
Friday, April 20, 2012

Short-Sheeted TWICE!!

Short-Sheeting #1:

All week long I’ve been thinking I’m going to Delaware on SUNDAY ---- but it turns out that Sunday is the day I start TEACHING there –



I’m now running around the house, unpacking a trunk show, adding what I need to it for the different classes I’m teaching this trip, putting it all back in bags and packing my suitcase!


I did NOT finish Florabunda – it’s still in progress…there won’t be time to post pics tomorrow I don’t think…but at least I don’t have a flight at O-dark-thirty---My flight doesn’t leave til 11-something!


Short-Sheeting #2:

I think this picture is SELF EXPLANATORY:

jubilee 026

HINT ---Take a look at the batting…notice that there is still border on the roller needing batting between it and the backing.

Do a grumpy moan and head for the chocolate --- Yes – the Easter Peanut M&M’s were 50% off and there is a back-up stash in the drawer ---

Things are at a stand-still until I am sure the travel stuff is packed and ready, and then I’ll work on this more tonight.

But in between everything else, I DID manage to get THESE done:

jubilee 022

These are my remaining 3 bonus blocks over at Barrister's Block bringing my total of blocks for my Jubilee Quilt up to…TADA!! 24!

I’m all caught up! So what if my batting is short, and I’m flying out tomorrow….?

jubilee 023

Here are the blocks on my very small design wall. I can’t fit much more on it than this…I might have to start pinning everything on top of the Jane Stickle quilt that is hanging behind my Long-arm! The more blocks we do, the more I like them just block to block to block without sashing in between….There are a few different dye lots of the cheddar fabric going on in here, and I like how it makes the background not read so flat – it’s got some depth to it because there is more than one shade. And the red --- I love how that reads hot against everything else.

And this came in the mail --- I’m tired of stupid hotel irons that you have to unplug-replug after 15 minutes to reset. My Clover iron bit the dust ---and I have ZERO desire to replace it. I found this on Amazon:

jubilee 024

It’s a Petite Press by Dritz ---it has 3 heat settings…and it has its own little rest attached. I’m hopeful for it because it is light weight, and will travel easily. Do you have this iron? Do you like it?

jubilee 025

And frankly, the best part of the clover mini iron was the bag it came in….I tossed the iron, kept the bag, and the Petite Press fits right in it --- I’ve put this in my suitcase for its maiden voyage to Delaware tomorrow ----wish me luck with it.

While I run around getting all my stuff together --- I’m leaving you with a video of Sadie showing off for Karen yesterday --- Sadie LOVES Jeff, and she loves treats---she’ll do tricks for me, but NOTHING like she will for Jeff. The funniest thing of all is pointing your finger at her and saying “BANG BANG!” She rolls on her back and holds a “dead” pose --- hysterical!

Sadie, So Excited!

Have a great Friday Eve, Everyone!


Mary said...

Your Barrister Blocks look fabulous! Are you going to put borders?

I have this clover iron and I keep it plugged in by my machine with a 8" x 11" Omnigrid folding ironing/cutting board. It's great! So handy for pressing seams as you sew. I love it so much, I got a set for a dear friend.

Anonymous said...

What a rush! Bonnie, take many deep breathes. Also, BEFORE you quilt, take a nice HOT SHOWER to relax your mind and muscles some.

Promise you, it really will all work out just fine. I PROMISE IT WILL.

Valerie said...

You amaze me! I can barely keep up with reading your posts--which I LOVE to read--let alone piecing, quilting, and packing all in one day, and everything you do. I hope you've got hired help to do the housecleaning or other stuff, 'cause you have got your plate full. I second the suggestion for a break for a shower or some soothing tea or something before quilting any more today.

Florence said...

hahahha, isnt that the truth valerie,,,,,,,shes little miss get r all done and lets get going at the same time, lolol,,,,,,god bless her heart,,,,,,oh,,,,,,,sorry hon, didnt mean to talk behind your back, lol,,,,,,

sue said...

I loved Sadie's tricks. I hope you have a good flight. I am a pro clown in my real life and I know what busy schedules are. In the summer I often wonder if I'm coming or going. I'm unpacking one show and repacking another. Even though I keep an accurate log book, its still easy enough at my age to have a C.R.S. day and forget where I'm headed tomorrow. I love reading about all your adventures. So glad you share them with us!

