
Sunday, September 02, 2012

Nearly Completely Insane Top DONE!

What a momentous feeling!

Was it worth staying up til 2am to finish the zig zag border? Yes!

Was it worth sleeping in til nearly 10am, and waking up raring to finish? Yes!

And out of everything I auditioned for the outer border, Yellow won.

I tried red – too dark…I tried cheddar --- too bright ((imagine that! TOO BRIGHT?!)) and green and pink were already in the zig-zag. Some prints were too big and busy. Some just didn’t fit the look of the quilt, but I had this one chrome yellow in a print by Judy Rothermel, and it just said YES!

The original quilt used the same fabric as the sashing for outer borders, but I believe in freedom of interpretation and that beige just was overpowering and didn’t make the other colors in the quilt sparkle….but this yellow…OH. YEAH!

Here is a pic of the quilt with just the zig-zag border, which – by wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles ---fit PERFECTLY.

nearlyinsane 057

Notice how GREEN everything is in my back yard! It’s hot and HUMID and heavy-aired out there!

nearlyinsane 060

The top with yellow border added!

nearlyinsane 061

Close up of left bottom corner.

Did you notice that there are new boards on my deck?

It’s Labor Day Weekend! And this weekend’s Labor Day project is replacing the deck with new wood.

nearlyinsane 059

Son Jeff is busy replacing the deck floor. The railing will be replaced also. It’s a big project and did I mention how hot and humid it is out there? Nary a breeze to be found. I think I’ll be finding my way to the kitchen to feed the men-folk working so hard ((And be glad that I don’t have to be outside today in it either – except for the odd quilt top pic!))

Back to this quilt top – I’m really fighting with myself on how to quilt it. I always thought I’d hand quilt it. But it is GINORMOUS. It’s about 94” X 94”. There are two other quilts basted and in the hand quilting process. When the hexagon is done – I want to hand quilt that too. That means that this one would sit SO LONG before I ever get to it, if I ever get to it ---

**Insert Incentive Here!** I have this plan ---for days when I'm home. "Hand Quilt For One Hour." Who wants to join me? That would be 7 hours a week -- we could make progress one hour at a time...if you are interested, leave me a comment below!

And then there is the problem with all the SEAMS on some of these blocks. POTHOLDERS! It’s such a busy quilt that I’m thinking machine quilting it will be best. But I’m fighting with it. I just don’t know. But in the mean time, I’ve pre-washed a red fabric that I’ve been saving for the backing and I can get that pieced together.

Those asking when Quilt Cam will be ---Oh is it a MESS down here! LOL! All my Bali stuff is in a pile and I’ve got some other house stuff that needs attending to. I’ll see if I can clear some time for Quilt Cam soon. I just need to settle in a bit more.


Anonymous said...

Now wasn't that worth all your efforts?! Truly an heirloom quality quilt. Beautiful! - CONGRATULATIONS BONNIE!

Go get some ice cream and celebrate ;)

Betty said...

Oh I love how you made the corners come out even! I'm not usually a fan of yellow, but I think it is exactly what this quilt needed.
Looks like Jeff is doing a great job. When he is finished with your deck, send him on down to Alabama, mine needs replacing also!

Sharon said...

WOW - that is an amazing finish!

Take your time getting back to quilt cam - jet lag will hit when you least expect it. Listen to your body and know we will see you when we see you!

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! And I'm "IN" for the hourly handquilting - guess I better find something to work on. I think I'll start with a 'mini' - we have the Jacksonville QuiltFest in just 20 days...I will work on something for the Silent Auction...Great Idea!

Deb said...

You quilts are so inspiring! I love how you mix colors and they all seem to blend and you don't notice the colors as much as the overall design. Good luck with the deck!

Sandra Henderson said...

What a beautiful quilt Bonnie!~ I'm so happy for you!~ What an accomplishment!~ It truly does "SPARKLE" with that border.
Is that a creek down behind your house? You are lucky to have all those woods. So pretty. That is a big job your men are doing. Our deck didn't last as long because it had big oak trees over it and never really dried out. Glad you are back. Wish I had your ENERGY!

