Bonnie K Hunter
Winston Salem NC 27107
File # (redacted)
Dear United,
It has taken me a few days to arrive home from my trip to Oregon and then to get the documentation needed to send you regarding my damaged luggage.
As there is no room on any digital form to explain what happened, I hope you won't mind me sharing my story here, because there were many things that combined to make this disaster happen, a whole set of circumstances that were beyond my control.
First off, I am a loyal United Airlines customer. I have been flying United or Star Alliance for many years and this is my airline of choice for all my business travel. I don't know if it matters, but I am a Star Gold customer.
I know accidents happen, but I also believe that some things just need to be made right.
On the afternoon of July 9th I was flying on flight 5550 from SFO to RDM.
The flight was already an hour delayed, and they were in a hurry to get us boarded and out of there and on our way.
My seat was 3A --I chose this seat because I need the under-the-seat storage space for my carry-on which contained not only my laptop computer, but my vintage custom painted 1938 singer featherweight sewing machine, both of which I need for my business -- you see I was on my way to Sisters, Oregon for the Sisters Quilt Show. I am a writer for Quiltmaker Magazine, and I publish quilting books with Kansas City Star. These items are very much attached to what I do for a living.
By nature, being a carry-on, these items are not packed with the possibility of becoming checked luggage. This has ALWAYS fit under the seat at my feet.
When I got to my seat, I found that the under the seat storage area was already taken by a HUGE back pack/duffel bag. My roll aboard that fits under the seat would NOT fit in the overhead bin on this smaller regional jet.
As we were haggling what needed to happen here to make room for my bag, as I was in seat 3A ---the flight attendant told me to pass my bag forward, that it would have to be gate checked, that I was holding up passengers from entering the plane and that we needed to get moving for an on time departure.
She asked me to pass my bag forward three times....and having memorized the line that "customers will adhere to all posted signs and plackards and follow all crew member instructions" I let my bag go.
I never should have.
Upon reaching my destination, I discovered that my laptop had been completely demolished, and even worse, my beautiful prize 1938 one of a kind featherweight sewing machine broken beyond repair. Photos are enclosed below.
I took the laptop to Best Buy to see about it --- it's not under warranty anymore, and they want to charge me $89.95 to give me an estimate on whether it is fixable or not. I consider this a bad investment, because I honestly don't see that it is fixable, and it's sad to say, I kind of doubt there will be any compensation on the demolition of my laptop.
But my machine?
I am attaching the receipt, and a letter stating why it is not fixable, and asking for full compensation on the destroyed machine as this is my business, my livelihood.
Never again will I allow a flight attendant to demand that I check my carry on planeside when it should have been the person who's HUGE backpack was taking up the entire under the seat storage space.
Is there anything you can do to help me?
This will not stop me from flying United ---my business must go on, but I would hope that because of my loyalty to United, that United will in turn show some loyalty back to me, a valued customer.
Please contact me if you need more information.
email: Quiltville@gmail.com
Bonnie K Hunter
Machine damage, showing motor broken from the body of the machine -- this is unfixable as it is cast aluminum.
The extension tray is completely broken off and can not be repaired.
The broken screen on my laptop.
I, too, fly United and will be very curious to see how they handle this unfortunate matter. Good luck, Bonnie!
Okay, a lot of expressions just went through my mind upon seeing the damage (none of them very polite, I admit)--what were they doing with those bags, playing basketball?! They need to make their policy that underseat storage goes first to the person with the cooresponding seat number and then, if not being used, to another.
Oh my goodness, what a shame that your beautiful machine was destroyed. I must say that if this is not rectified I would surely take it a step further into the legal arena. I'll be watching to see what happens.
Oh my goodness, how heartbreaking to see that terrible damage.
I'm not sure if you are familiar with a story about the Sons of Maxwell having a guitar broken by United Airlines.
You might want to contact them and get another song written about your sewing machine and lap top.
Hopefully this will bring a joyful tear to your eye.
For the video check out.
I wonder if they realize how many of us are anxious to see how they handle this? We love that little machine and it will be missed.
I hope you are rewarded for your loyalty to United. I hope the flight attendant is retrained to have the oversized or overflowing under-seat baggage baggage checked. I hope they offer you FAR MORE than an upgrade on your next flight. These things are the very least that United can do. If no, I hope you exercise your right to fly another airline.
