught me lots. Now, I am teaching those ladies who taught me the basics some of the new designs and techniques. It is so fun to share and help others broaden their quilting knowledge. That is why I think I am your twin sister. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Would love to win and share.

Carol Sc said...

It isn't even 10:00 Michigan time and already over 200 comments --- WOW! Something interesting about myself --- well, I love your quilts(have made and finished four and more in the hopper), am a faithful follower of your blog, have taken two workshops from you and am excited to be seeing you in Lansing in just under two weeks!
Safe travels!

Kitty Cat Four Patch said...

This weekend I'm bringing my machine into the living room, watching Murder She Wrote on Netflix, and having a sew-fest with my bestie. Now if I can only convince my DH to cook for us while we sew..... ;-) nholihan[at]gmail[dot]com

Unknown said...

I love using you scrap savers system. Have made several quilts that you inspired.

Beth C

Terremt said...

I really love your Big Bang Block, it is full of motion. I am a rubber stamp card maker and quilter, I love in the hot south, but love to camp and visit the mountains of Colorado or MOntana.

Vickie said...

Let me try this again! I posted something last night but at 1:00am I was tired and too serious. I like to blog hop. I find lots of inspiration for my blog that way. Lots of creative people out there. I follow your blog daily or more!

kynomi said...

You are my go-to gal when I need quilty inspiration. I love to sing, read, and quilt. Now if I could just figure out a way to do all three at the same time.......

Pat S. said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm a quilter who can't part with leftover fabric sew your patterns are a godsend! Love your block and am looking forward to getting my hands on QM's latest volume of 100 blocks. Thanks sew much for this chance to win!


Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo, Bonnie! I sure would get a "BIG BANG" out of winning a prize!!! Fantastic block - one I have added to my quilting bucket list. My little world? Treadle and hand crank sewing machines and I recently purchased two vintage electric machines (credit to Bonnie). My stash includes deboned men's shirts, cheddar fabrics, and all of your books - in other words - a classic Bonnie follower. We all love what you do.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Hey Bonnie, love all you do for all of us. Something about me? I survived Hurricane Sandy and I'm on the Jersey Shore.

midwestmarykay said...

LOVE your block! I'm eclectic--love music from Mozart to Steely Dan to The Doors to Dave Brubeck to Turandot to The Clash . . . but PUH-LEEEZ leave out Charles Ives and Philip Glass ;-(

Patti said...

I also like the motion in the block you created. Perfect for scaps. Thanks for a chance.

Mary said...

I sewed my first quilt with my mom when I was 10. She really didn't know how to quilt, and it was simply cutting squares out of double knit fabrics in the 70s. We would attach a back of double knit fabric, and no batting, no quilting, no tacking. My dad would try to explain how his sister's made quilts with batting and used a quilting frame, but we were clueless. My mom, who was Japanese, thought the quilts we made were just fine as is. They were warm, they were colorful, and it was fun!

Later years, my mother in law show me how to strip quilt, then to use old blankets as batting. These were tacked.

Now thanks to youtube, blogs like yours, and Public Television, I've come a long ways! I love quilting for the colors, the texture, and the joy of making something unique and mine!

Anonymous said...

Love your block, thanks for sharing it! Something about myself...one of my lesser known accomplishments is that I used to be able to get the wolf at the zoo to howl back at me. I always told my daughters that I was sure he was correcting my pronunciation. (He's since passed away and the wolves at our local zoo were re-homed.) pbstrand@msn.com

Sonia F said...

Great block re-using former pieces. Quite effective. Something about me--- I moved to Fl from NC this year. After seing quilt cam, I called my friend Sherry in NC and told her to tune in. When she did she heard a comment read by you about someone missing NC and her friend Sherry, she thought it was by me. I wasn't home and missed that one. She is now one of her followers. Sonia

Sewing Sue said...

I cut scraps into strips and store them until a pattern grabs my eye, but even though I use a LOT of them, they never seem to get lower in the bins! I think my sewing room harbors 'growth hormones' or something...