Sandra Henderson said...

Forgot to say that I've never seen a fabric that Judie made that I did not love. She's my favorite. Sweet, sweeeet lady. They use to come to the Jacksonville Quiltfest, but as so many now (economy? travel expenses?) they have not.

thepiececorps said...

I <3 it! and I love the zigzag border...I always have trouble with my corners... and yes nary a breeze today.
said loudly... "Sweet Mother of Pearl...A job well done!"

Anonymous said...

I did not notice the lack of boards or new wood until you mentioned it. I was thinking that yellow border really drew my eyes into the light yellow in some of the blocks. Maybe I'll hand quilt for 35 minutes a day, since that is the time I'm sitting in a car waiting to pick up kids from school. I need to finish Orca Bay. I really need motivation to do something, since we left UT. It is just too hot a humid in FL to be under a quilt.

Sandra Henderson said...

I went over to check on Judie. I see Bob, her husband, passed away. SOOOOO sad. He would come with her. They would, together, do the booth. Oh my. Such a loss.

Cathy said...

Bonnie, that quilt is FAB-YOU-LUSS!!! I can understand you wanting to hand quilt it. But, with so much going on in that quilt, I think the hand quilting would get lost. If you are going to put the time of hand quilting in, you want it to show! I see a very simple machine Baptist fan, that would unify the quilt, and not take away, in the least, from all the piecing work in it. IMHO

Julie said...

I think quilting for one hour a night is an awesome idea. I want to join in. I have one I have been working on for about 10 years now. And it is crib sized!!! Maybe I could finally finish it.

Shirlsu said...

Seams be damned! I vote for 'quilt it by hand' but then again, I'm a hand quilter. I'm about to finish quilting an UBER scrappy version of your 'Hidden Pinwheels' measuring 108" x 108". I'm doing a simple lattice laid out to avoid the biggest bunch of seams. I'll send pics when done. I love it!

gmp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...

Congratulations on your finish!
Not only are you the queen of scraps you are the QUEEN of perseverance. What a lovely quilt you have to show for you efforts.
Well I'd love to get better at hand quilting and soon the temperatures will drop and make it more pleasant.
Are you gonna offer tips on hand quilting to help us get
as good as you are at it?

Happy Sewing, (you are on Eastern standard time)

Anonymous said...

I'm in on the quilt for an hour a day challenge I started to work on one but now just can't seem to find the time. Maybe this will motivate me and I won't feel like I'm doing it all alone.
Donna Gauch

gmp said...

Noticed a typo - so had to re-post this....
WOW, that quilt is really big (and it is beautiful too)! I haven't been following your Blog that long, so can you explain the story behind this quilt, and how long you have been working on it? Your pink and green border looks perfect!

Teresa in Music City said...

It's gorgeous Bonnie! Congratulations!!!

Nonnie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary said...

Looks great! The Border fabric mimics the sashing to me. Just a different tone. So happy to see this one done. Machine quilting will hold it all together just fine. All those little tiny PP blocks might need the extra stitching. Have a great week-end with your hard working men-folk!

Sue K said...

yes, yes...hand quilting an hour a day. How 'bout one of those sessions on the quilt cam. I would love to watch your technique. Please, Miss Bonnie :)

diana569 said...

WOW! the blocks are beautiful, green and pink border (my favorite colors) pop, and the yellow! syellow shays happiness and put them all together nd you get WWWWOOOOOWWWWWW! beautiful quilt!

Nonnie said...

Hi Bonnie, I would like to say that I too am in for an hour of hand quilting, but in reality, it will probably only be half an hour. I am a teacher returning to work on Tuesday, and I know I will hav tons of "homework" to deal with. I have a hand pieced kalidescope quilt that I have been hand quilting for literally years. This is the motivation I need to work on it. Thanks Bonnie!

Carol Grant

Sharon said...

