
Friday, June 01, 2012

Happy Bloggy-versary! Give-Away!!

Whaahooooo! 7 years of blogging!

I’m celebrating!

I’m also laughing just a bit – I’ve had several readers telling me that they have gone all the way back and read this blog from the beginning. Wow. What a story it tells!

About moves, about going back to school for my license in massage and neuromuscular therapy, about starting up my own practice and having that blossom into a full time career, and then moving to North Carolina 4.5 years ago and making the choice to not start up another practice, but put myself full time into teaching quilting and writing instead.

This is one of those journeys that I could not predict the path or the ending even if I tried. Many twists and turns, but oh, the doors that have been opened simply by not worrying about WHERE the road will lead --- just get on the road and get moving on it and find out!

Which brings to mind ----will I still be writing all this stuff in another 7 years? Who knows! I hope so!

In the mean time --- I thought this 7 year celebration could use a Give-Away --- and have I got a good one for you!

The latest edition of Quiltmaker Magazine is out!

2012quiltmaker 004

Inside it you will find this month’s Addicted to Scraps column! The featured block is Four-Ever-Nines!

QMMP-120200-SCRAP_200_11527 QMMP-120200-SCRAP_200_11527 QMMP-120200-SCRAP_200_11527

I love ANYTHING with 9 patches in it! This one does a little accent square in the center and can easily be pieced from your collection of scrap strips!


The crew at Quiltmaker have given us a suggested setting of block to block to block…and I love the plaid-y appeal! It would also make a great alternate block ---ooooh, what about putting it on point? I like that idea too!

I’m offering up a FREE copy of Quiltmaker Magazine’s July/August issue to one lucky blog reader! Simply leave me a comment below! And to make it fun for me, I’d like to know how long you’ve been reading me, and what little story you found either fun, silly, inspiring or educational. Are you learning anything by reading my drivel? If so – speak up! It makes it fun for me to read the comments that way!

And don’t forget that Pre-Orders have started for my new book STRING FLING! You can preview the quilts, and place your order by clicking to this post HERE.

We will draw the lucky winner on Sunday Evening! Good luck everyone!


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Robyn said...

I don't know how long I've been reading your blogs but it was long before your first book came out. Hmmmm I would have to go back in time and see when was the first quilt of yours I made.
As for stories. I always enjoy the ones about your family. I have an older son so I can totally relate to some of your angst in raising boys and what you've gone through.

Dorothy Matheson said...

I love the magazine just because your page in it. I have one of the quilts in progress right now. In Christmas Fabrics. Great way to bust a large stack of varied Christmas prints.
My Mom is making the same quilt too.
Dorothy (of the blue Feather Weight)
(yes I read your blog every day and I plan to order your book)

Karen said...

Congratulations!!! I can see why you have taken off in the quilting world. Your fearless use of scraps of any color, your wonderful writing style, the list could go on and on. Best wishes for continued success!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 7 wonderful years of blogging. I so enjoy your writings and get lots of ideas from it. I hope you continue for many, many years more.

Anonymous said...

WOW, congrats!!! I don't even know how long I've been reading you...sorry. I love visiting blogs when I get the chance...and it's been a busy year, so I haven't been commenting as much as I would like too.

Thanks for a chance to win.

Kasey said...

Don't enter me- I plan on purchasing the magazine on my trip to JoAnn's today- just wanted to thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blog, the mysteries, and everything else you do! I've been reading your blog for about 3 years, and love hearing the travel tales, the antique store trips, and some days, just looking at the pictures of the workshops, of your quilts, and even of your walks through the woods- though my favorite would probably be of the cotton harvesting- around here, we just see corn and soy beans!
Thanks for doing what you do and being just YOU, Bonnie!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Bonnie, I was introduced to you by Pat Sloan. I've been a fan ever since. I have done two of your infamous mysteries and I'm still working on them. I read your blog posts daily. Love them. They often inspire me to think about things in a different prospective than my usual view. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I have been a fan of yours for a while too Bonnie because I love the scrappiness of your quilts. Your mystery projects grab me all the time and to make a dent in out tubs of fabric is a wonderful thing. The first quilt I put together of yours was the orange crush and have been scrap busting ever since. rkrunge@gctel.net.

Christine said...

I've become a better Scrap Quilter because of you!!

Recording the trip said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie!! I love your blog but sadly I haven't been reading it all these 7 years. My guild quilty friends in FL started raving about you and your style when I joined them about 3 years ago. It took me a while to find your blog but here I am. BTW, I even checked in on your quips, etc. while traveling in Prague, CZ. How's that for an addiction? Thanks for all your creativity!

Anonymous said...

I've just started reading the blog, after meeting you in Magnolia, Delaware. I've already started shopping for .50 cent shirt at yard sales, it has become a new addiction, and I good addiction I might add! Good Luck with your adventures, where ever the road may lead you ... cp in Easton, Maryland

Nancy said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! I've been following your blog daily for a couple of years, sporadically before that. Your enthusiasm and energy is infectious, and it's fun to follow you on your travels....sometimes makes me tired just reading it! :) There are a bunch of your quilts I'd like to make, one of these days when I have more time (like retirement!) Thanks for taking us on your journeys!

Recording the trip said...

I usually post from a different account. The email is. See.americaatyahoo.com. That's the best to send any info.

Aunt LeAnn said...

I started reading you after I had purchased Leaders and Enders that is the book I really love and it has inspired me to sort and collect and make lots of different blocks. I just love reading your day to day life and struggles like everyone else. Keep up the work, maybe I will go back and start reading at the begining. LeAnn in Delavan Illinois

Sheila said...

I have been reading you for a couple of years, but just today i was looking at your Nearly insane pics on Yahoo from 2003, Can't wait to see that one finished.

Elaine said...

I don't know how long I've been reading you, but remember you going to massage school, moving, etc, having problem children at times, etc. I, too, want to thank you for all you do for us. LOVE your patterns. When my MIL lived with us, I started cutting down my scrap box for her to make Strip X quilts. It was easy sewing for her, and we loved how they turned out. She probably made 12 of those quilts and we gave them to family members who love them also. When I retire.....I plan to make lots more of your quilts.

henniker said...

I am looking forward to your next book. I was glad to see the photos of the quilts included here on your blog. I am already thinking of three I want to make. Your posts bring great joy to my life.

QuilterD said...

I have read your blog for inspiration & patterns since way back when, about your new car, your son, & your education experiences..I basically learned to quilt (with all your shortcuts too) with your blog. This 76-yr-old quilter appreciates so many helpful hints..and did I mention the good sense of humor along the way?? Hope your new book is a SMASH!!! Good Luck.

Grammy Sue said...

Your new book has such amazing quilts. I am presently working on Orca Bay. You make the process so easy. I started my scrap piecing with your book "Scraps and Shirttails!". It was recommended to me by a long time scrappy quilt maker. Then I tried my first mystery quilt. Then I was hooked! I appreciate the effort you go to to make every project interesting, easy, and also, with a beautiful quilt as a result! Can't thank you enough!

geezbees75 said...

