
Monday, July 23, 2012

Spa Day at Bedford Springs!

Several Years ago when I made my first pilgrimage out to Altoona, PA---it was either September or October because Bedford’s Fall Foliage festival was in full swing ---we drove past Bedford Springs in a very “sight seeing” manner.

The place AMAZED me! I love historic buildings, and to realize that this place has been a destination for people traveling for the “benefits of the waters” for over 200 years is incredible!

Yet, that was just a DRIVE BY – yesterday I actually got to go inside and my jaw just dropped. They’ve done such a good job at preserving the original feel of the place. This wasn’t just an appointment for a massage that was going to last 50 minutes and be over ---when you go, you get the whole benefit of the facilities. The indoor pool, the outdoor pool, the mineral showers, the herb infused mineral water sauna, and the bedford baths ---and the quiet lounge and verandas. It’s a full day experience!

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This was my first view--I had to pull over and get a pic! The main lobby is way at the far end of the pic where you can see the columns.

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A valet will take and park your car for you as is custom. Hint: When you leave your car with the valet, remember to leave him your key fob if your car has a push button ignition! LOL! I got half way through the lobby before remembering my fob was still in my purse. Sometimes I think it is easier to have a key that goes IN an ignition! This is not the first time I’ve done this ----but this is the view when you enter the lobby-- Imagine very soft music playing….the relaxation is already starting!

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Another view in the lobby – this is where those stair cases lead to --- up to guest rooms and other amenities.

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This is where you whisper "Holy Moly!" with near reverence --- This place is beautiful…all that is missing is someone to play that baby grand piano in the back corner ---

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To get to the spa, go through the library – stop to rearrange some puzzle pieces on the table – and keep going!

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An attendant will take you to the locker area. You will be given a robe and slippers and a locker to call your own while you are here. Change into your bathing attire.

Get giddy over the hexagon tiles on the floor!

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Towels are provided as are any toiletries you might need.

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Hang your robe and towel on the hook and step into the warm and drenching mineral shower. Use the special body scrub to leave your world behind and down the drain! From here you can relax in the steam sauna if you wish, or slide right into the healing waters of the Bedford mineral bath whirlpool:

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Soak yourself blissfully until your fingers and toes reach mandatory pruney-ness!

Gawk at the gorgeous tile on the walls!

There should be a sign on the wall that says "Quilters -- do not DROOL in the WHIRLPOOL!"

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This is not a place for magic markers --- but those hexagons on the wall were calling me! And how pretty is this border?

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Dry off after your whirlpool extravaganza and enter the quiet lounge. Comfy chaise lounges with blankets for napping, reading or just day dreaming beckon you to leave it all behind and stay.

Treat yourself to a plate of fresh fruit, fix a cup of tea to sip while you read. And my new favorite – they had tall glasses of water adorned with a slice of cucumber, a wedge of orange, and a slice of lime in each glass over ice. So simple, so elegant, so necessary!

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Exit the french doors off of the quiet lounge to find yourself in a secluded garden with burbling fountains.

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Walk along the paths – still wrapped in your robe and wearing your slippers. The double veranda is also furnished with comfy lounges for outdoor resting. This was my favorite place of all and I could have stayed out here and enjoyed the quiet and peaceful surroundings until the sun went down.

But that isn’t all that there is to do here!

There is a gorgeous INDOOR pool!

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More yummy floor tiles! And my slippers and robe :c)

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There is a lot of history behind this pool. It was one of the first indoor pools ever built in the United States. The pool was added in 1905 and fed with mineral water from the springs. It’s just beautiful!

But if you really want a bit of sunshine – you can wander to the outdoor pool:

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Pick a lounge chair, read a book, catch a cat nap in the late afternoon sunshine!

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Rent a private cabana or soak in the outdoor Jacuzzi!

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Play golf if you want ---or let the DH do it while you indulge yourself in the spa!

We had a great day ---and literally, you may have a 4pm massage appointment, but you can get there early in the day, spend the whole day enjoying the facilities, have your massage, shower, dress and change and have a wonderful dinner right there at the hotel. It was the perfect end to my time here in Bedford and I’m so glad that Mary and I had the chance to do it!

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Poolside Bliss!


Nancy said...

How lovely.... and what a great day for it

Quilter Kathy said...

OMG...I have never seen anything so beautiful in all my life!

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing all your wonderful adventures!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, it is absolutely dream-like! And you so deserve a day at the spa. After the computer and FW mauling, your schedule etc ... Ii am so happy for you are able to relax and enjoy being pampered.
Smiles, JulieinTN

Birdie said...

Next time you go I think you should take a new friend.......Me!!

Lori said...

Lovely and so historic!! What a fun day Bonnie!

Mary said...

You certainly deserve some pampering for all you do and this looks like just the place to do it. thanks for sharing it with us

Kay said...

You so deserve it!! What a beautiful place.

LintLady said...

Hello Bonie,
what a beautyful place! You had a great time there and I wish I could go there, too.
xxx Doris

Amy said...

Who needs to pay for advertisement when Bonnie Hunter takes care of it for free on her blog?!?! :D
What a heavenly place. I feel relaxed just by viewing the amazing pictures. Hope you enjoyed it once the picture taking was done.

pricillaprecise said...

Jeepers, Bonnie, what a treat. And never mind the floor tiles (yeah, I know you like hexagons) but what about the carpet patterns for quilt layouts ... I particularly love the one in library where the puzzle was. Margaret

45th Parallel Quilter said...

These old bones were moaning for a massage while I was reading about your day ... definitely have to put it on my bucket list. Not too far from me ... so very do-able!! Just get another quilting friend or two and make a day of it .... ahhhhhhh!!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing, as Amy. Bonnie, should get paid for your "tourist-enticing" tours!! What a fab place and such a treat for you. Mary knows how to treat her friends!!
Faye in Maine

Anonymous said...

You are the only person I know of that could pose for a foot commercial in a podiatrist's office! How lucky you are!!!!! And that place is beautiful.

Barby in Mountain Home, ARK

Anonymous said...

I love seeing all the places you go - it is quite the travelog. Makes me want to journey to the US and visit them all - one day. Its a long way from Australia though!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie I know I am responding after the fact. This reminds me of my visit to Hot Springs, Ark. Some of the tile pics are the same. What a beautiful place for you and Mary to spend a well deserved day. Again thank you for sharing. Suzanne in Maine

cindyann said...

What a great place!! I want to go. Do they have a web site?? Could you post the link please?

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