
Thursday, May 10, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Love Shack Ladies!

Hello from the piedmont quilt guild in Greensboro, NC!!

We are working on lots of fun units for our quilts! 4 patches, string blocks, maverick stars, wonky hearts, and an intro to pieced letters ala Tonya---

It's all going in here!!


Becky Clay said...

Cool, wish I was there! Y'all have lots of fun.

Judy D in WA said...

Fun, fun, fun.

Anonymous said...

Really like your colorful quirky little blocks ;)

Tonya Ricucci said...


Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Check my blog post on antique quilts and the speakers at our last guild meeting.

All the best,

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

Those blocks are magnificent!!

Daniƫlle said...

Love your fun blocks, they bring a smile to my face!!! Have a great day, hugs, Daniƫlle

MTN MAMA said...

I love the wonky blocks. My world is kinda wonky right now and concentration sometimes eludes me at the end of the day. If I can sew and quilt without worriying about the "quilt police" at my door then I will sit down and do it. If it has to be perfect then I would miss the joy of sewing during this stressful time. Besides what is one man's
citicism is another's art. We need more "Bonnie's" out there sharing quality quilting with the practical aspect of imprerfection woven into the sheer joy of playing with fabric and creating something that no matter how perfect or imperfect will be loved if shared with the right person.

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