I'd love to hand quilt an hour a day. I had to put my hand quilting in a bag, in the closet, in the spare room because I was addicted to working on it and in the meantime a very important applique project was languishing. I'm 1/2 way through the last border so once it becomes a top, out comes the hand quilting. As for your masterpiece, I wonder about hand quilting with all those seams and busy prints?

Pam in KC said...

The quilt is gorgeous! The green border is perfect. Hand quilt for one hour sounds like a plan. I'm so close to finishing my DWR, but I haven't sat to work in on it in a month. Perhaps this week while I am on vacation.

Pat said...

I love your quilt, it's beautiful! Is that pattern in one of your books? And if so, which book?

sandy said...

Your quilt is stunning. After a trip overseas I am usually sleeping for the first week. No jet lag for you?

Alice said...

The yellow is wonderful! I should take you up on the quilt for one hour a day, it would probably keep me saner and a nicer person if nothing else:)

Unknown said...

WOW-ZEE! Now, that's a beautiful quilt.
Hint: When working on the deck with no breeze take some floor fans or whatever you have and use them outside. We have floor fans to use on the lanai because it's covered and always 10 degrees hotter than in the garden.Works for us.
Laboring on Labor Day...nice to have the son helping. Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Your Nearly Insane is beautiful! Makes me want to buy the book and start one myself!

Nancy said...

Hand quilting for an hour in the evening sounds like a workable goal for me. I know when I come home from school I am too tired to go out into the sewing room. Hand quilting would make me feel like I am accomplishing something.

The top is lovely... and makes me want to start mine... next summer :o)

T Holzer said...

I'm glad that your border worked out for you...by the time the original quilt was to the border stage, she must have said that was good enough and she was done!! lol... Thanks for you Bali posts...so, so beautiful. One day, I will go. Do you think that you will mix your Batiks with other fabrics or not?

Marsha said...

Go on and clean so we can watch Bommie. This might help me get organized. Marsha

Tonya Ricucci said...

woohoo, congrats it's a gorgeous quilt top! machine quilt it. You have tons more to do on that gorgeous orphan KING-sized hand quilting project. you'll be happy to have this one done, so just do it quick. I need to get a sandwich together - I haven't had a hand quilting project in far too long!

Sally said...

I'll go for the hour a day - I've a wall quilt in hand-quilting mode and this would see it done in a couple of weeks. I have bought the Nearly Insane book and intend to start making 1-2 blocks per week, but then I'm still working on my Millennium quilt (all pieced just needs sandwiching and quilting). Anything I do in a day is a bonus.

Your top is beautiful as usual and I'm so jealous that your borders fit so well, mine never do no matter how careful I am.

Diane said...

So inspired! My book arrived a few weeks ago and it is getting lots of attention. So far, I'm still in the looking and pondering stage, but after your updates on this quilt, I am really itching to start it. So if it really does make me nearly insane, does that mean I can blame you? (wink) Thanks for the inspiration, as always!!!

seleyrn said...

The border is perfect. So often I see quilts in magazines or even quilt shows and I think, what possessed that person to pick that border. I usually like a quilt with no borders, but I do like the one you have chosen.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I enjoyed seeing your pictures and posts of Bali. It almost felt like I was there. I'm working on a quilt top now that I was thinking to send out to the long armer but maybe when I get it finished, I'll join you in the hand quilting. It will probably be a couple of weeks before I'm ready though. Sandi1100@yahoo.com

scraphappy said...

The chrome yellow is absolutely perfect. With all hand quilting in the works and waiting in line, it sounds like machine might be the best way to get it done.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! mimijost@msn.com

Karen said...

The top is lovely. You have to be feeling good right now. Yes, I'm up for quilting one hour a day. Maybe I'll finish the baptist fans on my Christmas quilt before Christmas this year.

Anonymous said...

The yellow was definitely the right choice! I'm game to hand quilting each day with you. I've just learned to big stitch with Peale cotton and I have a nice baby sized quilt I can baste to start with.

