
Sunday, May 20, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Let's Go!

Ive landed in Columbus where i was picked up by Catie and we commenced driving to the hotel.

Catie and I had stopped at a light and we spy this sign. I made her pull into a parking lot so I could jump out and snap this pic---


Do we go? Do we dare? Is this the sign our family members are going to put out after we are 6 feet under??

I'm just checking into my new digs---what a day.

We boarded the flight at O'Hare only to be deplaned an hour later because the pilot who was supposed to be flying us to Columbus had landed at Midway by mistake and was in the process of taking a taxi from Midway to Ohare so we could get to Columbus.

((longest one-finger-typed run on sentence ever!))

Sheesh!! I need a nap!


Barbara said...

that sign is too funny!

sunshineannie said...

You didn't go to the sale?!!!! What if they hoarded fabric, or sewing machines!!

Anonymous said...

So, what did you buy???
Judy M

Anonymous said...

Hoarding Sale --- WOWOW Hope you went! Think of it all. You can send things home via the mail or UPS. I love them both. Think of the treasured lurking there :) Heck, I miss all of the good stuff.
Have agreat day.

Debbie Lou said...

Looks like a great place to stop and check things out! Unless you are too tired...yea, right! Have a nice nap!

HelenMarie said...

LOL! did you buy anything?

Anonymous said...

That is too funny. I wonder if I'll get more people at a hoarder sale, as opposed to a yard sale. I mean, I haven't had a yard sale, since March 2007.

Leeann said...

Yes go and take photos!

Elaine M said...

LOL! I went to a yard sale that had a similar sign up this weekend. Spent $2.50, bought 3 pants, 1 shirt and 3 dresses. All Hawaiian fabrics, washed and ready for "de-boning".

diegoagogo said...

Is this not just a swap meet in another language??
London, UK

Debra Lamb said...

I love the sign.. welcome to Ohio. As for the sentence... people pay BIG $$$ to learn how to write long sentences (I know I did), it's called law school... and my longest sentence is 3 pages,not including the footnotes. :) LOL

Have fun in Ohio... and make sure someone takes you to Graeters to get ice cream... it's amazing.

Anonymous said...

This must be the newest sales pitch. I live in Southeastern Wisconsin and there was an estate sale this weekend that said the same thing. Hoarder Sale!

Just wanted to also say I am amazed at how much travel you do! But sounds like you have a blast!

LizA. said...

Ooh, ouch--there might be too much truth in that sign......hhmmmmm, I'm not sure I'd want to be flying with that pilot......

Paul said...

Welcome to Columbus... I hope I get out to see you Tues or Wed night. I am shooting a wedding this weekend and I have a shoot with the bride and groom on Tuesday, and Wednesday I have to transport my son to and from soccer.

I am so hoping that one of the two nights will work in my favor. If not, I'll meet you next month. Or I might just bump into you around town if you're out galavanting. (Of course, I won't have a Harry Potter Quilt for raffle...)

Enjoy your time in my hometown...

janannanderson said...

Have you seen the quilters will?? That is what I have for my stash, UFO's , gonna do's

Janet O. said...

After seeing some episodes of "Hoarders" I don't think I'd want to buy anything from that sale. : )

Pat said...

FUNNY!!! As for the pilot, if he got himself lost and went to the wrong airport to pilot the flight, I'd have been a bit nervous wondering if he'd actually get us to Columbus. LOL

Jean C. said...

Too Funny... although, we know what kind of things that any of your family would be selling at a sale for you...just good stuff! Not just anything...
A couple years back my friend and I went to a home where a quilter/crafter/sewer had lived. Her DH was in the process of selling what was left over. Hundreds of large 25-30 gallon rubber maid tubs full of fabric,yarn, craft wood, paints, and anything else you can think of. Of the 3 of us that went we spent at least $200 and brought home stuff for tons of quilts! A lot of the items we bought will be used for charity quilts... but you know, at least she can rest that they went to a good effort to help others. There were lots of quilt blocks that were unfinished and now they have been made into quilts for people who need them. We still have a lot of that fabric left and it's probably been at least 3-4 years ago.
That's my kind of hoarding... your doing so well with your hexies, it will be so nice to see when your finished up. Gee, then you will have to find a whole new project to work on during your down time! Lol... that will be sooo hard hmmm?

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