Been reading about 2 years. Will never consider a quilt made from just a couple matched fabrics again!

Sharon P said...

I found you looking for a Bargello Quilt Pattern a couple of years ago then I discovered you also posted great things like free kindle books and such - I have been following you ever since! Thanks for the great giveaway!

krisgray said...

I started reading your blog about 2 years ago, not long after I discovered quilting blogs. I love all the vintage machines (you're like my mom in that respect) and I like that you make the small pieces seem so doable, although I've not tackled one of your patterns yet. And finally, you inspired to me to tackle the over 40 yards of fabric I brought home from cleaning out my grandmother's house, and you assured me that it's still good to use, despite being from the 80s (there was even a dress in her fabric boxes).

Janet said...

Hum! Let me see. I bought my Bernina 7 yrs ago April. I started searching the web fearishly for info about quilting. I do think that I came upon quiltville.com rather quickly. (Thank you very much) Read it entirely and then joined quiltville chat. I'm sure I joined your blog when it started. And yes I have signed copies of all your books pending "String Fling".
Thank you for all your inspiration and generosity.

susan said...

I'm a newbie to your blog. I started this year, and I won the German magazine with your quilt in it! The Zsomething quilt. I love scraps, and I love your blog. So glad to one of the many Bonnie fans! Happy anniversary!

Dora said...

Congrats on your 7th Anniversary! I can't say how long that I've been following you, but I can say that I have enjoyed every bit of it. I absolutely LOVE your scrap quilt ideas. And I have several that I plan on making.

Béa said...

Long years ago, before the blog, I find your old site with free patterns and was amazed by the quantity of work you made.

NancyA said...

I have only been reading your blog for less than a year, but I am hooked! I love all of your stories--I like that you take us on all of your trips, love the pix of antique stores, but the biggest influence is you have me captivated with strings--my next project will definitely be a string quilt of some design! Thanks!

Laura said...

I've been reading your blog for about 3 years and have participated in your mysteries for the last 2 years. One of my favorite things about your blog is seeing the travel pictures. I'll never travel as widely as you, but I get to see glimpses of other places through your blog.

Teresa in Music City said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I've been reading your blog for a couple of years now, ever since I discovered blogs! Yours was one of the first I ever followed. I don't know that I have a favorite post, but I do know that the ones that come to mind easily without going back to look are the ones that tug at heartstrings - Oscar and Heather. I love your mysteries - of course!!! And I love your way of coming into my home and sitting down and chatting for a while each morning with my cup of tea! I felt as if I knew you even before I ever "met" you! I sincerely hope you are blogging in the next 7 years, and that I will be here following along with all of your other "friends"!!! =^..^=

Lisa Burgess said...

Bonnie, I've been reading your blog since just before you visited out guild a few months ago. I loved your workshops and look forward to adding your new book (which looks fab) to my existing stack of Bonnie scrap joy ;) I enjoy "our" trips to the antique stores and the interesting finds, diving helmet, cigar store Indian always look forward to the next FIND lol Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

I am brand new to quilting and reading blogs. YOU are my first and
very inspirational.

Congratulations on your 7 years of making people happy.

THANK YOU for being my first :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, like I said, new to blogging.

My name is Mari and my email is:


Holly said...

Wow you have alot of followers now!! When I first started following your blog there wasn't that many! So glad for all your success! Thanks for sharing your talent!


Miss Jean said...

Before I started following you I never bought a piece of fabric that was less than a yard. Those days are long gone. For 2 years now I've asked for fat quarters for Christmas. Most of my family responds with "huh?" and buys me a sweater, but my dsil gets it and my stash grows little by little.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, my heart sings every time I see one of your new designs. You have a knack for combining color and excitement in your art. Your enthusiasm for sharing is contagious.

Carlapatch said...

Happy Birthday for your 6 years, you are so young and have made so much for all of us!!!!! thank you Bonnie, your blog is always a refreshment for me!
Feliz Aniversario!!!
Carla Fraga
Porto Alegre/Brasil

Kat Scribner said...

Congrats, Bonni! I enjoy your scrappy block contributions to the Quiltmaker issues.

Carlapatch said...

7 years, you continue young!!! Hugs
Carla Fraga

Anonymous said...

I've been following you around the world watching you teach and coach quilters for quite a few years and have learned soooo much. And not just in quilting but everyday life. Everytime you find an antique shop that has sewing machines, I laugh and wonder if it has found a new home. Keep on keepin' on! Love it!!! ninepatch@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I have been with you from BEFORE the beginning! LOL! I think I remember you were in Idaho, and I remember you at Salt Lake, industriously quilting away in the big room (funny, I don't remember what *I* was doing - taking some class or other.)


Helen said...

Bonnie, I've only been following your bloc for about a year or two but I read it religiously now. I don't have a favorite post, but I read them all because you inspire me to accomplish more. I have been loving your posts about your sewing machine collection and your names for them!
Helen Thomas

Anonymous said...

Miss Bonnie,
Your blog has been such a fun, inspiring thing for me. My days are filled with lots of kids (other people's) and not nearly enough quilting but being able to pop over to your blog in the odd free minute gives me a quick dose of inspiration. I love following along with your travels, too! All the best to you and thank you!

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Oh I love freebies! I've actually started to compile, sort, arrange my scraps/leftovers pieces of other quilts into something that might be usable. Now If Ic an quit reading all these quilt blogs and giveaways I might get something DONE!!!! LOL

gail said...

I love your forever nines quilt. I am working on a 9 patch right now myself. I bought your first book, so I know I have been reading you that long. Gail

Linda at LRDesignsQuilting said...

Congrats! Have followed your blog for years. Thanks for the chance to win the mag!

Debbie said...

I first learned that there was such a thing as quilt blogs about 3 years ago. Who knew? (apparently not me). Anyway yours was the first one I found and I was so inspired. Due to huge life changes I hadn't touched my quilting in about 5 years. I am now back to doing a hobby that I really love and even have a small space where I can leave everything all set up. I love going virtual antique shopping with you and on your walks in various parts of the country. Your quilting info is super informative and the slide shows of your students work is great because we get to see so many different color combos. Thanks

Kelly Grace said...

I've probably been reading for 2-3 years. Congrats on the blog-versary!!!

caelijean at gmail.com

Patty said...

I've been reading your blog since last fall, just before you started the Orca Bay mystery. I didn't make the quilt then, but made it after the holidays and donated it to the Missouri Baptist Children's Home in St Louis for their annual Strawberry Festival and Quilt Auction. I got a call from them last week that it won Most Unique. We're on our way to St Louis this afternoon for the auction tomorrow. I'll try to send you a pic of the quilt with the ribbon. Thanks for a wonderful pattern that went together more easily than I anticipated!

Anonymous said...

Seven wonderfull years congradulations

Anonymous said...