Unknown said...

ijust really like you blog and have ordered one of your books. plan on making the smith montain block for a fireman raffle quilt

Kerry said...

Love your books & website Bonnie. Looking forward to seeing you at Tri-County Quilt Guild in March.

Donna said...

Love your work always. Be safe on your travels.

Unknown said...

Life long crafter here, but only a couple years of quilting on the list. There isn't anything I don't like about your quilts. Hope to have a big enough stash someday to make a complete one out of scraps.

Cathy said...

I so love your block. I've been quilting for about 25 years. Very traditional quilter. Now although I'm still traditional I am in love with scrappy quilts. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine. I am such a lover of all your quilts. Hugs

HelenMarie said...

I LOVE BigBang!
I enjoyed watching you treadle on QuiltCam last night. I think I may uncover mine and use it for EZStreet!

gia gia said...

greetings from this scrap happy quilter!!! i thought i was being so original in using pieces from all other quilts in my new ones ( so that they are all sisters), but then you came along and let me know that i'm not as crazy as i thought!! would love to have the book, a signed one (or two) would just send me to the moon!! happy stitching!! hrtnmtns at gmail dot com

Darlene B said...

The only interesting thing about me right now is that I'm full of hives as an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. Would love to win a copy of the this magazine to keep my hands busy!
Love all your fabulous quilts, Bonnie!

cpup40 said...

I love your new block and the name of it "Big Bang." I was in a car accident about 13 years ago, I'm in constant pain and can no longer work. I got into quilting to help me, I can't sit for long periods. Quilting helps me forget how bad that I hurt on a daily basis. I can't sew for very long at a time, so it takes me four times longer than anyone else to finish a quilt. I would love to win one of these great prizes.

regan said...

This block is AWESOME, Bonnie! I love it! And the name is perfect for it! This is definitely in my queue, as well! Ok....something about me......I'm a nut about prime numbers! Right down to the seat number in a theatre, my license plates, and entering blog giveaways! I really hope that I am typing this fast enough to get the right number! lol (Oh, and my sister is totally the opposite.....it has to be a even number for her, or she freaks! lol)

Bonnie said...

Love the blocks, I need some inspiration, seem to be in a lag. I don't have a large stash but it should be used .

Kathy said...

Hi Bonnie,

I love quilting and I am loving the idea of using scraps in my quilts. Something about me - other than being an avid quilter, I also love to cook and bake. My favorite way to cook is in the dutch oven. There is nothing like a great dutch oven dinner. I also home school my children and I am a grandmother of 2 beautiful little girls.

Beth in TN said...

Big Bang is great in those colors! These 100 Blocks magazines are great inspiration.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say Thank you for the great patterns. Real stash busters. Well, Election Day! Now off to the polls.
Sandi Y

Lori S said...

Great block. Your love of piecing always astounds me. I can sing the alphabet backwards. Anyone else? Thanks for the chance to win.

Cathy B said...

I am a busy mom sho finds the time somehow to enjoy her love of quilting.Love your block, congrats on being in the magazine!!

Sherri said...

Good morning Bonnie! I "sew" enjoy your blog, and love watching quilt cam!!! I have only been quilting for 5 years now, even though my mom has been a quilter for over 30 years...better late than never! My husband and I bought a house wth my mom after my dad passed away and we have such a great time in our sewingroom...too much fun sometimes!! LOL!!! I got to go to your trunk show in Jackson, TN in 2011 and meet you, and I love all of your quilts, I have all of your books and want to make just about every one (not into applique...yet!) My 2 yr old grandson, Thomas loves your books and loves to watch you on quilt cam, he loves fabric and is already making pretend "kilts"! We would love a chance to win the new magazines and of course you can never have too much fabric! Have a fun and safe trip!

Quilt n Queen said...

