
Saturday, June 23, 2012

iPhone-o-gram! More from the mountains!

This morning I was up about 6am---not willingly! The morning light was streaming in the window and the birds were singing "Wake up! Wake up!"

This is the view off the deck at that early hour---the clouds hanging low after an all night summer rain.

Why is breakfast always so good when you are cooking it somewhere else? Bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, fried potatoes made from the left over baked potatoes from last night's dinner and fruit---simple fare, but we needed the energy it would provide for our morning adventure to the Linville Caverns and a hike to Linville Falls and back.

More photos to follow-- I took many but this is just a quick upload via iPhone!


Kim said...

Oh I haven't been there in years....I hope you are having a beautiful summer day like we are up here in NY. Nothing like stunning scenery to make a hike even more fun.

Happy Sewing

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Im dying to go the mountains! I love camping along the parkway! Are you renting ? It looks like a great cabin!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

I have grown claustrophobic as I've gotten older. NO WAY would I go into a cave anymore ... but I do like the views from the outside!

Janet O. said...

I think food tastes better in the mountains!

Vic in NH said...

I'm so glad to see you take some R&R from your hectic schedule! What a fabulous mini-vacation.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Could not do the caves, but love the butterfly. Thanks for sharing.

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