
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Oh. My. Goodness. Gracious!

My aunt Joy, who is more like my cousin since we are only 5 years apart ---and who I get to see on 4th of July and I am so stinking excited for that family reunion I can hardly stand it ----sent me this PICTURE!

I am FLABBERGASTED – jaw-dropping-drooling-stupid --- over this CAKE!

Yes. A CAKE.

((The hamster is NOT the picture of the cake...I just liked its sweet face!))

If you received a cake like this, could you even bear to cut into it?

Which piece would you want first……

“I’d like a piece of that hand wheel right there, and maybe just a bit of the needle bar, please!”


This is just beautiful -----


Wouldn’t you just love to see how a cake like this came to be? Every little detail – the sewing box, the fondant scissors and spools of thread..the way that fondant fabric is draped underneath the presser foot – the HAND CRANK!

Every time I look at this I see something new…….

Nope. I couldn’t cut into it. I’d probably have to have it dunked in resin to keep it forever as it is ----


Diana and LaDonna said...

That is amazing! I've never seen anything like that before!


Charon said...

That is the most incredible looking cake that I have seen. How did they do the gold scrolls to look so real? Even the scissors, just amazing!

Sewing Sue said...

I've seen a modern sewing machine made by a company in Houston. It might have been one of the places that has a cable TV show. I got a bite of the base and it was delicious!

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

OMG doesnt even begin to express the wonder of this creation!!

Debbie Lou said...

Absolutely marvelous! Wow, that is some detail. Love it!

Shelia said...

OMG I love this cake! What an awesome gift from someone. I don't think I could cut it either.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Isto é uma obra de arte,mas....comeria a caixinha de costura...

Lisa Burgess said...

OK, I thought you meant the hamster was a cake and I'm thinking that hamster is not a cake Bonnie Hunter, are you insane ... then I scrolled down LOL

Nik said...

Noooooooooo! On first read I thought the hamster was the cake - how could you cut into that and what a dilemma, bum or face..... AND I'm a vegetarian..... I was relieved the sewing machine was the cake.....

KQ Sue said...

Maybe just a little piece of the table!

heather said...

That is a great cake. I can't imagine how long that took.

Missy Shay said...

I saw that cake on pinterest, I love it!

Catherine Gynn said...

I'm with the folks who thought you meant the hamster was a cake. Whew! Sewing machine cake is sew much better! Give me the spool of thread!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

LOL ... I thought the same thing, Lisa. I was thinking Bonnie had "lost it" for a moment. GREAT cake though!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

And here I am trying to see what the white writing on the pink "cloth" says - ;)) It is AMAZING work - simply AMAZING!!! ;))

Kathaleeny said...

HA I did too. Now I don't feel so dumb.

Anonymous said...

Great cake...here is another that I think you will also flip over when you see the quilting design on it.

Laine said...

OMG the person that made this cake is a genius. I can't imagine how long it took to make this. Lucky you. Its amazing and I too was trying to figure out what it said on the fabric.

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

That cake is amazing! I have seen it before online. There is a website that has many more pics of amazing cakes. No way I could bear to cut into it...that would mean I could afford to buy it! :)

June said...

Duh! I just kept looking at the hamster and saying " that's not a cake, no way..." I even enlarged it on my iPad to look closer. And then decided I' d better keep reading. Ha! I' m one to gloss over instructions too. The cake is amazing. Oh and the hamster is really cute!

Anonymous said...

That cake is lovely. My friend made one like that for her aunt's 50th birthday, but the sewing machine was not quite as ornate.

jan in AR said...

I've got a friend in Van, TX that makes cakes like this - they are awesome. Think she was trying to open her own specialty cake shop instead of making them in her home. I do good to do a PLAIN frosted layer cake!!!!!!! LOL

diegoagogo said...

Ladies! Google is your friend in the sewing machine cake field, check these out!! Sorry for the long link but it's definitely worth it.


London, UK

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