
Friday, September 14, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! My Other Calling!

If we all had secret identities or possessed super-powers, I bet you would never guess that I go around unbeknownst to the rest of unsuspecting humanity performing the ever important duties of the "T.P.Fairy" !!

I'm serious. Everywhere I go it seems I am always left with an empty roll tube on the holder, and a partially used roll near by.

Mom always said leave the world a better place than how you found it and I take this calling very seriously!! LOL!

Of course, this means the new roll must be placed with the paper rolling off "over the top."

Am I making the world a better place? I don't really know. All I know is the next person in that restroom won't even know that anything was fixed by the last person in there---but it still makes me smile to leave the world a better place than I found it.

These pics were taken while at my massage appointment today.

Courtesy of the quilting T.P. Fairy!


Jean said...

Having worked in a convenience store, I do the same thing as you are doing if I can figure out the mechanism. Some are very different.

Jean from Iowa jetanner31@gmail.com

sewkalico said...

Apparently Madonna has a similar compulsion. Although her obsession is to make sure the toilet paper comes off the roll the way she likes it! :)

Three Birds Inspired said...

I always wonder about the person who used it and left it off the roll. As they say in the South, "poor home training!"

Shelia said...

You are just tooooooo funny Bonnie. You DO leave the world a better place than when you found it. In more ways than just the T.P. Fairy.
Happy Quilting.

Misha said...

I'm so pleased to know that you know the "right" way to put it on the holder, too. On a forum once we had a very heated debate about over or under, LOL!!

Carolyn Sullivan said...

LOL you are not alone! I hate it when there isn't a new roll in the TP holder. I have 3 girls it was still a problem. I find it is a problem when I go to my one DD's house still I raise cain!!!

Anonymous said...

I try and do the same thing. AND I put the roll on so it comes off from the top. There is a big debate about that. Thanks for sharing and being a T.P. Fairy.

Cathy44647 said...

now Bonnie, you really should fold over the ends - I have a habit a the quilt classes or "sew in's" that I've gone to to do that and you would not believe how many comments you get. LOL!

Kelly said...

Bwaaaahaaaahaaa! The day before I got married and moved out of my parent's house, I called a "family meeting" - in the bathroom! I told them that, since I wasn't going to be there every day to perform this chore for them, I wanted them to see how to replace a roll of toilet paper on the holder. I haven't let them live it down in 30 years!!!!!

quiltygal said...

Sorry I'm a hang it the other way girl !!! I like the paper rolling down the wall & as I never buy patterned paper it doesn't really matter :)

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Great post ... along the lines of putting an empty milk carton back in the fridge (UGH!!!). I am the "TP Replacer" in our house ... and it rolls over the top (not down the back). Glad to know I'm in good company!

diegoagogo said...

I thought I was the only one!!! How good to hear that I am not. LOL
I am an "over the top" person but my partner is an "against the wall" person. As I am the one that changes it, I win most days.
Mind you after I saw some pictures of cats & dogs rolling the roll off with the over the top method, I could be convinced to change.
It's the little things. *shakes head & heads back to the machine*
Laughing all the way!!!

Anonymous said...

Shhh -- don't tell anyone, but I also wipe down the sink if it's wet. Just another TP fairy in disguise (tip-toeing out of the bathroom)

Mary in Chino, CA

Unknown said...

Ha ha ! I had one son who insisted on building pyramids out of the empties in the corner of his toilet after he left home!!
Every time I went there I would itch to throw them all in the bin but wasn't allowed!
And what is it with the people who get a new roll and just sit it on top of the holder and not change it?
I'm an "over" girl!!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I was fascinated as a kid by those multiroll holders. I always wanted to be the one to switch out the rolls to see how it worked.

dorothy said...

If I find it like that, I too put it on.. bugs me others don't! IF I don't put the tp 'over' at home, I come home to a puddle of tp on the floor...courtesy of my cat.

Bev in Ohio said...

Good for you, it's the right thing to do but I hope nobody saw you taking pictures in the stall!!

stitchinpenny said...

I have even tracked someone down in a convenience store to get another roll of toilet paper. I don't want to have to go and have no TP, so I won;t do that to someone else.

gmp said...

This is just too funny! I am forever telling people in dept. stores and restaurants - just a few weeks ago in a Cracker Barrel, that there is not T.P. (And worse yet, there was no back-up roll. Thank God I carry tissues!!) The world is definitely a better place because of what you do, Bonnie!
P.S. I place mine over the top too!!

Pauline said...

Aha! Someone else does this! Wonder how many more of us there are out there? I take it one step further, I fold the edges under to make an easy to grab point. A nice gesture I learned while visiting a super-charged hotel years ago. Does anyone else do this too?

Tami C said...

I too always carry tissues in my purse. I have to disagree with Bonnie on the direction though, I have to roll the other way in order to save them from destruction by my cats! We have to load our paper towels backwards as well.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I love this! Wish you could hang out at my house after the teenagers have been in the bathroom! Btw, this would be even more appropriate to the "Quilting TP fairy" if you have that 'quilted' tp!
Beth in BC

Lynette said...

I just can't work out why it is so hard to replace a toilet roll.

You are doing a wonderful service

Becky G said...

You crack me up! I'm sure you run into this situation tons more than I do as you are on the road all the time. My mom would smile that you put the rolls on "the correct way." It was the ONLY way in our home! BTW, I have a cat who thinks the roll is his very own play toy, so I often just leave it off the roller @ home, I'll have to try Tami C's proactive technique to out smart her cats!