Every time I get back into quilting mode, I am inspired by your blogsand creativity! I love your patterns and constantly repeat your mantra. "if the fabric is still ugly, you haven't cut it in small enough pieces."

gail said...

I love your forever nines quilt. I am working on a 9 patch right now myself. I bought your first book, so I know I have been reading you that long. Gail

Barbara on the Eastern Shore said...

I love your scrappy patterns and have been a fan for years. It has been fun watching your quilting passion blossom. I follow your leader/ender method all the time!

Vicki H. said...

I have been reading your blog for about 6 years. My how time flies! I enjoy your free patterns and the blocks featured in magazines. Thanks Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

I have been only been reading you for just over a year, but have gone back a ways. Not to the beginning! I love the new block, may try it on point. Quiltmaker is a favorite magazine! Thanks for the chance to win! gailacker@yahoo.ca

slinkysmom said...

I found you while facebooking (yes I agree it can be verbalized ..)about a year ago. I was looking for quilt people and thought you were just a regular person at first, hahaha. Didn't realize how famous you were :] Well anyway I am still trying to get caught up on all the past blogs.
I love listening to all kinds of quilters and piecers even if I know I am not interested in doing what they do. But you have made me realize it is okay to stay with the straight line pieces I love.

Anonymous said...


Diane said...

Awesome! Love scrappy quilts!

Linda (Petey) said...

Have been reading your blog for a LONG time, not sure how long. But I wrote to ask help on binding the 'innies' and you answered! I was so pleased. You were working hot and heavy on the pink and brown Baby Jane. Maybe that is how I found you, from the Dear Jane list (?). Followed you through massage classes and establishing a practice, telling about quilty-girl get togethers with Lucy, then moving, etc. So pleased to have taken a class with you near Chicago. Thank you for sharing...it helps those of us who do not have shops or guilds nearby. It is nice to read in the comments about new, young quilters that you are inspiring also. Carry on busy girl. All the best,

Zibu said...

Yours was the very first quilting blog I ever read, and that was about five and a half years ago. I've been a regular reader ever since, and have learned an immense amount from you over the years! Idon't have a particular story that I can think of, but generally, I've loved the perfect mix of quilting and personal stuff that is in your writing - we get a little window into your life. It is very inspirational to see that at the end of the day, you are not so different from the rest of us, yet you have done so much with your quilting and for the quilting community.

Jo said...

Hey Bonnie...Don't enter me. I already get the magazine. I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary...7 is a big number. They say people get a seven year itch and sometimes want to move on. I hope you don't ever do that, I'd miss ya!

Anita said...

I love your quilts, and have already made two of them. You give me lots of inspiration!

Joyful Noise said...

I guess I have been reading for about 1/2 year. I love when you share the classes you are teaching and show several variations of the same quilt. So interesting to see the same pattern with different color choices.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary & MANY,MANY more. I sure hope you will continue with the blog for at least another seven years. I have only recently discovered your blog and have LOVED every single one I have read. I did not know that there are posts all the way back to the beginning until I read it this morning and guess what I am going to be doing on this rainy Michigan day while waiting for a plumber to call.

Thanks for the greatest blog.

Lotte said...

Please dont enter me, I subscribe, but I whanted to say thank you for your blog. I've been reading it for several years and I especially enjoy your travel descriptions of all the places I could go (if only..)and the stories about your boys and your worries and joys since I have boys just a little younger. Thank you!

Saska said...

Okay..I'm old, but I started reading you when all you had on your webpage was a pattern for Trip-around-the-world ..and I think it was in 3.5" strips. You were living in TX...I think.

You better still have that Braum's gift card 'cause we're going to use it!

Love ya bunches!

Juanita said...

Bonnie, I want that yummy looking cookie!! :D And congrats on 7 years of blogging. I personally don't ever have very much to say, so I am in awe of any blogger that has so much to say and on a regular basis! LOL I can't remember when I started reading your blog, or how I discovered it but it was well before your first book and well before you moved.

I've identified with your furbaby stories because of my own pets. I was once in search of the perfect banana bread recipe but I stopped looking when I found yours...comes out perfect every time! TY for that. :)

And I am inspired by the way you use up fabric. I saved scraps before but didn't know what to do with them until I came upon your blog. I am so pleased with using up fabric from no-longer-loved shirts and children's clothes. TY for your inspiration, Bonnie!

Joyful Noise said...

oops.... nowlandfam@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Following your blog daily gives me the inspiration to keep going!! Thanks!!! Happy Anniversary to you!!!

cynthia said...

Congratulations on 7 Fantastic years! What i like is you have brought me challenges to try more quilt blocks and think outside the box and b more creative! Love scrappy and thank you!! Here's to many many more years --- There's no telling what will b next!

Bev said...

I have been a regular visitor, first to your web site and then your blog. When we moved to Utah, no one seemed to know about you and your wonderful patterns, so as guild president(10 yrs ago?), I started talking about different web sites members could visit for patterns/information. You now have a following from "out west". Thanks for all you do.

jofridsquilt said...

Congratulations:-)I have been reading your blog for many years. I do not remember when I started. Have a nice weekend. Hugs Jofrid

Debbie said...

Oh, Bonnie, I've been reading you since way, way before you were blogging! Happy blogiversary! I love when you write about your kids.

Anonymous said...

Just before Roll Roll Cotton Boll started, a lady from a parenting board I used to visit mentioned you were getting ready to start a mystery quilt. I was terrified of mystery quilts after one very bad experience, but intrigued by using what I have mentality. I loved the quilt, did the Orca Bay, choosing my own colors...loved it. I can't wait for the next one. I gained a lot of confidence in my quilting from color choices to tackling something I'd never make with so many small pieces, at such a large caliber. Thanks for the opportunity!


Sarah said...

Bonnie - I have been reading you since the very beginning and became one of your Quilt Mavericks in August of 2005. I always look forward to your posts. Keep up the great work!

Mavis said...

I have been following you since Double Delight and it has been a delight to do so!

I can't say I've gone back and read every post the last 7 years but I have certainly tagged a few past posts on the 'linked within' section at the bottom of your posts.

Besides liberating me from my 'matchy matchy' obsession, you have inspired me blog about my own quilting journey.

I admire you greatly Bonnie and thank you for all you've done for the quilting world. Happy Anniversary!!!

Pam in KC said...

I started reading your blog shortly before Orange Crush. I love reading about your travels, the antiquing, the quilting, everything! It's a toss up if leader/enders or the scrap users system is the best thing I've learned from you. When someone gets overwhelmed by their scraps, (if they don't dump them on me to play with) I send them your your site. Thank you so much for everything you do for quilters world wide. I loved meeting you when you were here in Lawrence and Kansas City.

Unknown said...

Congradulations, Bonnie, I think I have been with you the whole way. Have done all but one of you mysteries, Love them. Am just getting Orca bay bound.
Keep up the good work but watch your health also. You are going sooo fast. 'good you have a good husband.

Janice Stewart said...

