
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Plotting and Planning!

Mickey and Karen and Lisa and I have our heads together.

We are working on a North Carolina retreat for August of 2013 ---tentative dates are August 8-11.  We are hoping to hold it at Montreat Conference Center, just 20 miles from Asheville, North Carolina.

Lisa and Karen will be the power behind the scenes ---we couldn't do this without them doing all the leg work and set up.

Mickey and I plan to give two days of workshops! I will have a scrappy pieced background, perfect for placing the pieced hexies you will learn in her workshop. 

Our thought is we could divide into two groups --- Attendees will get one day with each of us, plus enjoy enormous amounts of fun Thursday afternoon through Sunday noon.

I let all this slip last night during Quilt Cam time. 

I've been flooded with emails ever since asking questions I don't have answers for, because we are still in the planning stages.  I don't know cost yet.  I don't have accommodation info yet.  There is no waiting list yet!

I'm so excited that YOU are excited ---but if you hold onto your questions just a bit longer, I'll have more information to tell you.  I'll let you know when sign ups start.  I'll put you in touch with the right people to get your questions answered.

We just need a bit more time to learn more before we can tell you what you need to know.  SO until then ---just keep your fingers crossed that we will get this to work and we will have a blast in the North Carolina Mountains in August of 2013!  Mark the dates on your calendars -- Aug 8-11, 2013!

PS --too much on my plate for QuiltCam time tonight -- I'm working on a deadline and the borders are driving me nuts and I need some off-cam time to work it out!  Check for me tomorrow ;c)


Mary said...

And here I am already to book a flight, oh well, will have to cool my jets...

Angie said...

Oh my goodness! Montreat is WONDERFUL! I spent a fun-filled week there many moons ago - a friend had a family house there and invited several of us gals and our kids up for a get away. Great memories! I would definitely love a return trip!

Shelia said...

OMG, Ashville, I am soooooo up for this. I'm penciling that into my schedule now. WOW

Nanette said...

Oh how exciting!! I know where this is my friend used to own the restaurant and hotel Madison's of Black Mountain. That is such a beautiful part of the country... hmmm wonder if I can swing a second retreat next year, our online quilt group is putting on our first one in Florida in March.

Anonymous said...

That is sooo close to me. I am in.

CheleLew said...

Oh how absolutely WONDERFUL. I was sadden that I didn't get in to the class you did in Aiken earlier this month - it was probably for the best, but....I still wanted to be there. I will so have to tell the husband that he MUST, MUST, MUST take this time off next year. :) Will be anxiously waiting more details. Bummer I missed Quiltcam last night. Glad your borders aren't driving you crazy still and are playing nice.

Anonymous said...

Yahoo, yahoo, yahoo. My BD is 8/18....will have to tell hubs I have the PERFECT birthday gift all picked out for him to give me.

Nikki in VA....willing to drive to wherever for a Bonnie Workshop in '13 (renovating a house in '11-'12...can't go anywhere)

nikki_moshier at hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would definitely be intereted. I've only been to Asheville once and would love to visit that area again! -Lori in Tennessee

Sandra Henderson said...

AAAAhhhh... I'm glad that you can get a picture of how many of us would love the idea of a class in this part of the world. Hope I get in, but if not... then, another time. I'm so happy for you that you have had such an overwhelming response, but it does not surprise me. Glad you are taking the time you need to meet your deadlines and swear in private. (tee hee)

Sandy Beach Sewing said...

I already told DH that I was going on a quilt retreat for those days. He told me "cool. bye-bye, have fun, do you want me to pack your truck right now?" Ashville is only an hour and a half from where I live. YIPPEE!!!!

Mary said...

Me! Me! I want to come! Whatever, I'll be there!

Anonymous said...

I am ready to go!!! Stella Ann in MS

Nancy said...

Boo-yah baby.... it's on the calendar

Sue K said...

That's my birthday week and yes, I do celebrate for the whole week, lol. Sending this post to DH so he'll know what I want for my present next year...think he'll get the subtle hint???

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I would love love love to come! I put it on my calendar! Finally something nearby!

joyce g said...

Calender is marked!

Caro said...

Can't wait to hear about the details. It will e just too much fun!

Jacque Wright said...

My in-laws live in Asheville. Sounds like this retreat just might be for me!!

cityquilter grace said...

sounds like a go to me....

Lori said...

How fun to be planning your own retreat instead of always another guild's. It should be very successful!!

gia gia said...

love montreat and black mountain!!! on my calendar too!!

Randy D. said...

What a great idea! I've been hoping for you to do do this for a long time. How nice you now have the help to put it together!!!

Anonymous said...

It's on my calendar!!! That would be so much fun!
Sandi B
Sandhill57 at sbcglobal dot net

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