
Friday, June 01, 2012

Happy Bloggy-versary! Give-Away!!

Whaahooooo! 7 years of blogging!

I’m celebrating!

I’m also laughing just a bit – I’ve had several readers telling me that they have gone all the way back and read this blog from the beginning. Wow. What a story it tells!

About moves, about going back to school for my license in massage and neuromuscular therapy, about starting up my own practice and having that blossom into a full time career, and then moving to North Carolina 4.5 years ago and making the choice to not start up another practice, but put myself full time into teaching quilting and writing instead.

This is one of those journeys that I could not predict the path or the ending even if I tried. Many twists and turns, but oh, the doors that have been opened simply by not worrying about WHERE the road will lead --- just get on the road and get moving on it and find out!

Which brings to mind ----will I still be writing all this stuff in another 7 years? Who knows! I hope so!

In the mean time --- I thought this 7 year celebration could use a Give-Away --- and have I got a good one for you!

The latest edition of Quiltmaker Magazine is out!

2012quiltmaker 004

Inside it you will find this month’s Addicted to Scraps column! The featured block is Four-Ever-Nines!

QMMP-120200-SCRAP_200_11527 QMMP-120200-SCRAP_200_11527 QMMP-120200-SCRAP_200_11527

I love ANYTHING with 9 patches in it! This one does a little accent square in the center and can easily be pieced from your collection of scrap strips!


The crew at Quiltmaker have given us a suggested setting of block to block to block…and I love the plaid-y appeal! It would also make a great alternate block ---ooooh, what about putting it on point? I like that idea too!

I’m offering up a FREE copy of Quiltmaker Magazine’s July/August issue to one lucky blog reader! Simply leave me a comment below! And to make it fun for me, I’d like to know how long you’ve been reading me, and what little story you found either fun, silly, inspiring or educational. Are you learning anything by reading my drivel? If so – speak up! It makes it fun for me to read the comments that way!

And don’t forget that Pre-Orders have started for my new book STRING FLING! You can preview the quilts, and place your order by clicking to this post HERE.

We will draw the lucky winner on Sunday Evening! Good luck everyone!


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Karen said...

Happy Blogiversary. I was lucky enough to meet you in Shipshewanna in 2010. But, I've been reading your blog for at least the last six or so years. I did go all the way back to the beginning at one point. I was so excited to get hooked on scrap quilting early in my quilting venture through your blog and wealth of patterns offered for free. I've been working my way through all the patterns. The problem was collecting scraps. But joining in swaps did a lot to add to my variety. I will continue to keep reading, so keep the posts coming.

Teri Ploski said...

Happy happy! I've been reading your blog for about a year now, since I got back into quilting. What inspired me the most? Well, I'm s l o w l y working on organizing my ever-growing stash of scraps! I really need to go get more containers to store them all and set aside a day (or two or three) to trim and sort them all! Oh how I wish I could go on one of your trips!

All8 said...

I love scrap quilts and when I googled, it brought up your blog. I don't know when it was but I check in daily and often more than once. You inspire me with your abilities and how you are so giving with your time and talents. Thank you for all that you do. Can't wait to see more.

Aileen said...

Happy Anniversary! I think I have been reading your blog for at least 5 years. I set up the scrap system about 4 years ago after reading your directions for the 3rd time. I have made several quilts from my scraps and still have not made a dent. It is great to just grab a bin and start sewing. I am working on Orca Bay. I am also trying to do a better job with the leaders and ends. Quilt often when I get stuck for an idea I say to myself, "What would Bonnie do with this"? The answer is always "Go for it"! "Scrap it up"! I am not fearful of the Quilt Police anymore!!!

I can't wait to get my hands on your new book!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I fell in love with your scrap organizing ideas and the easy use thereafter. Only now my stash cupboard has opened up and fabric flowed out into bins with strings and squares... LOL! Love it! And the thrift shops around here scarcely have a shirt left!
Inge from Denmark

Karen L. said...

I have only been reading your blog since your move to NC. I don't even remember how I found you but I am your "neighbor just to the east" so maybe that had something to do with it. Anyway, right at the moment, my favorite piece of information that I got from your blog was the one on that little tool that helps you get a perfect 1/4" on any and all machines ... the machine seam guide. So I went right out and bought one, on eBay that is. Since I have several (not saying exactly how many) machines, this tool is going to come in very handy. Oh and that adjustable table you have in your photos now and then is also a great idea. If I didn't already have some tables, I would buy one. So ..... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Keep those posts coming.

Nancy said...

I just found you - so I'm a brand-new follower!

Sandie and Jesse said...

Congratulations on your blog and congratulations on your new book. You tire me out just reading all you do. I also like most of the kindle books you post.
slcope 78@ comcast .net remove spaces

Aggiequilter said...

Happy 7th BLOG-iversary Bonnie!!
I haven't been reading for 7 yrs, but probably 4-5! How time flies! Can't think of one story in particular but I always enjoy your creativity, your wonderful patterns and your wit. Congrats and thanks for the chance to win!

Mary Ellen said...

Happy Anniversary! I guess you should be receiving copper or wool gifts. Ha!

Stoney said...

Bonnie--I've been reading your blog for about six months, bought your three books and began collecting shirts for a scraps and shirttail quilt. I am having so much fun!! I grew up very poor so I hated thrift sales and Goodwill stores because it reminded me of the shame of poverty. I am working hard to change that and your joyful attitude about this process has helped me. Creating quilts from new and beautiful fabrics helped heal me about 20 years but now it's time to use my skills on recycled clothing. By the way, I have a long history making bright and cheerful quilts for Project Linus, which was my way of giving a child something I never had. Thank you for the faithful attention you give to your blog and to your art. You are a gift....
Stoney Monte

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. I am looking forward to meeting you at our quilt guilds workshop from North East, PA. I am new to blogging; I hope I am doing this all right.

charity-crafter said...

