
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cathedral Stars, WITH Sample Quilt! :cD

For those asking why everyone was NOT waving in yesterday’s iphone-o-gram post --- Do you really think that I could get 26 rotary-cutter-weilding-women to STOP what they are doing to always pose for a friendly wave? HA! We got smiles, and looks, and man were they busy --- this 4-patching is serious business.

Either that or the zen of copious amounts of 4-patch strip piecing had lulled everyone into quilter-zombie status, and smiles and glances were all they could muster out of their machine-humming-enduced trance state :cD

Or in other words --- they were waving on the inside, and I wasn’t going to make them stop to indulge my photographic whims!

We had a terrific day ---just LOVE those tri-recs rulers! If you’ve got them in a drawer and still haven’t pulled them out to give them a try, take a word of advice from our whole class yesterday and DO IT! Satisfaction sure to follow!

One of the most fun highlights of the afternoon was when Lisa called me aside to instigate an “impromptu mandatory demo” at the cutting table --- Turns out that it was Wrena’s birthday – and they even brought in a cake for us all to share in the surprise!

Wrena was one of the first gathered around the cutting table waiting for the demo when we all started singing and the cake came in ----PERFECT! It was so fun to be part of her birthday celebration --- and isn’t that a great birthday gift for yourself? She is visiting from Indiana, stayed with friends and attended all three workshop ((Yes, they were that trouble maker table in the way back corner of the room! :cD!)) and celebrate a long birthday quilting-overload with best GFs!

The cake was pretty dang good too….MMM!

Take a look at pics from the class --- look closely! You’ll find some pretty fun fabrics in here! Some may be lingering deep in your own stash --- can you find the block with the ONE millenium fabric square in it?

LOADS of sewing got done today, and these ladies are turning out some beautiful quilts!

Cathedral star blocks were NOT the only thing being worked on in class!

OH_PA_june2012 255

Janice, of fussy-cut-hexie-fame brought her basket of cheddar leader-ender bow-ties to work on in between the seams of her block sewing! Her basket is almost full, and when her cheddar is gone --- that’s as big as this one will go. Any guesses as to how many are IN her basket?! :cD

It’s a check-out and move-on day for me today! I’m loading up the car, heading out to Waynesville, OH to meet up with the guild gals at Fabric Shack at 10am. I was also informed to expect crowds because it’s the first day of the NQA show in Columbus, and quilters are likely to be shop-hopping their way to the show ----

Oh boy --- it’s going to be a fun day!


Lynley said...

OK, you sold me on the easy angle last year (best ruler ever!) so I'm willing to give the tri recs a go too! Who am I to argue with 26 rotary-cutter wielding ladies? Who would dare?

Jo said...

What is it about the back corner that draws in the trouble makers?!?!

Carolyn Sullivan said...

oH I am so jealous they look fantastic!

Anonymous said...

26 Rotary Cutting wild women on one room! nag Bonnie, you are so brave.

The blocks all look terrific. Do the ladies spray startch the pieces and blocks? They look to crisp and neat. I am one with a Tri-Rex I am terrified to use lol. That said, I will brave the lessons.

OK, what diet are you on that let's you eat ice cream, cakes etc and still look like a slim person. I would weigh 700lbs!

Next time you are in the Knoxville TN area or there abouts. I am GOING!!!!!

Smiles, JulieinTN

Sue said...

I am sewww envious! Gorgeous class blocks and cheddar bowties... birthday cake and camaraderie...too much fun!
Then on to the Fabric Shack, a place visited long ago with internet guild friends. I remember the jaw-dropping amount of fabric there with all the Hoffman's calling my name
I'll be searching out the TriRecs when cleaning out the sewing room next week. bonus! my sister is coming to help me.
Have fun Bonnie.
quilted hugs,
Sue in Wpg

beaquilter said...

they all look great!! are you doing another mystery anytime soon?
I'd love to do/host one myself, but can't right now. since I have 2 months until my due date and don't know how much time I'll have after SHE comes.

Jaci Emerson said...

83 Bow ties in the basket...and that's my final answer! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wanted to go to Columbus this weekend, bu the schedule again did not cooperate-not enough hours to support my habit! So, am cutting up my old clothes for my "I cleaned out the closet" quilt and putting strips around some pinwheel blocks I made several years ago (thanks to your friend, Pat Sloan's challenge of UFO weekend!) win some, lose some-others just get pushed around!
Bev (kwiltpharm@aol.com)

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