
Saturday, May 26, 2012

A View Of My Cutting Table ---

It’s been a pretty non-eventful day! And I’m completely and utterly happy with that!

I had a massage at 10:30 am ---which left me pretty noodley from head to toe.

I headed to Sam’s Club after that to pick up more mailing envelopes – I’m starting to backstock for when the books come in, one must NOT run out of bubble mailers, you know?! And ----


Now I wouldn’t think that a box of bubble envelopes is something that Sams would run out of on a Memorial Day weekend --- but they did. So I parked my cart, and headed over to the snack bar thinking I could at least get an ice cream for my efforts ---there was ONE person in line in front of me…and ONE person behind the counter. You wouldn’t think that would cause a problem, but when I asked for an ice cream sundae, he said there were 3 waiting in line for ice creams to be made in front of me and he wasn’t able to get them done at this moment as he was the only one working the counter.


Someone tell me WHY on a big three day holiday weekend there is ONE person working the snack bar at Sams when the place is a ZOO with people?! And why was he serving the other people hotdogs and pizza and not making the other people who were waiting for their ice cream their orders?

I didn’t wait around to find out why….I left, did a bank run, and stopped for non-big-box fish tacos at a little hole in the wall Mexican place that was more than happy to treat me like I wasn’t an escapee from the zoo.

Remind me not to venture into big box land on a major holiday --- big mistake!

After that, still very relaxed and now full-bellied --- I came home and napped.

And that has been the extent of my day – except for the fact that I’ve been cleaning and sorting. Remember that I finished the last of my Nearly Insane blocks on the NY trip? I still had a bag of fabrics used in that quilt, and I sorted everything, putting all the FQ sized pieces away and sorting out the strips for ironing and re-filing, and putting the crumbs in the tubs where crumbs go ----

And the top of the table was a MESS.

It was at that point that I realized that I could do two things at once ---- cut the strips from the Nearly Insane down into bow-tie sets and clear away the strip debris at the same time. So that’s what I’ve been doing.

studio 017

I’m just getting started. It will take me a while to cut these down this evening, but it’s brainless and I can put a movie on netflix and have at it!

What’s up for your evening?


janequiltsslowly said...

I see some cute bow ties in your future!

carol said...

I love your blog, and wonder how in the world you get everything you talk about doing - done. Do you have elves that come in at night and finish stuff? If so, can I borrow one?

carol said...

and as for big box stores - I avoid them like the plague! If I want a five mile hike, I'd rather it be someplace prettier. The pennies I might save are not worth the wear and tear on my shoes and my nerves

sue said...

glad you got a nap. Your probably still pooped from all your great adventures!

Quiltinggirl said...

I love the colors of your bright green and yellow cutting mats.

MrsDoodlepunk said...

I'm ignoring my dirty floors and going downstairs to sew! My log cabin blocks are almost done.

Anonymous said...

I'm hand quilting Orca Bay with a very wonky baptist fans! I can't draw curve lines, let alone straight lines. I can't even hand sew on a hand drawn line. I am very anal about preparing for holidays 1 week in advance. I don't have the patience to deal with so many people in a store.

Anonymous said...

I just have 1 thing to say....why do YOUR scraps look so much better than MY scraps??????????????

Vicky said...

NETFLIX and working on my 1/2" hexie quilt! Love your Blogs!

Shirley said...

I finished a UFO that had been hanging around way too long. Now I'm working on a quilt that I'm being paid to make I think I didn't charge enough. Good thing I like to sew. Shirley

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie. You deserve a rest! I found a cute free pattern at this n that fabrics, for an appliqués house wall hanging. So I am going to sort my stuff and get the appliqué ready. I finished my random Ohio stars. It is so pretty. I have now pulled out my sisters choice blocks for next week. Always a plan in mind.
Enjoy your weekend.

Kelly said...

I've been cutting pieces for a Kaleidoscope quilt for DH all day. It's queen size, so there are a lot of pieces! I'm halfway there, so I'm spending the rest of the evening relaxing. I'll finish cutting tomorrow and start sewing Monday. Yay, long weekends!

YankeeQuilter said...

Celtics game and some applique...odd combo but it works!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you and pressing Ohio Star 6' blocks. I could not sleep 2 nights this past week so cut and put together a "few" Ohio stars. When I got done I have over 200 of them. Now have to decide what to do with them!!!!! Joy in AK

Chatty Kathy said...