I love your patterns. The crumbs are so addictive that I was banned from making any more for my charity quilting group because I kept coming in with several 100 blocks all ready to make something with. (the problem was I wasn't making anything with them, I was dropping them off in our orphan block box) I think after I hit the 1500 mark someone pulled me aside and gave me a nice bundle of coordinating fabric enough to make a QOV and said, "It's time to branch out to something else."

Of course, now I've graduated up to strips, they haven't seen my pile of those yet.

Margaret said...

I have been following you for about a year now. I loved the video on how to debone a shirt. I never even thought about using used clothing for quilts. Thanks for all the lessons.

Lynn M said...

I saw your post about oklahoma backroads in dover. Dover oklahoma is 10 minutes away from me. And its nothing but backroads. So I got all excited and was getting ready to go to a quilting workshop. Then I realised you weren't actually in oklahoma. Oh well

Linda said...

Bonnie, I love reading your "drivel" every day. I have learned so much from you over the years! I feel like you are one of my best friends, even though we have never met. One of the items on my bucket list is to take one of your classes.
Linda in Southern Illinois

MamaMary said...

I have been a fan for a while now since I love scrap quilts. I have all kinds of scraps to use. I look forward to your new book. Keep up the good work. I need to sew up a lot of scraps.

Loris said...

What a sweet thought of celebrating 7 years of reading your blog! Yours was the first and only blog I read for several years (probably started back in 2005 though I can't remember how I found you :-) and I have loved every moment of it. You are like a ray of sunshine with humor, inspiration and beautiful quilts! Thank you again and again for sharing so much of yourself and teaching us so much about quilting. Your tips and inspiration are a part of my everyday quilting habits. I love having you in my heart!

ritainalaska said...

congrats! seven years of great quilting, observations while traveling, reading adventures, sharing your life ... i've only been following since i started following blogs not even a year ago. i've tried some of your free patterns, thank you very much, and enjoyed following your alaskan trip and your orca bay mystery posts the most!

horsegal88 said...

Hi Bonnie!! Happy Blog Anniversary! Today also happens to be my wedding anniversary, although a lot more then 7 years!! I'm one of those people who has gone back to the very beginning and read all of your posts. I have enjoyed the antique mall tours and all of your adventures, and cried at some of your sad times, but your blog has really inspired me along the way. Thanks for that and I do hope you write for another 7 years!!!

Donna Keating said...

The blogging journey is fun.

Diane said...

They say 7 is a lucky number, and it certainly has been lucky for us readers! I began reading your blog a little more than 3 years ago, and what I read was so interesting (and not just quilting - I loved your recipes, info about your animals and family, and travels) that I went back and read everything from the beginning. You're an amazing woman! Sure don't know how you get everything done and still have a life. I love all your tips and now check back through your quilt photos to see what the borders look like, to hopefully inspire me with the borders on my quilts. Hope your journey into blogland continues for at least another 7 years!

Diane said...

They say 7 is a lucky number, and it certainly has been lucky for us readers! I began reading your blog a little more than 3 years ago, and what I read was so interesting (and not just quilting - I loved your recipes, info about your animals and family, and travels) that I went back and read everything from the beginning. You're an amazing woman! Sure don't know how you get everything done and still have a life. I love all your tips and now check back through your quilt photos to see what the borders look like, to hopefully inspire me with the borders on my quilts. Hope your journey into blogland continues for at least another 7 years!

Sarah said...

I'm not sure exactly how long I have been reading your blog but I know I started sometime back when I was still in Miami (4 years ago this July). I *always* find inspiration on your blog and waaaaayyyyyyy too many good ideas. No need to buy patterns when you offer sew many great patterns on your website!

c said...

Isnt that a pretty cover!!!!!!!!! and so nice o fyou to do this, Thank you for the offer to win this neat idea. Happiest of all Anniversarys Bonnie. Love everything you do

Deanna Daugherty said...

Discovered your blog one year ago. I need to go back and read about your past. I've love the way that nothing goes to waste with your designs. I've been able to branch out with my experiences because of you. I love your addiction to machines. I've picked up a couple of cuties in the past few weeks. Excited about the next steps in my life of quilting.

teachpany said...

Happy Blogaversary! I've been reading your blog postings for about a year, but have read some of your older ones. I enjoy your antiquing posts, and the ones about your machines, and your quilt-a-longs and classes. I look forward to the next 7! Thanks.

cpup40 said...

CONGRATS & HAPPY BLOGGY--VERSARY!!! I have followed your blogs for several years now and will continue as long as you do it. I love the way you do your patterns and color schemes. Hope you have many more years ahead of you.

Teresa F. said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! I love your blog and I wish that someday I could give up my full time job to dedicate myself to quilting. You've been an inspiration. Now that i'm going through some economic difficulties scraps seem a good way to keep me going on. I would love to win the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Wow, guess you'll have plenty to pick from. I so love your Blog Bonnie. I check it every day except in the summer when I'm up north without power. I might even be able to do that this year with 3G if everything works out. Each day is an inspiration for me when I read your blogs. As for happy/funny - yep you fit that category too. Thanks for everything you do for us. The next few days are looking like rain here in the northeast so it's sew time for me.

darlene said...

Been following you for quite awhile but my computer acts up when trying to read your blog.
Love your quilts.

Sue said...

Congrats on 7 years! Wow! I don't know how long I have been reading your blog. I think I was directed to your site when looking for a way to organize my scraps. I do know that I look forward to reading daily when I get home from work - you are my "unwind" time! Although you inspire me daily with your quotes, stories and projects, I think my favorite is the video about how to dissect a shirt. I have my eye on one of my hubby's favorite plaid shirts - it is just beautiful, but i think he will wear it out before I can get much out of it! Thank you so much for all you do for us!

Barbara O. said...

Congratulations! And thanks a million for so much sharing and inspiration!
I've been reading your blog for almost three years now. The information you share has helped me so much to improve my piecing and quilting, I wouldn't be still quilting if it weren't for you!

kathy said...

