
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

iPhone-o-gram! Things that grow!

I've been out to lunch with Karen and Lisa at our favorite Indian restaurant, Nawab.

When Lisa texted me last night asking if I was up for it, the response was a resounding YES! I love that place. And the three of us brainstorming over plates of curry just can't be beat.

On my way home I took notice of just how tall the tobacco has grown while I have been gone this past few weeks.

It is so noticeable when you don't see it every day!

Packing is almost done for Vermont. It will be early to bed for me tonight---need to be at the airport around 4:45 am. Yuck!


Dirt Road Quilter said...

My first thought when I read your post title was, "Oh, No! She's gone and done it again. She's added to her growing collection of fabulous vintage sewing machines!" LOL. I wish we had ANYTHING green growing outside around here. 1" of rain all year does not for prolific farming make.

Irene Onderweegs said...

The tobacco looks like curly kale! Just planted it from the nursery bed in the garden, to grow until the first frost (when it will be best in taste)!
And for the machines: perhaps start an anonymous machine addictives group?!?! (AMA, how does that sound?) To me it looks like quite a harmless thing; at least you have to stay healthy to enjoy them.
Enjoy life as it comes,
love from Amsterdam, Irene

Anonymous said...

I wish I were going to Vermont-- my home state! I went to the VQF last year, maybe again next year! Have a good time!
Diane in MN

Anonymous said...

Hope to see you there Bonnie!
And by the way I am sewing the binding on to my Texas Braid. It's going to be very pretty.

GeeMa said...

Brings back memories of my grandparents. They grew tobacco and the grandchildren worked the fields. I miss them so much.

Phyllis said...

I live in the Winston Salem area and I think this is the first year in my 60+ that I have not seen even one tobacco field.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making quilting not only fun but completely understandable. Congrats on your new book
Carol Ann
quiltermom2005@ yahoo.com

Janet O. said...

Mmm, remembering an incident from last year--you didn't go touching any tobacco plants, did you? : )

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