
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

QuiltCam & Kindle Freebie!

I am SO excited -- I just got an email that told me to check the Checker Distributor's website -- String Fling is listed in the top 20 sellers! AWESOME!

I got this information as I was trolling for kindle freebies- I've got a flight to Indiana on Saturday, and I realized with all that's been going on -- I haven't even been LOOKING!

This came across my radar:
City of Light (City of Mystery) by Kim Wright is free tonight in the Amazon Kindle Store.

Set amid the glamour of Paris on the brink of La Belle Époque, City of Light is a tale of murder, mystery, and masks where no one is quite what they seem…

City of Light, the second book in the City of Mystery series, opens in 1889 Paris on the eve of the Exposition Universelle, the ultimate World’s Fair which debuted Edison’s phonograph, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, and the Eiffel Tower. Detective Rayley Abrams has traveled from Scotland Yard to France to study the new science of forensics with the Parisian police. Lonely and awkward, Rayley easily falls under the spell of a beautiful British expatriate named Isabel Blout, a woman with a murky past and suspicious social connections.

Check before you click it that it is still free -- I just did!

And now to work on those Jubilee blocks!

I'm going to leave the QuiltCam up for about an hour or so----

*Note* If it says OFFLINE below -- you missed it! It's live streaming, not a recording, so you can't play it back like re-runs, you'll just have to join us next time!

Wanna join me?

Click Below!

Live Video app for Facebook by Ustream


Mary said...

Whoo Hoo I'm first to catch you on. Gotta go to Guild and show off my Pictures from Sister's tonight.

Miss Jamee Quilts said...

Hi from Birch Bay Washington! I am sitting with my feet up and embroidering a panel for Crabapple Hill's OVER THE RIVER after a long day of work. Love quilt cam!

Anonymous said...

Great to watch you again. Been waiting for Quilt Cam like I would wait for my favorite show! Only this is much better. Tonight I working on unsewing.

Sherry in NY

Sharyn Hutchinson said...

I can't seem to get the connection tonight. Boo!

Anonymous said...

Just got home and here you are ... tonight I want to finish the binding on a small wall hanging - once this one is done, I will have completed four small projects in the past week!

Aloha, OR

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

I am getting my hour of hand quilting in, thanks for being such an inspiration!

Unknown said...

I can't get the connection either. First time I have had a problem. :-(. Faith in maine

Kris said...

So disappointed because for second time in a row, QuiltCam will not work :( All I get is a black rectangle with an X in the top left corner.

Anonymous said...

My 29 year old daughter came and clipped and ironed while I paired and sewed today..and told me she's ready to learn to sew! She doesn't know that the teal and cream batik quilt we were working on is her Christmas present! Chris in Augusta

Shelley said...

How long do you tend to play with one machine before you bring another one out for a spin?

Themeltlady said...

I so enjoy this time watching you work. It's sorta like having a friend over.

Anonymous said...

Just got a nice tip for a small design wall - for a block - spray baste 12" square of batting (I used warm/natural) onto one of those dividers you get in the 12 x 12 scrapbook paper storage boxes

Aloha, OR

Stephanie said...

Yum! Pancakes! We love breakfast for dinner around here :-)
Enjoying the quilt cam as usual, Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie: Another thought - I assumed that the skirt on the treadle machine was to keep the quilt from accidentally catching in treadle. PS: Loving Quilt Cam! Susan from NJ

Kathleen said...

Can't connect either tonight... Will keep trying.

Becky G said...

I wonder if i jinxed myself with last night's comment @ about no problem, no ap iphone watching/listening. I just see a black soundless box with the moving circular arrow. I'm watching dvd West Wing & working on hand sewing binding on the last long side of queen size quilt. Maybe it will work soon... Perhaps so many are trying to log on, the bandwidth is all consuned! I'll try later. B

FLO_rancher said...

I think about Christmas gifts the 1st of September.

Unknown said...

Yay!! I caught you again tonight. Thanks for answering my questions, Bonnie.


Kathleen said...

Lol Becky... Bonnie busted the Internet with her popularity!,,

Mary W Quilts said...

Hey Bonie, love quilt cam. It is not working on the IPad tonite. Working fin on theDell laptop. F Y I

Sandra Henderson said...

Same here, but we cant win em all. I noticed my xm satellite was foing in and out today in car. Then, took forever to send pics/emails today....so, maybe not a good dy for Airwaves.
Catch ya next time Bonnie!!
(not whinning, just reporting so you know)

Sandie said...