Congrats on 7 years and starting a second successful business. love the blog and the quilts which are just my style.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! I have been reading about you and all of your adventures for about 4 1/2 years, but when I started, I just went to the beginning and had to get caught up to the present by reading many entries in one sitting. I attended your workshop in Storm Lake (and so am a proud owner of one of your signed books!). My favorite quilts are scrappy so you inspire me daily with your blog.
Ronda at phonygal@msn.com

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats on 7 years! I am not sure how long I have been reading - I think I was directed here when looking for a way to sort my scraps! I look forward to reading every day after work. You are my "unwind" time! I think my favorite post is how to dissect a shirt! I have my eye on one of my hubby's plaid shirts, but I think he will wear it out and there won't be much left for me! Thank you for all you do for us!
Sue Sullivan

4dreamsr said...

I've only been on the puter bout year & half. Started out on Pat Sloan's blog & since everyone there loves you, I came over & started following too. Couldn't pick just 1 blog, but I do love your quotes & your life that you share. Here's hoping you're here for many more years beyond 7 more.

Carmela said...

Congratulations Bonnie on your 7th Anniversary. I'm a relatively new reader to your blog (or other blogs for that matter) and have really enjoyed your writing and quilting. Need to go back to the beginning someday and read it from past to present!! Look forward to all your postings throughout the day (guess I'm addicted), and you're making it so tempting to start a blog. Only wish I had lots to say! Here's hoping 7 years down the road we're wishing you a Happy 14th!! Mel in PA

B Greene said...

Happ Birthday to your Blog! I have been reading you for about six months and I have learned to apply a positive attitude with a little humor to most situations! Oh - and to save every last scrap of fabric and to beg for more from friends, family, and people in line at the grocery store :-)

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog a couple of years now and love all your antics and adventures. I have made one of your quilts - it came out really nice and I look forward to trying more. I am really trying to get organized - will read and re-read your systems hoping for inspiration. Keep up the good work and don't let those few grumpy readers get to you - for each of them there are a hundred of us that love what you do !!! LOT

PM Quilt Design said...

Bonnie, I enjoy your blog so much! Happy Day! and Happy more blogging!

Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Ele said...

Bonnie, I have been following your blog now for about 2 years, but I have used several of your patterns from Quiltville, and just gave one of the Boxy Star quilts to a dear lady to use after her hip replacements. I love that pattern and you have helped me overcome my fear of strings!! lol Many thanks from Northern Iowa. Oh, I am a subscriber to Quiltmaker magazine and was delighted to see all your patterns in them.

Sherryl said...

Seven years. Wow. Seriously. Where DOES the time go? Who stole all my time!??!? congrats. :-) (p.s. I, too, am a 9-block-aholic.)
- sunshdws at yahoo dot com

SubeeSews said...

My first experience of you was on the internet and the picture was you LONG string of patchwork behind your machine, all piled up on the floor. I was so inspired. I printed the photo out and took it to work with me. This was long before I retired. And I considered myself a "closet quilter" back then.
Every time I finish one of your designs I have grown in my sewing skills and I get comments on how clever my color schemes are.
I mean, come on! SCRAPPY is so cool!
Hoping I win here in Indiana.

Angie in SoCal said...

I think I've been going to your website for about 5 years and your blog for over a year. I like them both and have bookmarked them for our local guild. They like it too! Thanks for the chance, Bonnie.

Jody said...

I don't remember when I started faithfully reading your blog--I know I've lurked around your site since the Dear Jane set Storm at Sea style. It caused a flurry on the Dear Jane list and I was curious! I love your patterns, tips, photos of your travels and posts in general. I am now trying to cut up and put in bins the leftovers from my quilts. Some days are better than others!

Genie said...

Oooo, Bonnie, I really like that block! Can I win the magazine? Congrats on your bloggy-versary! Wandagenequilts

mereth said...

Keryn and I started our blogs six and a half years ago and we were reading you then. I was even more interested, having met you in person,(my goodness, in '98!).I always read your blog first, just love the feeling of energy and creativity that comes through. If I get a bit 'stuck' I travel back through the images at the end of the current posts, or go through one of your books and I feel enthused all over again.I think you've changed the face of quilting,(only for the good) and I hope the blog goes on and on and on..Thanks for everything you put into it, you're an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

My goodness what a lot of messages! I have been reading your blog for about 5 months but it has quickly become a morning ritual. I just ordered your new book and look forward to it's release. I do have to admit that you have started me on a nasty habit, I bought my first Morse machine about a month ago and want to buy more. I would especially love to get a hot pink one like yours. Good luck on all the great stuff going on for you, you deserve it! Susan saam109@yahoo.com

Bonnie said...

Congrats on 7 years. I have been reading you for the past 3 years, and yes, I did go back to the beginning. Love all of your patterns and tips. I have made a few small quilts for charity, but plan to make a couple of your patterns when I don't work full time anymore. Love your accounts of your trips. Please keep up the good work.

Michele T said...

Congratulations!! I really can't remember when I started following you, my guess is about two years! I have thoroughly enjoyed your travelling posts - very informative and interesting too! Good luck in your studies.

Leeann said...

Yes I too back read your blog when I started folllowing! (about 3 yrs ago). I have been blogging since March 2010, so only a baby compared to you. I hope you are still blogging for another 7 years at least I enjoy your more than once daily posts so much.

Vanya said...

Hi Bonnie!

Congratulations on the new book. Ordered my copy yesterday, can't wait to get it.

Enjoy your summer!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie. I have been a Fan for several years have your books but never followed your blog until Orca Bay I had soooooooo much fun with it I read your blog daily and love to travel with you across the US and visit antique shops and sitesee. Thanks for taking us all along on your travels. I feel like I'm there and from my favorite quilting recliner!

Donna Gauch.

memckee2 said...

Following faithfully for two years. Couldn't have made my shirt quilt without your lesson in de-boning.

cityquilter grace said...

i was most inspired about repurposing fabric and leaders/enders, both of which are super stewardship tips and made me see my stash in a whole new light. no longer did i need to be matchy/matchy and buy additional fabric to "go with" something i had, which was terribly freeing and thrifty too!

dorothy said...