I think I have been following about 4 years and read every post. While I appreciate everything you do for us, I really like your comments on antique quilts and why you like them, what makes them special, their names, their age, fabrics....seeing them thru your eyes.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

I have only been reading your blog for the last year and a half, but reading your blog starts my day off in a fun way every day. Last year you came to Houston to do a workshop/lecture for two quilt guilds in the north part of Houston. On Wednesday night a friend of mine and I went to see the movie Stitched. We started talking about you and I asked my friend if she would want to take a workshop with you. Of course the answer was yes. I called the program chair of the first guild and found out they just had two people have to cancel so we were in for the workshop the next morning. I was up till 1am to get supplies ready. On Thursday, we took the workshop, went with you to dinner and then to the lecture at the second guild. A full day with Bonnie Hunter. Can't get much better than that.

paulette said...

I have been reading you for about 4 years..a year before I started blogging!! I am amazed that you NEVER get tired...what with all your travel and teaching!! You blog several times a day..EVERYDAY!! AND I LOVE your trips to Thrift Shops and Antique Malls!! It's all GOOD!
Thanks for the chance to win this magazine...got to be good if you are in it!

KatB said...

Oh happy day, congratulations! I remember I emailed you even before the blog with your "scrap savers system" and suggested you write a book on it!!! Doesn't seem that long. Time flys when your quilting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
I stumbled across your blog about two years ago and I have been hooked ever since! I have learned alot from your "drivel" as you put it. I believe of the many things that I have read from your very entertaining and informative writing is the importants of getting the correct cut so the completed block is the correct size. You inspire your readers because we come back every day to get more.
Congrats on your anniversary.
P.S. Thanks for the chance to win.

JustPam said...

Congratulations on 7 years! I hope you continue blogging and quilting much longer than 7 more years!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie! Congrats on your bloggy-versary. I've been reading your blog for several years now and it's definitely my favorite. I've completed Carolina Christmas, Orange Crush, and a Triple Irish Chain. Your hexies have inspired me to hand piece a Lone Star and I'm just beginning Orca Bay as a gift for my mom's upcoming 70th birthday. I enjoy reading about your antique finds and love, love, love the series you have been doing on the antique quilts you were able to view. Too cool! Have an awesome day! Kathy in GA 6peters@windstream.net

Terry said...

Happy Anniversary!! I started reading your blog after I roomed with Judy Stokes at the AQS show in Knoxville. I had heard of you and seen some of your designs in our local meetings show and tell, so I was excited to start reading your blog. I think the biggest impact you have had on me is the willingness to use it up...I was guilty of saying that is not perfect and going looking for something new...now I am much more likely to use out of my stash. I have also taken steps to organize my small scraps making them more usable. Thanks for the encouragement everyday!!

Barbara said...

I've been hooked on your blog for three years. The Happy Scrappy Houses quilt which I made has gone like wildfire among my quilting friends because I embroidered the addresses of the 18 homes I have had under each house so it was a progress of my life. So many ex-pats who have lived in lots of places have copied the idea and there are lots of Happy Scrappy House quilts around. Thanks for your free patterns and thanks for the books!

The Gad-A-Bout Gal said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you have many more. I've enjoyed following your blog off and on for at least 5 years. Following along more now that I'm on facebook. You have really helped me learn to use my scraps. Love a scrap quilt!

Betty Bland said...

Loved the old english banter you posted yesterday. Gave me a good chuckle when I realized that I was digging into my memory banks to remember when to use 'thee' vs 'thou.' LOL! I just gotta stop that!

Julie said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I have been reading your blog since sometime before the first book, and I did the first mystery quilt (and second) with you too. I have also been lucky enough to do a workshop with you in Auburn, Alabama. Looking forward to the new book!

Lcenlow said...

I am pretty new to quilting. Still taking classes. Your blog is also new to me and the magazine looks very interesting!! Can't wait to read it. The blog today is interesting and after hearing others go all the way back to read it is interesting and makes me want to do the same!
Lcenlow(@)sit-co(dot) net

Bonnie said...

I found your blog shortly after getting my first computer in 2004, so maybe since 2005. I really admire your organstional skills and believe me I'v tried to copy them but I guess I'm not a very organized person. lol. But there still is a lot to learn from you and you give me inspiration.

Quilting in the South said...

Yours was one of the first quilt blogs I read.

Donna in NW FL said...

I'm not sure how long I've been reading your blog but I love it! I love seeing your pictures of all the places you travel to -- sights I would never see without you! Your quilts have inspired me to try scrappy quilts as I was always a matchy matchy kind of quilter before. Thanks for all you do and I hope one day to get to one of your workshops!

Quilter Mom Didio said...

Congratulations. I have been reading your blog for about 2 years. I feel I know you and enjoy reading it everyday. I saw you at Celebration and was signed up for your class - but got sick and could not attend. I had been looking forward to this for such a long time. I enjoy reading all the blogs that I follow.


Betty Bland said...


And Happy Anniversary to US too! We can celebrate seven years of sharing your travels, quilting projects, recipes, and just all over great advice on tons of things.

Thanks for all you have given to us!

Patty said...

Happy Anniversary to you!! I hope that is me saying 7 years if blogging down the road. I just started mine in May and have a lot to learn about making it more attractive and interesting; however, it works for me because I love the journal it is creating. I would love to get my hands on that magazine!! Congrats on your new book!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Congratulations from the Netherlands. Hope to read a lot more in the future.
Greetings, Dini

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I have been reading your blog for over 2 years, but was introduced to your website over 3 years ago. Have made two Double Delights and a Jamestown Landing is in the works and I look forward to doing quilts from the new book. (Pre-order is in the mail). You have taught me to be fearless when it comes to piecing. I always had the attitude of "What if" when it came to a pattern, but not when it came to fabric. You have helped me see that fabric is just "color" of one type or another, and for that I am most grateful. My stash is huge and aging rapidly. I was afraid that using it would "date" a quilt and that it would no longer look "modern". Your patterns, however, have given me freedom to use all that "old" fabric for something new and contemporary. Thanks loads, my friend, for opening these "quilty" eyes to new dimensions.
Many congrats on your "bloggy-versary" (love that word BTW) and continued success in everything you attempt. I, for one, am glad you gave up your massage practice.
Love to ya...
Faye in Maine

Unknown said...

Greetings from MT and MANY congratulations on your anniversary in Blogland! I SO enjoy reading your blog, daily, for over two years now! It is one of the early things I do in my day, and on occasion check in later in the day! You model some great balance in your life for all of us! Over my reading time, my confidence in my ability to quilt has increased substantially...I'd say the biggest gift you've given me is a perspective change on each and every piece of butt-ugly fabric! They no longer are relegated to Neverland but find new life incognito as part of a larger sum!! Often they just amaze me! Enjoy your celebration and thanks for sharing your world with us! I can't wait for to receive your new book!! Looks WONDERFUL! my email is neenannandco@gmail.com Have a fabulous summer and an outstanding BOOK LAUNCH!!

LeAnne said...