Oh, Bonnie. Sometimes I just want to tell you to give it up and go to bed like the rest of us (except I was up at 5:00; no nap, it's 9:00 p.m. and I'm dead.....maybe I should have had a massage today....but it's swimming tomorrow morning.....that's my massage therapy. Have a great weekend.

Jane's Quilting Studio said...

Hi Bonnie, I will be attending your workshop in July in Bedford PA; will you have your new book there for me to purchase? Also, could you do a tutorial on how you prepare phone book pages for string quilts? I' m sure you have some quick and easy tips! Thanks, Jane in PA.

Anonymous said...

I'm finishing a quilt top, and cutting and sewing bowties. Just found out how to do leaders and enders, how fun!! Thank you so much!!

QwerkyGrl said...

I have been wondering the same thing for months!!!

jeri said...

Just finished planting some posies! A little supper and then a few sisters choice blocks...... Love your blog.

HelenMarie said...

I stay away from big box stores as much as possible too! Other than that, sounds like you had a good day! Today I slept in a bit and because of the heat only walked the dogs one lap around the neighborhood... we were all panting for a drink! I spent the rest of the day trying to get most of the gallon of paint on my kitchen walls and off of me. I got about 2/3 done before quitting for a shower and a very late lunch/early dinner. My grandson arrived an hour ago and after a bowl of cherios, a glass of milk and two stories I think he is down for the night... I won't be long behind him!

Barb-sewingmates said...

Bonnie I loved seeing your hexie quilt-top laid out so I could see how it will look. It's beautiful! Do you use the paper template method or the paperless method? I have a flower garden quilt passed down from my grandmother that must be close to a hundred years old and I've always wanted to make one. When I went on-line for instructions I was surprised to see how many different methods are used to make hexies. Which way is easiest? I like the idea that I can take it along with me anywhere, so it might actually get done since I seldom have time to sew at home. Barbara

Pati said...

I went shopping today for some new charms for my charm bracelet. Then I went to Ross and bought a new dress for my youngest daughter's graduation on Wednesday. And since then, I've been grading papers, babysitting the granddog, and watching HGTV. Hopefully, I will get all of these papers graded tomorrow and then be able to sew on Monday. Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Our Walmart here wasn't any better, even though it was only Thursday! Walmart has cut back on a lot of people and their help is spread really thin everywhere I go. But at last we have it!B


Lynn Dykstra said...

I am enjoying my bowtie making--a great record of what is in my stash. I've added a few pieces from my mother's stash too.

Sharon Siacci said...
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Sharon Siacci said...

What's up for my evening?, hand sewing bindings down - very relaxing.

Unknown said...

Big box land? Shopping centre? Our 'memorial day' here in the UK is the 11th of November, so we didn't have a holiday weekend, we have a two day bank holiday, and added to the weekend, means the UK gets to party for an extended four day weekend from the 2 - 5th June for the Jubilee. I will be in France on holiday so this weekend is all about getting ready to get away. How will I cope with a week without quilting?

Anonymous said...

are those 2 inch squares and 1.25 inch small squares for bowties?? pretty small!!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

It is also amazing to find that if you watch sales and/or use coupons that the prices usually aren't that much better in a big box store than your local merchant or shop.

jnaatz said...

I'm just reading blogs this weekend. Waiting for my shoulder surgery to heal. It takes a while. Thank goodness I can shop with a sling on. What is the book that is coming out?

Sewing Sue said...

I'm working on some blocks for Randy's sow along, and I have a wall hanging to finish up if I can. Also I hemmed five pairs of trouser style slacks for my DD and two for myself. Her excuse is she can't run in heels at work anymore. I am just vertically challenged!

Anonymous said...


Kay Gentry said...

Bonnie- why not use the padded envelopes from the US Post Office. They are free and delivered to your door. 12 1/2" x 9 1/2", $5.30 to ship flat rate regardless of weight and arrive in 2-3 days depending on the distance. For my books and pattern orders it is a win-win.
Kay Gentry quilterkay@hotmail.com www.nobleneedle.com

Saska said...

I'm the same way...I gave up my Sam's membership. It's an 80 mile drive and I didn't see the need to keep it for no more than what I was buying from them. Our local Wal-mart was match any price...even a Sam's price, so why bother?!

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