Bonnie... You can't imagine how much I look forward to quilt cam! Almost like being at retreat! I know you've shown this before, but what 3M strips do you use as seam guides? Please do not think I am complaining about the commercials, cause if that is what makes Quilt Cam possible, I will gladly watch them! But every dang time you've shown the strips, or talked about them, it's been interrupted by a commercial! :D

Cathy said...

Cathy from Surrey B.C. Canada, of to my Quilt Guild meeting right now. thanks for all your tips and normality...I've also cut a strip too short!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I switched from my I-pad to my laptop and I am all set. :-) Faith in Maine!

Anonymous said...

I finally caught ya! Greetings from MN, again. Yup those cut or sewn numbers are easy to transpose,....LOL Who hasn't been there and done that. It was hard to get on for me tonight too...Don't know what problem is "holding things up" for some viewers. Joyce W.

FLO_rancher said...

Look at the size of that spool of thread>wow..

Sue said...

it took longer for quilt cam to load tonight, but it did load. Maybe something in the airwaves??? Keep trying folks.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

What are you drinking? Can't make out on camera ... no probem getting in ... just the occasionally obnxious comercial ;-)

Mary W Quilts said...

Have cleared the cache etc.. I am cutting out batiks for rectangle wrangle. Can't wait to start piecing. :-))). Mary in Boston

Meg E. said...

So excited you are flying to Indiana! I get to be in your class on Monday!! Can't wait to meet you in person.

Bev said...

Last night I got my squares for the Sunday workshop all marked-figured out a way to sew the red to the neurtal BEFORE I cut them into itty bitty pieces! Having a hard time controlling myself and not going ahead and stitching the pieces. :) So, pulled a bunch of 2-1/2 inch strips and am doing a type of "jelly roll race"-now have room in my 2-1/2" drawer!!! Bev

Anonymous said...

First time I can't connect....either on iPhone or iPad. Just black box with circle spinning around it. So sad.

Claudia in North Ga Mountains

Frog Quilter said...

Hi Bonnie,

I couldn't get the link to work via my ipad so I got out the good ole lap top and here I am. Going to do about 45 minutes of piecing to relax and then bed.... HUGS

janequiltsslowly said...

Hi Bonnie: My first time watching quilt cam! I finally got home early enough from work. I'm eating dinner while watching. :D

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Sneaking in for a peek...from 9pm on it's 'hubby and me' time - we are late 'diners' and usually watch a little tv....so now I'm multi tasking....I'm with hubby...finished dinner...watching tv...AND watching/listening to QuiltCam with my headphone... (and believe it or not...it was hubby's idea to invite you into our 'together time' - LOLOL....maybe next time I'll add in the handstitching!
Lynn in FL

Lisa said...

Hi Bonnie
I think you are right about the browser being the problem. I can watch you on my computer using Internet Explorer but cannot get it to play on my iPad after rebooting and closing all other applications it just will not play. It is too bad because I can bypass the adds on the iPad but at least I get to watch!!! Is that a Piedmont you are sewing on? It looks likes the one I got yesterday!! Too much fun!!

Shelley said...

HAHA! "It's gonna take forever" is what I said about that dang Texas Tumbleweeds quilt! But it didn't and your block won't. Get goin! We're all here cheering for you!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I got up at 1:30am just to catch your session. What fun having you here with me. Nice to see you working away and talking as if we are together. Love it all, Sandra in the UK!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,

How do you store all of the different attachments for your many machines?

Mollylivebearer said...

Did I miss your big finish for the Nearly Insane or is that still in the works???

Cousin Jill said...

Hi Bonnie! Finally found some time to visit quilt cam! Have been missing the all the fun!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, how do you cut hexies? Do you use a template or just eyeball it? Hexies are next on my "to try" list. Thanks for sharing your knowledge & enthusiasm.

diana569 said...

Hu Bonnie, Have been working on 1/2 inch hexies during quilt cam... can't link up with you one hour challenge because I can't blog... too much like homework.... but I love reading your blog and especially enjoy quilt cam! like girls weekend!

Unknown said...

Where is the info on the spool blocks? Those are so cute

Crystal said...

Hi Bonnie - We are getting ready for a big move across Texas. Hubby put a bunch of shirts out telling me to donate them. NO WAY...after looking at the labels to confirm they were 100% cotton, those are getting cutting up and going in my sewing boxes!