I've only been reading your blog for about six months. I recommended you to our guild workshop coordinator and you were kind enough to squeeze in a seminar for us even though your website said your schedule was full. You are one busy lady! I love the free Kindle book suggestions. Some of them have been really good. In fact, I'm reading another one now.

Dar said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie. I've been a fan of yours for over 4 years and before I tried my hand at blogging or long arm quilting. I've always been a scrap quilters so you are a perfect fit for me! I love the way you put scraps together and make your quilts sparkle like none other. Your quirky way of telling funny stories is always a draw for me too. Too many good stories to elaborate, but they usually bring a smile or outright laugh to my day! Thanks.

Kay Holm said...

Hi Bonnie:

I really love your blog. You are the best! It is so much about life and life as a quilter. Like reading a novel... Please keep on blogging.

Katie Ringo said...

I've been a reader for about two years now and found you shortly after I started quilting 2.5 years ago. Not having a large fabric stash made me turn to scraps since they were easy to find. I love your ideas, designs and techniques. I'm especially addicted to strings after taking your workshop last year.

Thanks for all you do, the time you put in and your tireless dedication to scrappy quilting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, can't recall exactly when I started reading, it was right before your Tobacco Road mystery. Jumped right in, although I was terrified as I'd never made a bed sized quilt before. My family thought I'd lost all my marbles since everything before TR had been clothing or much smaller projects. Absolutely love how TR turned out, and have been following ever since. You managed to complete my full conversion into being a 'real' quilter; a process my Mom had been working on for over a decade! Thanks for all your time/energy/devotion to the blog, it's a must read inspiration to me. Laura H; rebusrebus@verizon.net

Carol said...

Oh Happy Day!
May the doors continue to open before you into wonderful creative adventures!

sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

Kathy Little said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie. Love your blog. Love your books and patterns.

Vesuviusmama said...

I've been reading you for at least 5 years - I think that's when I first found you and your Scrappy Mountains Majesty which I made for my mother for Christmas that year. She still sleeps under it and it remains one of my favorite quilts that I have made (granted, I have MANY favorites). But I have to say that what has inspired me most from your blog is your scrap users system. It completely changed my relationship with my fabric!

Cathy said...

I found your blog about a year ago. I love the way your instructions are written for your patterns, it's like you were sitting right next to me, telling me what to do next!

Janet O. said...

Your blog was the first that I started reading and that was in February of 2011--after I bought your leader/ender book.
Oh, I can't pick out a specific story--you so often leave me laughing. But I remember how surprised I was to learn that you were sending that "Storytime Stars" quilt that I sooo love here to my town, where your brother lives, and we'd never made that connection before.
Still haven't seen that quilt in town anywhere! : )

Bjwalsh101 said...

Congrats on 7 big years. Things I have learned could go on and on and on... The one thing I think I have learned the most or maybe starting doing more of is having the attitude of anything goes when it is scrappy. The more shades of one particular color the better. I also never saved small scraps an now I do. Those itty bitty pieces go a long way. Thanks

lynneUSA said...

Yes please -- love to win it -- going through a down turn and need to get my mojo back :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have just found you maybe 4 months ago...and its been exciting! You have rekindled my desire to quilt. And I have just found your free patterns yesterday! Thank you! Larryloveslinda@embarqmail.com....looking forward to cruzin Thu your blogs....

Patti said...

I really enjoy your column in Quiltmakers magazine...would be very pleased with win a copy!

Shirlsu said...

Congrats on 7 years of blogging. I've been a fan for only about a year but you've been a great influence on this hand piecer. I have a 'Hidden Pinwheels' quilt in my frame that is about 50% machine pieced, 50% hand pieced. It's being hand quilted and I absolutely LOVE it. You often make me laugh out loud, as recently as yesterday with your FBing with your friends or when you recently showed pics of hexies and your face when showing the tiniest hexies. It was 'classic Lucy, ooops Bonnie' tonsils and all. Thanks so much for all you do! You're a real treat!

Anna said...

Hi Bonnie, I have been reading your blog for about the last year to year and a half. I have been inspired to think outside of the box and use fabrics together that I would not have thought went together. I truely love your quilts and think that you are an amazing teacher. You make learning fun and I can't wait till you come back to our guild. I hope that you have many, many more years of inspiring all of us.

Donna said...

Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for about 2 years. BTW, according to your Workshop Calendar you will be teaching at least through 2016. Thrilled that my guild is on your calendar for next year! I just finished your "Crayon Box" quilt as a graduation gift for my granddaughter.

Josie Passell said...

Congratulations on 7 years blogging. I only found you just before Orca bay. Thank you for your blog which makes me smile and allows me to travel with you to new places. I am also grateful for you tutorials and inspiration.
josie dot passell at btinternet dot com

Paul said...

7 years! That's awesome.

I started reading your blog in December of 2009. My son graduated HS in 2010 and my wife wanted me to make him a Memory Quilt. So I googled "Quilting with Shirts" and a link referencing your 'Scraps & Shirtails' book was right at the top. Within minutes I was at your site and then your blog and while I realized your book was not about T-Shirt "Memory" quilts, I loved what I saw and I started following and reading anyway.

I don't know that I could name a favorite post, or story, although to this day, ever since I read your post about your new van "Shamu" I can not look at a Toyota van (especially a white one) without thinking, "It's a Shamu!"

Congrats on your 7 years,

Auntie Em said...

Happy Anniversary, Bonnie! I started reading your blog back when the "Quilt Mavericks" blog ring was one of the very few quilting blogs around. Thank you for all the quilting information you so freely share. My favorite of all your patterns is Pineapple Blossom. I made one in 1930's repros and it's the one I sleep under every night.

Lisa68 said...

Congratulations on 7 years. I was looking at your calendars the other day and can't believe you actually have your life planned out for the next 5 years I think I saw. It amazes me. I have been reading your blog for over 6 months now. You are my favorite blog. I look for a new one every time I come on facebook. I have to see you have inspired me to keep trying new things and to think outside the box. I have tried new things that I might not have tried had I not seen something on your blog. I am also saving a lot more scraps that I might not have saved in the past and color coridinating them. Never thought I would do that. I love the pictures you put on here from varies places that you have been. I am looking forward to trying to get to one of the quilting stores you are going to be at in the future in the state of Maine.

gia gia said...

a HEARTY happy bloggy-versary!! being technolgically challenged, i didn't even know what a blog was until i came across yours in looking for the courage to start a "dear jane"...saw yours, and i'm gaining ground...thanks for that and for your fresh take on fabric color choices...enjoy your blog "drivel" and look forward to your next book! <3

Mitts said...

Bonnie I have been following you since you and I were on my Quilting list so many years ago, 1997 and what a journey you have made since then. I turn to you for so much and have learned so very much from you and am forever grateful for your mind that seems never to stand still and always turns up new and exciting quilting moments for me. Love reading about your many workshops and the people you meet along your journey and meeting your new colorful machines that you bring back to life. Thank you, Happy 7th Blogversary and may we enjoy you for tons of years ahead. Oh and I will be ordering that new book, cannot wait!

gia gia said...

oops...nancy horton..hrtnmtns@gmail.com...thanks for the magazine, look forward to reading it!!