Hello Big Bang, you are awesome, a great addition to Quiltmaker's new 100 Blocks magazine. A little something about me...my sense of direction is very BAD...DH say's I can get lost in my backyard...it is a small backyard...I travel with 2 GPS's. I will NOT get lost going to your workshop and trunk show in Ann Arbor MI this month...I will be travelling with a friend!! Looking forward to meeting you on the 16th...

Kat said...

Hi Bonnie!
I'm officially scrap happy and in the midst of stash reduction. Would love to win the book, and the whole shootin' match too, if I get drawn!

Judykr said...

Hi Bonnie,

I would love to win a copy of this book. Of course, I have tons and tons of patterns never tried and several quilt BOM's that are not really quilts yet, but the opportunity to have more patterns ALWAYS appeals. What I (We) all need is more hours in the day and being able to stay awake to do all the piecing and quiling that we love to do. My four chldren are all asking for quilts, too. And every year I say next year for Christmas. Maybe next year will be the year using a pattern from the new Block book.
I do have to make a baby quilt as grandchild #3 will arrive next May!

Thanks for the opportunity to win!


bairdmtn said...

Love your block! I can always count on you to make a happy quilt! Your Talking Turkey block is one of my all-time favorite blocks and in my favorite color-red, too!! I am a 911 Dispatcher and live on a farm with lots of critters!! Love to spend my evenings quilting and now that the time has changed I will be doing a lot of sewing!! p.s. I DO NOT like Eastern Standard Time!!!

Lady of the Cloth said...

I love your blog and you've really expanded my horizons with your scrap quilts. I hope to do the next mystery especially because it starts on my birthday. I am semi retired and have worked in Long Term Care for many years. I love to quilt, paint (canvas, not walls), love my standard poodle named Maggie and my crazy cat, Heidi, and reading. Thanks for your generosity, you are my morning friend as I get my day started. Carline

Kathy said...

Hi Bonnie,

I love quilting and I love your site. I love using my scraps for quilts. Thanks for being so inspiring. Something about me - other than loving quilting, I love to cook and bake. My favorite way to cook is in the dutch oven. Nothing like a great dutch oven dinner. I also home school my children and I have 2 beautiful little granddaughters.

QuilterPam said...

Hi Bonnie,

That's a great block.

About me: Well, hate to admit it but it took me 10 months! to finish Orca Bay. LOL. Looking forward to Easy Street.

E.E. said...

I am a professional procrastinator, attempting to become a reformed one! Sure would love to win......elvia


Guilitta said...

Thanks for sharing this with us. Your block is beautiful!

Greeting Guilitta

JustPam said...

As usual I love your block! The only thing I can think of to say about me is that I used to take flying lessons. Never got my license though. Loved flying.

Nanniekr said...

I would love love love to be a winner of your Quiltmakers Block Duo -- Bonnie you are a friend I visit with everyday. I admire you sooooo much :)

Nanniekr said...

I would love to have both magazines -- you are such an inspiration to so many of us. You are a friend I visit with everyday -- thanks for sharing soooooo much of yourself with the quilting world.

Unknown said...

The block is awesome. I took up quilting after I lost my job. Now that I am working again I have to sneak in time for quilting. But work doesn't stop me from checking your blog everyday!! I've learned so much.

Kathy said...

Hi Bonnie,

I love quilting and I love using scraps in my quilts. Something about me - I home school my children, work part time at my local library, and I love to cook and bake. My most favorite way to cook is in the dutch oven. Nothing like a great dutch oven dinner. I have 2 beautiful little granddaughters that I love to make quilts for.

Lynn said...

I do love reading your blog with my morning cup of tea each day. Hmmm, something quirky about me...I grind my teeth at night and chew the inside of my cheeks raw. I now wear a sports teeth protector on my top teeth at night and that has solved the raw cheeks problem (cheaper than the custom fitted mouth appliance). Even with that oddity I love to quilt, take photos, flower garden and living on our farm here in Nebraska.

debhaupt said...

