
Saturday, September 08, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Feet Up and Kickin' Back!

What a successful day!

We finished the workshop, put everything at the church we were using back in order since tomorrow is Sunday--

We took a sort break and then resumed our fun for dinner at the Red Bowl Bistro. Yummy!

It was a great but long day and after a cup of tea we are jammied up, feet up, needles up and settling in for the evening.

Sally is knitting socks. Joe has control of the remote, and the critters are close at hand to supervise.

Yes---I'm binding the Nearly Completely Insane!! A storm has been roaring through and it's a great night to stay in.

Looks like tonight my One Hour of Needle and Thread will be binding.

Have a great one, y'all!!


janequiltsslowly said...

The speed of your finishes always leave me breathless. If I didn't have a "day job" I like to think I'd be doing the same.

Valerie said...

Looks so cozy. I cannot wait for the weather to turn here in Phoenix. Love those fur babies. Enjoy your evening.

scraphappy said...

Enjoy your evening. Looks like you've got plenty of company.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful animals!

sewnsew said...

glad your class went well. I did 1 hour of buttonhole apprique on felt while at our state quilt guild meeting today. Still hope to get more moose done tonight

Carolyn Sullivan said...

I don't have a day job, (retired) and still can't keep up to your pace!!! WOW!

Marj said...

I got home from the class and rested while my daughter cooked dinner for me. I really enjoyed the full day we spent learning all the ways to make Smith Mountain squares, visiting with new and old friends. Oh, also the great show and tell quilts.

Sandra Henderson said...

Marj, wasn't that the greatest class ever?!?! Just not long enough.... Needed another day. :)
But, thankful for the time we had and you have a very lovely city of Aiken. Such nice folks. Hate to leave.

Anonymous said...

Love the way you choose cheddar to display the animals.

Anonymous said...

What did you mean by getting moose done? Is that an American term that an Aussie wouldn't understand?

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