Dar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheryl said...

I love your blog and I read it everyday!! I started before your first book. My daughter and I discuss the blogs on Saturdays and decide which quilt we want to make next!!! Keep up the good work, we are reading every day!!!

Dar said...

Happy Anniversary and many more to come ! ! ! inspiredbyJesus@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Early this week I finished reading through all your blog posts. I ran into ones I recognized when I hit early March of this year, so I guess that's when I started reading daily posts. I loved finding the post when you set up your basement studio, and when you announced that you'd be teaching classes, and the one when you found your bright pink Featherweight. Those seem, to me, to be real milestones in your journey. I enjoy the history lessons, and the antique shop tours. I am so grateful for how much you share creatively. I'm not sure there is a way to adequately say "Thank you." I had begun cutting up shirts before I found you (I was looking for cheap but good quality fabric) but with your encouragement the stack has grown enough to need a bookshelf of its own. The buttons fill a half-gallon jar and more, and are waiting for inspiration for what to do with them. I've finished an Ohio Stars and Bars top, and am planning a Blue Ridge Beauty which might just turn into a that first one in your header instead. Such an adventure!

Cathy44647 said...

Bonnie - happy anniversary!!!! - Wow! I've been reading your blog for just a little over a year now - and I always look forward to getting it. You inspire me - challenge me - and just when I think there's just no way - you prove me wrong and I'm off again into a new adventure! I am so looking forward to meeting you in person this month here in Ohio!

The Life and Times of Karrie said...

Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for only a year or 2 and am amazed at all the traveling you do! Do you need an assistant??? LOL!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for 2 - 3 years. I like your style the way you re-use materials. Love your designs. I have made one of your quilts so far and everyone loves it. May more of your on my to-do-list. jillfroelich@yahoo.com

Diane said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie. Congratulations! I've been following your adventures ever since I discovered Leaders and Enders. I tell people you're my hero and I do mean it! Your blog is so inspiring and just plain fun!
A happy Orca Bay turtle, Diane

Dori said...

Congrats on 7 years! I've been reading your blog for several years and appreciate your generosity of patterns. I've done a few of your mystery quilts and I especially like reading about your sewing machines.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Olá,infelizmente eu tenho pouco tempo,acho que sou a caçula de seus seguidores.Eu gosto de tudo,seu trabalho é muito criativo e de paciência e eu gosto muito de pequenos pedaços de tecidos(só trabalho com sucatas)e quando vejo suas peças...quero fazer todas.Mas o tempo é curto.PARABÉNS POR TUDO<SEU ESPAÇO AQUI<SEUS TRABALHOS<SUA FAMÍLIA<SEUS LIVROS<SUAS PESQUISAS.Você é ótima e engrandece e acrescenta muito em minha vida,obrigada.Que Deus te abençoe sempre.Um abraço bem abraçado e estarei aqui muiiiito lonnnge sempre torcendo por você.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie! Congrats on your seven year bloggy-versary. I've been reading your blog since finding it about 9 months ago definitely my favorite. I've enjoyed seeing some short cuts. Your hexies have inspired me to try.I'm just completing a king size heart quilt for my upcoming 70th birthday.

Patricia A Tate

Sue said...

Congratulations for your 7 year Bloggiversary. We've been blogging the same amount of time...but you managed to do it in one place! I started in the now non-existent Yahoo 360 and wandered between Blogspot and Wordpress.....My favourite posts are anything cheddar. I like the colour and the way you use it in the same way as a neutral is used. Not only that.....being an Aussie cheddar is a lot paler here!

Jennie said...

Congrats Bonnie! I have been reading your blog now for about 1 1/2 years. I love following you around the country...you have helped me see places I otherwise wouldn't see. I am making a hexie grandmother's garden because of watching you make yours and I have joined in with your mystery quilt (Orca Bay) and will continue with that each year. It was a blast! You have me making strip blocks as leaders and enders so I can make charity quilts from them. I could go on and on about your influence on my quilting! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do for us!

Cokie K said...

Happy blogiversary!! I have only been reading your blog since last July, but considering I only started quilting last June it is like FOREVER!!! I love following the "Adventures of Bonnie".

Anonymous said...

I've only been around a few months, but I've come to love traveling along on your sewing ventures and seeing all the old machines.

beth daniels said...

I just started to read this Blog. I have always liked your website for information about how to cut scraps up for quilts. I have not made a scrappy quilt yet because I am still getting scraps from quilts I am doing. I am just starting in making a few more quilts than I used to. I plan on reading your blog more often. I cannot wait to read your tips and techniques on this blog.
beth daniels

Judykr said...

Hi Bonnie,

Happy Anniversary. I have been watching and reading very regularly this year and do go back and read some of the older entries, too. I am amazed at how much you accommplish and would like to find the energy to do half of what you do! I will keep reading for as long as you blog!

Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations from sunny South Texas. I first began reading your site and then your blog about 2 years ago. The Guild I belong to offered a class using one of your books.......scrappy quilts using men's T shirts. While at this class a few other quilts were discussed using your method to make scrappy quilts. From that time I was hooked on scrappy quilts and your site/blog. Thanks Bonnie for all your insights and inspiration. May you celebrate many more anniversaries in the quilting world.

Betty said...

I have been reading your blog for about four years. There's no specific story that comes to mind, you are an inspiration in so many ways. I love your energy and enthusiastic attitude! I appreciate the way you "keep it real" when you write and aren't afraid to express your opinion when you feel strongly about an issue. I enjoy reading about your family and pets, your travels, your love of vintage sewing machines. I love that you so generously share your knowledge with quilters all over the world. Meeting you in 2010 has been one of the highlights in my quilting journey!
Happy Bloggy-versary! (just added that to my dictionary, lol)

Sally said...

I became a follower of your blog when "Orca Bay" started up. I know this is not long compared to others but I am consistent. I check your blog everyday. What keeps me coming back is your friendly nature and I am amazed to see all the things you do while you are out "on the road" teaching. Your pictures from your travels helps to connect me to the outside world. I also enjoy the scrapbooks you post from your classes with all the student's work shown. Fun to see all the different fabrics they choose. Know posting to a blog may become a drag, but I hope it never does with you. Catch up with you tomorrow! Sallyquilt@zoominternet.net

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie. I started following your blog around the time your first book came out. I had been doing a year of not buying fabric and was intrigued with your idea of using shirts for material. I had just found your calendar like the day before you were out here in Olympia, WA. So I am looking forward to your being in Portland next year. I read your blog every morning and check it several times a day to see what you are doing. I love reading about your travels and seeing pictures from your classes. Keep on with the blog as long as YOU ENJOY it and it doesn't become a burden to do. I don't need to be entered in the drawing as I subscribed to the magazine when I found out you had a column in it.