Anonymous said...

I think I can manage one hour a day....sounds easy enough. I have a bunch of Dresden Plates inherited from my mil. She just made Plate after Plate--by hand. So I'm appliqueing them onto fabric to make a (ginormous) quilt. It just seems to go on and on...so YES! One hour a day!
Laura in the NC Mountains

cityquilter grace said...

me, i'm always on tap for hand quilting....

Anonymous said...

Definitley machine quilt it- how about clam shells?- or baptist fans?- something very traditional would look great. Thank you for such a wonderful website- I check in every morning and evening. I'd hate to miss anything!

Jay said...

I would be happy to spend an hour a day doing some hand quilting. I have several small projects waiting, so I'll get right to it!

Anonymous said...

The quilt is just stunning, Bonnie. Wow, what a job to do it all, especially when I know you're like me and have a dozen other projects half done too! I can't wait to see it quilted - however you quilt it!

I too need to get cracking on my hand quilting. There are quilt tops that get machine quilted and many of mine fall into that category. But there are some that I have just spent way too much time and energy on to simply machine quilt it and be done, and they cry out for me to spend even MORE countless hours with them, needle in hand. At the moment the quilt I'm doing is a complicated paper-pieced one. Next up - a hand appliqued dresden plate-ish affair done in bright '30's reproduction prints. And the one after that (if I ever finish it) is my Baltimore Album quilt. With all the hand applique and hand quilting this year, I think I've completed exactly two quilts, and both of those were quilts I started in previous years. This handwork is all so slow. So, long story short, yes, I would be willing and eager to commit one hour a day to hand quilting. Are you thinking quilt cam time?

Oh, and one more thing: Is there a way to comment leaving name public, but providing you with email address privately? I'm not the most computer-savvy person in my family (in other words, I'm the LEAST computer-literate one!) and I'm not sure what all those options mean in the "Comment As" drop-down menu.

Beth (barnacle.beth@shaw.ca)

Kathy said...

I will hand quilt an hour a day. Need to baste the quilt together today then I will be ready. Kathy, Frostproof FL.

Jeanne said...

I'm in. An hour Adam!! Awesome!!!
Jeanne from. Ct

Charon said...

Bonnie, what an accomplishment, I would be insane if I even thought about trying that pattern. I am in for the hand quilting for an hour. I had given up hand quilting after I discovered the joy of free motion quilting so need to get back in the groove.

Charon in TN

Anonymous said...

That quilt is gorgeous and I love the blocks and the chrome. Congratulations. As for hand quilting...I already do it..many hours a day. Gives me a handle on the other things in life not so pleasant.

Lucy said...

So BEAUTIFUL!! and so nice to see Jeff. He is doing a great job Bonnie!

beaquilter said...

welcome back and great quilt! did you make the pattern? I'm about to start a women of the bible quilt, where each block is different, can't wait! loved seeing your inspiration pics while you were in Bali! hope you left all your clothes there so you could fit batiks in your suitcases instead!

Charlotte said...

I'm game. Instead of coming home watching the birds at my new bird feeders for an hour unwinding I could watch and quilt. You are just the incentive I need sometimes.

Beth said...

Your top is just fantastic!!! Great job.
I sure would like to try 1 hour of hand quilting a day. I have a couple of things in that pile. LOL

SubeeSews said...

Count me in too! I found another pre-retirement flimsy that NEEDS more free-hand Baptist fans. I am in love with my shaded 9-patch that I used your technique on. It has such character!
I would like to watch you go through your messy sewing room!!!

Judy said...

All I can say is Wow! 1 hour of hand quilting a day now that's a good thought. As soon as I get another quilt loaded on the frame I think I will give it a try.

Sue said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I feel invested in it since I watched you on quilt cam making that zig zag border! It just makes the quilt! I'm up for hand quilting one hour per day. I already do about thirty minutes a day while waiting for my grandchildren to be dismissed from school. You know you have to get there early to get a good parking space! So, I'm sure I can squeeze in another thirty minutes. I love all the great tips you give us on quilt cam, and look forward to it again whenever you are ready to start up again! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I´m already handquilting one hour a day, thanks to you! Your quilt, well all your quilts are sooo beautiful :)
Gun, Sweden

Lisa said...

