
Friday, September 28, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Riding the Backroads!

Oklahoma Backroads is in full swing! We have been sewing all morning and are ready to break for lunch.

I have to thank Anna and Cricket from TN for surprising me with the perfect gift shirt!  The caption reads: "Mess with my fabric -- I'll rip out your seams!"  AWESOME!

It's raining outside but we are warm and sunshiny inside stitching away.

How's your Friday going??


Missy Shay said...

I can't read what the shirt says? I tried clicking on the picture but it didn't get any bigger.

Valerie said...
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Valerie said...

Bonnie wrote that the tee-shirt reads: "Mess with my fabric -- I'll rip out your seams!" I think I need one of those!

Kendra Grove said...

I can't help thinking what those black table covers are going to look like when you guys are finished!!! Whoever set that up had no idea what was in store.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

where can we get one of those T-shirts??? I really think I want one!

Unknown said...

I would love to have one too! Can you ask them where they found it? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

They have so much space for each quilter, and they are deep into it!!! Looks like they are having fun.

The shirt is a riot.... that is exactly how ANYONE here in TN would say it lol.

Thanks for sharing it wiht us Bonnie

Unknown said...

I have been busy getting ready for our daughter's wedding in a week, thus no sewing. Reading your posts and watching quilt cam while working on wedding projects helps me feel connected. Thanks
for time you take to keep us connected to your projects and workshops. I would love a t-shirt like you were given :)

Chris Jensen
Austin, MN

45th Parallel Quilter said...
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45th Parallel Quilter said...

Sorry ... wrong link. This should take you to the right page for some great quilter's shirts


Vickie said...

Your such a god blogger woman, I enjoy it all.

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

LOVE the shirt!! That pattern has been on my "to do" list since 2009!!! One day....

Sally Langston Warren said...

I have the same thought as Kendra....What's up with the black tablecloths?? WHat did they look like after the class was finished? They look nice......but did that work out okay??? I just can't imagine!:)

Sandra Henderson said...

I have never seen a sewing keeper like this one! I love it! I know you can figure it out Bonnie! You can do anything! Warm inside?!?! And I see jackets on back of chairs?!? Now I am REALLY jealous! Fall! Ohhhhh....wonderful! Wish we could hear a bit of your lecture, i knw you are doing great. Sitting here watching Jeopardy, ripping shirts apart. My stack is too high in the laundry room.

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Sitting for the first time this week just to take a look at what's going on...LOVE the shirt! I'm so anxious to sew...but have spent most of my time since Wed night at the hospital with my 93yr old Mom. Things could be better...but they could also be worse. Just nice to kick back and catch up on your blogs.

Karen in Kentucky said...

How thoughtful of someone to bring you a gift, when you share so many gifts with all of us.

scrapsgalore said...

Just trying this to see if I can get in to comment.

Judy said...

That shirt is so perfect. If possible could you please find out where the wonderful person who gave it to you found it, I checked the link that someone else posted and they have many cute shirts but not that saying. I also want to thank you for all the wonderful blogs you send to us each and every day, they are so much fun to read and see what others are doing. Here is a BIG THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!


Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh, I had no idea you were in OK! My oldest lives there now! Too bad I didn't check in sooner!

Anna said...

The shirt came from Hen Feathers Quilt Shop. I ordered them online at their website. Just search for them, they are in Kansas. We had a great deal of fun with them throughout the show that day.

Shar said...

Bonnie, I love to see the smile on your face! Someone wll need that today!
I need one of these shirts!

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