
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Enablers, All of You!

Or – Friends who help feed my addiction!

When I left for Ohio I had TWO machines in the car.

I brought my featherweight for hotel room sewing.

Barbie also came with me, because Paul is helping me adjust the wooden extension table I have to fit her better ---and I brought the smaller 3/4 size table so he could use it as a template to make one for his Singer Spartan…

But OH what a slippery slope when people know you love vintage machines!

Carolyn came to class sporting a very recognizable case with NECCHI on it ---

necchi 033

Y’all! She is PINK!!! I had to adopt her!

necchi 037

She’s a bit different than Sophia --- she’s a Supernova Ultra Mark 2

Which means she threads a bit different, so I’ve been monkeying with her this morning for just a bit ---- even though I have a ton of other things I need to do today, I just couldn’t resist.

If you add this one to the Spartan that was so super cheap at the antique mall in Waynesville OH ----that means I left home with two machines, and came home with ---FOUR. This HAS to stop – is there an intervention for this type of behavior?!

And if that weren’t bad enough--- there are other types of enablers out there:

necchi 034

Ruth sent me a message saying that she had not one, but TWO of the coveted Necchi attachment boxes complete with cams and feet – and would I be interested?!

Oh YEAH!! I really want to play with these and see what they can do.

necchi 035

Knowing these machines were state of the art when they were made in the late 1950s makes me giddy ---but how do you USE all this stuff?!

necchi 036

The original “READ ME” files are included!

Oh, Pink Necchi – you are going to have to wait until I have TIME to play with you! My flight to Vermont leaves at 5:55am tomorrow morning----I’m in a packing frenzy. But it’s nice knowing my enablers have got my back ---and that you will be waiting for me when I get home!


Carolyn Sullivan said...

We got your Back Jack! I hope you love the Necchi She needs a good home. I took your advise and started looking on Ebay for a featherweight. I lost my first 2 auctions and one the next one. I became the proud owner of a 1946! runs like a dream after being cleaned and oiled. THen as accidents happen, I am now the owner of not one but 2 yes TWO 1955 feather weights! Both need some parts then I guess I will be selling them, But after cleaning and oiling them they are working fine. Both have PERFECT gold trim too!

Anonymous said...

So how many machine do you own now?? And do they all work? I have 14 total. Some are old some are not, 8 of them work beautifully:-)
Just curious:-) Laura, quiltmagic4@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, when you retire from traveling/teaching you can open a sewing machine museum. You have some real gems!!!!

kmcallister said...

Whenever you find the intervention, let me know! Because of all the wonderful information you provide on your blog, I have purchased the white cabinets you had in Idaho (I think), a Singer Spartan, TWO of the little red lights from IKEA, TWO of the Eco-Lights to go under the machine, the portable traveling table, have ordered one of the tables for the Singer Spartan, and probably other stuff I can't even think of. You have made us more aware of what is available out there and it is greatly appreciated.

Nancy said...

You need an intervention LOL... and it looks like I'm not the only one thinking this :o)

Anonymous said...

ENABLE!!! Please enable me lolol - I have to laugh, poor Bonnie, you do need to start planning to leave space in Shamu when you travel. Seems you pick up the best stuff along the way ;).
I was returned my 1937 Singer 99K. Permanently loaned to my granddaughter. Bless Lise' heart, she IS not sewing girl. She loves to make all manner of things.. Now, at 22 yrs old, we realize ---boooohooooo- she probably will never quilt! What the heck is a Grammy to do?
But this is the machine my Dad gave me on my 17th birthday. Used but wonderful! So I do treasure it so much. We all are terribly sentimental over these machines, aren't we?

BONNIE? what is New Necchi's name?
Smiles, JulieinTN

Loretta said...

There is no help for this addiction. It's best to just give into it and enjoy it! :)

Pamela said...

Julie...don't give up hope! I made all kinds of things when I was your granddaughter's age (including my own prom dresses), but did not even consider quilting until I was about 35. Now I love it! It still might happen! I was lucky...my mom was a quilting teacher and I learned all her tips and tricks!

Pamela said...

Hi, Bonnie! I simply love your blog! I have a question, but I know you are extremely busy. When you have the time...how do you know what accessories for the Necchi will work for a specific machine or are they all interchangeable?

Debbie Lou said...

Oh, she's a beauty! I know you are itching to have a serious sewing session. She will be waiting when you return. Thanks for sharing you love of vintage machines.

Jane said...

The Necchi attachments in the vinyl box are for the Supernova Julia and will not work on the Ultra Mark. Have fun playing...love the Necchis :)

Kathaleeny said...

How about Kim Churndashian for all those curves?

Kelly said...

I can totally relate, I am also a sewing machine addict. I think I also have a Necchi Super Nova Ultra mark II. Mine is in a table... somewhere. The problem with collecting sewing machines is they take up so much space! My true love is treadles and they have taken over my house and garage and outbuilding.

Mary said...

I'd gladly take one of the extras off your hands.. Just let me know how much...

Carolyn Edwards said...

And my husband thinks I am the only one with this addiction. Love that new PINK machine.

Anonymous said...

You will adore the Necchi's. I have Necchi's first zigzag - it did it with the wonder wheel. I love these machines.

Janet O. said...

So happy for you to now have the accessories and instruction manual.
I recently found the "parts box" and manual for my Mom's 60+ year-old Bernina that she passed to me when she upgraded. I was thrilled. I can't imagine how happy you must be!

memckee2 said...

A Supernova is a star - You must name her Estelle!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

You are loved.

Anonymous said...

For a number of years I was hot after vintage machines and finally stopped at 28. Among my very favorites are the Necchis. I have one in a cabinet and it sews like a dream. It makes practically no noise so if you want to sew when others are sleeping, they'd never even know. Embrace your addiction, Bonnie. You'll have many hours of pleasure with these friends.

Anonymous said...

..."is there an intervention for this type of behavior?" Well, there is a 12 Step Program - but no one wants to join! :) Di in TN - TN Treadler

Jaci Emerson said...

I agree memckee2 - Estelle is a wonderful name!

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