
Friday, June 29, 2012

VQF Opening Night!

I was so excited to meet up with Lori at the awards ceremony part of opening night!

The place was packed with quilters, and as always, I love people watching and seeing what quilters wear when they turn out in droves --- I saw terrific outfits, comfortable quilter’s footwear ((We all know that fashion stops below the knees!)) and the wildest array of handcrafted handbags in one location than I have ever seen in my life!

I sat right down the row from my buddy Pat Sloan and her hubby, Greg –aka. “The Shipping Department”. Unbeknownst to me ---she was photographing us and tagging us on facebook ---HA!

So fun to reconnect with other teachers – some I’ve met and talked with before. David Taylor and I have shared many a venue in the past couple of years, so when I was exiting the dorm as he was entering, we exchanged a few words – it’s great to see him again, I enjoy his sense of humor so much!

Yesterday I grabbed a quicky lunch ---the first class was over at 11:30 – lunch was from 11:30 to 12:30 –but people were still hauling their stuff OUT of the room at 11:40 – and the people from the afternoon session were wanting to come in and set up the machines ----wait a minute! I need to get lunch in here somewhere --- so I think I got all in all about 20 minutes to wolf down my soup and salad at a little outdoor table while visiting with Pat, Sue Spargo, and Susan Brubaker Knapp who lives just down the road from me in Mooresville, NC ---the same town where I adopted Ken the Kenmore! Small world, isn’t it?

The most funny of all --- I walk in last night to find Lori – and we take ONE look at each other and bust out laughing – we are dressed so much the same! White capris, black/white sleeveless blouse….it’s hysterical.

We ask her friend to take a picture of the both of us…

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And then we ask her to take it again because she has chopped our heads off…LOL!

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And yes, you can tell I have not been out in the sun at ALL this year – pasty white folks! But it was so good to hug my friend, walk around the show, oooh and ahhh at Gerald Roy’s collection of antique quilts ((no photography allowed…boooohooooo!!)) and enjoy the evening!

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Pineapple Crazy is hanging in the teacher’s exhibit! ((Right next to one of Sue Spargo’s beauties…I am so pumped!))

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And since I was never able before to send close up detail…here is a shot at the upper left corner.

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One of the “circles” where the blocks join together---my favorite thing about this quilt? ALL of the odd fabrics thrown together into this mess of scrappiness. So many cut off bonus triangles that have been gifted to me over the past several years have all found a place in this quilt..

My other happy moment?

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The Dover Bookseller’s booth has my first three books on display front and center in their booth! But I have one up on them – I’ve got the 4th book in my classroom on campus and it is selling like hotcakes and I am so excited.

Tomorrow? MYSTERY DAY!! Which means ---there probably won’t be a lot of detailed class photos for that one because --- well --- it’s a mystery! But never fear, the mystery quilt I’ve been teaching as a class since January will appear in Quiltmaker Magazine in the fall –as a NON Mystery.

Be watching for it!


Kim said...

You rock Bonnie!
I love the way you put a positive twist on every adventure and misadventure as well.

You look fabulous, slimmed down and keeping the weight off :0)

Happy Sewing, have a great show

Janet O. said...

Fun to see VQF through your eyes. Too funny about the wardrobe coordination between you and Lori. At least you booth got the memo! : )

Shelley said...

Made the drive from CT and just checked in at St. Michaels and got everything we need for the show tomorrow and class on Sunday. Thought we might see you walking around the college but no luck today. :(

See you Sunday!


Pattikarp@comcast.net said...

So great to meet you last night and see your fabulous quilt in the show!

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

So glad you are having a great time! :)

Vic in NH said...

Okay, I'm corn-fused; I have always believed that you are Bonnie K. Hunter, but on the Facebook inset detail, it says, "Wilkinson." Who are you, Bonnie? Besides being the ace number one Quilting Diva!

Mary said...

The pineapple quilt is all about the scrappy! You look great standing next to it. Glad the new book is selling. I'm sure they are overjoyed to have you there to sign it for them. Nice to see Lori made it and you look so happy to see one another.

Anonymous said...

Good to see lori again, she was great fun on the August cruise. Sorry I do not know how to do anything other than anonymous...

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun. I am loving that pineapple quilt. I think that is what I will start doing to use up the last of all these scraps I have laying around. Keep up the good work, I am enjoying all your journeys. I have finally started Orca Bay too. I am hoping to have it finished soon.

TDJ said...

I see my mother was there too. How do I know, she ALWAYS cuts the heads off of people when she takes photos. She is banned in our family circle for using a camera.

No, well looks like you had a great time and don't worry about the reverse sun tan, just means you will age better.

Donna Adams said...

Thank you very much Bonnie!!!! I received my books today. I so wanted to play with them but DH and I were off to get our new couch. Then DD and DGD and I were off to see Magic Mike. UMMMM No review from here to each her own, but it will be in my dvd library when it come out.
Thanks again for my books. I will be giving my friend Kathie her book tomorrow.
Your loyal fan
Donna Adams in Scappoose, Oregon

cityquilter grace said...

that pineapple is a knockout gorgeous quilt...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love the pineapple, and love the way your brain thinks! Looking forward to tomorrow, but glad you had a good day when this picture was taken. Barby MH, ARK

Elaine Adair said...

OMGOSH, Bonnie - your Pineapple takes my breath away. LOVE the border - a perfect solution! I did one pineapple, smaller than this, but using very small blocks, and considered it "interesting" but the Quilt Show folks gave it a Blue Ribbon! These are perfectly wonderful uses for our old fabrics - thanks for providing "always-inspiration."

janequiltsslowly said...

Wow. That pineapple quilt is so amazing!

Helen in the UK said...

Your pineapple quilt looks amazing! Loving the border in the up-close shot :)

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I love, love, love that pineapple quilt! I think I see pineapples in my future.


Beth said...

Lots of friends, and quilts, and quilters. What could be better!

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