Wow! What a fabulous quilt! A real masterpiece but then most of your quilt are! Having traveled overseas I understand about jet lag. I hope you have a couple of weeks home to adjust to USA time again. I live in a rainforest and we have to leave a gap between the boards on the deck. Guess you don't get that much rain to worry about leaving a gap. Lucky you.

Carolyn Edwards said...

Your quilt is so beautiful!! I love that you use bright fabrics and yellow is especially my favorite. It always makes you feel happier.
I would like to join you in the hour a day but I want to try to finish a printed cross stitch embroidery top....about 40 years old. Do you remember seeing these? Let me know when to start. I hope my hands will let me do it.



Judy Dietrich said...

Count me in for an hour of hand quilting a day. I have a few doll quilts I would like to get started on--they are already layered & just waiting!! Glad you had a great adventure & are back safely--loved all the pictures you took on the trip. Your Nearly Insane quilt top is gorgeous. I really think the yellow makes everything work together and brings your eye to the edge. Here is your incentive~~~"Bonnie--please quilt on me for an hour each day--so I can become a beautiful quilt!!" ONE INTERRUPTED HOUR to just get into the groove and let your mind cover all the things you have done in the day & need to do for tomorrow. Think about your boys & what they have going on & are working towards. Think about your sweet husband that has been by your side for 31 years. Think about your family scattered around the country. You are always thinking about the quilters--we see it in your posts. You need this time to yourself to unwind and relax from all the things you do for other people!!! I am just wondering where you will be able to go--where no one will find you for an hour a day??? Have fun

Amanda said...

I would love to join in on the hand quilt for one hour a day! I have a king size quilt that I am 75% through hand quilting and I just feel like I'm never going to finish - this is just the push I need to finish up :)

Karen @ Confessions of a Home Ec Dropout said...

Gorgeous... and finished. Everything you'd want a quilt top to be!

Diane said...

You are so inspiring! Yes, I WILL get my top done some day...but probably not any time soon. Can't wait to see how you quilt this one. I also had a moment of thinking that I might hand quilt mine, but those blocks with the hundreds of little triangles...um, not so fast. I have seen some gorgeous ones done by long arm. I say machine - go for it! Want to do mine too? :)

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, waving from the ATL! I might not commit to an hour a day of hand quilting, but I will commit to trying to do an hour a day of handwork...and get some things ready to hand quilt...since I don't really HQ much yet, that will be progress, lol...Kathy O

Ptquilter said...

I will commit to hand quilt an hour a day when I'm at home. I've already got one in the frame that I'm working on. The border on your quilt is perfect. You're good!!

Sheila said...

Fabulous finish Bonnie,Love the yellow border, it brings out the pops of yellow throughout the quilt Makes me want to get on and do more of mine.I am only 20 blocks in. An hour a day for hand quilting sounds do-able. The Barbara Brackman Civil war quilt is begging for attention as i launch in to the new BOW

trish said...

I will commit to an hour each day! I have four hand quilting projects started that need to be finished. I am going to start Tuesday evening!

Diana said...

Bonnie, you do such great work! It looks wonderful! You have opened up a whole new world of scrap quilting for me, thank you.

Tazzie said...

Bonnie, I love, love, love it! I'm thrilled you've finished the top, and your fabric choices are fabulous. Great idea to hand quilt for a day - I'd love to join, but I think I'd be satisfied to do any form of quilting/piecing for an hour a day right now - time is hard to come by at the moment!!
Be sure to have a great week

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea. Count me in. I have a Jacobs Coat that I have had hooped and ready to quilt for a while now. I need a little push to get going. Cathy in TN

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt and an hour of hand quilting a day is just what I need to finish that quilt I started hand quilting in 1987. You just keep us all so organized. Sherry in Missouri

Anonymous said...