Congratulations on 7 years!!! I think I found you about the time you were making Jared Takes a Wife..learning to organise my scraps, maybe someday I will even get it done, so I can do the projects I want!

Pauline said...

Love your new quilts. So glad I found your site soon after I began quilting in 2006, you've inspired me. I subscribe to Quiltmaker so pass me by on this one. I love your new block in this magazine and will make a couple to add to my stash of "maids in waiting" blocks. I don't call them orphans,thats a senseless name for blocks I love and plan to use someday.

Deborah said...

I try to read your blog daily. I enjoy it so much. Can't remember how long I've been readying but I'm always quoting "Bonnie says this" to my quilting friends. Confuses them terribly.

Linda said...

Hi Bonnie!
Congrats on your anniversary! WOW! 7yrs! I think I've been with you for almost 6 of those years. You have been such an inspiration to me and tons of others. Thank you for all your very hard work that you do for us for 'free'. It is sooo much appreciated on this end!! I love checking in on you daily to see what you are up to and where you have been and where you are going. You keep a smile on my face everyday! ((((hugs))))
Linda ;=)

swakins said...

I joined the Bonnie Hunter followers only a few years ago, but now I'm curious to go back and check out some BH history.

Miss Carol said...

I have no idea how to compete with 252 other followers of your blog! I do know I have been followoing for a long time. I just love the way your crazy scrappy mind works. You put it all into perspective for me!

Sharon said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I love your blog and scrappy quilts :)

patmmm said...

Happy Day to you. What an accomplishment! Yes, we do love your writings and it just keeps us coming back for more. Love the antique wanderings and pics, the old machine discoveries, and, of course, the new designs. I made Orca Bay and love it. I'm living for 2013. I'm going to be in a class of yours in OR if I have to camp on the front porch. It's the closest you get to my home on the northern CA coast. Please keep up the writing, the pics of happy sewers, and your wanderings all over this globe. Thank you so much, Pat

Marianne said...

I can't claim I'm a constant reader but I started reading back when you were just finishing up your massage schooling.

SH Sue said...

I am new to your blog, Bonnie Hunter, but I am falling in love with your quilts. Scrap quilts are my favorite. Thanks for all your knowledge and sharing.

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

I received my copy of the magazine in the mail today! I have only been reading your blog for a few months, but I discovered your website in 2009 and it changed the way I quilted and looked at scrap quilts! I have made at least 4 of your scrap quilts and have several others on my "to do" list. In 2009 I set up my fabrics with your Scrap Users System and continue to use the system. Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas and for sharing them so freely. You are an inspiration to all quilters! Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I have enjoyed each and every one of your blogs for the past year plus. To pick just one is impossible. You are so entertaining! And I have learned several things from you. Thanks for sharing your life, both quilting and non-quilting alike. I hope you have many wonderful blogs left to write! Cheri cuffmail@aol.com

Sally said...

Happy blog day! 7 years, oh my, but look where you've come! Sew glad you decided to focus on quilting--you've helped us all! New book looks awesome!

Gail said...

I first 'found' you at Quiltfest Jacksonville (Florida). Was that in 2010? you've inspired me to do something with all those scraps that I just couldn't trash. so now I'm ironing and sorting and cutting squares. Even began with Enders/Leaders and have some twosies. Lots of different size strips, so the new book has peaked my interest too! Thanks for sharing your travels. I enjoy the history lessons about places I am not likely to get to visit.

Gail said...

I first 'found' you at Quiltfest Jacksonville (Florida). Was that in 2010? You've inspired me to get a handle on all those scraps that are sitting in bins because i can't just throw them out. After cutting some squares, I've started the Ender/Leader process and lots of twosies. I am also wanting to try the hexies for a hand project. Thank you for sharing your travels. I enjoy the history.

BaggyQueen said...

Wow!! How the time flies.Hope you have many more years of Quilting Fun. I have been reading your blog for about seven years. A member of our Guild started talking about this lady who writes books and makes scrappy quilts. I looked you up, and have been following you ever since. Have done two of your mystery quilts and love them.Thanks for many laughs and all the good info you give us. Hope I am lucky.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

nine or ten months I think...I love the scrappiness, free kindle books, and your expanding collection of sewing machines.

free indeed said...

I've been reading for quite a while....since before the move or the licensing. I liked seeing pictures of your boy(s). Mine were just a bit older but full of the 'roll of the eye' antics like yours.

LTeachergeorge said...

I've only been reading tour blog about 6 weeks, though I have been on your website for close t a year. I showed off a "Bricks and Stepping Stones" quilt I made at a Quilt Camp I attended, and was asked if I kept up with your blog. That was the beginning. I have 3 other scrap quilts of yours started. Love your site and your blog!!! LTeachergeorge@aol.com

Kris Jacobson said...

Congratulations. I am always glad to hear of a quilter who has turned her passion into a career.

Nadia said...

I've been reading Bonnie's blog over the last year and the one thing that has helped me THE MOST was the recommendation to get a different 1/4 inch seam guide, I thought I was the only one who hated that 1/4inch foot and that I must be dumb because I NEVER got accurate seams and my sewing had diminished because of it.

Bonnie's scrap method is fun and that's why I love it so much!

Kathy ~~~ said...

Congratulations on 7 years. As I always say,"Where has all the time gone?" Thanks for the chance to win.

Dora, the Quilter said...

Several years ago Judy Laquidara posted about how helpful you had been to her. That was my introduction to you and your blog, and I've been reading and learning ever since!
Interestingly enough, many of my favorite posts are about using vintage sewing machines--the machines are as inspiring as the quilts!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be here seven years from now, if you are. I love your blogs Bonnie and the funny little jump arounds your brain does.
I adore your scrappy quilt mind!!!
Judi in Ohio

Sharon Siacci said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie. I've been reading along for less than a year, but do enjoy getting home from work, making a cuppa, and then following your writings. I do get a giggle out of you expressing yourself about others having a dig at your opinions. I also believe that if others can't cope with the opinions I express, they can turn away, they don't have to listen. I love the free world! Here's to another 7 years. Thanks.

