
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Time to Head Home!

It’s been a wonderful and relaxing few days here in the mountains of western North Carolina.

The views have been spectacular, the hikes energizing and breath-taking.

The walk across the "Mile High" swinging bridge on Grandfather Mountain was scary and thrilling ----and yet I've learned that sometimes you have to force yourself out of your comfort zone to conquer fear and apprehension and sometimes just to be able to say “Yes! I did that!”

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I was just not going to let a fear of heights stop me. But I was NOT going to venture out as far as DH and Sadie did:

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I know myself enough to know when far enough is FAR ENOUGH!

I’ve spent the morning packing up our stuff and putting the cabin back in order. We’ll enjoy our lunch here – eating the last of the leftovers --- ((Including the best watermelon ever, and that must be a fluke because I have really bad luck at picking good ones!)) and start our drive home --- we may head out to Blowing Rock which is a bit out of our way but – it’s such a beautiful day why not?

And yes --there has been hexie sewing in the car, though I admit to the curves on the Blue Ridge Parkway being a bit of a challenge when it comes to threading a needle! :c)

My off time at the cabin has also been productive!

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I’ve sewn and trimmed up about a gazillion Wild & Goosey blocks!

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There will be much vacuuming of the floor around my sewing area before we leave too!

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But in the mean time --- we plan to enjoy the most of this amazing North Carolina June Sunday ----watching the sun bake off the morning cloud cover and marveling at the beauty of this view from the cabin deck:

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Happy Sunday, Everyone!


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Gorgeous views, Bonnie! I swear, nothing recharges those batteries quite as well as mountain air!

Sharon said...

What a beautiful location, great photos. Enjoy your day today!

Kim said...

Looks like a little piece of heaven!
Love the pictures :0)

Happy Sewing

Anonymous said...

Just luuuuuuuve the "vacationing Sadie" photos - so glad she got to join you!

Jackie said...

This view warrants a "Be still and know I am, God!" Thanks for the pics. I love the mountains in NC!

Debbie Lou said...

Awesome views. Thanks so much for sharing your relaxing time. We all took some deep breaths with you.

Becky's Bees said...

Absolutely stunning vistas...thanks for sharing. I am proud of you for crossing the swinging bridge...I would probably be crawling if I tried to walk across...LOL I am glad you have had such a wonderful time...I really enjoy living vicariously through your adventures!!

Have a safe trip home.

susan said...

Love the way you share your life with us! Love Wild and Goosey blocks. Couldn't find the pattern on your blog....is there somewhere we could find it?

Anonymous said...

OH Jackie I do agree with you on that one. Mountains are amaing, just like an ocean at high tide is if you have an ocean.
But honestly, my nerve and sanity tell me, Julie let us not walk but a few feet onto that bridge lolol. Do you get flipflop tummy when you are on that type thing? MERCY, some folks are meant for terra firma only! Maybe because we are not enclosed? John wants to take a Hot Air balloon ride...yuppppppppps. lolol.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you share your adventures with us. It's the only way I get to 'visit' places and see the wonderful sights that you see. Thanks for sharing.

Randy D. said...

Oh the scenery looks breathtaking! How nice that you were able to get away and relax! Looks like you were pretty productive, too, of course!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Thanks for allowing me to vicariously have a great mountain vacation this weekend. Hats off to you and your adventures.

Lucy said...

What a beautiful place to be!

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