
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Evening Edition! Free Kindle Book!

Oh it’s hard to keep secrets secret! And I want to share bits and pieces because yes I am sewing my brains out, but at the same time there are projects that are either mysteries, or workshop projects that we aren’t letting out and about yet because details are still not finalized and we are just in the planning stages.

You read me right --- WE. I have another designer friend who is so different from me, yet we get along so well that we want to do a joint project together.

If there have been photos posted via facebook etc --- or if you’ve seen bits and pieces here and there on the blog, I just can’t go any farther with explanations so you’ll just have to be patient with us as this shapes up!

Tonight I will probably be paper piecing on some wild & goosey blocks --- I’ve also got my blocks for next year’s Quiltmaker Magazine column to line up --- and those I really can’t show ahead of time either, and I know that makes for boring disappointing blog posts!

Never fear, tomorrow night is the Lecture/Dinner in Sisters -- there will be photos of that, as well as photos from the show on Saturday to look forward to.

This is my one week I look forward to every year – to come out to Oregon and power-sew with girlfriends and not only get-away-from-it-all but get a good head start on projects that have deadlines.

AND. I found a freebie while acquainting myself with my new laptop!

A Song for the Asking by Steve Gannon is free tonight in the Amazon Kindle Store. I don’t know how long it’s been free, or how long it will be, but it is free as I type this, so double check!

Genre: Drama

Book Description:

Detective Daniel Kane is the self-proclaimed king of his castle, his California beachfront home, and the ironfisted ruler of his subjects — his wife, Catheryn, and his four children: Tommy, Travis, Allison, and Nate. Hardened by years of law enforcement, he is determined to prepare his children to face a harsh and violent world. With a relentless will for perfection and scorn for anything less, Kane teaches them his rules for success and provides a model for the essentials of survival: strength, bravery, ambition, stoicism, and vengeance. He shows them everything — everything but what is in his heart.

Over the course of a single shattering summer, each of Kane’s children will be forced to pay the price his standards demand, but the brunt of Kane’s fierce and exacting love will fall on Travis. Lacking the physical prowess of his older brother Tommy, Travis confounds his father with artistic “softness” and musical gifts. Yet in a devastating moment that will change all the Kanes forever, it is Travis alone who will find the courage to defy his father and, ultimately, to redeem him.

Set against the sweeping backdrop of the California coast, A Song for the Asking tells the story of a family not unlike your own.

Dinner is on the grill, and I’m still not used to the 3 hour time difference between East and West coast ---I look at the clock and find it impossible that it is “THAT LATE NOW” at home ---and we are just getting dinner going ----

Happy Thursday Eve everyone!


Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

Enjoy your friends and don't worry about the rest of us! We know that whatever you are working on will be worth the wait! :)

janice d in gastonia said...

What are they going to do about your broken machine? Are they going to fix it? You never showed us the results of your new shelving system in the basement of your home.
janice dinse

Mary said...

I know all about keeping secrets, testing the blocks for the 100 Blocks Quiltmaker Magazine. My quilt buddy misses me when I have a Block to finish and can't show her. I keep waiting for your block to Test for Volume 6. I wish I could be a fly on the wall Friday Night at the dinner. I called and asked my Sister to go to Sisters with em this week-end. This should be FUN! SO, I might just get to see you, after all my whining. Watch for the PURPLE Quilt, Eat, Sleep, Repeat shirt OK?

Carolyn Sullivan said...

everyone needs that time to get with friends and sew up a storm, IMHO.... What are you doing about that poor Purple girl? love to know what the airlines are saying..... I was thinking of going to the Houston internation quilt show and taking a class. I would need a machine, ship it?

LeAnn said...

Bonnie, I think you have been holding out on us. You must have a clone to get all the things done that you do. Enjoy your time in Oregon/Idaho. Recharge your batteries! You deserve a break!

Bev said...

Book is still free Friday evening. Just finished the one about the Titantic and it was good! Now am 7 books behind, thank you very much!! Bev (kwiltpharm @aol.com)

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