
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Rush Hour Rumba!!

The workshop in Lake Forest is over---and we are now crawling our way through Chicago rush hour as we make our way to my next destination --

Headed to Joliet to hook up with the Pride of the Prairie Quilters!

A dinner out with the guild ladies is planned for tonight, and then some much needed room time. Oh, I want to fire up the featherweight and sew!

In the mean time I'm watching traffic crawl and merge while I make good use of sitting time and working on some hexies!

Have a great evening, everyone!


KathiP said...

see you tomorrow night!

Anonymous said...

We need and update on the hexe quilt. Has it Grown?

Annette said...

I do hope you have a driver......stitching while driving!!!!

Linda Wallin said...

I have pictures like that!

Kim said...

UGH I hate traffic!
Have a nice quiet evening recharging your batteries
with sewing therapy....works me every time!

Safe travels and Happy Sewing

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Do you need help in setting up for the guild meeting tomorrow? We'll be there early, but, we can be there even earlier if you want. Enjoy your day of sewing tomorrow. I'll be running errands and hoping to get some sewing done, too. (still not ready for Friday's class). Let me know if you need anything. I check my email off and on all day.

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

Great idea to sew as you go!! Hope you have a fabulous time!!

Bev R said...

Just arrived at kansas city quilt market, wish you were here this year hope to convince you to visit montana some time for a class enjoy following the blog.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

UGH!! I remember that traffic when I lived back there ... awful! Well, at least you can do something productive while suffering through the gridlock. Wish I was going to be at your meeting ... can't wait until you come back to my area!

Unknown said...

Are you ever going to finish the hexagons? Sorry I missed you when you were in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Aren't hexagons (hand/English paper pieced, of course!) SOOO addictive? :)
--Kate (who thoroughly enjoyed Tuesday night's lecture and Wednesday's workshop!!!)

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