Bonnie although a screen fix (assuming that's all it was) is very expensive but any computer shop should be able to quote you that without looking at the machine, the price alone would justify a new laptop without looking further to see if anything else is broken, which given the state of the equipment, is likely.
I wish you the best of luck with this. I have found airlines to be coldhearted and condescending when things go array. Yes, they should compensate you for both items with no questions asked. Will they? Probably not. I am so sorry you had to endure this and have lost that very valuable machine. I hope the airline makes a liar out of me!
Sandi, I just posted that on a previous page. Bonnie, if you haven't watched it, please do -- it will at least give you a big laugh and leave you with a tune to remember. That incident happened over 2 or 3 years ago -- hopefully Miss I
rlwig has learned her lesson.
Oh I would have been so much sterner. I hope they will make good on this mistake.
I hope you do not have to resort to a lawyer.
Good luck
London, UK
I just flew United and they insisted I sky check my carry on which had my sewing machine in it. Fortunately I had really packed it well. I asked them to be gentle and fortunately it came back fine. Mine wasn't vintage but I was not happy about it. It was in a small carry on size suitcase so it would have fit in the overhead bin. Why have carry on then. People pack the things they don't want checked in their carry on luggage.
I sure hope they compensate you extremely well for the loss of your things. Marla
That is just sickening. You're right. The backpack that was hogging your space, should've been checked or in an overhead bin. Don't you have pics of your carry in under your seat from a previous flight? I could've sworn I had seen a blog post before. Maybe it would help showing, it does indeed fit!
You forgot to include the problems with the delays coming home! Do you need the email address of the President? I've got it!! Or I can connect you to my guy David in the exec office. :-). Of course I'm still waiting for my refund from Barcelona so I may not be the best resource.
Good luck with the fight. If all else fails contact ABC I am sure they would love to do a piece on this. Esp with rising costs of checked bags!Luann
My question, also, is why they did not ask the "Black Bag" owner to remove his bag and place it under his seat rather than under your seat. So sorry about your loss. Will be waiting to see how United replies to your letter.
As a quilter I know how heart breaking and inconvinent this loss is. 3 years ago as I flew from SFO to Minneapolis I was forced to give up my carry on too. As you said the carry on bag was packed to be carried on! It contained my laptop, embroidery software dongle, jewelry and a variety of other valuables. The bag did not appear at the other end. About a week later the bag was"found" of course all the valuables were missing. After much pleading, explaining..... United Airlines did nothing for me. when buying a ticket I acknowleged that they were not responsible for electronics and jewelry, never mind they were in my confiscated carry on. My carry on was small and would have been easily accomadated except that I was near the end of the line boarding and was told all the carry on space was full before I had a chance to board.
I, too, encourage you to watch "united breaks guitars" A friend just showed me this the oher week. It is funny if you are not the one that lost something valuable. In fact...I think I would link that video to your blogspot. And make a video of your own...placed on fb and utube. perhaps it might be just you reading your letter as the audio as you went through the pix of the ruin, along with some other pix pulled from seminars and some of your quilts. And email it to United. If there is no good response from them, I would shake the dust of United from your feet and move your loyalty to another airline.
Good luck, Bonnie! This is such a sad state of affairs but you have handled it very well. We are all awaiting the resolution. Chin up! Let's Sew!
Bonnie, I do not travel much anymore, but I have family members who do travel extensively for business. We will all watch what happens here. The United flight attendant was out of order making you give up your storage space. Keep us posted. This has ramifications for all who travel with their Featherweights (and laptops!).
What an unfortunate thing to happen to you. I hope that your letter does some good.
Will your homeowner's insurance cover anything? Just a thought.
Bravo!!! and good luck :o)
This makes my blood boil!
Obviously United Airlines didn't learn anything about handling luggage from the huge amount of negative exposure they received from Dave Carroll and his "United Breaks Guitars" video on YouTube several years ago.
This posting needs to go viral so that they will reap another harvest of negativity.
Try this website as well https://gripevine.com/
Well said and "with kindness/firmness". The pics help the story for sure. Right on Sister! Sister!. Will be anxious to hear.........the rest of the story.