Jana said...

I've been reading for a few years but I have known you since before you were "famous!' Love it!

Anonymous said...

I've only been reading a couple of months, but I look forward to turning my computer on around 9 P.M. when your blog arrives.

Tiff said...

Happy Blog-iversary!!! I love your hexie quilt the most!! I've been reading your blog going on a year now...and all the while wondering how you come up with so many ideas, patterns, quilts and all still while keeping your humor and sanity. you are one classy woman. =)
Thanks Bonnie for inspiring me.

Robin said...

Happy Blogiversary! I've been reading the blog for at least 5 years, and probably went back and started at the beginning when I started. I've found all kinds of inspiration from you and your quilts. I love using my precut scraps to quickly get into a new project and to flesh out a vague idea into an actual quilt. On the wish list now is to some day get to take one of your classes. Keep doing what you do!

Liz said...

I have been reading for several years - a bit before you spoke at the Greater Hartford guild spring lecture. I am not a scrap quilter - my quilt buddies just laugh and tease me about getting hives. What I have learned from your scrappiness is that it's not really that scary, and I CAN do it occasionally, just in a very controlled fashion, and it works. Thanks for that lesson !!

Shirley in Canada said...

7 years!! And you were massage therapist??! WOW ... I think I may have to read everything from the beginning too!! You are so very amazing! Thanks for your patterns & blogging....here's to 7 more!!

Dianne said...

congrats what a great acheivement. I've been reading your blog for only a few months but get so excited when I get an email. Thanks for taking the time during your busy schedule. Love the look of the new book.

Angela Smith said...

First let me say Happy Anniversary. Seven years, wow. May the Lord bless you with many many more. I began following your blog about a year ago and I love it. Also it was great getting to attend one of your classes and meet you in person. I learned so much..Thank you. I look forward to the next mystery quilt. I did chicken out on Orca Bay. But since your class in March I have 2 tops ready for quilting. WooHoo. Love your books and thanks again for the techniques you share.
Many blessings and happy quilting.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for about a year. I love all the quilting pictures, and fabrics, and everything quilt related. What I really think is great is the book reviews and free books. That's an extra that no one else has offered.
paweis at yahoo dot com

Judith said...

Happy Blogging Anniversay! I just started reading your blogs a few months ago and hope that you keep sharing your post.....Congrats....Judith, Texas

Carolyn Edwards said...

Congratulations for 7 years of Blogging!!! I have been following for about 4 years now. I have started the RRCB and the Orca Bay. I know someday they will be finished. You have inspired me in so many ways. I love reading all the ideas for new quilts and the hints about how to do certain techniques. I am anxious everyday to see all the historic places, the antique quilts, and the sewing machines. The nature walks are quieting and restoring not only to you but to me as well. The Amazon books are loaded on my Kindle for the moments that I might have to read. Thank you for sharing them. Reading and rereading your own books is a great enjoyment. I bent them from just dreaming. The recipes you have shared have been a hit with our family. Those are extremely special since I can finish them. I would love to be able to take a trip with you and the trip to Bali looks so exciting but since I can't go, I hope to just run into you when I go to Winston someday. Be on the lookout for this fat old woman in a wheelchair with a service dog who is going to be runnning into you. Our paths are destined to cross.
Thank you for all the pleasure you have brought into my life.

Anonymous said...

I started reading your blog when you were still in massage school, juggling quiltmaking, kids, and classes. Your blog was just great for the new quilter I was then. Over the years, your best contribution has been inspiration through generosity of quilt designs, your clear how-to's on quilts we all love, the inside views of classes you teach, and your photos from state hopping, antique shopping, and insider looks at antique quilts. Don't know how you keep it up Bonnie. Love your Quiltmaker magazine contributions and your books. I'm sure I will love your new one when it comes out. Sorry you don't live in TX anymore, but I may investigate the space in Plano for an opening. Stephani in TX (Tomazec@aol.com)

Kim said...

Lucky seven! I look forward to your blogs. I love the tips, ideas and the travel commentaries. Your blog is as fun as you are. Since you have been here (Quad Cities), there has begun to be a real shortage of shirts at Goodwill! Keep the good times coming!!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for almost 4 years. I love how you have taught me to use every little scrap. I was in Rupert, ID two years ago visiting my sister who had moved there and she took me to their amazing Quilt Shop. I bought some scraps from a bin and when they asked what I was going to do with them I said I was making a Bonnie Hunter quilt. One of the ladies thought you used to quilt for them.

Claudia cboling2000@yahoo.com

TADVR said...

Happy blogiversary! Hope you're blogging long into the future...I look forward to your entries!

jan in AR said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie!!!!! A wonderful email friend in MD turned me on to everything Bonnie about 1 1/2 years ago, but have just been following your blog since January and loving it!!! Have S & S and gathering up all my scraps to start one of your quilts. Even moved my 1959 pink Revere to my sewing room this past weekend, have 3 early Singers that are wonderful for piecing also, a little noisy perhaps, but sew like a dream.
Thanks for all the hints and stories, this blog is a great ending to my day!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading since Feb, 2011, after you were in Fort Worth. I blogged about you that day and you linked to it on your blog. Got the most hits EVER that day! It continues to be my Big Blog Day. FUN! Loving the Kindle freebies. Just got a Kindle this year and I've downloaded every recommendation. Love them! Barb in Texas

Valerie said...

I love to read your blog and I am always amazed to see how productive you are! Congratulations for all!

Rhonda D. said...

Happy 7th Anniversary! I am relatively new, have only been reading
your blog this past year. I love scrap quilts, and thanks to you,
I am getting a lot of new ideas. Thanks!

Heather said...

I can't say exactly, but it was some time in the last year. I love how you use scraps and I've discovered several books for my Kindle. Most of all though I love your positive energy. Congratulations on 7 years!

Kerry said...