Diane in WA

OWsMom said...

Bonnie, happy blogaversary! I just discovered your blog within the past year. I recently returned to quilting after a hiatus (a.k.a, young children) and your blog has been such an inspiration for me. Most importantly, your approach has freed me from feeling I always have to follow the quilting rules. Cretaing quilts is so much more fun when I feel free to do what I like, not what some book tells me I should be doing. Thank you!

Krista said...

I've only been reading your blog for a few months - really just long enough to make Orca Bay :) I really enjoy reading about your travels, and what's up with your quilting.

AnnieO said...

Happy blogversary! Also, love the new header photos! I've been reading your blog for four years and am one of those who went back and read from the beginning :) Your self-motivation and drive to create and share are always inspiring! Thank you for all you do for the quilting world and just the human community at large. You're terrific!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! You spoke to my quilt guild about a year ago and I've been a daily reader ever since. I don't remember if you taught a class...if you did, I probably didn't take it. At that time I was an Intimidated Quilter. Thank goodness I've outgrown that! I love scraps and its great to have found a friend who loves them too!

Anonymous said...

I love the longevity you've achieved! I found you in 2004 when someone in a Yahoo Group recommended you when I was looking for a longarm quilter. Although the cost of shipping made that impossible, I was totally drawn in by your patterns and manor of sharing them. Through your Yahoo Group I followed you through school, the move and much more until you switched away from using it very often. I remember when you wrote about getting a book offer but turning it down because you'd have to shut down your website with its free patterns. Your choice of doing that blew me away! Thank you for caring!

Janet Seiber, a Yahoo Group Follower

Anonymous said...

I think I have been reading your blog off and on (hey...I'm honest!) since before you moved to North Carolina. I love your patterns and have made several of your quilts. Jami C. in Iowa
carr toon @ iowa telecom . net (remove the spaces)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
I have no idea how to leave a comment, but here goes! I have been reading your blog every morning for 2.5 years, since I lost my Mom! It gives my a reason to keep pushing forward and has gotten me inspired to start quilting again. My inspiration was my Mom, she loved my quilting and I lost some of my quilting fun with her! I just bought your book (I look forward to receiving it) I love hearing about what you do in a day, you exhaust but inspire me! Although you are younger than I, I think that if you can do it, well I can try to keep up! Good luck, and Happy Anniversary! Linda jldoidge@telus.net

Barbara Black said...

I've been with you about 2 years. I always enjoy your posts, LOVE the free kindle book tips, and am always amazed when you post about people who write you to complain about something you've written! Don't they know this is about your life and you get to write whatever you want to??! People are funny sometimes. Keep it up--at least 7 more years!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie I am a fairly new follower, but follow I do :) I love your writing style.


Cathi said...

Congrats on your anniversary. Don't remember when I started reading your blog, but it's been awhile. Always enjoy your travels, etc.

Rose said...

Hi Bonnie:

I just starting reading the quilting blogs at the beginning of this year. I've quilted off and on forever. However, reading your blogs and others has got me back into quilting. I try to sew some everyday and have started sorting my scraps. I've also started using those scraps in small doll quilts. Well, it's a start. Also from reading the other blogs, you have alot of followers. Thanks for blogging and happy anniversary. mkclaim@cox.net

qltmom9 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen said...

I have been reading your blog for about 2 years but have also gone back and read through from the beginning to "catch up". Wouldn't want to miss anything! I find myself checking if I get a chance throughout the day to see if you've added anything! Love it! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that it has been 4.5 yrs since you moved. Seems like I read about it last year and worried that you would not continue quilting!
Love your scrappy attitude!

Unknown said...

I love your blog. I am new to the blog world so I have only been reading you for about 8 months. I started about the time you first introduced the Orca Bay mystery quilt along. I loved that quilt along. That I would have to say is the best story, I love your Ramblings too. Congrats on your Blogaversary. Also congrats on the new book coming out.

Lori Stolcpart spaladylori@abbnebraska.com said...

I started reading you on my 50th birthday to see if I could learn to quilt! I'm happy to say that I've crafted my first quilt (pineapple) from your instructions on this website! I am SOOOO addicted to your website and QUILTING that I have to promise myself that I need to do st least one thing (even empty the trash) before I sit down at my sewing machine when I get home from work!

qltmom9 said...

I've read since before you moved. I Love reading about your family. Your transparency and honesty help me love my own (same age) kids more. I really do think your younger son and my 21yo dd should meet. Your blog is utter blessing.~ Every one of my 9 kids and my best friends know your name like you were my sister...you affect my life that much.~
Thank you.~


Valerie said...

Oooh, I love Quiltmaker Magazine. Thanks for the chance for a FREE issue! I don't even know when I first started visiting your sites. I have only started following your blog this year, but I visited your Quiltville site often over the past 6-7 years, I think. I think I discovered you through one of the Delphi forums? Could that be true? Did you host one or were you very active on one? Here on the blog I get a real kick out of your stories of your chiro's office and their games, but my favorite posts I think were the ones when you were in Santa Fe. I LOVE that part of NM, Santa Fe and Taos and have driven there every September for 26 with my best friend from high school. She passed away soon after our trip in 2008, so I've only been there once since. I miss it, and may go back this fall.

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shirley said...

Wow! How long? I remember when you were thinking about getting your license. But with my bad memory it could be earlier. Congratulations. Shirley

birdie said...

Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on 7 years!

Laura said...

I've been reading your blog since the time Christmas Lights came out in Quiltmaker. Thanks to YOU, Bonnie Hunter, I can now put a civil war print right next to a 30's repro without a qualm!! Now THAT is pretty cool! Thank you so much and keep on blogging! :-)

janequiltsslowly said...

Happy Anniversary! I started reading this blog last summer when I was looking for patterns for scrap quilts. I learned about: leaders & enders, using scraps and cutting up standard sizes, tons of free patterns & tutorials, using those cool E-Z angle rulers, and most importantly: being true to yourself as a quilter/creative person, not letting the quilt police get you down and having tons of fun. I love the posts of the antique quilts and machines that you find (and sometimes buy) on your travels and your photos from airplanes of our beautiful land below. Thanks so much. Jane.

Lynda said...

a great giveaway - I must spend my money on fabric but drool over the great magazines out there. I love to travel as do you, and when I get that chance, I too like to take in the local history, walk the neighborhoods and enjoy the local eateries. I have had the opportunity to do a lot of traveling just by following your blog, thank you ever so much.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! Congrats!

Ruth Ann said...

I don't know exactly how long I've been reading your blog, probably a year or two. I've been using your patterns from quiltville for many years. The first I made was strip twist. I made it for my mother a couple of years before she passed away. She loved it and kept on the extra bed in her room. I asked her why she didn't sleep under it. She said she liked to get up in the morning and see it on the other bed because it was so pretty.
Congratulations on your 7th anniversary of blogging!

