
Friday, June 01, 2012

Evening Edition! Free Kindle Book!

I had the most relaxing day today! Nowhere I needed to be, no appointments to keep, no bank runs or post office runs to make – just ME – and the whole dang day!

And I’m making good use of it!

I’m pulling fabrics and kitting up for the two Mystery Quilts I have running this winter. One is our November Mystery – so I can’t show you photos of what is going on with that, but let’s just say I’m going with a different color scheme for me ---and I’m liking it! I’ve been pressing and cutting and pressing and cutting and taking count and stacking up, and everything will be ready to load into zip lock bags so I can sew-on-the-go when I hit the road in Shamu on the 10th.

It’s amazing how much less space a quilt top takes when you cut it all out, put it in bags, suck the air out of those things and zip them down tight!

The second Mystery is one I’m teaching in Texas for New Years. I did the same thing last year and boy was that a blast! In fact, last year’s Texas Mystery will be featured in an upcoming Quiltmaker magazine issue as a regular pattern ((not a mystery))--- so hang on for that one!

It’s my hopes that the same thing will happen with this next mystery, that it will eventually make it’s way around to not being a mystery anymore. And then eventually I can post it in the freebies on the website or something.

And --- since THAT is also a mystery, I can’t share any photos of that either! That leaves for a very boring blog update doesn’t it?

Soon as these are kitted up --- I’m pulling out the Nearly Insane and going to get that top together. I also need to cut out all the border pieces for THAT quilt so I can assemble the border on the go too.

In the mean time…..since there are no photos here --- how about a free kindle book?

From a Distance by Tamera Alexander is free in the Amazon Kindle Store, and it’s got great reviews.

Book Description:

What happens when the realization of a dream isn't what you imagined... and the secret you've spent a lifetime guarding is finally laid bare?

Determined to become one of the country's premier newspaper photographers, Elizabeth Westbrook travels to the Colorado Territory to capture the grandeur of the mountains surrounding the remote town of Timber Ridge. She hopes, too, that the cool, dry air of Colorado, and its renowned hot springs, will cure the mysterious illness that threatens her career, and her life.

Daniel Ranslett, a former Confederate sharpshooter, is a man shackled by his past, and he'll do anything to protect his land, and his solitude. When an outspoken Yankee photographer captures an image that appears key to solving a murder, putting herself in danger, Daniel is called upon to repay a debt. He's a man of his word, but repaying that debt could bring secrets from his past to light.

Forced on a perilous journey together, Daniel and Elizabeth's lives intertwine in ways neither could have imagined when first they met . . . from a distance.

Still free when I sent this post, but be sure to check as always.

If I can tackle this pile of fabric on the cutting table – I think I’ll be up for the recliner and some binding for the evening!

Don’t you love Friday Nights? They don’t mean what they used to --- but I sure love them quiet and uncomplicated!


Sharon said...

You are right about Friday nights, for me I longarm quilt, I can stay up as late as my eyes allow and finish my evening with some hand stitching and tv! Enjoy your weekend.

farmhousequilter8 said...

As usual will be excited for the November mystery. 8 of us started Orca Bay together and 7 of us have finished and some already quilted. I did mine in aqua,gold and orange. Love it! Roll Roll Cotton Boll was also a big hit with us. Love Friday nights for sewing. Paula in KY

The Cozy Quilter said...

I am doing some binding tonight too...RRCB is ready for hand stitching !

Julianne said...

Thanks for the book! Downloaded! Sounds great...and also sounds like you have been a very busy gal today. I would love to try one of your mystery quilts, you say the next one starts in november?


Vicki said...

Ooooo.... I am on the list for the Texas New Years class. Love a good mystery.

Barbara Black said...

It was a great day here--my birthday so I did whatever I wanted, like quilt all day, then son and DiL took hubby and I to Macaroni Grill for my favorite meal

Nancy said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for the Kindle updates. You are such a generous lady. Nancy

Mary said...

Do you read these Kindle books in one night when you download them? I need to get me a Kindle so I can get some. Glad you could enjoy a "ME" day to do what you want. Friday night here was a Local Baseball game until it started raining too hard to stay- forgot to take a coat or umbrella.

LeAnn said...

I love the hint of the mystery frenzy on the horizon. I must be crazy, because I have selected my colors for the next mystery and have started collecting them. I know, I know, we have no idea what we need or how many colors, but why should that stop me. Cant't wait. You know how it is! Thanks for all you do!

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