Awesome Big Bang Block... say that three times fast LOL..... As for something about me..... you have influenced my decision to scour and search for those wonderful vintage machines. I also have my husband on the search. How much fun it is to look for those treasures. I am up to four of t hem at this time and they are really a pleasure to sew on.... Now I have to name them with the enthusiasm that you do.... Thanks for your blog, my day would not be complete without it....

Anonymous said...

I´m a 50+woman from Sweden, who loves to sew. I´ve been collecting fabrics since I was a young girl, but never know what to do with them. Then I learned to quilt and now no one can stop me :)I live in a big house on the countryside and I spend a lot of time with my sewingmachine. I like challenges and I like to try new patterns. This year I´m gonna follow your mysteryquilt, cause I mist Orca Bay last year and I´m very sorry for that.
Gun, Sweden

Candace said...

I would love to win, along with hundreds (thousands) of others. I have been following Quiltville and 'Bonnie' since before Quiltvillechat and the mysteries started. I've made several and am working on RRCB right now, just took a break to post about it on my blog.

DEBBIE said...

I am a new quilter, I have been sewing for ...years and have always wanted to learn to quilt. My grandma quilted and I actually have one of her quilts (needs repair). I love looking at all the blocks you do. Please keep up the wonderful work.

Jocelyn said...

Wow Bonnie, what a great way to use up your scraps!! Great block! And such a generous giveaway. Thanks for sharing the latest edition of 100 Blocks. Always so inspiring. My contact info is available when you click my name.

Martina said...

Oh my, just love your quilts and the block is just great! I am from Switzerland and have lived nearly 8 years in Istanbul. And my second son moved out. Man it still feels so strange. But still 3kids at home. So I will keep on enjoing the time with them!
Greetings Martina

debhaupt said...

Awesome Big Bang Block....say that three times fast LOL.... Because of your love of vintage machines, I have taken on the search for them... and I do love sewing on them. I have collected four of them. Now to put a name to them as you have is the hard part. My husband has also joined the search.... Thanks for all you do with the blog, my day would not be complete without it.

Amy said...

Love the books. Always looking for more ideas. Thank you for this opportunity. Love your site!

Ellie said...

Thanks for all you do and a chance to win! I'd love to have any of those magazines.Something unusual about me---I lived in 10 states before I was 40 but now have lived in the same house for 32 years! I love the scrappy nature of your quilts and am inspired to get control of my piles of scraps!

Margaret said...

I love the name of your block It fits so well. I am a retired pediatric emergency room nurse who now has time to learn all kinds of new techniques on quilting. Well I thought i would have more time but those great grandchildren keep coming and stealing all my time. lol

marilyn said...

Love this bright block....these collections have been a real asset
in my library ! I've followed Quiltville for a long time and love it! I'm a scrapper at heart!

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Great block! Congrats on being included in another block issue! Thanks for the chance to win!

Suzanne said...

I love this block. I was at a quilt retreat this weekend too -- I worked on a border for star struck quilt and blocks for smith mountain morning. Thanks for the chance to win.

threadlady said...

Quilting since the bicentennial, I just finished the last wedding quilt for the generation that included my sons. Now starting on the graduation quilts for DGK's with wedding quilts to follow (with some reasonable time interlude). And people wonder why I don't have any new quilts for myself!

Judy Morin

Dakota5345 said...


3 things about me,

I am a Bonnie Hunter groupie (at 68)
I love scrappy borders,
And I quilt nearly every day on something!
Thanks for all you do to inspire me....you will never know!
Jan in ND

Susan Torrens said...

Your stash users system completely changed my quilting style! I used to make very carefully composed quilts, but have been turned into a "scrappy quilt enthusiast"! I encourage other quilters to try being more scrappy everywhere I go! There is a joy in using leftovers to make happy quilts - I donate many quilts each year through my guild's community quilts project. They supply quilts to many programs at local hospitals, nursing homes, as well as Project Linus, and various other charitable groups.
Your style is timeless and creative - thanks for all the great quilting!

