
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

On the Road Again!

It’s all packed…and I’m out the door. A couple things didn’t get done ----

For instance, I really wanted to get the Florabunda quilt trimmed and get the binding applied so that I could start the hand stitching ---

And in case you were wondering ----The winning binding color is ----


It was close, a really close call, and people are so passionate about what they liked, and I’m happy to say that I really could go with any of the colors chosen, but purple won hands down.

However, it will have to wait until I get back from NY because there just wasn’t time.

I didn’t write my Yard Sale Saturday post yet, but I figure I have til Friday night to do it – I’ll just have to find time on the road.

While going through some photos, I did find something FUNNY! Not sure what I planned to do with these photos but check this out:

This is Bonnie sewing hexies on the plane to Baltimore ---

Delaware2012 002

See Bonnie Sew! Sew, Bonnie Sew!

What is Bonnie’s FAVORITE SHAPE?!

Hexagons of course!

Delaware2012 003

See Bonnie choose Hexagon shaped chips that MATCH the shape of her quilt pieces!

"Multigrain hexagon chips for Quilters ----when no other shape will do!"

((Okay, so maybe I am the only one who saw humor in this enough to have to take a picture of it – but you have to admit, those chips are a whole nice shade of neutral….and they were dang good too! LOL!))

Watch for signs of iphone-o-grams from the road – I have no clue what I’ll find myself into, but you can bet on this --- it won’t be BORING! :cD

Cue the Willie Nelson music…


Jean C. said...

Morning! Apparently your little items; that say "you might also like" move around... lol... anyway, I clicked on an old post about the Butterfly quilt that your great Aunt made... and was wondering what ever happened with that? It just occurred to me that maybe I could have checked a later post... but now it's too late and I've lost it! Did you ever do anything with it? Remove the borders etc... Just wondering.
We found old signiture blocks from my DH's gramma's day; with friends and family members names on them. My FIL recalled most of the people the names belonged too. Anyway, we put it into a top and finished it up. We gave it to a family member that had come to help my FIL after a cancer treatment, as a thank you.
Jean C.

Tricia Benes said...

Oh that Willie Nelson song makes me want to jump in the car and be "On the Road Again" too! Have a great trip!

Cheryl said...

Haha...Those are my favorite chips. The perfect snack for sewing hexies. I always look forward to your trip details. You're like the Charles Kuralt of quilting.

Amy Laura said...

You're so silly, Bonnie! I noticed the chips were almost the right size, too! Happy traveling, and stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie did you know that Willie Nelson celebrated his 79th birthday just yesterday April 30th. Have fun, looking forward to your posts while you are on the road again! Ardis in Texas

Anonymous said...

You be careful and have fun. I hope you find some treasures along the way.

Bluebell said...

Enjoy your journey Bonnie, I love the hexagon chips.

mary e said...

i played this song at my brother's funeral, smile. happy birthday to willie! and happy trails to you bonnie! :>)

Linda Rhodes said...

I love the fact that the bag of chips say "Should taste good". Didn't they try them to know if they tasted good? lol

Anonymous said...

I love your posts, keep them coming!!!

Josie McRazie said...

I knew you would see it my way with the purple! LOL I am SO glad you went with purple!! :) Love the chips! To funny!! I bet they did not know they could market them in this maner! LOL

janequiltsslowly said...

Yeah for the purple binding! Those chips are really good. If the weather is fine and traffic is low, its good to be "on the road" to more adventures. Safe travels.

Kim said...

Happy May Day!
I'm looking forward to your trip to us here in NY and being
in your workshop on Thursday with my friend Debby.
Drive carefully!

Happy Sewing

Anonymous said...

omg.. I can't get that song out of my head. I have been humming all day! -- Andrea Diamond

Anonymous said...



Karen Newman Fridy said...

You go girl!!
(Just come back, OK?)

Love the hexi chips!!

mtrquilts said...

Here's another one for you! Have you looked closely at the stem end of a green pepper? Guess what - a hexagon! I thought that was pretty amazing!


pat sloan said...

we need to get you more Aurifil!! And I just bought those chips.... we ARE twins!

Shari said...

Purple is the new black. It goes with all colors!

Anita said...

You can probably use the chip as a template and then have it as a snack when you're done :0

HelenMarie said...

Yay on the purple!.. my favorite color!
Should Taste Good!?!?!? Didn't the makers know if the chips were good or not? LOL!

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