Congrats on 7 years of blogging. I've been following along for about 6 years, love every post. How to choose a single story that's my favourite? Sorry, I just can't. I do love your posts about the 1/4" problems of most sewing feet- some people don't believe me when I tell them. I've loved your quilts for ages, you're so generous. Here's to at least 7 more years in my blog reading life.

christineschoon said...

Congratulations on 7 years of blogging!! And on your new book too! You're always very inspiring! I love reading your posts.
Thank you for all the effort you've put into this!

zees5 said...

I just found your blog via Scraps and Shirtails. LOVE it! Thanks for doing a giveaway.

Dreamquilter Elke said...

Happy anniversary. I find your yahoo group first - than I go to your blog. I look every day on it and find every day nice pictures and read your post. I look on it, if you had your blog. Make many trips, show us many picture and make me happy, thanks for all time you give us and I hope the new book will be a great success!!!
Elke from Germany

emeggs said...

Hi Bonnie,
I'm reading your website long time and tried the pineapple blossom block. Want to make a quilt from Scraps & Shirttails, I bought last month. Even want to own your other books, congrat to 7th birthday.
Erika from Austria, Europe

emeggs said...

Hi Bonnie,
I'm reading your website long time and tried the pineapple blossom block. Want to make a quilt from Scraps & Shirttails, I bought last month. Even want to own your other books, congrat to 7th birthday.
Erika from Austria, Europe

emeggs said...

Hi Bonnie,
I'm reading your website long time and tried the pineapple blossom block. Want to make a quilt from Scraps & Shirttails, I bought last month. Even want to own your other books, congrat to 7th birthday.
Erika from Austria, Europe

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie! Congratulations on you seven years of writing blogs! I've only been following you since last summer. I can't remember how I stumbled upon you. It may have been after googling (my laptop doesn't recognize that word!) I think I was looking up the Sisters Quilt Show and found your blog, because I distinctly remember that you were with friends near Bend enjoying some quilting and enjoying walks in the woods! (Sunriver perhaps!) Anyway, I soon became addicted to your blog, like so many other of your admirers! I have been a collector of vintage sewing machines for about a decade, but have acquired a few more since reading of your recent acquisitions. Currently I want to find a pink Necchi Supernova. In the last month I have acquired a Wizard that looks like a Singer 99 or something like that; a Singer 301 (I was so excited that it took me hours to realize I had walked away from the thrift store without even wondering where the power cord and foot control for it was! But it did have it's bobbin case!); a Singer 327 (I believe); and a Singer 99. I recently got your first three books plus the other book from your 'store' and will soon pre-order the stringy book! I am hoping to take classes, see trunk shows and meet you next spring when you come to Portland. Thanks again for all you do!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I've been awake for about 21 hours now . . . typical for my Fridays. I tried to send a post from my 'smart' phone earlier today, but got stymied several times and lost the posts. I just blathered on about central Oregon and vintage sewing machines. But I forgot to sign my name. This is Cynthia W from Oregon. Where even here it is now really Saturday! ;-)

Dreamquilter Elke said...

Happy anniversary. I find your yahoo group first - than I go to your blog. I look every day on it and find every day nice pictures and read your post. I look on it, if you had your blog. Make many trips, show us many picture and make me happy, thanks for all time you give us and I hope the new book will be a great success!!!
Elke from Germany

Dreamquilter Elke said...

Happy anniversary,
I find your yahoo group first with a Mystery and then your blog. I look every day on it. It makes me happy to see all the pictures, reading your posts and workshops. I look on your blog on that beginning. Thank your for all your time you spent for us.
Have a great success with your new book - it stand on my wishlist first
Elke from Germany

emeggs said...

Hi Bonnie,
I'm reading your website long time and tried the pineapple blossom block. Want to make a quilt from Scraps & Shirttails, I bought last month. Even want to own your other books, congrat to 7th birthday.
Erika from Austria, Europe

Nann said...

I've been a Quiltville fan for a long time -- I've been on the Stashbusters group for almost a decade and 'met' you via your posts to that list. From there to your website and thence to your blog. I admire your ability to organize your thoughts sufficiently to write so often, and the technical ability to get photos posted. Thanks for sharing your quilting journey with us for 7 years. You've inspired hundreds (thousands?) of quiltmakers to use their scraps and recylce shirts--to think outside the block!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I have been reading your blog since I met you when you stayed at my inn for your three days with the Tidewater Quilters Guild in Virginia Beach. I ALWAYS read your blog and also learn from the products you mention occasionally...like that fabulous gift of thread you received after being on the road 10 days. I immediately ordered two spools of that gray thread and they arrived yesterday in the mail. By the way, when you were here you said that you use a certain kind of hoop for hand quilting and that it is on your website. Haven't figured out what it is...could you let me know or feature it? Thank you for the energy and thought you put into your blogging. It doesn't feel like a blog. It feels like good friends chatting. I wouldn't miss one.

Ronda friend said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY I have made a few string and crumb quilts and a couple of your other patterns one I made as a quilt as you go and finished the last couple of week and got a 2nd prize for it at a CWA craft show. since my husband died suddenly I find I can forget for a time while sewing I really love reading your website Ronda australia

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie!! May you have many more successful years ahead! (That cookie looks scrumptious...lol)

Kristy said...

Happy Blog-aversary! I've been reading for a little over 3 months, after dear friends and fellow members of our Army wives craft group mentioned you ... several times! My favorite posts have to be all the Kindle freebie books. It's interesting to me to see what other people like in the way of reading material! I've also really enjoyed your posts about the places you traveled, especially the ones where you include historical tidbits about the area. Married to a history-nerd, I've started to appreciate that aspect of life more and look forward to learning new things with all the new places our Army life will take us! :)

quilter diva said...

Wow. 7years already, good for you. Congrats and keep it up


Pat Politsky said...

Hi Bonnie: New book looks fabulous. I've been following you for many years. Before your first book. Have downloaded many of your online patterns. Love scraps and thanks to you I have more now than every before. Still working on quilt I started when you were in Northeast OHio.

Josie McRazie said...

Happy bloggiversary!! I only just 'met' you and am glad to be on this journey with you!

Loretta said...