Jeanne in Ohio said...

For some reason I cannot see your videos. i've tried several times to get the shirt "de-boning," but cannot get it. Oh well! Have a safe trip tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Easter EVERYTHING was 90% off at Target.......ah chocolate bliss. Short sheeted? I would have cried. You were much braver than I . And at least you discovered you were leaving tomorrow before tomorrow. I can't tell you the number of times we have flown out of Alaska and looked at our tickets and gone " OH NO Holy Poop- we leave toNIGHT just after midnight NOT tomorrow!!!!. And since so many flights out of AK are in the middle of the night we are now ANAL about triple and quadruple checking dates! Have a great trip. Joy in AK

TDJ said...

Been there done that. Back in my single days I had just flown back to Texas from Scotland. Called my family and they insisted that I 11:30pm was much better than 11am the next morning. So, I dumped my bags and repacked (some of it dirty) and hopped a flight to Louisville, KY. Let's just say I slept the whole flight, jet lag and time changes. Now, just a 2 hour flight with my kids is enough to put me out of commission.

Take a deep breath and remember the important things always find a way of getting done. Even if we are bald by the finish line.

Anonymous said...

The last quilt that I did had exactly the right amount of batting! I only had to trim in spots! I know the feeling.
Have a safe trip and enjoy.

Randy D. said...

Are we making the same quilt? Your jubilee quilt is absolutely wonderful. I love the cheddar. The blocks looks great. Can't believe you're leaving already!!

One Minnesota Quilter said...

Have the iron - I like it. It's the only small iron like that I have had so can't compare to others.

Donna Adams said...

I have the iron and I really like it. You're right it travels nicely and I have a small (12"square) ironing surface I take with me.
Donna in warm Oregon

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to meeting you Monday at Quilt Guild and taking your class on Tuesday.
Carol Morgan in Delaware

Janet O. said...

I would be in an absolute panic if I found I was a day late and a batting short! More power to you!

Denny1600 said...

I Love Sadie!!

Batting too short. Mumble, grumble. I've had that happen at least once. I laid another piece of batting in there, butted it up next to the short batting, and kept going. Worked just fine, but it did require chocolate before I got over the irritation, aggravation, and whatever long enough to calm down and figure it out.

Good luck with your quilt and all of your classes!

Unknown said...

Bonnie you just amaze me! Such a whirlwind life you lead. My head spins just reading what you get up to. You need Dr. Who's tardis. I can just see you spinning around like Wonder Woman too!! Sadie is such fun. Really love your latest blocks and fabric choices. I'm still only up to six blocks.

Unknown said...

Glad you discovered you need to come up here on Saturday, I'm in your class on Sunday and would be very disappointed if you are not here! :-) I've been on your website forever and we are all so excited to finally meet you! Can't wait til Sunday! Tricia

Marie-Louise in Virginia Beach said...

I love my little blue iron. It gets just hot enough and has a bigger plate than that little Clover. I took my Clover to Joanne's and asked them if they knew someone who wanted it free. I never really liked it. Someone who taught a class here recently said she has a small dry iron (no steam holes) that she travels with. I recently saw one in the Vermont Country Store. It was kind of inexpensive and I may buy that for home use. Seems that if steam comes out on the fabric it can stretch. Really? Didn't ever consider that.

HelenMarie said...

Love your barister blocks! That's one on my bucket list!

I've be short on batting before too. Not a problem... just butt another piece up to it and whip it together! I know they make some kind of iron on fusing but stitching it works just fine for me.

Deb said...

This happens to me more then I like to admit.Not only the ends, but the last one was at the sides! I just overlap the piece 1" or so (no glue or tape, or stitching)and continue to stitch. I have never had a problem with it showing, but then, I usually dont heavily quilt stuff, since I only have a short arm.

Josie McRazie said...

can I tell you you lost me somewhere along the OMG there is a baby Dear Jane hanging there!! LOL!! Whoever did it tell them I love it!! I am working on one! It is the first thing I started when I began quilting (about a year ago)!!

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