
Friday, May 25, 2012

Early Morning Happy Dance!

Don't you love this saying? My niece posted it yesterday ----and you know, sometimes it's an ugly struggle too, but it's worth the effort!
It was after 10pm by the time DH and I got home last night…he had a massage scheduled for 8:30 --- and after picking me up at the airport, we were running late, so there was no time to drop me off at home before he headed in….and at this place, if you are late, they charge you anyway. ((Hey, I’ve HAD that massage therapist job, and I completely understand why!)) so I had no choice but to go with him.
Sadie was in the car with us…and she loves to go go go wherever we go. We dropped DH off at the massage place, and then I headed to Target to run a couple of errands and pick up some things Dave had mentioned we were out of. And I was powerfully hungry by this time because the last place I had really eaten was breakfast in Columbus, OH --- the rest was snack crackers and fruit or trail mix through the travel day ----
"Welcome to MOE’S!!"
That’s all I wanted. I made a bee-line to Moe’s southwest grill and ordered up a chicken quesadilla and ate it on the patio in the beautifully warm North Carolina evening as darkness descended. I heard all of those sounds that I love the south so much for --- peepers, birds and frogs, and noticed for the first time that the fire flies are out! Fire flies are one of the “Welcome Summer!” things that really make me smile.
Yep, I'm home!
Sadie and I walked after dinner waiting for Dave to finish his 90 minute massage, which meant he wasn’t out until 10pm, and I was SO TOAST by the time we got home that I just crawled into bed.
Which brings me to now.
I’ve got SO MUCH STUFF on my plate!
I honestly don’t know where to start.
When I walked into the studio to type this quickie post this morning ((Which is turning out to be not-so-quicky, but you know how I write!)) I came face to face with the piles of STRASH that I had left on the floor the day before leaving for Illionois. Something will have to be done with them today. Mail has stacked up, book orders need filling, there are more edits to look over this morning as well.
I’m sure I’ll get back into the swing of things, but THIS is what I had to see this morning:
IL_OH_May2012 098
Yes, this is an artistic shot…on my DRIVEWAY because this quilt is so big there is nowhere to lay it out! And the morning light gives the BEST photos. The bottom right corner is the one I just finished – it’s just laying there, testing for fit…and YES – I did not screw up the configuration!
IL_OH_May2012 099
Here is the section just laid into place..I left a bit of daylight around it so you can see how it will fit….
IL_OH_May2012 100
And this red border is the start of the LAST fill in section to be done on this quilt. What I will do after the piecing of this is completed, remains to be seen….I honestly don’t know if I’ll start another one, but I’ve sure loved the process of having this ready to go with me wherever I travel. I haven’t had to think about a “take-along” project. This is SO PORTABLE. And because it is just grab-and-go, and I don’t work on it at home --- I’ve never been bored with it. It’s been a travel thing ONLY.
Except maybe for tonight….because I am dying to get that 3rd corner section on there!
So that’s it from here –I need to get a move on and get this day going – you’ll hear from me again soon I’m sure…hard to shut me up for long!

PS:  See the finished top on the bed HERE:  http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-big-hexie-count.html

There is no pattern available.  This is just a quilt top, not a quilted quilt yet.  


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

gorgeous, you sure have been working on this one for sometime now - I have been following the progress. You get a lot done at airports!

quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

Wow! Bonnie that is stunning!

Gra said...

OMG!!! That quilt is so beautiful!!!!!!

Carolyn Sullivan said...

That is really beautiful! I feel the same way this AM too much to do, and not wanting to start any of it. So here I sit in my PJ's and sipping coffee reading blogs!Like I have all the time in the world....

Kyra said...

Bonnie - this quilt is gorgeous!!

Rosa said...

It`s absolutely awesome!!

Jo Ann said...

I have alwasys said that quilt is not for me, BUT you have a chnaging mind here! Bonnie that quilt is Stunning!
Lordy girl I tought it was going to be Carolina BLUE and white ;-)

Ila K. said...

I'm anxious to see how you finish a hexagon quilt. I've seen lots of tutorials on how to do the hexies, but none about finishing the quilt. Maybe that's because most become permanent ufo's?

sue said...

Your hexie quilt is so beautiful! I put mine up for a while because I'm trying to get a quilt (king Sized) done for our county fair in August! I can't wait to see the finished product when your done!

Jackie said...

I am amazed at how much time we can all waste by seeing what you can do with time most just do nothing! We are given 24 gifts a day and you show us that you use them all! Welcome Home!

Anonymous said...