I've been reading your blog for about 4 years now, but I have skipped back and read some older entries, too. I love your scrap-savers system and use it...with my own variations added.

I'll be at your class in November at Hawks' Nest in WV. Can't wait to meet you in person!

Loretta said...

I've been reading your blog for about4 years or so. I love your scrap-savers system and use it with my own variations.

I'll be at your class in Hawks" Nest in November and am looking forward to meeting you in person!

Andrea said...

Congratulations, besides all the tips and ideas from you and those passed on from readers, I especially enjoy the stories about all the sewing machines.

Karen said...

Thanks to you and all your great patterns and ideas I am finally making a dent in my stash. For a while I was saving everything, then I got ruthless and started throwing away most scraps. Now I have a plan on what to do with the scraps, so I'm saving again! Thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie--Congratulation on 7 wonderful years. Wishing you many more to come and sharing with your quilters of many states. I am a newbe as of March of 2012. I have started Leaders and Enders and surprise on how many 9 patches already done. I have learned many new ways of sorting the scrap piles and it is still over stocked. I have send my order for the new book. Thanks for all the great ideas and sharing with us quilters. Joyce from Iowa

Rosa Robichaud said...

My friend, Barb Honey, told me about you and your blog and your books and your scrap philosophy and I finally caved in and started reading your blog, bought one of your books, received another one from Cyn Forrest, when she saw you this January and got it autographed, by you... before she mailed it to me. I will probably wait until your next book is out and order it.... or perhaps I'll do a "first" and pre-order. *grin*

What I love about you and your books? You're not a nose-up-in-the-air kind of quilter... mostly anything goes in your quilts and when you say "scraps", you truly DO mean scraps!

I've picked up magazines before that show you a "scrap quilt" but you need to buy 3 yards of this fabric and 5 yards of the other kind. HUH???? That's SCRAP?!?!??!

Anyhow, love your travelogs, your pictures, and your day to day adventures!!

Thanks for being "you"!!!

Rosa Robichaud
Saint John, New Brunswick

winhall said...

I can't be that long maybe it can, because my grand daughters just turned 6, They tell me I'm old but my husband says he still loves me. So keep up the great work and keep on scraping.

capecodder33 said...

Love your blog...I check it almost every day. You have 'encouraged' me to step out of my box and I have attempted a few of your mystery quilts...I am plugging away on my Orca Bay right now. Can't wait to see what your next quilt is....Thanks for all you do!

Darlene B said...

I've been reading your blog for at least 5+ years. I found your website first and made a couple quilts from your patterns, then found your blog. I've shared your info with my friends and am always surprised if someone hasn't heard of you ("What? You've never heard of BONNIE HUNTER?") I love the stories of your family and all your traveling experiences. Thanks so much for sharing about your daughter, too. I appreciate your openness and honesty.

Anonymous said...

You have so much talent and I love the way you do patterns

Beth said...

I've probably been reading your blog for 5+ years. Your methods of scrap organization took my quilting enjoyment to a new level. I remember the scrap quilt I took to my local guild for show and tell that inundated your blog with new hits.......LOL

Happy Blog Anniversary, Beth in AL

Anonymous said...

Just wrote a nice note to you and lost my internet connection. If I'm lucky enough to win, I will retype the message.

Eileen said...

Bonnie, I've been reading your blog since before you went to the Netherlands, before you were a masseuse and before your youngest moved out.
You made it okay to like and make scrap quilts, and for that I thank you.

Amy Losordo said...

Look at all your entries, fans. I became a fan four years ago when my friends showed us their finished mystery quilts. You make saving scraps so much fun! Thanks for coming to Raleigh, NC.


Hey ... I'm Lindsay ! said...

Hey Bonnie ~ I was introduced to you by Bingo Bonnie who was in Texas ... she's my quilting buddy. Ever since then, I follow your blog and read you in Quiltmaker ... You ARE the Queen of Scraps!!! There really arent' scraps with you ... just treasures waiting to be created! :) Keep up the entertaining sewing and other antics :)

Carla G said...

I think I've been following for about a year... I love all the fun you have, and the stories about all your machines. I'm just learning to quilt so any hints and tips you post I find valuable. Thanks for a great writing a great blog to read. Happy Blogoversary!!!! :) And thanks for a chance to win! :)

Diana said...

I've become addicted to your blog and love reading it every day. I've even started to look at my stash in a more "scrappy way". Keep up the great work.

Anda W said...

I have been readinyour blog just over a year which is when I first started quilting! I find alot of humour tucked into many of your blogs which is very entertaining! You have inspired me to save the nice shirts that are in a pile to debone! awolk at rogers dot com

Anonymous said...

I've been reading for about three years now. I was surfing and following links when I stumbled upon your method for organizing scraps. I spent a long time on Quiltville, and when I noticed you had a blog I popped over here. In February I started my own hand-pieced hexi quilt because of you. Hmmm, should I thank you or slap you? :-D

I learn quite a bit from your posts. Most recently I've appreciated the de-boning a shirt video. I also enjoy the slideshows from your classes; it's interesting to me how one block can look so different based upon fabric choice. I appreciate the conversational tone of your posts, and I'm sorry you have to deal with people who chide you for the way you run your blog. In this PC world it's refreshing to see you tell them (in the nicest possible way, of course) to pound salt.

Congrats on 7 years, and I'm hoping for many more!

Andrea in St. Louis kmen3035 at hotmail dot com

Anita said...

I have been reading what you write and about what you have been doing since you lived in Burley, Id. One of the funniest things I read was about the trip you made to Sister's and your return trip home when you were stopped for speeding and you really needed a rest stop 5 minutes ago. I've enjoyed your mysteries and reading about your travels. I hope to be able to keep reading for many more years. BTW Happy Anniversary.

Sally Langston Warren said...

