
Monday, May 14, 2012

iPhone-o-gram! Uh oh!!

Reasons not to leave a bobbin in your pocket---

It will come out of the laundry looking like this!!


Melissa said...

Been there...done that LOL :)

bgail said...

yikes! At first glance I thought I was seeing a major ouchie!

Anonymous said...

And at my house, a certain thread eating feline would be the first to find it!!!!! And we won't EVEN go where the cost of that one went!!!!!! Joy in AK

Judy D in WA said...

Not laughing at you, laughing with you.

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

I better remember not to do that one!!

Anonymous said...

A bonus blog! Oh yea! ......oops, I mean oh no! I am not sure if I have ever put a bobbin on my pocket. But I probably will now, with similar results. Now don't get me started on lip balm going through the laundry....with work uniforms! !

Cynthia in sunny Oregon

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Tenho certeza que isso nunca aconteceu comigo...com uma só no bolso.Beijo.

Anonymous said...

For some reason I thought you blogged about this within the past 6 months. Or maybe I'm thinking of a personal experience with thread :o

D Brown said...

I hate it when that happens! :)

Unknown said...


Dineke said...

That's almost as bad as a paperhandkerchief with dark pants. Luckily I never put bobbins in my pocket and my daughter doesn't sew

Sharon Stone said...

It looks like my laundry after washing a load of hand-dyed fabrics!

Anonymous said...

my thought also!

joanne said...

You have time for laundry? :)

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