Beth said...

I am with Lynette, I can not figure out why replacing the roll is so difficult. My DH often uses the last of the roll and doesn't even put a new roll in the bathroom let alone on the holder. (eye roll). My girls couldn't replace them either.
I always replace them when I see them too. I don't have a big preference on which way to put it on, but I usually do over the top.

Valerie said...

As we've been saying... Thanks for all you do, Bonnie! LOL And I'm with you, definitely must roll over the top!

Phyllis said...

Me too!

Lady of the Cloth said...

How funny, I do the same yhing. I used to tell my sons yhat leaving an empty roll was a capital offense.

GeeMa said...

Yep, yep... gotta be over the top. I get absolutely frustrated if I can't figure out how to open the toilet paper holder so I can put the paper on. However, in my bathroom, I didn't install a holder. I have a basket with rolls of tp in it.

Aileen said...

At my house those are the same family members that get in the shower and don't bring a towel. Then scream Holy Heck until someone brings "him" or them a fresh towel. Sometimes I take my time searching the linen closet that is 2 feet from the bathroom. Gee Towels? Now where would we put those towels? HUMMM? Must of got robbed....

janequiltsslowly said...

Me too. c o m p u l s i v e

Sandy said...

Bonnie, you are so good!

One day I came home to find most of the TP still rolled up on the roller, but my dog had removed and eaten the cardboard core! How he got it out, I'll never know!

simplestitchesbysp said...

Headed to Angola IN in the morning. Supposed to be in the mid 70s.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,Latrelle from Georgia..last night was our guild meeting and I had finished your Blue Ridge Beauty for show and tell,,,
I am getting every one inspired for your visit to our guild in November..looking forward to see you again..

Terri in BC said...

Me three!

Jaci Emerson said...

I think there is a whole battalion of us TP Fairies! And it appears that we are mostly "Over the Top!" I have 2 grown children,24 and 20, and I still get after them when they don't replace the paper. We must have spoiled them too much as children!

Brenda R in FL said...

Most definitely over the top!! We too have cats and yes they unroll it ALL the time. We just re-roll it up again. But getting used to having very lumpy rolls of TP :-). lol

Dorothy Matheson said...

I am lucky as my DH will replace the roll when he empties it. Cats have made us place the roll coming off under. Easier than rerolling all the time.

wildcatmom said...

Cats and dogs, AND small children. :D

sewnsew said...

Thank you Bonnie for encouraging me to get hand quilting 16 moose DONE 12 to go. 7 per side border, 2 borders done, working on the third one, wahoo. didn't think I would get this far. Ramona from Maine sewnsew@live.com

janequiltsslowly said...

Did you hear the joke:
How many kids does it take to replace the TP roll?

Answer: It is unknown because its never happened yet.

ALICIA said...

Interesante, no puedo dormir y llevo tres horas haciendo un logcabin precioso en azules y tostados. Entro a dar una vuelta por mi sitio favorito y a las siete de la mañana, me lo estoy pasando muy bien con el rollo de papel. No sé porque, pero lo ponga quien lo ponga yo siempre lo encuentro distinto de como lo deseo, así que solucionado, utilizo papel húmedo que viene en bolsas y cuando salgo me lo llevo en la bolsita pequeña. Buenos días a todos desde España.

Anonymous said...

Once as a kid my mom asked us all who had replaced the roll...I had, for want of something to do I suppose, and I was rewarded with a quarter!! Been a "replacer" ever since...BK

Irene Onderweegs said...

mmm, think it shows that you're in a men's household...
or at least persons with a standing habit.
when you're seated, it is more comfy to leave the paper close to the wall. hubbs over here used to sail, and sits! and so the paper is accordingly hung up *grin* (or stands on top of the toilet bin, which makes it easier to replace it LOL!)
the cats only grab the paper when i'm playing with them, sneaking a piece under the door from inside =^}
i know, bad habits....
and in restaurants: whenever there is a plastic disk remaining when the paper is gone, i collect it to eventually use it to make wheels for toys. it's sounds even a worse habit i guess, but i don't care.
that's how you end up, nuts amidst all fabric bolts...
from a sunny and brisk amsterdam,
love, irene

Beverley said...

I have 2 girls, and they don't change it either!! Grrrrrrrrrr.

Josie McRazie said...

We are cut from the same cloth! Can I tell you how much it infuriates methat my kids can use the last...pull out a new roll...and NOT put it on the stinking roller! Some day I am gonna getone of the talking ones and put messages from mormon it! Bwahahaha

Denise R said...

Hahaha another common bond. TP. :) I really don't care which way it rolls, just as long as it is there. In a house full of very intelligent people, how is it that I am the ONLY one who knows how to put the new roll into the holder? Really?

Jean C. said...

Your so funny.... you remind me of an episode of Mad About You, where he is on the phone with someone and she walks out new t.p. roll in hand and the roller in the other.... demonstrates how to put it onto the roller.... and walks off! LoL... I did that once to my DH.... he changes it now too! You are blessing someone... nothing like hearing;
(insert your name here).... would get me some t.p. please? At least he said please! lol.... I'm tempted to go buy another roller and put them side by side! But then I suppose we would have two empty rollers!

HoosierKitty said...

You've started a support group for all of us TP fairies who thought we were the only one. I feel better already knowing that I don't have to replace every single roll everywhere......there are more of us than I knew. What a happy feeling!

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