Mary W Quilts said...

Bonnie thinking about going to Ireland. What are you tracing at the Ireland quilt festival?

Kathy Kline said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm watching you and getting in my one hour of hand sewing - hand piecing a Grandmother's Choice Women's Rights block.

Anonymous said...

Going on midday here in Melbourne, Australia. So much enjoy your cam sessions, blog and am looking forward to your trip to Melbourne in - gosh - 201?!

Mary W Quilts said...

Teaching class in Ireland ?.

Jackie said...

love your music selection tonight. Sarah Mclachlan is one of my favorites

sewbluetiful said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FLO_rancher said...

that apron is also to keep the fabric clean..did you notice the grease on it.

Mary W Quilts said...

FYI ads on the Dell are annoying

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

For those having trouble connecting, I just tried it on my OTHER desktop and it is fine here -- we've got over 200 watching. My suggestion is to completely reboot your computer and try again. Maybe try a different browser. Who knows how these things get persnickety!

sewbluetiful said...

I am working on crazy quilted placemats..

Mickie Sprenkle

Kathleen said...

Yippee - like others above, I could get in on the laptop, but not on the usually trusty ipad! good luck to everyone.

gail.designs said...

Working on my hexagon quilt "Grandmother Flower Garden". Am waiting on my hexagon book from Mickie to add some flare to this huge project.
Gail from Verona, VA

Sandra Henderson said...

came to living room to desktop computer and it's fine now!~ :)
Was on ipad earlier and didnt' work, but now fine .
wanted you to know...

book looks great!~ thanks!

Terri in BC said...

Hi, Bonnie: I just logged in and you asked what we were up to tonight! Well, I've just gutted the closet in my sewing room and came across a few more goodies that came from my mother's SR. As I was putting them in a special jar in remembrance of her, your iPod started playing one of the songs that always seems to come on when I think of her! So I believe she is joining us tonight as well! Thanks for QuiltCam and the lovely memories I have this evening.

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Bonnie, I can see and hear you on my laptop but not using ROKU. This makes me think it might be a problem on the USTREAM site but, of course, I really have no idea.

sewnsew said...

finished my flannel quilt top today and pieced the backing, sonething I have never done before. It is ready to put together to quilt. It is my "Bali UFO"
Only have 17 more moose to hand quilt. Ramona from Maine

Luce Stitches TN said...

Same here. Works on pc but not on iphone. I love watching you Bonnie. I learn something new each time!!!

JariJari said...

I watch Bonnie's Ustream on iPad but not on Safari instead either on Chrome or Dolphin browser

Aniza in Malaysia

Unknown said...

Bonnie - weird night - haha I keep getting commercials for feminine products! They have found out how many viewers you have. Faith in Maine

Anonymous said...

Bonnie I'm pretty sure it is a USTREAM problem. Had to keep refreshing several times before I got you. Then at first you were breaking up and repeating yourself several times over, lol. It's working fine right now though. Keep it up! Love sewing with you.

Anonymous said...

I can get quilt cam on my laptop, but not on my iphone with safari or with facebook

Sherry in NY

Sue said...

Came up briefly on iPad, but went off. I am able to watch it on laptop. So I watch on my laptop and make comments on iPad. Maybe ustream wants us to watch their commercials which do not show up on iPad. I'll take it any way I can get it!!

Sharyn Hutchinson said...

Faith, This is my first problem getting the connection also. So disappointing.

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Betting it's a UStream problem...I usually have no problems watching...but tonight it comes and goes..I'm sure they'll fix things...

Barri said...

Hey Bonnie the problem seems to be Apple product related. I have PCs and the video comes thru fine. It doesn't even work using their Ustream app on my iPad.

Considering they are advertising how they are doing a live stream of the Apple iPhone announcement on Sept. 21 you would think they wouldn't burn Apple people.


Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Bonnie, I think the problem is with USTREAM. I can see and hear you on my laptop but I cannot get you using ROKU, which is the way I usually watch. Anyway, I'm handstitching a binding on tonight while watching you.

Cousin Jill said...

I met John Denver...very nice guy!! I was sad when he passed! Nice to hear his song tonight!

Mary W Quilts said...

Have a good time Tom night! I will be off to first quilt guild meeting of the year. Yeah !,!

Aileen said...