Oh Bonnie - I am so sorry to hear of this. I have no words for you except that I pray this will be taken care of for you. If it helps any, my dd was flying home after visiting and she was held by TSA because she did not match her photo - she had gotten her haircut. I know this doesn't even begin to compare but the fact that these senseless things happen more and more is NOT comforting at all.
You are very diplomatic (much more than I think I would be). Hope everything turns out ok, but I know the hassle is soooooooo frustrating. Service has disappeared in most places in this country. Let's hope United Airlines still has good service. I know you'll keep us posted.
Debbie Barnes
afer i sured there pants off!,,,,,,, you will not see me flying American or United, i know Flying out of Greensboro, doesn't give you a lo of choice depending on out Arrival point. I would want the money to TRY to find a featherweight, Lost income, and Down time for sewing!,,,,HELLO FOX NEWS! I think this should be put all over the Press, internet, Radio and Newspaper Bonnie, and Listed as a Quilters DO NOT FLY LIST arilines! Your following is large enough Bonnie that we as your friend, or author and teacher should spread this like wild fire across the country! This is just SO worng. on a side note. Last time I flew out of Greensboro home to Philly, I had to remove my braces, and take my cane apart, to prove I wasn't hiding something, with all this removed and my Cane on the other side of the screener, They told me to walk through, I though they where kidding, guess what it was at UNITEDS GATES! What a bunch of crap! in both cases, Do I have your OK to repost this letter on my website Bonnie! The more our quiltied and poeple tha fly here about this the better your case will have leggs to stand on , not that you don't have prove enough! Jo Ann
Oh Bonnie! How sad! Like some of your other fans, I agree that airlines are tight-fisted when it comes to damages. The computer is one thing, but the little featherweight cannot be replaced. Did you report the damage when you still in the airport? I'll bet not. Who knew until you got home? Unfortunately,that might make the difference.
Nicely done! In my experience, a polite, articulate,detailed description of the incident has always resulted in favorable compensation. I have had very good results from writing letters like this, and I think you will, too. Clearly they were in the wrong in this situation, but you maintain a calm, reasoned, substantiated tone. Anger and belligerence are unproductive--contrary to the messaging we get in this culture--and more mothers need to teach their children that two wrongs don't make a right. They were wrong, and your letter is strong testimony that you are right--they wronged you!!!
I'd be in tears if this happened to me. Let us know how this get resolved.
This is not uncommon for United. This musician had his guitar broken (watched it being broken even!) and after not getting any satisfaction from United posted this song on Youtube. It went viral and United bought him a new guitar. Now he travels ands speaks to organizations because social media has made companies including airlines deal with these situations differently. Bad PR is bad PR! So..don't give up!
You go girlfriend! Can't wait to see the outcome.
Keep us in the loop as to how they respond Bonnie. They might lose a lot of customers depending on how they deal with this.
Good luck.
We travel extensively and have had one problem with a different airline. My hubby handled it well by calmly stating "we'll put our carry on in the belly of the plane when you, the other Stewardesses and the pilots sign a form that states you're 1,000 % responsible for damages I know will be incurred to our carry on". We were allowed to keep that very small carry on with us!
Sometimes you simply have to let the airlines know that you really are the one in charge, not them. And remind them that if you didn't fly, they wouldn't have a job.
Here's keeping positive thoughts for your financial recovery and speedy ones at that!
I think if you don't get a satisfactory response from the airline you should go to your nearest newspaper and or tv station advocate! Businesses don't likes that negative media attention
I agree that the other person's bag should have been gate checked not yours. My space under the seat in front of me is my space, and I paid for it, so I demand it. I would have requested that they put the bag in the first class coat closet due to it being fragile, but that is hindsight.
I really hope that they reimburse you for everything, though I know that will not replace the machine. I also hope that you can find another machine to replace the one that was destroyed.
I am curious as to whose duffle/ backpack was under YOUR seat. The flight attendant should have taken that item to the baggage check. I have noticed on several recent flights that flight staff are not permitting normal carryon while others bring on gigunda baggage and take up others space. I don't feel that the flight staff are doing their job if they don't monitor those who feel they should be treated with more privilege than those who follow the "rules". This is just one of the situations that is giving airline travel a bad reputation. I am so sorry about your equipment. I hope you have some success with this claim.
