
Thursday, April 26, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Count the Donut Holes!

I'm at the chiropractor waiting to be adjusted. Walking in the door I see they've put out a spread of yumminess!

Maybe I should come in mornings from now on instead of afternoons??

The jelly bean guessing is still going on! No tally yet--

Makes me wonder what we will be doing for Cinco De Mayo!! Lol!

After this---I'm off to VCQ!


Janet O. said...

I'd never see this spread at my chiropractor's office. He doesn't do white flour or sugar. Enjoy!

Vic in NH said...

Count the Margaritas? Nice!

http://thankfullga447 said...

You are so funny, I am glad you had one night at home. I looked at your calender for the next years, you will be and have been so so busy. You have to feel the love. I loved the photo you had from the plane when you get to see the beautiful landscapes of the USA. Have a great and safe trip.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh my gosh - I'm amazed to see all those goodies at a Doctor's office. Seems bizarre to me. I don't want to be sour about it, (I guess I AM sour about it!) but IMHO, that sure doesn't seem very professional with so many of us trying to avoid those temptations, and extra weight causing various medical issues.

One time at a chiropractor's office, (many years ago) the Chiro's wife strolled through the waiting room in her full length mink coat. It seemed to be very poor taste -- I didn't come back to that Chiro!

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