What timing! Just this week I decided to dig out a hand quilted project that has been left untouched for three years and work one hour every evening. It was brought up from the basement today! Let's go!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Your Nearly Insane turned out fantastic.

Scrapsgalore said...

Bonnie, I keep a quilt in a stand up frame all the time - and I usually hand quilt on it at least an hour a day - they DO get done! I had the current one ready and basted in the frame to be started as soon as we got the Fair over with. I began quilting one week ago! The last one won a blue ribbon in the fair, and also several machine quilted by my friend who does that for me (I love to piece, and do lots of them!) Oh yes, this one is also hand pieced, and it is called my "Conway Twitty" quilt. Whyever is that. you ask? Because I have worked on it for 15 years - Conway has a song called "Fifteen Years Ago" that I just love! It took so long because I needed handwork while we were getting ready to move, and then while we built the house, and until I got my "stuff" moved and unpacked (you know this story, I know!) Once I got my sewing room restored in the new home, more machines and less hand piecing, but finally got it done a few months back. Thank you so much for the inspiration, I have done several of your scrap quilts and hope to do more, adore working with scraps.

Karen in Kentucky said...

Love love love this quilt! I also love how the yellow makes the yellow throughout the quilt just POP! Can't wait to see it quilted. What will you use for binding? Something dark maybe that would also look well with the red back???

Douglas Oliver said...

this quilt is fabulous. I'll join you in the hand quilting(try to anyway). I currently have two tops that I want to hand quilt. One is basted and waiting..

Anonymous said...

Bravo ! on the finish..... how to quilt is a big decision. I often wonder myself if I would regret machine quilting these "old" quilts.... so they sit. I don't think your quilt is going to "sit".... it is going to fly.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Thank you for your beautiful words and pictures and TIME while you were in Bali. I feel as though I was with you!! I think everyone does! I'm glad you had a great time there. Now, don't worry about reality too soon--I would leave all those batiks strung all over the basement where I could see them as long as possible and just play. Quilt Cam will come soon enough (as much as I enjoy it-I still say this).

I will hand-sew for an hour a day and thank you for making me commit. I have much hand quilting to do-several quilt tops from the 1930's I happily inherited. I usually try to do hand sewing at night and must get some of the bindings done first, but will get a hand quilting project ready, too. Does hand-quiltiing at Bee count, too? Thank you for your wonderful ideas and being so good to us!

Kathy in NC

Anonymous said...

Just turn your quilt cam on, I am sure everyone would LOVE to see all your Bali purchases (mess). I know I really enjoyed every post from Bali, it is like I had my own personal tour.

Happy Quilting


Anonymous said...

I too will join in on the hand quilting commitment. Our quilt guild in Feb. challenged us to finish at least 1 UFO in this year. My plan was to finish hand quilting a quilt I had started sometime ago. I did actually get it out and put in some stitches, but I have fallen way behind. It was the first quilt I ever made. One where I didn't know what I was doing and after I got it put together realized what I didn't know. It has many mistakes and I wasn't going to even finish it, but then I thought about it and realized it wasn't so bad and that I need to finish and not waste my time and supplies. It is a learning experience.

Quilting Nonnie said...

Count me in! I have a string quilt that took me two years for the top doing leader/ender. It is very much like your "Diamond in a Square" pattern except no sashing. I used vintage fabric for the plain fabric and with the plain diamonds between the strings, I decided to hand quilt. I quilted it for about a year and then missed a year. (You don't want to hear my myriad of "reasons" I missed that year, do you?) The quilt is king size, that is where the vintage fabric ran out! I managed to quilt all the inside diamonds and "just" have the outer setting triangles to quilt. Your challenge is just what I need!

janequiltsslowly said...

I love the pink and green border and I don't think it was just luck that it fit perfectly ;) Also the chrome yellow is the perfect finish. I have a small hand quilting project I'll start to work on with you. A great idea.

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