Anonymous said...

Hi, My name is Betty and I am a scrap-a-holic.

I am a science nerd (retired science teacher) and love the sitcom "Big Bang." Good name for that block. I have been quilting for many years and have really become addicted to making only scrap quilts. I have so much fabric and can't seem to throw away any but the tiniest scraps.

Pam said...

You inspire me! I read your blog and can't wait to go grab fabric and sew! Your ideas are addicting

Sharon said...

Love your block and I love all of these magazines. I have them all. Something about me: I became a grandma for the first time on June 27th to this year. Liam Zeppelin Baxter is the new love of my life!

Lou said...

Love the block!I have tubs of scraps that I must use up!!!Haha!!!
I am busy all the time:) I run my own quilting business lousquiltncorner@blogspot.com.
I work the elections....I am tech support for my county so am on call right now:)
I quilt for Project Linus, Quilts Beyond Borders and other causes that happen to come in:)
I just love to quilt:)

Terje said...

What a fantastic block! I also love the movement this block denotes. Something about me...my birthday is on 13 November so I am hoping to find a 100 Block magazine at our local quilt store to treat myself with in case I don't win one.

ccquilts227 said...

I've been quilting for 25 years and I've always loved scrap quilts. I make a lot of quilts for charity so I make styles that are fun and not always "me" lol.

Becky said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for three wonderful giveaways! My friend, Karin, showed her Turkey Tracks quilt at our sewing day last month. Stunning! Now I want to make one. My brother and his family live in Tallahassee! Wave to them when you are there:) Thanks for the inspiration! Heading to my sewing room after I put dinner in the crock pot:) Take care!

debgiggles said...

I love the 100 Block books and your blocks especially. Right now I am a handicapped quilter, meaning my husband is keeping me from my machine LOL. But looking forward to the new mystery!

kwiltnkats said...

So what will be the border of the Big Bang? Can't wait to see how this block will finish. I'm working right now on Sister's Choice. Got to reduce the 2" stash! I also have a 9" Neutral Strings Block Swap going on with 19 others. I used to be a Mannequin Model! Thanks for a chance at winning. Sandi

swooze said...

Ooh wee!! Put me in!!

B Greene said...

What a wonderful block!! It would make an explosive quilt. I am such a scrap lover that I would rather get scraps than yardage - so much easier to cut into a scrap than a fat quarter. Isn't that weird?

Sally said...

I love to fall in love with new blocks in books and magazines! Thanks for the chance.

WoolenSails said...

I love how your quilts came out from the previous blocks, gorgeous quilt and colors.
Scrap blocks are fun to do and great way to use up stash.


Franny said...

I love scrap quilts, and yours are so creative. I have been a quilter since I was 17. I will be 70 this year. I just love learning something new. Would cherish a book from you. Here is hoping I win. Thank you for so much inspiration. Franny

cannewa said...

What a fun block! Would love to win a copy. Can't wait for Easy Street to start.

Lori said...

your block is wonderful. your quilts are fantastic.
my son and i sew and sell mens civil war re-enacting clothes out of our house. keeps us busy. its great to see these men wearing them and loveing them.

Andee said...

As you already know I am your #1 fan (wicked grin)! I started out using a line of fabric in my quilts and liked a really coordinated look. Then I found your website and the quiltville yahoo group and after just one mystery (Orange Crush) I was hooked on the scrappy look. Thanks for all you do Bonnie, still can't wait to meet you and cross that off my bucket list!

Unknown said...

great block!
and thanks for the giveaway!

saruqa (at) hotmail (dot) com

Odyssey Quilter said...

I have been quilting since 2001, after taking and adult ed class and have been obsessed ever since. I belong to a small 10 person guild and we make quilts for donation to local charities. I like traditional quilts mostly, but love the scappies too. As a group we go on shop hops and to East coast quilt shows and have lots of laughs. My husband is our driver and considers us all his "harem"! Great guy and he love the shows too. I'm a very lucky lady to have such a supportive husband and great quilting friends.