I started reading your blog in 2006. As room mother for my daughter's 1st grade class, I wanted to work with the children to make a quilt for their teacher (who had been so special to our family, having taught my son twice for 1st grade). She is an artist, so appreciates special things. I used google, looking for quilt ideas. That is how I found Bonnie's name. I emailed her and she answered promptly. Said she was on the road teaching at the moment, but suggested I visit the quiltville chat group and ask for suggestions there....that it was a lively, helpful group with lots of experience and ideas. I visited them and life hasn't been the same since. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. (Oh, the quilt for the teacher? It was an award winner at our very competitive quilt show! Had the kids draw pictures, I traced them onto muslin, had the kids color them with fabric ink, then I cut their figures out and appliqued them onto the pieced background. There was a soccer team playing a game, baby rabbits underground in burrow, petting zoo, kite flyers, blimp, airplane, flowers, birds sitting on nests in trees, girl in field of flowers, beach with cabana, etc...lots of details!Such fun. I've enjoyed your blog. I've learned to really appreciate the old sewing machines. I enjoy reading your chatter about them! I teach children sewing on old machines because they are so sturdy. I have no desire for a new computerized one. (Well, maybe would like to try one....) Thanks for all the inspiration, Bonnie. If you endorse a vitamin pill, I bet all of us would dash out and buy it!!:) Am amazed at how much you get done!

RandR Serenity said...

Congratulations on your blog-a-versary! I've been following your blog daily since I found you 6 months ago. I love your enthusiasm and you are fun to follow you on ALL your travels. There are heaps of your quilts I'd like to make! Thanks for all you do for us.

Sally Langston Warren said...

Forgot to say, my most favorite feature on your blog is pictures you post from the classes you teach. I love to see the fabrics the students are using. It really provides lots of inspiration and even helps me see what I like/don't like. I also like to get glimpses of what machines they are using. Neat to see the older machines in use.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me if my comments are showing up several times. I don't know how to see it so I keep trying to enter. I have been following you for years and feel especially lucky to have you in NorthCarolina.

Amy Losordo

AddieNCE said...

Congrats on seven great years of blogging, Bonnie.

I found your blog about one year ago, somewhen in May 2011 when I started quilting. I can't say how I found your blog back then, but from the first day on, I have been somewhat addicted to what you write and how you write. There is no day you don't make me chuckle at least a bit.
I have read all your tutorials and already made a "hidden spools" quilttop from your tutorial. Right now, I am working on Orca Bay. I just finished the cutting and will get into sewing tomorrow evening after work (oh, how impatient I am...)
I love to read whatever you write, no matter if it's quilting-related or just something else. Thank you for being such a great inspiration for the quilting world... I really hope that I can get into one of your workshops when you will be in Germany again in 2014...

AmandaA said...

I think I've been following your blog for a couple of years now - you'd just finished Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll anyway, whenever that was. I've learned such a lot from you. I am much freer in my use of colour now, and am starting to get into string piecing - you are so right that any fabric looks good when cut small enough! But it's your enthusiasm, passion and love of quilting (and life) that really makes me an avid Bonnie-follower. Many congratulations on your blogaversary, and long may you continue blogging!

AmandaA said...

Many congratulations on your blogaversary. I think it must have been about two years ago I started following your blog - you'd just finished Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll, so it's whenever that was. I have learned so much from you - I am so much freer in my use of colour, and I'm just getting into string piecing. It's also great to read a quilt blog that isn't influenced by the latest lines released by the big companies, however gorgeous their fabrics are. But it's your passion, enthusiasm and just sheer love of quilting (and life - in spite of the dreadful blows you've suffered with your daighter's death) that make me such an avid Bonnie fan. Like our queen over here in the UK, I hope you will be celebrating your Diamond Jubilee sometime in the future!

Anonymous said...

I've been a follower of your blog probably 4 years or so, since my co-worker kept talking about it. I have learned so much. I don't make as much time for quilting as I would like to, but I have implemented elements of the scrap user system and now have lots of 2 and 2.5 strips. And I just discovered I like string piecing! Who knew?? I am working on a lap-size orca bay and it is really stretching me, but in a good way! When I do piece, I use the leaders and enders system, too.
Keep up the great work!.

alberta Diane said...

I don't know how long I've been reading. I love the stories about old machines. I have collected a few myself.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been a subscriber very long, but I love your posts! You are an inspiration. Can't wait to read more.


Jenny F said...

Hi Bonnie. Congratulations from Bungendore, NSW, Australia. I love your quilt ideas and even more your ideas for organising and storing scraps ready to incorporate into a quilt.

Sharon said...

Congratulations! I recently discovered your blog, and now I read it everyday. I love all the ways that you have shown me how to use up my scraps. I also enjoy all of your contributions to Quiltmaker magazine. I also use your blog for tips and techniques. Thank you for a great wealth of information!

Trina said...

Congratulations on 7 years. I am a year into quilting and a friend just introduced me to your website and blogs. Looks like I have lots of catching up to do!

I definately have lots of quilting to do to....so many beautiful patterns to do and sew* inspired.

Carla said...

Wow I didn't even know about blogging until about 3 years ago. I didn't realize it had been around for 7 years.

Karen in Kentucky said...

I'm a new reader of just a few weeks, but I'm sure enjoying what I read. I am inspired by seeing what you do and where you go through your eyes.

I love antique quilts and thoroughly enjoy your posts of those pictures as well.

I'm also a new quilter and really prefer the traditional quilts so far.

Congratulations on your anniversary!


Tracy said...

While I have not been a reader of your blog for very long, I knew I would be addicted the moment I signed up. I have been a fan of yours since your first book. I have artbins full of strips all sorted by size and color. I recently did a rail fence (5 strips, light and dark in two seperate strip sets). I did it in three days. Added a red border and it is off to the quilter, cannot wait to see it on Tuesday. I have another in progress, red/cream strips with an alternate block with blue stars appliqued in a circle. We have a small group of women who meet weekly with Sandy Klop of American Jane, and we have made several of your quilts, exchanging fabric for a bigger variety. So many quilts, so little time. I like the block and whether I win the magazine or not, I will do my own version. Thanks for being you.


Cheryl said...

I have been reading your blog for about two years. your quilts continue to intrigue me.

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