A letter written by a consummate professional - YOU! I hope for the best outcome in your favor from United Airlines. I will be passing your unfortunate experience on to those I know so they will be aware in case the baggage police accost them prior to a flight!
Extremely well written letter!! are there any who visit your blog who have personal relationships with United employees who could advocate on your behalf?
There is more abuse of the size & number of carry on luggage. you're out of luck if you are not part of the first who board.
I travel a lot too and have noticed the "it's your fault for holding up the plane, so hand it over" pressure that the cabin staff place on travelers.
Bonnie, how about a letter/email writing campaign from all of us loyal blog followers? United might get the picture if there are letters and emails from a group of angry quilters! I, personally, loved seeing your beloved Featherweight in locations all across the country, with your projects under the needle. It was your TRADEMARK MACHINE! Bonnie's iconic Featherweight. Anyway, I would be more than happy to send a note to United, letting them know that a lot of people are watching how they handle this situation. Up to you. Let us know!
Very nicely written, Bonnie, and kudos to you for being patient and allowing the claim process to go through. I know we are all anxious for this to be resolved quickly, but having experienced a few incidences like this as well, it does take time for the proper procedures to be followed (I'm sure every airline must have to deal with frivolous claims, as well as legitimate ones like yours). Good luck to you!
Will be interested to hear their response. If it had been a small pet, they could of killed it. I know that is close to how killing my Featherweight would affect me! (FYI - I wouldn't dream of flying with a pet, having watch out window of Tampa Airport and seeing how they handle 3 pet crates.)
wow...great letter and I agree when you purchase a seat you are also purchasing the space directly in front of your seat. I will watch this blog and see what happens from United.
Recently my daughter was flying to Calif (home) from Boston (her home now) for a week. In Boston her flight was full so they offered to switch her to a different direct flight to LAX instead of her destination to Orange County which had a layover in Chicago. Good deal, shorter travel time and we live about equal distance between the two airports. she switched flights and all was well, or so we thought. At the end of her trip she couldn't check in on-line and when we got to the airport we discovered that United had listed her as a no-show on her original flight and cancelled her return trip never contacted her. The return flight was full and she was rudely told she'd have to wait until the next day or they could see if there was a flight out of San Diego or LA she could get on. At the gate we used our phones and found a route for her through DC. They NEVER apologized and tried to charge her fees for cancellation and the more expensive flight home. As my daughter and husband got louder and we were holding up lines they finally booked her. As for all future trips...we have flown and will fly Virgin or Jet Blue worth the little higher fee for better customer service.
I am so sorry. That is just wrong. I realize airlines are having a hard time making a profit these days, just like a lot of other businesses, but there should be some reward for helping to keep them in business for all those years.
Very nice...but you are much nicer than I am. I would have thrown a tizzy and insisted that either the backpack was moved or they put me in another seat...
If United doesn't respond, you could also contact you local TV station's consumer reporter. Larger newspapers (like the SF Chronicle) also have travel sections where the reporter takes on unsolveable airline problems. You deserve to be reimbursed and you are acting very polite but insistent.....good for you.
I had a similar event happen with mt babylock machine when I flew with alligiant and as soon as I sent them the pic with damage and the cost they had a check reimbursing me in full for my machine so I hope that United will do the same for you
Great letter. I just wonder how many claims like this it will take before airlines figure out that charging for bags is just overcrowding the cabin and causing issues like this?
Sick 'em Bonnie!!!!
Very well written letter! Hope you get a prompt and complete settlement....this is not an aggravation anyone needs! Hang in there! Nancy
I had a nice gold bracelet with hand blown glass beads that my sister had made me. This was special to me and it fell off my arm when it snag on the plane "wall." I saw it slide back on the floor too far for me to reach. I asked the plane steward to be on the look-out for it. It turned out that the passenger behind me found it and turned it into a different stewardess. She gave it to the head steward who put it in the TRASH. Long story short, I never got it back, I never got any recompense. The head steward had to no reason he threw it in the trash, just thought it was junk. I hope you get recompense, from a quilter-your sewing machine pictures made me sad. Candace
Bonnie, that was a great letter you wrote to United. I must say that at this moment you have the patience of a Saint. As for me I probably would have been thrown off the plane because I would have demanded (rather loudly)that the duffle taking up "my" under seat space be removed. Anyway, I have had some rather bad experiences with United and their customer service, so I no longer use them.
