
Monday, May 07, 2012

Cathedral Stars---Times Two!

These New York gals LOVE Cathedral Stars as a workshop – and what’s not to like? You get to dig deep into the scraps, play with "happy fabrics" you’ve been wanting to sew up, play with color schemes and hang out with your best quilt buds all day!

It’s been a busy week with lots going on life-wise and blog-wise and I haven’t had a chance to really post the pics from the two Cathedral Stars workshops we had back to back on Thursday with the Hudson Valley chapter of the American Sewing Guild, and Friday with the Wiltwyck Quilters Guild of Kingston, NY.

I’ve been thinking how to do it--- do I combine them in ONE slide show, and lump them all together? Or do I do two slide shows and make people endure the same quilt workshop two days in a row?

I decided instead to do two slide shows in one post, but separate them --- mostly so the girls can FIND their photos in with their own group! This means this is a long photo-heavy post so I want to apologize to those on dial up ahead of time.

First up? Thursday with the ASG!

I’m sure Kim is going to be blushing head to toe that I posted her picture ---but I want her to know how much it meant to me that she would come play for the day, and to bring Debby too! It was so nice to spend time with you girls!

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We also had a class mascot ---everyone say hello to FRANK! This little guy gets around --- ;c)

After everyone packed it all up at the end of the day, I loaded my stuff into the back of Shamu and headed across the river toward Kingston:

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I remembered crossing this bridge for the first time a year ago --- and here I was again!

I set myself up in my new hotel for the night ---and the next morning I was on my way to spend the day with the Kingston girls ----

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If I was running late, I had a good excuse! I got stuck by a long train ----and so did several others ----and I was CLOSE to the destination spot --- so close – but yet so far!

((This was the day that I was gifted the wonderful vintage machine by Gae – that I can hardly wait to get home to try out ---I’m still pinching myself over this gift!))

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You know how I love quilty containers? Look at this roll-up carry-all! It’s made out of a placemat ---- you can stitch the pockets as wide or as narrow as you’d like. Cool idea!

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Here it is all rolled up! These would be great gifts for quilty friends!

Along with cute project ideas…I came across something that could REALLY be dangerous:

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Have you seen these?! OH. MY. WORD. It’s a good thing the bag belonged to someone else ----I could have grazed away the whole bag if it were mine!

Here are the photos from the Kingston workshop:

Today we are switching things up with a “Jared Takes A Wife” workshop with the Northern Star Quilters of Somers, NY!

Yes, the fun continues ---and tonight, I’ll be drawing for the two winners of Pat Sloan’s “Focus On The Center!”

Happy Monday, Everyone!


Heather said...

What an amazing job on all these blocks! I'm a big fan of JR Mints, but I also love almond joys, going to have to try those... or maybe not.

cityquilter grace said...

nice photos...those wiltwyck gals are terrific!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing what the others do. Fun times with so much accomplished.

Kim said...

YES, blushing head to toe :0)
Thanks for using a picture where my mouth is shut that sure doesn't happen very often!
Thanks for coming all the way to Poughkeepsie to lead
us through another terrific workshop Bonnie...You rock!

Safe travels and Happy Sewing

YankeeQuilter said...

Looks like a great time! Can't wait to see the new sewing machine in action!

Janet O. said...

Fun to see a photo of Kim where you can really see her.
Wow--so many combos of fabric, I couldn't even choose a favorite--though the brown and teal-ish fabrics keep coming to mind. : )

Kate said...

Hi Bonnie! I'm feeling a little dumb right now! :-) I tried to access your slideshows, but I received a response saying I needed to join the program in order to view the photos. I've never had this happen before, but I figured you might be using a new place to store your photos, so I joined! Now, when I click to start either slideshow, a screen pops up saying these slideshows are no longer available! Any idea what I might have done wrong? Looks and sounds like you had great fun in NY. I was sorry to miss you at the Somers show. I went to high school at Kennedy, so it would have been cool to see you in my old haunts! Thanks for brightening my every day!

Sally H said...

I'm having trouble with the slide show too. NOT whining here . I do so LOVE seeing the color combinations your students come up with. (I would never have thought of the green/brown for this quilt.) Thanks for sharing your classes and students.

Loretta said...

Darn that slide show problem again! :(

Anonymous said...

Me too. I enjoy your slide shows very much but no luck viewing. crlwilkie@aol.com

Anonymous said...

This item might have been deleted, expired, or you might not have permission to access it. Contact the owner of this item for more information.

The above message is what I got when I tried to go back in the 'folder' on skydrive to access your stuff. Things are hinky . . . again!

Cynthia in Oregon

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your class in Kingston and your lecture on Sunday at the show! Thanks for coming to NY, it was so great to meet you!

Gamawinkie said...

I always look forward to viewing the pictures from your visits. However, today, I can't pull up any because of "Skydrive", whatever that is. Is there something I need to do?

Karen said...

Love your slide shows but Sky Drive wants me to log in with an account. I don't have one nor do I want one. Help?

Sue in Oregon said...

Bonnie, received this message when I tried to view the Cathedral Stars workshops X 2 slides.

This item might not exist or is no longer available
This item might have been deleted, expired, or you might not have permission to view it. Contact the owner of this item for more information.

I use a MacBook and have never had a problem before today. I know you are out of town and can wait for a reply. Any assistance or insight you can offer would be appreciated.

Sue Davis

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I think that you might have exceeded your "limit" again for the number of photos you can post in any given 24-hour period. I counted 89 in this post alone. And - YES - I AM whining - 'cuz I LOVE your slideshows - and I can't SEE these! ;))

Anonymous said...

love the photos, would like to see a picture of the finished quilt. thanks loads

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