Hi Bonnie: Sewing along today. I am up to the wing triangle border units! Yippee. I was wonder how Treadle lady finished the quilting the main part of the quilt.
Aileen in Flordia...
My name is said with a long "A" then LEAN. LOL! A LEAN

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Myra here! Remember Winston Ways has 141 pcs. per block

Thimble lucky sewing said...

I was SO busy all day today that I never had a moment to stop & have a cup of tea . Well ,It's 10:30pm here in Cape Breton and I'm finally having a cup .I logged on to Quiltville and found you were on SO I quickly finished my tea & now I'm cutting pieces for my Farmer's wife sampler quilt that I started long ago.
- oh and ... The Xmas rush hits me when I start decorating the yard & house for Halloween . I end up working like crazy on runners & small wall hangings,mug rugs etc . I end up burning the midnight oil for many nights sometimes right up til Xmas eve . Every year I say I'm going to start earlier but I have yet to do . Beth

Bonnie said...

Hi Bonie this is Bnnie T fom Va. I am dboneing shirt while I watch you tonight. Next week I will be going to a retreat in Williamsburg Va and I want to sew on the Va bound quilt. Last night you were talking about irons. I buy all of mine from the thrift store. I am a black @ decker girl. I think their black irons get hotter than any of the others and they don' pee on you. HA HA

Vic in NH said...

Yippee! My first time to see you on Quilt cam!

Thearica said...

Listening in from Henderson, NC!

Glady said...

Hello Bonnie. I'm watching tonight from Kent OH. I hear James Taylor playing. I see Vic is here from NH. : )

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Bonnie, I'm curious ... what kind of thread do you use and do you always use the same color for piecing or do you change depending on the color of your pieces?

gmp said...

Hi Bonnie, it seems that I am having a problem watching quilt cam tonight too. I had it turned on my laptop, and shut it down to switch over to my iPad. It will not work. I have been watching you every night from my iPad with no problems , so I don't know why it is not working tonight. Switching back to my laptop.

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

Are the people having issues watching refreshing their u stream windows with the little circle arrow button in lower right corner of window?

Anonymous said...

You are a Total Inspiration. When you show your project to the camera, could you show it a bit longer, please? It takes a minute to see it and there is no repay! LOL Totally LOVE the quilt cam! Thank you for helping me prepare dinner!!!! Dianne in LB, CA

Wanda said...

I am enjoying watching you from Anchorage, Alaska.

Janet said...

Hi Bonnie! Just purchased a creative memories punch off ebay. I have my inherited scrap box from my mother pulled out and a template ready to start cutting out hexi's. Here we go question is how many years will it take me? Thanks for all your tips and techniques. Janet from Mo.

Beth in MN said...

Hi Bonnie, I am listening from Minnesota and it looks like others that I am familiar with are also listening. Just like a giant sew-in!!!

Wanda said...

I am not having any trouble watching with my Apple products.

BrendaLou said...

Here I am, sewing with Bonnie again....didn't think you'd be on the cam again tonight. I'm making charity 16 patch blocks for Sunshine on-line quilt guild. Sew on!

Sherry said...

Hi Bonnie,
I have certainly been enjoying your live quilting. How fun!! I am not able to see you tonight though, it just won't load. I do have a question. I am working on my hexie project and am using bottom line thread. I love it because it doesn't show, but my needle will not stay threaded. YIKES!!
Sherry in beautiful Southeast Texas

Myra said...

Bonnie, Could show your iron table. Like the idea of having it close to the machine

BrendaLou said...

I made this block for Farmer's wife today too!

Dianne A in Long Beach CA said...

PDQ= pretty dang cute = love you Bonnie!

Becky G said...

It would never load. I had been using safari on iphone. First night of trouble. Downloaded chrome, went to both quiltville.com site & directly to ustream. It never loaded.

Debbie said...

Loved quilt cam tonight. Am working on my Farmers Wife quilt blocks. I am using some of Randy's blocks for the extra ones I need. I am glad you take a night off once in a while so I have time to kit more up. That is probably your best tip - get some kitted up so I am always ready to sew when I have a few minutes. Going to do those darting birds next. Enjoy the hot tub I really miss mine.

janequiltsslowly said...

Me either. I was watching on my IMac Chrome as my browser. One techie note: when I left a comment earlier, it booted me off of the livestream and I had to click on it again to get back on. The commercials I got were for Old Spice and then Tresemme' hair care products, so I'm not sure that Ustream really knows who we are (maybe thats a comforting thought). I really enjoy this and hope to see Quiltcam again some time.

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