Mary said...

Hi Bonnie, Mary in Canada here. Something I don't tell very many people about myself (it's just us quilters here, right) is I studied mathmatics at university on a path to be an aerodynamics engineer in the airforce, until too many low marks washed me out so when people say "it's not rocket science..." I say to myself, "yes cause I studied rocket science and this ain't it".
But the math really helps with resizing quilt blocks.

Nancy said...

I'm Applique and Free-Motion Quilting-challenged. There, I said it! LOL!

Mary Ellen said...

Just retired this year. I have started a cheddar bow tie block after seeing it on your blog. I am a faithful quilt-cammer and am currently in the process of using your folding tutorial to organize my fabric stash. Hope I get picked!

Kay Holm said...

My four loves:
My Family
My Dogs
My Quilting

SherryB said...

Something about me: my husband went to a week-long convention & I had a long list of things to do around the house. Instead I started 4 new quilt projects & not one thing on my list got marked off--haha! But what fun I had. Thanks for your sweet giveaway; your Big Bang block is a hoot!

Diana said...

I enjoy making things for my grandson. love your block and would love to add a couple new magazines of fabulous blocks to my library. Thanks for the giveaway.

Bonnie said...

Would love to win. About me. . . I haven't been quilting for a long time. I have made some Linus quilts, graduation quilts and baby quilts. Also donations for Relay for Life. Right now I am in the planning stage for a memory quilt for an 8 year old girl who just lost her mom this week. I haven't ever made a mystery quilt and hope to do Easy Street as my first one. I am gathering fabric and talking my fabric cutter (husband) into doing all the cutting when the instruction start. Thanks so much for all the help and guidence you have given all of us.

Briarose said...

Something about ME? hmmmm... my son and daughter in law sent me a ticket so I can go visit them in England over the Christmas break....I haven't seen him in 2 years....I can hardly wait....
and, this block? Scrumptuous....mmmm, can't wait to get my fabric out of strage to make this one. Thanks Bonnie.

wildcatmom said...

I'm a scrap lovin' Bonnie follower. I come from a long line of women who recycle fabrics. Also love vintage sewing machines.
Love your Big Bang and can't wait to see all the new blocks you designers have come up with.

Patti said...

I so enjoy reading your blog & following your quilt adventures. Hoping too to see you in a couple in Ann Arbor. Something about me, himmm. The first time I went out with my scooter chair a few years ago I went to Joanne Fabric & took out the entire bead row! Beads rolling all around the aisles with the sales associates running after them. To this day I kinda slink into the store thinking my picture might be posted in the breakroom with a red slash thru it! I would really love to win one of the magazines. (save Joannes from a visit from me!)

The Slow Quilter said...

I am like number 392 on your list of comments, will I ever see the light of day. Any way, love color and when I look in my stash I see color mostly African fabrics, and batiks and I said to myself, "self it is time to change your color palette to something a little mild with floral. So really hoping to win your fabric.

Shawna said...

What a striking block! It's great! I'm a college student and just a few classes away from applying to a nursing program. You are so generous with your giveaway, Thank you!


Carla G said...

I love your block! And the colors are fabulous! I love to read your blog! I've been sewing clothes for my kids for the last 4+ years and decided to learn to quilt. I've pieced my first quilt top, but need to get back to it. :) I play the piano, love to read, knit, crochet, bead, and do counted cross-stitch. Thanks for a chance to win! :)
bcgeates at netbistro dot com

Pat V. said...

Perfect name for this block! I am a quilter who is also a bassoonist and lyric soprano, and I love astronomy. I'll be seeing you in Portland...

Tina O. said...

I made my first quilt in 1991. I picked up again in 2001 when I got married and I absolutely love your blog.

Quilts, Cakes and Other Fun said...

My two favorit things to do are sewing and pistol shotting.

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