
Friday, April 06, 2012

Free Baby Quilt E-book and Housekeeping STUFF!

Yes! I decorated for Easter! How do you like the ears on my Easter “dust bunnies?” LOL!

I am going through my junk STUFF today getting some items ready for tomorrow’s Yard Sale Saturday!

Did you remember?

Did you forget?

I know it’s the Saturday before Easter for many of you, but you don’t even need to get into the car to hit these Yard Sales!

I’ll be listing my items here, and placing the linky in my blog post so others who want to sell their gently used quilty-type items can!

I’ve got BOOKS to list! Even some “scratch and dent” copies of my own books that were a little worse for wear after shipping them home from various locations – those are going at half-price of what I usually sell them for, so if you have been wanting a copy and don’t mind a “scratch and dent” one, or one that has a folded over cover corner, or a small tear in a page – ((Heck, I pour over books so much, that they often look like that after a few weeks anyway!)) then this is the sale you want!

I’ve also got some pieces of cutter quilts that I’ll be listing for crafters who like to work with vintage quilt pieces ---

And whatever else I can dig up!

For those of you listing, remember this is for white–elephant-yard sale-type-quilt-room-items only. It’s not a place to list your new handmade crafts for sale, or retail items. Think YARD SALE, okay, and lets clean this stuff out and find it a new happy home to go to!

ALSO! It seems like EVERYONE I know is having grandbabies ---or nieces or nephews ---


FaveQuilts.com has put together a collection of 14 FREE baby quilts for boys and girls as an e-book! Go HERE to download it. My Streak of Sunshine pattern is such a quickie and is included in the eBook. Not every baby quilt needs to be rocket-science – sometimes we need something quick and cute to throw together --- it’s a fun collection!

And that’s all I can think of for now, I’m back to gutting out and writing tomorrow’s post!

And then I hope to get to work on my sampler blocks from Randy's Sow-Along! The new installment came out on Wednesday and I was traveling --I need to get caught up!


Nancy James said...

Bonnie if you have Scraps and Shirttails in your yard sale pile I'd love to get it!! I'm also looking and waiting for your video on taking shirts apart. Thanks Nancy

Anonymous said...

What time will your sale items post?

valekort at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Love the dust bunnies!! I need to put ears on the ones in my house!

Phyllis said...

Bonnie, I have your first book but would like to buy copies of the rest of your books as well. I do not mind "scratch and dent". Can you reserve these for me now or must I wait until the yard sale posting tomorrow? Thank-you!

Paul said...

Have you ever seen the show "Touch"? Sometimes I think you and I are connected via a thread in time and space... I wonder what the number would be that the kid would come up with to tie our stories together?

I just popped over hear to read what you've posted up for the day, and I see "Baby Quilt Patterns". Just two hours ago I posted about my project last night... A Baby Quilt. AND just yesterday while buying the fabric for said quilt, I was checking the shelves for your shirt tails book as someone told me there was one at the shop... but it was gone by the time I got there.

I'll check out the sale tomorrow!


memckee2 said...

Me, too! That's the one that has been on my wish list for a year now!

Anonymous said...

I WILL ADOPT YOUR DUST BUNNIES - only if they come with those ears LOLOL. You are a TRIP :).

Thanks for the link to the free download baby quilt book. A group I am part of makes giveaway baby quilts for FAMILY PROMISE. Those are terrific ideas.

Charlotte said...

you had me going there with the Easter decor.

Anonymous said...

Love the dust bunnies!

Katie Z. said...

I'm ready for tomorrow!

Regina said...

Your dust bunnies made my day: instead of getting the vacuum out I'll just get them some ears!
Hoppy Easter

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