
Saturday, June 02, 2012

Quilter’s Add-To-Phone Dictionary REQUIRED!

For those who commented --- the SMALL cone was mine! Yes, the nicely domed symmetrical one --- it’s DH’s that is all lopsided and weirdly shaped! LOL!

Errand running wears me out. I’m about 1/2 way done with that binding ----we did the dreaded Sam’s club run again, YES on a Saturday – because we had time to kill before the tennis racquet restringing was completed and we could swing by and pick those up. When you live 20 miles away, you do what you can not to have to drive it twice!

We came home. I napped….Oh, I swore I wouldn’t, but I did. And since then I’ve been printing invoices for all the book orders, and matching them with sheets of mailing labels all ready to go for when books arrive. It’s not glamorous behind the scenes!

Now for the funny part --- oh, I have a love/hate relationship with my phone!

It NEEDS an “ADD TO DICTIONARY” feature just for Quilters ---

I need it to add SEW as a real word, and not keep auto-correcting it to SEE every time I type SEW. I’m really tired of clicking that X to get SEE out of there when typing SEW, do you think that they can make a smart phone that is smart enough to know that I KNOW what I am typing?!

And this conversation just happened a few minutes ago…..Lisa is going to come quilt tomorrow, and I about wet myself over what my phone attempted to auto-correct:

iphone 004 copy

Okay, I still get juvenile giggles over underwear in sentences where it doesn’t belong –I admit it! And for those click-clicking their tongues at my abbreviations -- LMAO means LAUGHING MY ARMS OFF!!

iphone 005 copy

Yeah, I had to harp on it a bit more because it was so funny ----


So I’m surfing the net to find a source for a digital chicken wire PANTO pattern. Anyone know of one? I’ve got a girlfriend date tomorrow – whoowhooo! Quilting in the Basement ---WITHOUT Chicken Wire Panties!

The next time I imagine someone with their “panties in a bunch” I’m going to imagine them a bit differently too…LOL!


farmhousequilter8 said...

Bonnie, could you make a tab for the Pantos you have! I like some of the ones you use and I longarm usually freehand Paula in KY

Dorothy said...

I know I've seen a chicken wire Panto. You might post on the MQP list for it. Someone there will know who makes one.

Mary said...

I checked on Anne Bright designs. and found the link above for chicken wire. hope this helps, I didnt' know what kind of machine system you had but you can click for the one that you need from here. Have fun and don't giggle too hard- it's heck being old- remember.

Anonymous said...

I live how my phone will autocorrect a word I spelled correctly to a misspelled word. Then it notifies me the word is misspelled, then will suggest the word I had just typed. Drives me batty!! Haha! I just realized it changed love to live up there. :)

Jeannie said...

Chicken wire panties! Ha cha cha cha!!!!!!!!

Rina Mason said...

Thanks to you I will now visualize chicken wire panties any time I hear the phrase "panties in a bunch"!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Here's a chicken wire panto on the Digi-Tech site: http://stores.digitechpatterns.com/-strse-847/PJCPANTO038--Chicken-Wire/Detail.bok?ncat=&ncat1=&ncat2=

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

I just found another panto at www.designsbyvickie.com You'll find it under the "c" edge to edge category (they are alphabetical). This one is a little different and I really like it.

Unknown said...

Hey, Bonnie...here's a YouTube video on how to add custom words to the dictionary in iPhone


I guessed at the version of phone and software you have, so hope this is applicable to your setup.

Connie - Boise, ID

Valerie said...

These sites show a chicken wire pattern:

Scroll 2/3 down the page.

Also scroll 2/3 down page.

Hopefully one of these will work for you. :)

Tigard, OR

Ila said...

Hi, Bonnie - Try http://quiltrecipes.com and do a pattern search by number for AO1016 or keyword search wire

Have fun!

Jean C. said...

Oh... dear Bonnie; LoL... now it sounds like your going to be quilting w/out panties..... snorttttttt!

Josie McRazie said...

I think the quilt would take on quite a different meaning if you quilted chicken wire panties in it! Just sayin! BTW I think I cracked up as much at the 'I just snorted' I do that and my family laughs at me!! giggle

Anonymous said...

My phone dictionary just offered "pantos" when I swyped "panties". Wierd!!! But then I have an android. I am LMArmsO over that one.

I had one of those doozie dayz yesterday. Looking forward to relaxing today. Great to start off my day with reading some of your humor.

janequiltsslowly said...

LOL! This is great Bonnie . . . its why we follow this blog.

Pieceful Jane said...

I Am convinced that the auto-correct on my iPhone is male. It NEVER knows what I mean or am trying to say..

Dayquilt said...

Have you been to http://www.damnyouautocorrect.com ?

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