
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Late On the Sleep In Train!

This staying up past 1am is killing my morning routine --- it’s become a vicious circle and I’m not happy with it!

A couple days with nap indulgences ---because I LOVE naps, and I was home to be able to enjoy them in the middle of the afternoon ---has left me up and awake way beyond my usual bed time habit.

And now that is encroaching upon my usual early morning routine. It must stop! There will be NO NAP today ---and tonight I WILL be to bed at a decent hour.

Getting up at 8:45 am means the morning is nearly half over by the time my feet hit the floor. And then I feel like my day got all short-sheeted some how!

But I did get busy in my late night time last night---I’m all caught up on my Jubilee blocks from Randy's Sow-a-Long!

And I got to use this yellow/orange plaid that didn’t have a place before because it always got lost against the cheddar background.

This one was named “Peace & Plenty” in the Farm Journal. I used the easy angle ruler and put my blue and yellow plaid 2” strips right sides together and cut matched pairs. 4 of the pairs are sewn into half square tris, and 4 of the pairs are sewn as quarter square triangles. Then I used 2” strips ((Yes, same size of strip!)) of cheddar background and blue plaid and used the companion angle to cut 4 matched pairs of quarter square triangles for the corners.

It went together so slick, all from one width of strip. Just gotta be careful with the inner corners, they have bias on the outside that is stabilized when the large pieced corners are added.

antiquemall 063

LeMoyne Star, Aunt Sukey and Peace & Plenty

((And one more bow-tie under the presser foot!))

antiquemall 066

And here is how we stand at the design wall, which is getting VERY crowded and almost out of space! I’m really liking the freedom of no sashings. I think this is a quilt that doesn’t need any --- don’t you? And for those wondering, YES – there are a few different shades of “cheddar” going on in here – I’m using up scraps of all the different dye lots of got, just letting them play where they will. I think it makes it look more interesting that way, rather than having everything the exact same shade. ;c)

Happy Thursday, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Love your blocks and the cheddar! I think they'd look great with cheddar sashing so the block designs "float". Thanks for all your great and fun ideas and posts. Nancy njnielsen@comcast.net

Florence said...

love your cheddar being used up,,,,,i am a noooo nappy person myself,,,and for that reason,,,but you have plenty of time to get unsed to those naps,,,,,have a grt day

judy crumpler said...

Nice & colorful

Lezette Thomason said...

Your design was is wonderful. I love it!

Granny Stitch said...

Loving how that quilt is coming together! I also like the idea of different shades of cheddar. I think that helps with separating the different blocks without using the sashing. Otherwise it might be a bit too busy and hard on the eyes without the sashing. My eyes need a place to land! Nap versus no nap......I'm usually a no nap person as I tend to be groggy for the rest of the day if I take a nap. Not good!

Deb A said...

They are looking great Bonnie. I really need to get back and make some more of them, I started late and am very far behind on my blocks. Good thing it isn't a race and I can do them as time allows. Have a great day at home.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I do hear you abuout sash-free and easy lol. BUT I think prhaps grouping blocks like a 4 patch, then sashing 4 patches would be nice. That way your eyes can rest and see each group, then each block much better.

Just a thought, they look great!
Smiles, JulieinTN

Kristy said...

I am with you on the sleep schedule. School was out last week, so the boy child is staying up later and for some reason I can't go to bed until he does. I am getting some piecing done at night, but my mornings are half over when I get up and running behind is no fun!

Kay said...

I wish I could keep up with all you do. I struggle also with naps and a decent bedtime. I really need a steady routine. Love your blocks!

Becky said...

I think the blocks will get lost without some sashing, and the eye will first see all the odd-shaped cheddar. Even if the sashing were cheddar, at least the blocks wouldn't get lost. I see a faintly checked or plaid that wasn't used on the edge of any block, dark would tone down the cheddar a bit and let the eye see the blocks. I guess you can see I'm biased to showcasing blocks.

Sewing Sue said...

To sash or not to sash, that is the question! I think each quilt will have to make its own decision... I like both ways. I'm with you on the staying up late working on the blocks, and suffering the next day. I don't know HOW those 'night owls' do it!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love it.

Anonymous said...

Gonna be a GREAT Jubilee Quilt, Bonnie....do your own thing. And I noticed you changed your banner on top of the page...great looking group of quilts.
Faye in Maine

Mary said...

Yes, the Cheddar backgrounds make the blocks blend together without a sashing. Good job catching up! Love the new header on the blog. I'm not a fan of sewing the strings -yet, but I admire all the work that goes into a string quilt. Remember, I 'tested' Turkey Tracks for the 100 Blocks Vol 5?

Julierose said...

Love those blocks--if you want to sash-ay them (ha!) how about bits and pieces of leftover cheddars all sewn together--then it wouldn't compete? Just a thought Julierose

Debbie Lou said...

Love your blocks, Bonnie! I need to get back to making mine. I'm a little behind. I really do like that cheddar. I need to find some.

Linda said...

I am loving your blocks! BUT! (don't you just hate when people say, "but") But, I really think the blocks need some sashing. I think a dark plaid would tone down the cheddar. The cheddar is a bit over-powering. BUT, it's your quilt not mine, so do it your way. ;-)
Linda in Southern Illinois

Judith Davis said...

I too, say it needs some sashing so each block stands on its own. A lot of work went into them for them to just blend together. And I agree, something other than cheddar. Love the new header and collection of quilts for the new book.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

It seriously cracks me up how people want to tell me how I should or shouldn't put together my quilt with or without sashings..LOL!! The jury is still out, but even if there were a jury, and they voted FOR sashings, I would veto them and do my quilt without because I kind of like the happy scrappy mess it is :c) I don't want more space around the blocks, and I don't want them each to stand on their own ---my favorite antiques are the quirky ones, and that's what I'm going for ---

sawsan said...

I love it like this and i love to show plent of colours or patterns in one place, i agree u and cheddar colour is very lively .

Anonymous said...

When you ask for comments, you must be prepared for whatever you get. Just remember - they are only opinions. It is your quilt so do it your way.

janequiltsslowly said...

I rarely read through the comments on a post, but I did on this one. Do what you want to with your quilt . . . I was going to say I love the random shapes of the cheddar background when you set the blocks together. :D

sandra said...

"I'm really liking the freedom of no sashings. I think this is a quilt that doesn't need any- dont you?" Rhetorical question or asking for an opinion? maybe some commenters thought you were asking for an opinion. Of course it is your quilt and you will decide how to set the blocks. I like the cheddar and shirt plaids. Looks like and old antique utility quilt. And in those days they might not have handsewed a heapf sashings on quilts. What a pain handsewing great big long seams like that!

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