Oh Bonnie - as the old saying goes, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Keep your cool head but be very politely persistent. Hope you get the outcome you deserve, although they won't be able to replace your lovely pink FW. Just hope your followers will let this play out before deluging United with their comments.
Oh no! That is horrible. I agree with previous posts that your letter sets the correct tone. Please let us know if you do not receive satisfaction. You know that we will help put pressure on the airline. We will wait patiently for our orders, Ma'am!
beautifully written Bonnie!
GOod letter, maybe attach a copy of the blog so that they can see how many negative responses this has generated.
well written - go "git" 'em! With the next correspondence, ding them on customer service. Isn't that the hot button in the corporate world? Resolution will be interesting.
Just seeing your beautiful featherweight breaks my heart. I always look for it in your picutres. She was such a fantastic machine.I always wondered if you found her that way or had her painted special.
Bonnie, you are so nice to handle it like you have. I ♥LOVED♥ to see that beautiful machine in your pictures and will sorely miss it, as will the rest of your world wide followers. I will be watching to see just how United handles this. What ever the out come, I plan to inform my flying friends of your entire story and the outcome of United's handling.
♥Love to you!!♥
Hopefully the enormous amount of bad press United Airlines is getting for this will motivate them to compensate you for your losses. I'm so sorry this happened to you, Bonnie :(
I always start with the diplomatic approach. But if that doesn't get results then throw a fit. A big one. In the meantime I'll think positive thoughts that by being reasonable they will do the right thing. Hopefully you can recover data from your hard drive?
I am so sorry for you losses. Hope you had a great time despite the losses you have suffered. There is a YouTube video about United breaking a Taylor guitar that you might be interested in.
Have a good trip to PA.
That is terrible! Listen up United!!! One bad review from someone as admired as Bonnie Hunter can put a big dent in your business!
I know how badly I would feel if my little black featherweight had damages such as yours. Your pink one was very special and you must be compensated fairly for that treasure and for your computer, as well. I'm waiting to hear how it turns out.
Do keep us updated on how this is handled..I am so sad that this happened to you Bonnie! UGH! You are taking it better than I would have!
Nothing will replace what you've lost in that sweet machine. United and I parted ways many years ago and I'm sad to see that they haven't improved a bit since then. I hope they take some positive action.
Hi Bonnie, I am a frequent flyer and appalled at how often unfairness by flight attendants leaks to problems like this. I would suggest posting a link to your post on twitter. I have heard that the airlines closely follow twitter posts and respond promptly. Best wishes for a good outcome. The loss of your beautiful fascia machine is heartbreaking. Let us know how they respond. Mary. :-)))
I fly United frequently as well and have noticed the "Carry On" bags are as large as the bags I have paid $25.00 to check. I get very angry at what is allowed to be considered a carry on.
A laptop can be replaced, but your FEATHERWEIGHT??? SOB! And what did they do with the bag... I mean those machines are cast iron and it is shattered! Did an elephant jump on the bag??????? Yes, United needs to (1) buy you a new laptop and (2) buy you a "new" tricked out Featherweight! Sigh. I'm so sorry Bonnie!
Good luck - hope you get a respectful amount for the sewing machine. I don't envy you that battle. Sue K
Oh I am heartbroken for you! I sure hope they take care of this!!
Seeing your beautiful Featherweight like that makes my heart sick. I hope that United does right by you. You were very professional in your letter and kind. I hope that United respects that and acknowledges you in kind.
What a crying shame! This saddens me that they treated your luggage (and others as well) with such disrespect. I hope you pursue this until you are happy!
Hi Bonnie,
I don't want to sound jaded, but I've heard a lot of stories like this.. good luck with trying for your settlement.
I'm so sorry to hear about your machine (and laptop). I hope that you get a happy resolution from United. I've been in a similar situation with my camera equipment bag and the person from two rows back on the other side of the plane who stuffed their oversized bag into my bin wasn't happy when I removed it and set it in the aisle.