Shelia said...

congratulations on 7 years of blogging Bonnie. You have truly inspired millions of quilters to use up our scraps in beautiful ways. I am so excited about your newest book and can't wait for the relase day.
Love the newest block with nine patches, what would we ever do without nine patches?
Many blessings,

Glenda in Florida said...

Congratulations--and I've been here from the very beginning. I learned about the little seam guide for my Bernina from your blog. Now, every time I put it on to do some high speed sewing on straight, long seam, I say that I'm "sewing like Bonnie".

Sue said...

I've been reading your blog for about 3 years. You really inspire me!

Granny Stitch said...

I've been following your blog for about a year now and just love it. You have the most contagious sense of humor and your trip photos are so wonderful! Some show places I've been and some are places I still want to go to. You share recipes along with quilt patterns and tips. You are just plain FUN to follow. Congrats on 7 years of blogging and many, many more years of blogging to come.

Sharon Stone said...

I've been following you for about four years or so. Keep up the great work!

Virginia said...

I have been reading your blog for several years. I got my first computer in the summer of 2006 and was doing some quilting at that time, so I was looking for quilting sites when I found you. I needed someone to do some machine quilting for me and I had decided that I would ask you, but before I got around to asking, you had stopped quilting for others.
I went to my first quilting retreat in Oct. 2010 at Shipshewana, IN. and was thrilled to get to meet both you and Judy Laquidara....my 2 favorite quilt bloggers.


Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

I'm not quite sure how long I've been reading your blog but I do know I started long before you moved to North Carolina. I love reading your stories about your travels. You have given me so many great history lesson on all the wonderful and interesting places you've been and so many locations that I can only dream about. Of course, I have also learned so much about your quilting style and have organized my scraps and am now using them and not tossing them out. Thank you for all you do and share with us. Congratulations on your 7th year anniversary. I hope you are able to continue blogging for a minimum of 7 more years! ( sue@asdfwordpro.com)

glader said...

I have been reading your blog off and on for about 4 years, I love browsing your site and have completed 2 of your mystery. Quilts . I think the first was called northern lights and the other was roll roll cotton boll. I am hoping I will win your drawing. Glady

Sewcando said...

I think I have been reading your blog about a year. I think my favorite is just seeing your progress on projects but I love seeing your stories on travels as well. Thanks for sharing!

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Have only been reading yur blog since this year- just started quilting again late last fall. Have not screwed up the courage to try your quilts yet, but I love your block in this month's magazinew!

GeeMa said...

Congratulations on a great milestone! I picked up some yellow yesterday at the LQS end-of-bolt sale which will be perfect for the For-Ever-Nines... just as soon as I finish the 3 in-progress quilts.

GeeMa said...

Congratulations on a great milestone! I picked up some yellow yesterday at the LQS end-of-bolt sale which will be perfect for the For-Ever-Nines... just as soon as I finish the 3 in-progress quilts.

HelenMarie said...

happy anniversary bonnie!
I discovered you about two years ago and have thoroughly enjoyed "travelling" with you.

Ann and Billy said...

Happy Bloggy-versary. Love your blog and your quilts.

Anonymous said...

Many more blessings to you.
What fun you always want to give out and give back with all your great energy.
9's are just sew fun and how you make them sparkle!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Congrats on 7 years (no, I haven't read all your posts). I found you the day you posted the last info on RRCB. Been reading ya ever since. I'm fixin' to have my 100th blog post (where you've probably done thousands).

Linda in PA said...

Hi Bonnie! Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! I have been reading your blog since you lived in Irmo, SC. Our son-in-law is from Irmo and his parents still live there. I have enjoyed following your adventures and appreciate the quilt patterns that you so generously share with us. My Double Delight quilt is still waiting on borders. I am hoping to make both Roll, Roll Cotton Bowl and Orca Bay and did print off the directions. Your scrap saver system has been used in my sewing room for several years now along with using leaders and enders. Thank you for all that you share with us and may you keep on blogging for at least another 7 years. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...



Carla said...

What an inspiration you are. I love all your Tips & Techniques. Very, very helpful.

Kate said...

Congratulations on the new book AND 7 years of blogging! I found you when I found your first book, maybe 3 - 4 years ago? And, I went back at that time and read your blog from the beginning! It's hard to pick a favorite part of your blog, but I think it would have to be the mystery quilts you share with the masses! Thanks for all you do for the quilting world!

Lisa said...

Congrats on 7 years of blogging! What a great accomplishment! I've been reading your blog daily for about 5 years (since I was able to acquire faster than dial up internet,) and I went back and read from the beginning. I love your free patterns section, following the quilts you make that you show your progress on in the blog and the progress of mystery quilts. I hope to tour the east coast "someday" and enjoy your blogs with photos and descriptions of east coast areas. When I need an afternoon break at work I think of you, bring up your blog and if it is something I've already read that day I head for a miscellaneous prior blog day or one of the free patterns to relax over for a few minutes. Thanks for being there all these years!

Sher S. said...

I've only been reading for starting this year because one of my friends in my quilt guild had posted something about you. I find that you are exciting to read, funny at times but love where you are coming from. I like the way you quilt and how you go about it. I'm looking forward to buying your new book. I've just started using up my scraps due to and overload abundance of them.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. I've been reading your blog since the fall, and got to see you live when you visited the POP guild in Naperville, IL in May. I enjoy old sewing machines, and love seeing the ones you use on your blog. Thanks for being such an inspiration!

Mary Ann

Gloria said...

Hi Bonnie, Congratulations! I have been to your website since 2003. i have made a King size sisters choice, a christmas scrap bargello, a boxy stars for the nuero science unit at Wake /forest hospital. As mystery's I have made Carolina Christmas, Roll Roll Cotton Boll, Double Delight, Orange Crush ,Orca Bay. 4 years ago I set up 3 units of 5 drawers each under my cutting table to store my scrap saver units which I try to faithfully fill. I use leaders and enders and out of countless 4 patchs have made other charity quilts. I am curently finishing up your patriotic quilt for a Quilt of Valor. As you can see you have had an enourmous enfluence on my quilting life.I read your blog every day and thouroughly enjoy your adventures. You are a gifted communicator and I thank you for enriching my days. Gloria Bruce

robin said...

Wow! 7 years -happy anniversary! Love your blog, and look forward to 7 more!

Anonymous said...

Happy Day! A Facebook friend from the other side of the country clued me into your website a couple of years ago. I don't need the magazine. Looking forward to getting your new book.
Stella Ann in Mississippi

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Happy blog anniversary!
I have been reading you since the Orca Bay mystery quilt. Although as a beginner quilter, I wasn't brave enough to join in, but followed every step of the way!!
Thanks for the giveaway chance!

deb said...

Congrats on 7 years! I have followed your website for about 8 years and have been reading/following your blog for the past 2. You inspire me! I have started a "string" drawer of my scraps and also 2" squares. I look forward to the future and using these up!

June at Quiltmaker said...

Just wanted to add my congrats Bonnie. So glad we got to journey together! Pick someone else to win the issue :-)

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