
Saturday, June 09, 2012

Dinner with Michelle!

A reader’s question posted as Anonymous reminded me that I didn’t post anything about our dinner with Michelle and her parents!

It had been a few months since I had seen her – time passes quickly for me, but BOY has she grown!

Look at this adorable face!

She’s got the world on a string ---and she’s wrapped herself around everyone’s fingers.

Not only that --- she doesn’t just walk – this girl RUNS!

We could hardly get her to stand still enough to take a photo…I had to catch her mid-motion-blur!

Hold Still, Michelle, smile at me, let me take your picture!

babymichelle 015

Zoom zoom, NO WAY!!

babymichelle 005

Not only is Michelle quite the character, but she is Mama’s side-kick, always busy and into everything as most one year olds are.

babymichelle 014

She loves to dance with her “Ba-Ba” ((Daddy)) too!

((Ya’ll, are you catching that batik skirt fashion statement? She’s got it rockin!))

babymichelle 017

She wasn’t all too fired up about me holding her – she wanted DOWN and to go play --- NOW!

But the funniest of all --- this is what happens any time DH picks her up:

babymichelle 010


I don’t blame you, Michelle, he scares me sometimes too…LOL!

And for the commenter who asked….I’m happy to say that when Michael and Harriet moved to a new rental house a few months ago – Michelle got her own room, and has slept through the night since! A change of venue, a new routine, a room to herself – and she is out for the count, which makes for some very happy parents. I hope their move to Texas goes smoothly and they settle right in again into their new digs.

We will definitely miss you, our friends, the Gutoh Family!


Becky Clay said...

Aww, she looks a hand full and a very happy baby!

Mary said...

Awe, that is sad they are moving away from you. Most children love my DH. It is nice to see a picture of yours on the BLOG, even with a howling child.

stitchinpenny said...

So happy that you and your husband shared a little extra warmth with this family. A baby can never have too many people who care.

Randy D. said...

What an adorable little girl!

janequiltsslowly said...

That is one sweet, beautiful baby girl! I look forward to future posts: Michelle goes to pre-school; Michelle goes to Kindergarten, Michelle goes to schools, Michelle goes to Jr. High and Graduates and goes to College. Of course, she'll also learn to sew and quilt. Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

She sure is adorable. You and DH look as if you belong together. Both happy looking. Have a nice Sunday and safe trip my friend.

Sandy Beach Sewing said...

Michelle is adorable. I hope you didn't steal her skirt. I know I would have...lol
Sandy in TN

Kim said...

Hey DH is pretty cute, what made her howl?

All that energy! Wish we could bottle it up and save
it for when we need it :0)

Happy Sewing

Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie! Di in TN

Doris Rice, The Quilting Queen said...

Michelle is a cutie that's for sure. I'm sorry you're losing them to our great state but we welcome them to Texas. I hope they love it here as much as we do.

Me and My Stitches said...

Love the pic of Michelle and DH. When my niece was little she cried every time my DH looked at her. He wanted to play with her soooo bad, but that little lip would start quivering and WHAAAAAAAAA! She is now 14 and loves him, but we still laugh about it often!

Amy Laura said...

Oh, this made me want to cry, them moving away and all! The good news is, you travel to Texas fairly often, so you'll just have to make a point of swinging to their part when you get close...

Dori said...

She's adorable!

angeljeanne said...

OH She is such a cutie and DH well of course she howled she wanted down so she could run around and go crazy and have fun, oh yes to bottle up all that energy and pull it out when we all needed it. oh save the memories of this little cutie for soon she will be all grown up and all you will have is the lovely memories, Cheers angeljeanne xox jeannem.wallace@yahoo.com

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