
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Driving the long haul!

I left North East early this am and drove straight through to Verona VA--

I snapped some pics going through Pittsburgh---

I wanted to pull over the chocolate semi truck!

I need a bit of a leg stretch. Think this place will do it?


Valerie said...

Ha ha! I can see you, like a blonde Salma Hayek yelling, "Stop the truck! Stop the truck!" for chocolate. Would be good right about now, I'm sure. Possibly your leg stretch locale offered some welcome relief. Enjoy your upcoming days at home!

Janet O. said...

I'd get lost in there. You may get home later than you wanted. : )

Kathaleeny said...

I always wonder if you found a treasure or two.

Mary Rogers said...

Are you taking pictures while you are driving? Wow, you're good.

Anonymous said...

I ate hershey kisses while I was sewing today. Does that count. Sleep tight . Suzanne in Maine

Lynelle said...

So you found the place? How was it? It is very large and there's tons of stuff, but I've never bought anything from there.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

I like the way you travel. I can never get DH to stop.

daveandlo said...

I found a free book you might be interested in. I don't know how you feel about quilting mysteries. It seems to me an awful lot more quilters die in books than in real life. But, I started it and so far it's pretty readable. Search Terri Thayer, Wild Goose Chase.

Vesuviusmama said...

Verona? 30 more minutes and you could have stayed at my house!

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