
Friday, June 01, 2012

Nearly Missed It! Free Kindle QUILTING MYSTERY!!

How did I nearly miss this one? It was just under my radar! I would have sent this one earlier had I found it first…

I love of course, anything with quilting in it, and mystery – cool…and a bit of romance? I’m good with that as long as it is not explicit ---

Wild Goose Chase, the first book in the Quilting Mystery series by Terri Thayer, is free in the Kindle store, courtesy of publisher Midnight Ink.

Book Description:

A computer techie by trade, Dewey Pellicano would rather swallow needles than be pinned down to a life of quilting. But when her mother passes away, Dewey must exchange code for calico as the new proprietress of Quilter Paradiso.

Between learning the business and dealing with a conniving employee who is also her sister-in-law, Dewey is ready to snap. During a national quilt show, quilting celebrity Claire Armstrong offers to buy the shop.

But before Dewey can accept, she finds the famous quilter lying dead on the floor—a bloody rotary cutter at her side.

When hunky homicide detective Buster Healy enters the scene, romance flourishes... until another murder takes place. Can Dewey thread together the pieces to this murderous pattern before the killer strikes again?

BLOODY ROTARY CUTTER?!?? I love the cover ---

Gotta read this!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I blogged about this one earlier :) beat you!

Carolyn said...

wonderful series thanks

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much. Looks enjoyable.

regan said...

Dewey and Buster!?! Holy cow, yep....gotta read it! lol

Janet said...

This is a bit annoying ... I just PAID for this for my kindle last week! Enjoyable series - light reading, but fun. I'm on #3 in the series now.

Mary Ann said...

The bloody rotary cutter got me - had to download! Thanks, as always!

Misha said...

I'm going to start sleeping with a rotary cutter on my nightstand when my husband's out of town, instead of the butcher knife. LOL!

Karen, aka Yaya said...

I just got this one today too!!

Anonymous said...

Bloody rotary cutter got me! Rofl! ! !

Cynthia W in Oregon!

Leslie said...

I've already read that but I'll be on the lookout for new quilting mysteries.

Heather said...

Nice find, I've added it to my collection. Thanks!

Nann said...

I read #3 last weekend. It's a good series.

Maxine said...

Maybe it was inappropriate, but I laughed out loud when I read "bloody rotary cutter," in the description. Purchased book this a.m. and hope to read it tomorrow. Thanks for the headsup.

mary e said...

whew, i nearly missed it too....been busy reading fifty shades of grey (not a quilting mystery) hehe.

Henny said...

Dear Bonnie,
I'm so glad that you send these notes, I just downloaded the book, now have to find time to read.
Have a nice weekend,

Valerie said...

How did I not see that one? I was just over at amazon looking at the free ebook list a few minutes ago! Would love it if you did a post one day soon telling us how you find all these good books on the list, do you you search or what lists are you on? Thanks for the heads up on this one--bloody rotary cutter! LOL

sndy1 said...

Her third book in the series, Monkey Wrench, is also available free for a limited time.

Sally said...

So cool--thanks for giving us the heads up (how do you find these great books!?)

Beth said...

I like her books. Gotta try and get that one.

Anonymous said...

Bloody rotary cutter!! Ha, been there done that!! LOL

Nancy said...

I read that one in hard copy. It's really good, and there is another by the same author. Have fun!

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