Please don't you shut up! We like you just like you are!
The hexies quilt is just beautiful. I still predict 2012 for completion. lol

Unknown said...

Wow - that's all I can say - an absolutely amazing job with those hexies! I can't remember how long you've been working on it but I do know that it takes amazing patience! Thanks for sharing your work with us! You are an inspiration!

Debra Lamb said...

Bonnie, OMGish... the quilt is AMAZING!!!! I would have a hard time getting the rest of the items done, for wanting to finish the last corner of this beauty.

Janet O. said...

Incredible, Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely BOO TEA FULL!!! what an amazing quilt you have there girl. Fantastic job, and like all others, can't wait to see it finished. Relax (even with all you have to do) and enjoy your home-time.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

This quilt is so beautiful! I can't believe all the hand piecing! Enjoy your time at home!

Loretta Blasko said...

OMG Bonnie! Your hexie quilt is so inspiring and beautiful. It takes my breath away. Hope you have a great day at home.

Debbie Lou said...

This quilt is gorgeous, Bonnie! Awesome job! I'm sure you are itching to get it done, but then what? I'm sure you'll find something else to occupy your travel time. Enjoy your holiday weekend!

Anonymous said...

I honestly don’t know where to start. Well you started with the BEST.... the hexi quilt just gets better and better.... we all dream of doing such a quilt and you girl have knocked it off bit by bit...COOL.

Anonymous said...

You're coming to my guild in July. I hope you bring the hexie quilt so I can see it in person. I've followed it's travels/construction for a bit and now it's almost done.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Relaxe com certeza você começará outra...Rir e coçar é só começar...Quem sabe umas estrelas...borboletas...e que tais.Beijos.

Mary said...

LOVE the Hexies. Your design is HUGE and you're on the final lap. YEA! Maybe you'll take up the 'A' Word, LOL. Enjoy your home time. I saw fireflies when I was in Pennsylvania where the Ground hog shows up every Februray 2nd way back in '69. That was so fun but I sure don't miss the Humidity...

Angela said...

That quilt is SUPER impressive! And a testimony to how much you travel :)

Kristy said...

Bonnie~ what size does this masterpiece measure? I love it ans what an accomplishment it will be when it is done.

Gail said...

Hooray for you Bonnie! Your hexie quilt is almost finished and it's a beauty. Can't wait to find out how you finish the edge and quilt it.

Gail :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my,,how stunning,,I too am working on a Grandmothers flower garden,,but it is just started...it mey be a life long project.
Love your work,,,latrelle42@yahoo.com

Chris said...

Having a beautiful project like that almost makes you look forward to travelling when it might become just too tiresome otherwise! I can't imagine keeping up with your schedule without the sparkle of a great project like this!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, that hexie quilt top is absolutely gorgeous! Someday it will make a wonderful heirloom to pass on to one of your sons. But then you will have to have another equally beautiful for the other son. Do either of them show any interest in inheriting certain quilts you've made? Sharon - ssauser@dishmail.net

Sandi Colwell said...

Wow!!!! That is beautiful. I had no idea you could make something large scale like that with hexies. Very inspiring!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Your "journey" with this quilt has inspired me. I am in the midst of moving ... packing, packing, packing!!! When I've settled into our new digs I plan to organize and sort and put together a taveling "hexi" project. What a BEAUTIFUL quilt!! Thank you for sharing and glad you realize the important of "down time" (e.g., walking, staring at clouds, getting back to nature). Definitely a mental health holiday!!

mkhquilts said...

WOW! So exciting to see this one so close to completion! I enjoyed seeing it bit by bit and I almost think I might try something like this myself. Lots of work to get it ready, but wonderful results. And the take along aspect is sure appealing!

Anonymous said...

~QuiltyKate in IL

Judykr said...

Thanks so much for posting these pictures. I have one of these in the works, too, and could hardly wait for how you were going to finish it! Excellant!

janequiltsslowly said...

Wow this is so cool. Beautiful and so much hand work! You're on the home stretch now.

hehjude said...

Love your hexi quilt! I started one quite a few years ago in pastel colors.... It's been packed away for awhile and I really don't have too much more to do on it. Now when I see yours, I wish I had done mine in actual colors! I love the reds! Your work is fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

me@home said...

Beautiful hex quilt! Thanks for showing us your progress.

eslquilter@gmail.com said...

Beautiful hex quilt! Thanks for showing us your progress. How exciting - you're in the home stretch now! Isn't English Paper piecing fun? It *is* time-consuming, though.

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