Hi Bonnie,
I'm really sorry to hear about your damaged items. I hope you get some positive action from United.
I will probably get flamed here, and I don't condone the actions of the flight attendant or the other passenger, but you pay for your seat and stowage of allowed cabin baggage.
While there is etiquette to be observed, and most people adhere to it, stowage space is communal on a plane. for example, if your seat happens to be under a bulkhead used for safety equipment and you can't use it because of this, your baggage is put somewhere else by the flight steward. This might not be directly above or in front of you.
Interestingly, is the space under your own seat your space, since you have paid for your seat area? This sort of thing is 'talked' about on air travel forums all the time.
Good luck with it all!
Think of us over here in Australia where cabin baggage is generally limited to 5kg.
Wow, when I see your pictures it just makes me heartsick. I cannot imagine what velocity and weight it took to break your sewing machine. I did love seeing pictures of your machine. I truly had Featherweight envy. It was such a sassy little machine. I dearly hope the Adminstration of United realize how far reaching this could go and do the correct course of action. I would say never sign the document that releases any airline from responsibility for damages. Thanks for the insight.
They must do all they can to right this wrong. There must be another of those sewing machines out there.
We want to be kept updated on what they do. For me it will influence my choice of airlines next time I fly. I am so disillusioned with the airline service of today, we drive whenever we can.
sorry I forgot my e-mail --lottieparker@rocketmail.com
Your letter speaks volumes of the class and poise you possess. Now lets see how much class and poise the airline has. Your letter angered me, and your pictures brought tears to my eyes. I do not fly, but many of my facebook friends do, and you know what? I'm going to post a link to this letter on my page. Maybe the social network can help apply some "make it right" pressure!
I have been following this from the first post and really feel bad for you as do the rest of us. I think your letter was great, it was polite & non demanding & I agree with all the others if you don't get satisfaction from your letter go to the media. I would not settle for anything less than full reimbursement of destroyed merchandise and not an upgrade ticket. You deserve much more than the monetary reimbursement.
Good Luck and remember you have a huge following of quilters to vent to.
my daughter has good results from large companies by posting her complaint on facebook
Well...is it any wonder that the airlines are in trouble? I wonder if there is someone whose job it is to think up even more ways to make the flying experience miserable. I used to travel 75% of my time for business, but, now that I am an innkeeper, I avoid it at all costs because I now have a choice. My choice is Amtrak or driving. Whey you are a business traveler, you really do not have a choice. I am sorry this happened to you and I admire your patience. I know how infuriating it is when it feels like no one in the service industry even cares.
What a concise and nicely worded letter.
This will be all around the world shortly if not already.
In fact I am thinking it will make the news tonight!!!
X'ing my fingers for you my lovely Bonnie.
And I am still offering you my Featherweight.
Very nice letter. It's not what happened that will make me think when choosing an airline. It's what the airline does next that will make me think when choosing. Lane
I'm trying to catch up on my reading so I hope that as I catch up I'll find the post that United did indeed compensate you. The person whose bag was taking up your space should have had to either move or checked his/her big black bag.
And both items should be compensated. Very said.
Oh, how awful! I hope it all gets sorted to your satisfaction...
This happened to me also, my machine was busted up NOT repairable! Wrote to United and their answer was that I had not packed it properly! It was a carry on and I had to surrender it to the flight attendant, I think they do not care about their customers.
I have two things to comment on with this horrible experience. First, I remember the announcement (written or printed) saying "Place your carry-on UNDER THE SEAT IN FRONT OF YOU. Secondly, if you leave the airport without complaining about your bag or its contents (like you have ever found anyone on duty to complain TO), the airline has no responsibility. Very sad and scary.
New out here....just reading this post....now I am wondering what was the outcome?? I don't see a search option.....how do you find the continuations of stories??
Thank You in advance!
Oy! What a gorgeous Featherweight! Reminds me of the hotrods my husband and I enjoy so much! Hoping to one day get a Featherweight painted to match hubby's red Mustang race car! (Maybe then he will allow me to bring a sewing machine to the race track! How very sad about your ruined machine and laptop! I sincerely hope United made it right!
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