
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

When in Dublin, Ohio ----

If you ever find yourself near Columbus, Ohio ----

You MUST stop to wander through the “Field of Corn”!!

This is one of those “Things that make you go “Huh?!”

or --

One of those things that makes you think “REALLY!?”

Or ----

Make you wonder if you somehow missed a turn and found yourself in Iowa by mistake ;c)

We passed these sculptures yesterday after 4 of us left Bonefish with dinner filling our bellies to way-too-full! I did a double take!


I just think oddities like this are so fun ---I know, kinda CORNY, huh?!

((Yeah, and you just knew I was going to say that!))


Photos are not mine ---I had to search google!

There are 109 giant ears of concrete corn in in Sam and Eulalia Frantz Park. Awesome!

I just finshed going over the final pdf copies of the pages for my next book. Oh – it’s BEAUTIFUL! Just wait till you see it! I don’t want the summer to go too quickly, but I also can not wait for July and the book release to get here.

I’ve got just 30 minutes before Catie picks me up to do some more sight seeing, and then off to a dinner with the guild ladies, and finally a lecture/trunk show tonight for the Common Threads quilt guild in Columbus!


QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Kind of looks like a corn cemetery.

christyhort@gmail.com said...

Maybe they were trying to feed the terra cotta warriors!

Kim said...

There must be a story there?

Drove through Ohio yesterday and saw some fields just coming to life......
love this time of year and yes please let summer slow down this year :0)

Happy Sewing :0) safe travels

Anonymous said...

Did a double take on the title as I wondered how I missed that you were in Dublin,Ireland.LOL We were there a year ago this week, so have been thinking about out trip and looking at the pictures.

Diane in WA

kath in ohio said...

Welcome to my city! I would have loved to been in your workshop, but had to work. Make sure you see the brand new Nationwide Children's Hospital almost ready to open. That is where I work. It is beautiful!

kath in ohio said...

Welcome to my city! I would have loved to been in your workshop, but had to work. Make sure you see the brand new Nationwide Children's Hospital almost ready to open. That is where I work. It is beautiful!

Mary said...

This goes in the WEIRD file! Will your book be out by the time you come to SISTERS? I'm hoping to meet you there and Randy and Lori if possible~

Anonymous said...

I'm like you're first response. I thought immediately of a cemetery! Perhaps a cemetery just for farmers like my father was. He would have like that.
I can't wait for your book. I have the other three all autographed so can't miss this one. When can we reserve ours?

Sewing Sue said...

Americans like big. The big ball of string, the big muskie (fish) in Wisconsin, there's a big chicken in Atlanta, I'm sure there are more. Must have been mass produced because once you've made one, what's the point of the rest? Maybe some Dubliners could explain the why. Safe travels!

Amy Laura said...

Thanks for sharing that rather odd, oddity! I can't WAIT for your next book! I'm going to be one of the first to order! Can I place that order yet? When are you coming to MN? Your aunt says she misses you!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to our lovely city. There are also metal horse statues in that area, somewhere. The weather is BEAUTIFUL this weekend so I hope you enjoy your time here.

becky said...

Hope you visited the Red Rooster quilt shop while you were in Dublin!

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